Lion Head Mesa piano sonata no. 3
149 Posts
Ooc — Iris
All Welcome 
After hearing @Towhee mention a pack settling at the Mesa, Sphyrapicus' interest was piqued. She had only visited Brecheliant before, and that was a very different pack than a stranger's pack. There was something alluring to it. Sphyra remained professional, though, of course - she mostly wanted to check it out to learn more about foreign packs. Maybe their guardians had ideas of their own that they were willing to share. At the very least, she might learn something about being diplomatic.

Without informing anyone — she was pretty much grown up by now, after all, so she didn't need anyone to know where she was all the time — Sphyra set out towards the Mesa. It seemed to grow with every moment that she came closer to it. It'd looked so much smaller from the Caldera!

Once Sphyra noticed that the scent of other wolves grew thicker — mingled with an unusual dose of coyote, oddly — she halted her approach of the mesa. Sphyra didn't howl, for now, because she wasn't here on official business or anything, but she hoped that someone'd find her, anyway, so she could learn more about this place.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the morning before germanicus had returned had pharaoh out of his bed.
restless, he paced the sands outside the mesa in the early hours, not truly on patrol but unwilling to be still. he did not know what drove him, and so he submitted to the will of the gods.
ramesses sought communion with Amun as Ra rose above the horizon. 
he said the prayer of the morning in a long singing tone, one that ended when he spotted the gangly reddish figure at the end of his lands. 
pharaoh did not like children. he hated to be around them, loathed their lack of boundaries and inquisitive questions. he himself had been raised by a bevy of nurses and he intended the same for his own heirs. 
he strode toward the child with purpose. they were not an infant, only naive. "from what nursery have you run off?" he asked with a vague undercurrent of disgust.
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Her own curiosity persisted. Towhee intended to seek out @Ruenna and have a discussion about the new neighbors. But before that could happen, she saw Sphyra head off in that direction. She froze in her patrol, only her eyes moving as they followed her daughter's silhouette. She hesitated for a few different reasons before trotting after her, shadowing the girl's steps without closing the distance.

When Sphyra reached the edge of Akashingo's claim, Towhee also halted, hanging back and crouching behind some scrub to observe. Naturally, she couldn't possibly hope to lipread from back here, though she could read the body language of the man who came to greet the juvenile. She watched shrewdly as he approached Sphyra with a deliberate, imperious step, mouth moving in some likely commanding query when he came to stand before his guest.

She can be skipped! *lurks*

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
149 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Sphyrapicus considered herself anything but a child; but of course, so did many children. When another wolf approached initially, Sphyra perked up to watch and then, as he approached closer, lowered her head and tail respectfully, knowing that she had to show the proper respect. The words to come out of his mouth were anything but respectful towards her, though. Sphyra gritted her teeth, annoyed but knowing that she couldn't lose her nerve here. It was her first diplomatic / scout mission — she had to prove her capability!

So instead, she said, with a hardness to her voice, I'm not a child. Then she went on to explain, I'm Sphyrapicus Redhawk, a guardian from Redhawk Caldera. She nodded curtly and politely as she introduced herself, her body language still respectfully submissive. Sphyra gestured towards the Caldera behind her. She had no idea that her mother was hiding out in the meantime; so focused on this conversation was she. She'd probably be pretty annoyed if she knew, as it would validate her status as child in this man's eyes.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the girl's name turned out to be a spiked mouthful of unfamiliar syllables.
yet she had spoken correctly. he recognized the titles, and saw the determination in the young warder.
indent]"are you a guardian or are you a princess sent out upon an errand?" he inquired. he had been so brash and had even called himself a general.
"i know your land. you are led by lady ruenna and sovereign towhee." he watched the young messenger closely, smirking as he awaited a response.
149 Posts
Ooc — Iris
The man did not introduce himself, which further added to Sphyrapicus' annoyance. But she knew she was on strange land, so she decided to simply suck it up for now. So he continued to treat her like a child — she would show the world that she was more than that!

It did not help that he also insinuated that she was just a princess here on an errand. She may be their Sovereign's child, but that wasn't why she was here at all. A little too hasty, in her frustration, Sphyra said, No! Then, more calm and collected again: I came here of my own volition.

As he stated that the lands were lead by Ruenna and Towhee, Sphyra nodded business-like. That's correct. And who leads these lands? Perhaps it would draw out some form of an introduction from the man; whether he was a leader here or simply a cocky subordinate.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sphyrapicus redhawk had a temper.
ramesses did not hide a vaguely teasing chuckle, but soon his humour faded and he focused the breadth of his imposing stare upon the girl. "i am Lord of the Red Land, He Who Honors the Moon, Blessed of Amun. i am pharaoh and godhead of akashingo. at my side is royal nekubi satsu, Lady of Red Sands, Queen Ascendant and promised shabti."
his lips pulled upward. "you will call me pharaoh."
ramesses inspected her again. "are you aware that redhawk caldera has been invited to our wedding party?" it would not be a suitable place for children; ramesses intended to have every fellahin prepared to entertain whomever might remain into the evening.