Wheeling Gull Isle Now I'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
Tagging Stag in case he would follow her, otherwise AW!

After returning to quickly inform @Stag of her intentions to check out the nearby island and its resident pack, Wylla returned to the shore under increasing snowfall and began contemplating a safe way to reach it. She didn't doubt her abilities in the water even after spending the past year in the mountains, but the temperature was dropping as the snow grew heavier. With her thin fur, she didn't love the idea of being soaking wet in the brisk winter wind.

Luckily, there was a narrow sandbar stretching from the shore toward the white-washed shadow of the island. Even if it didn't reach all the way, she could bank on the water being shallow enough that a full swim wouldn't be required. Hesitating only a couple seconds to suck in a steadying breath, she began trotting across the cold, wet sand, doing her best to avoid the water where possible. She had to slosh her way through a couple collapsed sections, but landed on the island's southern beach in short order and stopped there, where the water met the sand, to call lowly for this so-called Empress.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
Huā was fetching a meal from a cache when the call came. The girl sighed, glancing at the chosen fish that she hadn't started yet, and put it back, reluctantly carrying herself to their borders empty-stomached. When she arrived at the source, she caught sight of the little grey figure- probably a bit older than her, and missing an eye. Huā thought of Mou. She tilted her chin up ever so slightly, hoping to look noble in front of this stranger, in spite of her size- or perhaps because of it. Maybe she was making up for how small she was. Huā halted before her, face neutral- there was no particular judgement she could make, yet- and spoke up after a moment, Hi. I am Huā Jiāng. You call me?
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Just a cameo -- please skip unless/until mentioned

She had been pondering a brisk walk on the beach when she heard the call, and she probably would have ignored it if it hadn't rang vaguely familiar. Curious, Maegi emerged from the trees and squinted ahead, trying to get a better look at the caller. There was Huā, sure, but beyond—

The wraith's gaze widened as she realized who it was. Now that was a face she hadn't seen in a while—and it was rougher than before. Her eye was missing, for starters. And what was she doing so far from the mountains and Diaspora?

Maegi kept her distance, pale fur tossed about in the breeze. There was not much love lost between Wylla and her, but she hadn't ever been an enemy. And if she was here, something must have happened inland. Perhaps the storms that had rocked the island for days now were even worse in the mountains; she could imagine that all too well.
i'm defeated and i gladly wear the crown
266 Posts
Ooc —
Skip me, Stag is just on his way <3

By the time Stag returned from briefly exploring their makeshift rendezvous, he saw that Wylla had departed. He'd known her goal to decamp and inspect the island that lurked in the distance, and it was here his eyes strayed. He was pleasantly surprised to see that the waters had somehow drawn away -- being an acolyte when it came to the sea and its nature, Stag had no idea there was such thing as roving tides.

He questioned what kind of magic, dark or otherwise, could possibly bend the enormous waters so that they receded in such a perfect manner: here was a strait of sand perfect for a sunny mid-day stroll, interrupted only here and there by lolling waves that had not met their mark on the mainland.

He thought of that one-eyed woman engulfed by the mouth of the cave; he thought of that dark smear in the sand -- a shiver went down his spine.

Stag followed after Wylla's pawprints, which were neatly indented in the slick sand. It would be a while before he came across Wylla, Hua, or even Maegi (he would miss her entirely until he came close, truthfully, for she kept her distance and remained partly concealed by the shadows of the tree line).
and it brings me to you, but i won't just past through
i'm not asking for a storm.  
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The sea wind cut through the wet fur on her legs and sank icy teeth into her flesh. Wylla immediately regretted making her way out to this blasted rock. She should have made the Empress cross the sand bridge to meet her so she could see for herself if arrogance ruled this one the way it did Ramesses. She thought it was the least she could ask of any Alpha to do a little legwork in exchange for the services of not one, but two wolves.

Interesting how quickly her ideals changed without her noticing when she was the subordinate rather than the leader.

The wolf who approached wasn't much bigger than her, if at all, and carried herself with a self-assured bearing that Wylla was glad to see lacked a certain pomp. She was momentarily baffled. Wylla had been expecting a very different sort of wolf to call themselves something as over the top as Empress, but this Huā Jiāng didn't seem all that much different than her, and certainly a lot older than the arrogant blue-eyed boy who had brought Wylla's attention to the isle. That was enough for her to relax her stance to one more suited to an outsider meeting a pack leader on their turf, with her tail pressed politely downward, ears to the sides, and gaze averted. The distant Stag and Maegi both went unnoticed.

You, she said, in a tone coloured with a noticeable amount of disbelief, are the Empress?
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Just a cameo, doing his guard thang.

The island was not short of its delicate, petite and small stature yet mighty women. @Aimi was one, determined to be as light and deadly like a swift blade. @Maegi another, whom he moved past now as he offered her a low rumble of greeting. Then of course Hua, his beloved Empress. To her side the admiral came as the guard for her he had always been. His fiery attention sweeps over the equally little small woman, a silent dip of his muzzle given to her in greeting. She had some rather distinguished markings about her, like the dark headed blood of Hua's family had. A rather pretty female, face marred by the obvious lack of an eye. In the distance, Aiolos would tip his head up to a white wolf, still in the distance along the sand bar. He wondered if the stranger would be joining them too.
moonglow daddy
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
Huā didn't notice Maegi behind her, though ahead, her gaze briefly flickered past Wylla to a distant pale figure. If he had been coming towards them fast or aggressively, she might've shifted her attention, but for now she assumed he posed no threat- and returned her look to the dark woman. The disbelief in her voice when she spoke might've annoyed Huā, if not for the classic display of submission; the empress had never expected it much her from her people, but that kind of thing was common back home. If ever she felt like a silly girl carrying a title she didn't deserve, a good bow of the tail and averted gaze from a subordinate could certainly change her mind.

Huā looked briefly to Aiolos as he came up beside her, and returned her gaze to Wylla as she answered then with a small smile of politeness. Yes. I am the empress. Who tells you about me? She wondered, and seeing no reason not to, gestured shortly to her red companion. And this is our emperor, too, Aiolos. Um. He was standing close, and she didn't want Wylla to get the wrong impression about the emperor and empress here... My working partner. She decided, though no one had really asked her to clarify. She blinked, glancing back to the woman and suddenly remembering to ask, And who are you?
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Yes, Huā confirmed, and Wylla released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. While it was only a first impression, she was glad that Huā so far lacked any obvious signs of arrogance. It helped that Huā, from smell alone, wasn't a young wolf fresh on their second year of life and hopped up on their hormones. The woman's size was no object—Wylla knew better than most that being small was not the same as being weak, or unworthy of respect.

The man who arrived to stand at Huā's side was an imposing sort for his height, but built less solidly than the likes of Mahler. He reminded her a little of her son with his reedy physique, a thought that brought a painful pang to her chest. Her first impression of Aiolos was that he was a man who knew his place next to a woman who was his better, although there was nothing in the way he presented himself to make her draw that conclusion. It was as much a result of her recent personal bias regarding men as it was any legitimate dynamic between the two.

I was expecting someone a little more... self-important, Wylla admitted, sweeping her gaze back to Huā and then dropping it to the wet sand. It was a boy who told me about your island. Very full of himself. Kind of assumed you'd all be the same. That remained to be seen. First impressions were important, but more nefarious traits often hid under the surface of such superficial exchanges. What happened here would determine if she would get to know these wolves better or not, but only time would reveal if they were worthy of her respect. These days, she couldn't afford to be choosy, but she wouldn't follow blindly, either.

Wylla, she said with little fanfare. My companion and I were curious about the group here, so I've come to see for myself. Little did she know that @Stag was quickly advancing across the sand bridge.
1,006 Posts
Ooc — summer
Master Ambassador
I was expecting someone a little more... self-important. Huā blinked with surprise, unsure whether to take that as a compliment. It meant she was humble, didn't it? But the empress wondered whether she came off... underleaderlike, to everyone else. Still, Huā tried not to overthink it, flattening her ears a little bashfully to her head, but perking them again as she listened to Wylla speak of a boy. A boy who was full of himself. Huā immediately thought of the man who titled himself with a pompous The Great, Ramesses? Pale, with blue eyes? She questioned. She had to admit it surprised her a little to think that he might be spreading word of the island... but then again, if he was out there giving them a negative reputation, it wasn't exactly beneficial. Still. Here was a stranger at their borders, and that might be a good thing. 

Well, Wylla, Huā returned, and looked briefly out to the distant figure, wondering if that was the companion- I can answer whatever you are curious about. The pack here is call Yuèlóng- from my own language- and, um... our ranks are sorted based on skills... She trailed off, figuring that the charcoal woman might have her own more particular curiosities.
i'm defeated and i gladly wear the crown
266 Posts
Ooc —
oop, Stag's about to get snatched by the checker so I'm just throwing another reply in. Please feel free to skip him going forward, he's really more in the BG atm

The sea rolled in grey waves over the sandbar, chilling Stag to the bone as he crossed the landbridge.

Something about being here in the open unnerved the young male, who kept his pace brisk against the pressing wind.

Ahead, he could see Wylla -- his ears perked involuntarily forward. Her form was still but a blot against the cold shore, but he could see she held council with something -- someone -- else.

Still his pace quickened, now an efficient trot over the bridge of sand. Soon he'd be in hearing range, but for now the wind did no favors and his voice would not have carried over the waves even if he'd wished for it to.

When he came upon them he'd be subservient, sidling next to Wylla instinctively with his head held lower than hers and his tail tucked. Any exchange then would be purely between the two women -- Stag looked to Wylla as his leader and mentor, and would follow her to the ends of whatever earth she decided for them. He might subtly study Hua, should her gaze be on Wylla instead -- but for the most part, Stag kept his eyes lowered and tongue still.
and it brings me to you, but i won't just past through
i'm not asking for a storm.  
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Never asked his name, snorted Wylla, not much in the business of acquainting myself with little snots like that, but that sounds right. She didn't want to give the boy much credit—he had only mentioned the island, and she doubted his reasons for doing so were entirely selfless. Folks like that always had a private agenda; hell, even regular old wolves had their own agenda most of the time.

Which brought them back to Wylla's agenda. She made a snap judgment that Huā and Aiolos were probably decent wolves, and it wasn't like they had any other prospective homes lined up. She'd learned her lesson about offering her undying loyalty to any pack, but she could offer services in return for board whether she trusted the local populace or not. Plus, it would be nice to be by the ocean again, even if the charm of it had worn off.

Skills such as? she wondered, then clarified, I led for a time and am a proficient guard, and I've raised children and consider myself a decent teacher. She didn't make mention of her typical tough love methods. She would be naive to think it wasn't the reason that zero of her three children would choose to be with her, and she knew it might not go over well with more protective parents. There was no telling which sort Huā and Aiolos were, if they were parents at all.

Long story short, Stag— she gestured to Stag and smiled at him as he drew up, and I are looking for a place to stay that will allow us to visit our family back home regularly. He can protect you and yours, as well. I trust him with my life. It didn't necessarily mean they would give theirs up for Yuèlóng—after Sagtannet, that kind of trust felt impossible—but she was never one to back down from a fight to protect her home. At the very least, this leader was a woman, and while Wylla's track record with other women wasn't very good, in some respects, they'd hurt her far less than most men had.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A dip of his creamy is offered to the little badger-marked woman as his Empress introduces him to her and the corners of his lips pull up in a half-smirk as she hesitates just exactly on how to place their relationship. Aiolos felt as though Hua did not have a need to explain the relationship with her co-lead to the stranger, but as a man currently on Kukutux list to find a mate, maybe in the long run passing the knowledge would do some good. It was, without a doubt, Hua was a beautiful woman and her personality matched by her caring, nurturing and strong personality. Still, after coupling with her cousin before, Hua had become to him more as family then as a potential wife.

Aiolos' expression came with a single ginger ear turning back, his head cocking. He had a confusion which mimicked Hua's own at her words. Hua might be a proud and secure woman at least for the most part but she was not self-righteous or pompous. In times, to herself, when she was unsure of herself, Aiolos was always there to state otherwise and if anyone had the need to question her abilities, they were met with Aiolos' wrath. All the same, little questioned Hua's placement anyhow. 

By now, the other stranger had approached to which Aiolos fiery attention moved to him briefly. His head was lower, lower then Wylla and his tail tucked between his limbs. A silent placement of submission as he awaited the fate here. So, not having any need to stare, he went back to moving his attention between the two females. At a mentioning of skills, the red wolf listened clear when she mentioned guardianship, such as Aiolos self, as well as knowing well how to raise pups and be a mentor to their learning. Stag too, he learned now, was a protector as well. With Mou, Tzila and himself, there was a pawful of wolves here who were well established with this but having a safely guarded home was never a bad thing. Wylla knowing of care-giving, whether as a wet nurse or more, was needed now that Natshana was gone, likely having gone after her cousin whom had left them firstly.

Aiolos wanted to know had far their 'family back home' was and why they were not joined with them instead. He wanted to know how long his new potential pack-mates would be gone and how their loyalties would be split. He would allow Hua these questions and so instead, Rénmen is the name of our members not focused on any specific skill-set. Zhànshì is warrior, Hùshi would be nurse. A different title is given each to our Leads too, who direct those under their charge. Odd names from Hua's homeland which for a time took Aiolos to learn.
moonglow daddy
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Tying a bow on this and stuffing it in the archives!

If she had any inkling that the stoic guard was potentially opposed to her coming and going to visit her children, Wylla would have turned tail and stalked away, but she was none the wiser. And in the days to come, it would be put to the test, for she would soon depart Yuelong and not return for quite some time as a result of one thing or another—if ever.

For now, she and Stag set the terms of their stay with the Empress and, once all parties were somewhat satisfied, they began to learn the lay of their new home. She couldn't say how long this would last—truly, she couldn't think much beyond the present moment, enshrouded in a depressed fog the way she was—but for the duration of it, Wylla would offer what she could to the sea pack.