Moonspear tagiuk ≅
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Ooc — ebony
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shaken by her last meet, kukutux had gone home and remained in her den for a long while, keeping close. the nausea seemed finally to not return, and the girl sent a relieved blessing to the gods, killing a fish and letting it float downstream where she hoped it would be taken to the ocean.

today she longed for it, the brine of it, the slight brine of the water that puddled in pools along the beachway. salt. the duck was filled with the mournful longing of the dark water, and climbed, panting, for she had never been a mountain creature at heart — she climbed as high as she was able into the reaches of moonspear and cast her green gaze out for a glimpse of the distant shore.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
It was a beautiful day—far more pleasant than it had been in recent memory. Osiris sought to take advantage of the favorable conditions and decided that it was a good day to test his endurance upon Moonspear's upper reached. Osiris' downtime had weakened him considerably, but he was determined to regain his strength; in time, he would become as strong as his familial predecessors. 

Osiris was winded almost immediately—the upper midsection of Moonspear proved to be more challenging than he remembered. Taking a break upon an overhang, as he attempted to regain control over his breath, Osiris realized that Kukutux was nearby. He had not gotten to know her as much as he would have liked to, as circumstance had isolated him as she and Jarilo had begun their courtship, and he wished to change that. Abandoning his plans, for now, Osiris followed the trail that Kukutux had left. It lead him higher up the mountain, to an area that faced the ocean; Osiris had never really felt drawn to or compelled by the sea—Moonspear was enough for him. 

When he was near, Osiris chuffed in greeting as he joined Kukutux's side. Once he was besides her, Osiris smiled in greeting, his tongue lolling and his tail waving.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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there was a boy that followed, and the she-wolf turned to look at him. he was young with a proud coloration of hues, eyes the shade of a darkened wood. this must be a child of hydra. he was old enough for it, and he had the look of dirge strongly about him.

"i greet you, uyuguga," kukutux welcomed in her soft voice. male yes, but young enough to not be a threat unto the growing babes. and she was one of hydra's family now, sister to the great bear. that would make her brood related to the young osiris. there was no word for cousin in her tongue, and she did not attempt it. "you are brave, to climb so high."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Kututux greeted him, and Osiris quirked a brow. "Uyu...guga?" he echoed uneasily; what had she called him? His breathing began to steady, and he was able to recognize the scents upon Kututux's pelt. There was something about her that reminded him of how Hydra had smelled following the news of his new siblings, and he couldn't help but wonder. 

"It's in my blood," he replied proudly. "Is it in yours?" He wondered with his next breath. Osiris knew very little about Kukutux's past—mainly, that she had been brought to Moonspear by another pack. Now that she was family, he wanted to learn more about her.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"it is not in my blood," kukutux declined, charmed by his attempt to say a word in her own heart-sound. "i am made for the ice and the sea." she wondered if he had ever been, but decided he was young for such a travel. even she had not been to the very water since coming to moonspear.

"i am the wife of jarilo. he is brother to hydra, and you are son to her. that means you are my nephew," kukutux explained, repeating the earlier tone of the first word. a swish of her tail. "you are to be brother this year. are you happy?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
"Ice and sea... I've never heard of a place like that," Osiris drawled, intrigued. Turning his gaze towards the sea, he studied the scenery for a moment. "Is it on the coast?" he asked, motioning to the landscape before them.

When Kukutux translated, Osiris listened. "I am your Uyugaga," he murmured slowly, now understanding the word; he felt confident in his pronunciation, as she hadn't corrected him. "Is there a word for aunt?" he wondered. 

The mention of his brothers and siblings brought a smile to his face. "I can't wait to meet them," he replied. "Aunt @Lyra told me that they should be here soon." he added, his statement bound with excitement.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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400 for u!

"ajakuluk," kukutux volunteered eagerly, flattered and pleased by osiris' interest in her personal words. he would grow to be a good man, for he was an ostrega. she saw the many ways they had made themselves great in this place. "it is far on the coast. many miles from here."

to his pronouncement she gave a little nod, pleased that hydra would be adding to her family once more. a thought; kukutux regarded the young warrior for a shy moment and then forged ahead. "jarilo will be father this year. the little ones will also be family to you. asagax."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian

The next word was more than a mouth-full, and Osiris hesitated for a moment before attempting it. "aja... uluk?" he echoed uncertainly, feeling less confident than he had before. "You are my ... ajauluk?" Although it had meant to be a statement, it came across more like a question. 

Kukutux's announcement brought an expression of delight and excitement to Osiris' face; the smell of milk should have given her away, but he was still inexperienced with such things. "Congratulations!" he replied as his tail began to wag. "I can't wait to meet them," he'd have even more family to protect this year, but that was a thought for a later time. "Do you know when they'll come?" he regarded her abdomen with a short glance as he spoke.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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osiris attempted the word, and it was a fine pronunciation. she repeated it once more for his benefit, then left off — it was enough that he had tried. "thank you, osiris. it will be perhaps another moon before they come to meet us." she was consumed by a shiver of anticipation and fear; kukutux tossed out her ivory ruff to hide the reaction.

"have you decided if you will be hunter or trader?" she asked of the boy's hobbies. he was young, but time moved swiftly, and moonspear had a knife's edge to its ways. by now she wondered if it had swayed him one way or another. rather finished with heights for now, the woman glanced to him as she began to pick her way along the descending path.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
"Well, let me know if you need anything," Osiris offered. He knew that Kukutux would most likely defer to Jarilo first and foremost, but if his uncle were not available, he would be willing to step up. 

When asked about his hobbies, Osiris debated the meaning of the unfamiliar term. "What does a trader do?" he asked once he decided that he didn't know her terminology.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"a trader learns how to hunt but he does not stay at home. he goes out into the world and he uses what he hunts to trade for what he does not have." she smiled at her nephew. "if i have deer meat, and you have beaver fat, we make a trade. if you have the skin of a great animal, and i have berries of medicine, we make a trade." kukutux grew animated as she spoke, glancing to his intelligent face to see what he might say next.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
160 for you!

"Hm," Osiris drawled as he considered Kukutaq's explanation. "I've never heard of such a trade, but it sounds very beneficial..." Although he may not be the best candidate for the job, as he preferred sticking close to home, he saw the benefits. "I don't think I would be very good at it," he admitted then, "But perhaps Vega would." His sister was as persuasive as she was curious, and although she had yet to spread her wings, he felt that she somehow was more qualified. 

To speak to his ambitions, Osiris considered his own occupational decisions. "I would like to protect Moonspear, though, and keep a spoken history of our legacy," he revealed, wondering what she would think of his choices.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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congrats! <3

"tunumkaazal," kukutux murmured in wonderment. she had forgotten there was more than trading and hunting, if only because she had not been within her grandmother's ulaq for so long. "you will carry the stories of your family on your spirit. aya, that is good. that is how moonspear will live forever."

"a warrior who speaks words that can be heard will be a powerful man indeed," the duck observed, smiling quietly toward osiris.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
"Tunumkaazal," Kukutux muttered, and Osiris looked to her. He had no idea what the word meant and wondered what she said. Although an explanation did not follow, she was able to re-direct his thoughts. "I hope so," Osiris replied with a grin. "A world without Moonspear is not one that I would like to know." 

Kukutux then complimented him, and Osiris grin broadened. "I'll try," he said. Osiris aspired to be as strong as Hydra and Dirge; he had some big shoes to fill.
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Ooc — ebony
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he was young but humble, aware of his strengths and that he must not boast before a true attempt. he had been taught well by hydra and dirge, though by now kukutux had not thought that this could not be so. "'even the strongest the eagle cannot soar higher than the stars,'" the duck quoted for the boy, quietly. "when you go out, seek the eagles. i think that they might see you as their own."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
"'even the strongest the eagle cannot soar higher than the stars,'" Kukutux advised. Osiris nodded, considering the statement and the words that followed. "I will," he promised. Then, intrigued, he asked, "How will I know that they see me as their own?"
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"they will come to you. you will see your face in their eyes and you will know." a young god. a budding hunter. an aspiring trader. he was the only one of hydra's eldest that she knew, and already she was greatly fond of him. "i have a taste for beaver fat," she declared, grinning toward the boy. "come to my ulaq with me and i shall give you some also."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Osiris would heed Kukutuq's advice and search the skies, soliciting the eagles' esteem. Silently, he acknowledged her statement with a nod. It was a task for another day—Osiris wished to continue keeping Kukutuq's company. 

The mention of beaver fat enticed him. "I've never tried it—what's it like?" Osiris asked.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"sweet," kukutux sighed. "very rich. good for the bones." as they walked, she felt the pull of her growing belly upon her flanks, marvelled at the new weight. "also i am always hungry," the snowduck added with a sheepish mien. "perhaps that is why i wish it now."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
"Hmm," Osiris drawled thoughtfully, drawing his tongue over his lips. "It sounds delicious—I'd love to try it." Kukutux's mention of constant hunger caused him to glance as her abdome; he felted concerned. "Is that normal?" he asked, unsure.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
mind if we fade? <3 need a new one :D

"yes. well," the girl amended, brow furrowing a moment. "i believe that it is." why else would she hunger so, now that her spirit had been overcome. "perhaps they too like the taste of meat," she joked, motioning toward the roundness of her side. kukutux glanced to osiris now, wondering if she might answer yet another inquiry. it was enjoyable, sharing the things she knew.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Yes! Please feel to fade with your next post! I'd love for Osi to meet the kiddos!

Osiris nodded slowly, feeling reassured; he was glad that Kukutux and his cousins were safe. There was nothing more for him to say then, as he felt comfortable enough to be in silence with his ajauluk. He kept pace as they climbed down the mountain, enjoying her company whether or not they spoke.