Redsand Canyon Trunk in the front like that shit Dumbo.
Sun Mote Copse
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Still Towhee paid little mind to the goings-on in Mereo, sticking close to the palazzo while she waited for @Ruenna to go into labor. Any day now, she thought, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she stood guard in the dooryard. She fidgeted a little more before scooting toward a nearby bush to squat.

The Redhawk still couldn’t be certain she was carrying, though as she emptied her bladder for the nth time today, she wondered. Perhaps it was time to consult with @Aquene or simply inform @Germanicus that she was pretty sure she was expecting. She let out a breath, straightened, gave a little wiggle and then returned to her post.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator was quite distracted himself.

his patrols had narrowed. he kept closer to the occupied parts of the canyon, never straying from earshot of his wife nor their physician.

germanicus was unsure how ruenna might wish to proceed. he did not expect to be admitted to the birth itself. in truth the eagle was not certain he wanted to be present. it was not for lack of caring but lack of experience. in situations with which he was not accustomed he often tended toward caution. 

towhee's presence reminded him that the ranks must shift once more. "praefectus," he greeted in a rumble as he glanced toward the doorway of the home he shared with ruenna. "it will be soon, i am told."
Sun Mote Copse
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It did not surprise her to see Germanicus loitering nearby as well. He was Ruenna’s husband, after all, and the father of her children. Towhee eyed him curiously as he neared the palazzo, reading the lines of tension in his body and face. He appeared understandably nervous.

Dipping her head when he addressed her, Towhee voiced her earlier thought, Any day now. She paused, then found herself thinking aloud, I know how long she’s waited for this. I know it wasn’t easy for her, missing out in the past. But it almost feels like it’s meant to be, here, now. She gestured at the canyon beyond the Imperator’s shoulder. She has so much care and support, it’s honestly incomparable. And she deserves nothing less. I’m so happy for her, for you, for these kids, she concluded.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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he found himself warmed by towhee's words. "thank you. lady ruenna deserves a good deal of happiness. i am humbled to have been part of that for her."

as always when towhee alluded to those years before their own meeting, the imperator found himself bereft of what to say.

and so in true blunt form he forged ahead. "it is satisfying to know that she may not be alone in motherhood this year and that our children might have their own agemates."
Sun Mote Copse
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He acknowledged her words before swiftly addressing the elephant in the room. Then again, Towhee reminded herself, she was far from the only expectant mother in the ranks. There was Aquene as well, and eventually Tamar. On one hand, raising that many pups together was undeniably exciting. On the other, it was incredibly stressful, particularly on their resources.

I’m sure the kids will have a blast, particularly if they outnumber us and decide to stage a coup d’état, Towhee quipped, raising an eyebrow even as she smiled. It’s too early to be entirely sure, but I do think I’ll be contributing to that movement in a couple months, give or take week…
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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Ooc — ebony
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at the mention of a childs'-coup, towhee would at last receive a rare and genuine grin of amusement from the imperator. it would not fade as she gave her muted pronouncement.

"congratulations are in order then," he said instead.

with plans laid for the vale and ruenna soon to deliver their children, the eagle found he had little disappointment within him for towhee's demotion.

"your last act as praefectus then will be to discuss kallik's promotion with me. arsenio has asked for his presence as permanent resident of the new allied pack. during the interim, i would like to promote him to military liasion between here and the vale. and i would welcome your input on kallik's ability to handle such a task."
Sun Mote Copse
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Towhee waved her tail when Germanicus congratulated her. This meant she would be relinquishing her rank for now, she knew. She felt her gut clench a little at the thought. She just hoped she had successfully conceived, then it would absolutely be worth it. Besides, she could still perform many of the same duties, at least until her pregnancy progressed and she became bound to her den.

She went very still at the Imperator’s next words. Her entire face scrunched in clear confusion. The…? Oh, right. She had been so focused on the Matrona’s upcoming delivery, she hadn’t given this matter any thought. But she recollected that Arsenio and Tamar had been chosen to lead an outpost after all. Towhee’s face went a little smug as she remembered suggesting this very thing.

But then her face fell when she really processed what Germanicus had just said. Kallik was going? That meant Aquene would go too. Well, that solved the issue of overcrowding with puppies, she supposed, but the Redhawk’s stomach sank. She was rather fond of the pair, though she imagined Kallik had enthusiastically seized the opportunity to move away from Towhee.

Blinking, Towhee said, I definitely think Kallik is deserving of and suited for the honor. In contrast to her glowing recommendation, her expression grew dim.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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Ooc — ebony
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"i will miss them also," germanicus said with a candidness that was unlike him. sure this could be attributed to the current situation in which they all found themselves: anticipating the first children born in mereo.

perhaps this too might explain his attention toward towhee's visible deflation. 

"i am not certain that aquene will care to travel in her state, or that kallik will condone it." the solemn young man was incredibly devoted to his wife, though the eagle had never doubted his ability to do so.

"the vale is a two days' journey. perhaps one if a traveler does not rest. they will remain close."
Sun Mote Copse
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The Imperator echoed her unspoken sentiments, which probably showed all over her face. She read the words of reassurance off his lips despite the slight glaze in her eyes. They dropped to the ground when he reminded her they wouldn’t be far. She huffed a quiet breath. Towhee had been through this so many times, she should be used to it by now.

It’s a good call, she said, referring to Germanicus’s decision to expand as well as his choices for who should undertake the endeavor. It reminds me of the time when the Redhawks had three sister packs. Towhee would need to focus on the upsides, though still her chest felt heavy with the news of the pairs’ imminent departure.

Glancing at the nearby doorway, Towhee wondered if Germanicus had considered herself and Maxim. If he had, she was glad he hadn’t picked the two of them. She wouldn’t give up being here for Rue and her pups for anything. Steadying herself with another breath, she returned her gaze to the man’s swarthy face.

I guess that’s it then? She had given him the feedback he desired regarding Kallik, so Towhee braced herself for the formal stripping of her title.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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Ooc — ebony
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the redhawks were quite prolific. it stood to reason that they had once controlled so much. germanicus was suddenly curious then why ruenna had not sought a mate and children during her years as sovereign. surely she had suffered no dearth of suitors.

but it was as incomprehensible a thought to have as it was to entertain asking the closest companion to his wife. there were things he would not know and this settled comfortably with him.

the eagle wanted to instruct towhee to go to aquene next, to confirm her pregnancy, but was swiftly reminded that out of every wolf in mereo, this woman would be most acquainted with the process.

"i would like to move glaukos higher. after arsenio and kallik he is the most experienced with our ways and ranks and it will be important that the responsibilities that are left behind will not be neglected."

he mused for a moment. "it is my desire that you put your energies for the present into shaping him not as a replacement but an officer in his own right. i will sharpen him for the same purpose in our arena." it was an allusion to the demotion soon to happen. but this one would affect germanicus more greatly than having unranked diesel from among his soldiers.
Sun Mote Copse
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Rather than make any direct mention of her demotion, the Imperator gave her a task, as he so often did. Towhee usually took to these like a duck to water, relishing any opportunity to throw herself into an assignment. But she felt herself growing number with every word Germanicus spoke. It was nothing against him, or Glaukos, or even the request itself. It had nothing to do with her rank, for that matter.

She was still reeling from the thought of four of her favorite pack mates departing in one go. Towhee wondered if her emotions were disproportionate—perhaps another subtle sign of her changing hormones—but after a moment’s reflection, she didn’t think so. It was really shaking up her schema of the Mereo she’d come to love.

Of course, she said almost perfunctorily, a little horrified to note the pressure of tears building behind her eyes.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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germanicus was aware enough to sense that towhee was holding a great deal of emotion. however he could not understand why she would be more moved than himself.

keeping his mind from a gendered ledge, the imperator nodded at her

"consider resting the remainder of the day," he suggested. the words felt roughened and awkward. he felt a softer dismissal was necessary. towhee not only carried her reaction but the loss of rank.

perhaps that too was of more import to him.

no matter, towhee was free to leave. germanicus meant to wait some moments more before traveling opposite for a patrol.
Sun Mote Copse
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She blinked back the tears, her backbone rigidly straightening as she remembered she had a job to do. Towhee would get around to Germanicus’s task in due time, but right now, she must stand guard over the palazzo and, notably, the Matrona tucked inside.

When the Imperator recommended she take the day off to rest, she took it in the spirit of a suggestion and shook her head, saying softly, I’d like to stay until nightfall. If he insisted she go, she would, but if not, Towhee would stiffen her upper lip and do her duty to Ruenna.

And if she was a bit clingier than usual when she returned to the stone den she shared with @Maxim later that night, well, that was nobody’s business but hers and her partner’s.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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an hour of wolves and shattered shields
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Ooc — ebony
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too belatedly germanicus realized that towhee had grown quite emotional. it was not a characteristic he had ever attributed to her and it caught him off-guard somewhat. 

the imperator remained impassive but comprehended he will ill-suited and ill-prepared to say much more than an agreement. 

"understood." he regarded towhee for a respectful moment and then turned away. the man meant to hunt. she meant to guard. between both of their efforts the lady ruenna would be cared for quite well.