Snowforest Taiga Warning Signs
This is my art, and it is dangerous
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Ooc — Liv
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All Welcome 
All Moonglow wolves welcome! Looking for @Aiolos @Kukutux @Kigipigak but AW! <3 acknowledging the current BWP in this thread

Nyra ventured from the group briefly to scout around, sniff about and see if there were any threats close by.
Nose to the frosted ground, she caught the scent of a caribou herd, but the smell carried sickness with it.
So far it was almost too quiet.

As Nyra stopped upon a gentle rise, she stiffened at the sight of a vast expanse of dead caribou.
Worry and panic lacing her tone, Nyra threw her head back and called for the Alphas 

You need to see this, right away!
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she too smelled the sickness.

it was with shock in her greenstone eyes that she came upon nyra. the scarred woman faced a tangle of sprawled bodies.

the caribou.

a plume of steam flashed from her nostrils. "tupilaq have done this." kukutux felt herself rush with anger. "we will move to another valley."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra saw the flare of anger swim in Kukutux. To the use of the Alpha's assuming native language, which Nyra didn't know, she tilted her head with confusion.

"I smelled sickness coming from inland when we were going along the ocean, too. I think there might be illness everywhere in these wilds right now. Also, what does...Tupliaq, mean?" She inquired, guilty of not coming from Kukutux's homeland.
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"a tupilak gave to me this face." kukutux inhaled. "tupilaq are evil spirits. they seek only to hurt and to make sick. to mislead."

she looked to nyra now. "you must keep close to the village. away from what is dead. if they will kill the spirit of a caribou, they will not have the belief that a wolf is too strong. you have wounds. this is how they enter the body."

she stepped back and away, motioning nyra with her.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
as ajâtsuk stepped away from the silent scene of carnage, lómion stepped towards it.
they looked upon the dead with eyes of anger and dread. he looked upon them with eyes wide with wonder.
his face rarely glowed like this.
are they the deer? he glanced at kukutux, then the woman that accompanied her. stranger, he noted off-handedly before staring back at the fallen prey. there are so many. why are they all laying like that?
51 Posts
Ooc — xynien
inkalorë often shadowed their brother since returning to moonglow, regarding him as a sort of savior. today was no different, though the star-child was shy and hid their face from the stranger, stepping back at times as if contemplating fleeing the scene. even as they peered at the dead creatures that had drawn so much attention from the adults, inkalorë was wary and fidgeting, glancing at the pale woman every few seconds with big eyes.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra listened intently as Kukutux explained Tupilaq and what they were.
The Warmaiden was grateful for the patience Moonwoman had, and upon the Alpha's order, Nyra gave a firm nod and began to leave the scene with her.

That is, until two youth showed up as well.
Immediately, Nyra released a small rumble of warning to the pups. 
Stay away from those dead the rumble communicated, but it was not without a protective nature that she would do so.

Cooling, Nyra cast an inquisitive glance to Kukutux, unsure what Moonwoman wanted the young wolves to know about the situation.
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kukutux leveled an inscrutable look at nyra upon hearing her growl.

perhaps it was because her way was with words.

"kaik," she said to the loved children of her hearth. "these animals have a sickness in them. do not make a path that is close."

moonwoman's tail twitched. "i will tell you more of it. we will walk to find aiolos now."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
102 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
the boy glanced back to inkalorë, wondering if they found this scene just as interesting as he did. it did not appear so, no. their eyes were large and they shuffled in place. it was puzzling.
lómion frowned slightly. it’s ok inkalorë- he began to assure his sibling, but was cut short by growl of warning. it  was soft, but it still startled the boy. he crouched to the floor, and looked up towards the scarred woman with a bewildered, apologetic whine. then he turned to kukutux, who warned the two pups of sickness.
his confusion grew.
lómion scrambled to his paws when she ushered the children away. his tail was tucked as though he were caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to.
he’d follow his other mother with his head hung low, but not before stealing a quick glance at the fallen deer once more.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Nyra slanted her ears some as the children looked upon her with bewilderment and fear. 
She caught Moon-Woman's gaze briefly, but as the Alphess began usher them too away, The Warmaiden felt she should explain to the kids what was going on. 

"Young ones, evil spirits have taken the lives of threes caribou with sickness. We don't want you to suffer the same fate. I am sorry for startling you." She offered in a more gentle tone. 
After the disappearance of her own daughter so many months ago now, she almost had to drag her parental instincts from the depths of her core. 

An apologetic whine to the kids then, as she walked beside Kukutux and them.
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3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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they walked.

"lane is chieftain in duskfire. she has said that the sick ones must be killed. this is a task for those who have years."

she turned to regard the children of her hearth. "you will help me to store the good meat and the pelts. we have come here to hunt. and you will see this too. but for now stay close to the ulax."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]