Firefly Glen Here where once was found.
80 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The wolves of Kvarsheim traveled with experience of their elder members. The path out of the valley, over the mountains, and through the wilderness is both filled with awe and trepidation.

The stone prince was not well-traveled. The valley was the home in which he was born and raised. Even then, Ujurak did not travel beyond their own territory often. Not nearly as often as Sven. The world was so large beyond their patch of the rising sun valley. Had they not a destination and a deadline, Ujurak could have sat high in the mountains marveling upon the world below for days on end.

Firefly glen itself was also a marvel. A barrage of foreign scents assailed his nose. Turquoise eyes were wide, attempting to take in all of the happenings they could see as they approached. A camp overrun with floral and herbal scents caught his attention, although he would investigate it later.

After being introduced to their camp, Ujurak could be found at his younger brother's side. Happily introducing himself as Sven lead their meet and greet. There were too many wolves to count. The Bearclaws were there; this pleased the stone prince. Swiftcurrent Creek too. Ujurak remained cordial and kind, although he fretted over the Creek still. He hoped there would not be any hostility towards his packmates. This was something he kept to himself.

Aside from their neighbors, numerous other packs were there and Ujurak was eager to learn their names and what part of the wide, unknown world they hailed from.
Sun Mote Copse
81 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rhonen Traveled at the rear. He kept his mother and sister in his sights and plodded along. He didn't know why his dad made him a rear guard. He could no more hurt someone than speak right and that was clearly impossible. 

The amount of wolves that met them made his head spin. And bile rose up sharp and hot in the back of his throat. He wanted to scream and run and maybe cry. He felt like hyperventilating.

Lotus spoke and he stared at her wild eyed. Ssssettle plupluplease.
258 Posts
Ooc — Anonymous
By design, the royal family of Akashingo arrived a day behind the rest. They moved in grand procession through the villas, guarded front and back by their plumed and armored fellahin transporting a wealth of goods from the desert kingdom. Semer-wati strode beside his wife, simultaneously gloating in stares and challenging the eyes of any man who dared linger over her.

Their four godlings had been educated on proper behavior during the hunt. The princes @Khaemwaset and @Den were to spectate the pursuit, while the princesses @Neith and @Satakhetem were to join Pharaoh @Toula, the sesh, @Tavina, and @Tiye in the healing circle. He trusted @Nasima to ensure the children did not wander too far from their lodgings, while Lady @Racharra was welcome to exercise her liberty as a nebet. His wife was lenient with the woman, but the riverking would consider her foolish not to use the opportunity to mingle with eligible suitors. It was an assembly of dozens, but Akashingo was the most wealthy and influential kingdom in the realm, and so they must represent themselves in accordance with the royal seal.

While the servants got to work furnishing the camp, Rashepses strode down the ceremonial avenue to greet the man of the hour, @Rodyn, and thank him for the invitation.
24 Posts
Ooc — ebony
slinging an arm over satakh's gilded shoulders, khaemwaset's grin was a cold, gleaming thing. yet for all the boy's growing hardness, he was excited, filled with delight that all his siblings had come, that mother and father stood glowing and radiant in this sea of mortal flesh.

he was to watch the hunt. his sisters would be sent to heal with mother. 

after bowing to acknowledge the instruction of their semer-wati, khaemwaset exchanged a long look with neith; while pharaoh was a goddess of green art, suppose his pale sister wanted to do something other than dabble in reeking plants?

compelled by breeding, lineage, and manners to follow rashepses, khaemwaset kissed satakh's cheek, nudged den, and whispered to neith; "if you choose to come to the hunt, i will make it so."

rebellion! its lotus petals flowered only in this, a sense of justice that the boy would do well to nurse, even if he did not comprehend all that there was to know.

falling into step with his father, khaemwaset would not return to their camp until he was brought or sent into the arms of the attending servants.
43 Posts
Ooc — tazi
“Khaem!” She could not dare defy the order of Semer-wati, could she? “Isn’t it dangerous?”

And yet his new energy was infectious, she felt the stirrings of her own luscious power beside that of her siblings as they pass with regal mien through the mortal barracks, drawing stares.

Of course she wanted to watch the hunt! By her reasoning she could learn medicine anytime from aunt Tavina, but how many occasions would she have to witness a march so ostentatious and grand as this?

“Come fetch me when it’s time!” The princess hisses to her dark brother, nosing him playfully before returning to the procession at amiir Den’s side.
La Muerte
A Handmaiden's Tale
36 Posts
Ooc — Vamikins
Paloma had no interest in joining the hunt. She wasn't a hunter, a guard, a grunt. She worked in the caverns for which was their palace, directly for the Matriarcha and the royal heirs. Such physical labor was below her, she felt, despite the obvious fact that she was indeed a wolf. 

Out into the light of day. It was hard on the woman's pale gaze. Of course, she had walked during daylight hours time and time before, yet did her best to only do so within the cover of thick forestry or keeping to the royal cavern during these hours. Having grown up to this way of life, the basterd nocturne was indeed nocturnal

Finally they come to find shade and rest under golden trees. Paloma has little time to rest, not yet. From her supplies she and their latest herbalist (@Alder Ó Meara) had carried, she gathers a large leaf and comes to her Matriarca, swinging her head left and right in large, slow waves so to cool @Reyna. Paloma's own breath is heavy, having not exhausted herself this much since the royal heirs were toddlers.
Daddy Moonglow
1,039 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos assured Kukutux that he would join the group in time. He helped to gather the belongings for travel and watched Moonwoman with a small smile as she rounded up the majority of their grandchildren and the most of Moonglow for the hunt. He would check on Vaire, firstly, after the group had gone, to insure she was well off in her recovering. So much sorrow between the Moon villages had taken a toll on many of them. 

When Aiolos arrived the following day, he did so alone and at his own pace. Secretly he had thought he might slow the caravan down and had been happy instead to join them later. Thankfully, autumn had only just begun and the temperatures were far from cold. Not to mention the travel was far from long, being just the land neighboring their home. Aiolos needed not worry of his limbs arching so horribly during the hunt as they did during the winter hunts much further out. 

Many had already come. Far more then he could remember from the year prior or the year before that even. It took some time to shuffle through the bodies, the different camps, until familiar scents brought him to his own. @Kukutux was always the center of attention, just as much so she was the center of his whole world. This hunt, the time and work put into it, the many people to see her... she needed this busy work to help sweep sorrow to the corners of her mind. 

Staying quiet, though offering a soft and silent greeting when Kukutux realized his arrival, Aiolos lifts a front limb to drape it over @Akmaaksi and pull her close. A little overwhelming, isn't it? Her stress was obvious and he wanted her to know she was not alone in her racing feelings.
moonglow daddy
643 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
val welcomed chani’s initiative, falling back to walk alongside the fluid strides of chacal. from time to time they rested, signaling to chani and sobeille their intent to catch up — but eventually the smell and sounds of a massive encampment became known to them.

he waved off chani and sobeille with a grin as they dived excitedly into the crowds. keep close, he repeated to the remaining children, showing them where sapphique’s encampment dwelled. he and chacal split the duties of setting up their camp; occasionally he caught chacal’s glances and grinned as they worked.
574 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
though sobeille was very much present, her mind was elsewhere as the thin band of seastriders left sapphique.

occasionally her ministrations were needed as puppies lagged or packmates paused for brief rest - during these times she urged them onwards, a little sharply — from time to time sharing a knowing look with chani.

an undercurrent of excitement rippled beneath her skin as at last the path broke into flatlands, where the great din of a massive gathering thundered overhead. she could scarcely wait to deposit the urchins in val and chacal’s capable stead — she practically bolted after chani without even a parting goodbye to her father and tante. suckers!
197 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Ajei had woke early that day, moving with a swiftness as she collected her goods for the great hunt. Arrluk remained back, out of her way and then hopped to it to help carry the bundles down the mountainside towards the glen. Luckily for them, not at all a horribly long journey. Alaric joined them, helping to carry. Sialuk had elected to stay behind, along with Killdeer, Elentari, Bridget and Moonshadow, which meant plenty yet still to watch over the horde of growing pups. 

As they came to the large gathering (and more he could see making way towards them in the distance) he kept close to Ajei, feeling her nervousness from the overwhelming group of wolves. When sniffing out those familiar to them where they would make camp, he settled down into a lay for @Ajei to remove the goods that had been wrapped and tangled around his torso to carry. Hello anaa, aapa... He greeted his parents and then effectively giving a toothy grin at the cluster of his neices and nephews around them.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
One Shady Beach
21 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The journey had been a great long one, this much was certain. Yet the children had all never before strayed so far and we're filled with energy and excitement. For a little while, a nervousness and unease set in Shadess, when she could not only no longer hear the ocean, but see it, smell it. It was strange to not have the large salty body of water not to near. So she breathed in deeply, the smell of salt and sand within her own pelt and the mob of family around her. 

Once they arrived to the glen, her worries were forgotten by the distraction of all which was around them. A great many wolves sectioned into smaller groups all around her and beyond even what she could see. Once settled, her elder sister and cousin took off and Shadess whined to join them but kept back until allowed when her aunt chuffed for them to stay near. 

Somewhere to her right she noted an oddly patchy marked wolf (@Ancelin) and, was the one wolf fanning the other with a leaf?? Then she took note of a very large family of many younger children rolling into an open place ahead of the Sapphique wolves camp. They had servants carrying goods and adored themselves with little trinkets and flowers in their fur. Shadess honestly didn't know what to think of them but was indeed intrigued.
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
When it was time to leave for Firefly Glen, Nantahala had grabbed the largest pile of pelts from Kukutux. It was a challenge to wrangle, but she managed to carry the load for the short trip. She struggled in silence, trailing behind the traveling band, but she did not give up.

The gathering was much larger than she’d initially envisioned, and as they filed in, she paused to look around and take it all in—it was overwhelming and unlike anything she’d ever encountered. There were many strange smells in the air, groups of wolves she didn’t recognize, and a buzz of excitement in the air. She chose to feed into it, allowing herself to get excited, and she turned towards her own group with a large grin.

Hey! Wait for me! she called after them as she collected the pelts and then chased after the traveling party and toward Moonglow’s camp.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
there was plenty of pomp to their own arrival, singers blessing the paths they stepped upon as the Mazoi stood guard. even above the din did she hear her children sweetly conspire, but Toula only smiled. for she heard in Khaemwaset his adoration, and in Neith her excitement—why should she not watch, if that was her wish? if all went their way, then this would not be the last event of its like…
something to contemplate another time, with her husband! perhaps she had not impressed upon her daughters the importance of their part—the hunt was a thing of blood and glory, truly a spectacle to witness. and yet this event, where the women would be was significant—it spoke to the people, their culture—and some of what it valued. and the words of women were rich, and could grant much wisdom. both things, Toula hoped to see and hear. 
moonwoman. matchmaker. it would be good, to build a relationship here—and it helped she quite enjoyed all that she had heard and experienced with her people so far. with her husband to Rodyn did Toula move, smile sweet and earnest as she moved with lightfooted grace.
151 Posts
Ooc — metic
they'd been summoned, and as the call for them rung silent, nephele gathered what thoughts she been internally warring with following the birth of her children. her husband was gone, and she did not think him set to return. there were no tears shed in the disappearance of arktos. she'd gained what she desired from him, though his sudden departure left some bitterness simmering in the pit of her chest.

yellowstone's numbers were waning, and should their course continue on the current path, it was unlikely they'd survive through winter. and so when the stormcloud gathered her children to set out for the great hunt, it was in pursuit of not food nor friends, but of a new home.

it was fortunate the hunt was set so near to the plains, for her children were just old enough to make the day's journey to the encampments. she guided her three babes with encouraging bumps to their rear when they grew tired, slow steps given to match the pace of their little legs.

once arrived, she settled @Anatolia, @Alasdair and zephyra to her side. @Envy, @Dreven and @Bard were told of her intent in not returning to the plains. each was left to their own choice, to join her and her family in seeking a new home, or to set off and discover one for themselves.
5 Posts
Ooc — siv
no fear.

only excitement, rich and palpable. the sounds of such a large gathering acted like a flame to her moth heart. the herd still lived in her heart even as their steps drew them away from the plains.

maybe it was because hooves could thunder here, too.

all the excitement in the world could not keep her awake for too long when they arrived, though. settled alongside her steadfast mother — her siblings. these things that she had always known and never questioned.

just a nap, then she would wake to discover more.