Nova Peak doomsday party
129 Posts
Ooc — Kat
All Welcome 
The Dragonling brought his kill to the borders, calling out to let @Redd and @Ruckus know its location. Cambria didn’t linger, turning and loping due east as the setting sun warmed his pale back. He probably should’ve found out about the summons earlier, though what he needed most now that he’d fed his charges was to find someplace where he could sit quietly and let his thoughts run amok.

He wound up at @Riley’s makeshift grave, not that he knew the wolf interred in the burrow. Sighing through his nostrils, the yearling stretched out on the sun-baked rock and closed his eyes. No sooner had he settled down and unlocked the door on his thoughts—he had a lot to process—than his own hunger announced itself with a loud gurgle.

Cambria’s mismatched eyes snapped open and he looked around at the darkling peak. Perhaps he could find a rodent scurrying about in the nearby rocks. He heaved himself back onto all fours, pausing to paw at an itch on his bristly chin before setting off along a nearby footpath.

Please consider the following preferences when writing with me:
• I welcome casual power-play to optimize continuity and flow. Don't miss your chance to infer my character burped, sneezed, etc.
• I love referential tags, so please use them liberally. If you start a thread and tag me for participation, please allow 24-48 hours before proceeding without me. I will do the same for my tagged partners.
• Do not skip me without prior consent. I will also obtain express permission before skipping anyone else. If you want to skip or be skipped, please communicate that clearly beforehand so nobody's left behind or hanging.
• I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for a month. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested! Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply.
2 Posts
Ooc — siv
Everyone would always have hunger in common.

It was what had bid her to keep on her march. Through a tangle of trees she had walked, through shifting lands she had weaved. If the peak did not have good hunting then it might offer a good view from a high path, if she could make it so high.

Only someone else seemed to be present — which meant she might have done best to scuttle along elsewhere.

Instead she opted to announce her presence. The sound that she did so with might have been questionable.

A nasally snorting that sounded like she might have been prepared to loosen a loogie.
129 Posts
Ooc — Kat
A peculiar sound prompted Cambria to slow his step, then stop. His ears quivered as he listened, eyes combing the gloomy air. His nose twitched too, searching for any olfactory clues, though the air barely stirred on this breathless evening. He caught nothing of note.

But then his eyes happened to raise slightly to an outcropping above him, where the last vestiges of sunlight caught on pale patches of what looked like fur. It took Cambria a solid fifteen seconds to make sense of what he was seeing: the shape of a fellow canine, with some sandy golds in her coat that stood out when the rest of her pelt blended almost eerily with the falling night.

He stared for several beats, trying to get the measure of this stranger. He sensed that she was huge, though his limited senses of sight and smell did not offer much further guidance. Cambria would have to resort to using his tongue. (No, he would not taste the unfamiliar she-wolf with it.)

Hello, he began, taking a tentative step forward on his lower shelf of rock, I’m Cambria.

Before he bothered saying anything else, he waved his tail once to indicate his friendly intent. Then Cambria waited, body tense and eyes watchful, for an introduction or any other indication of her own nature.

Please consider the following preferences when writing with me:
• I welcome casual power-play to optimize continuity and flow. Don't miss your chance to infer my character burped, sneezed, etc.
• I love referential tags, so please use them liberally. If you start a thread and tag me for participation, please allow 24-48 hours before proceeding without me. I will do the same for my tagged partners.
• Do not skip me without prior consent. I will also obtain express permission before skipping anyone else. If you want to skip or be skipped, please communicate that clearly beforehand so nobody's left behind or hanging.
• I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for a month. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested! Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply.
2 Posts
Ooc — siv


These were things that were important to note. It also allowed her to have a sense of confidence in approaching a bit closer, to bleed free from the shadows that might have swallowed her whole if she allowed it.

Bracken, She offered her name and followed it with her own once waving tail. However she wanted to know more about him besides his name and social kindness.

Which meant she stuck out her neck as far as it might go and noisily sniffed the air between them. Somehow that seemed kinder to her than cramping his personal bubble.