Sun Mote Copse Still not butter.
Sun Mote Copse
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Now that she'd started thinking about it, she couldn't stop. Towhee didn't really try though. Why would she? For the first time in her life, she could plan a family. Sure, it wasn't going to be conventional in any sense of the word, but she didn't care about that. Speaking of which, she quickly concluded that she shouldn't go about this entirely alone. Maybe it was weird to involve her brother and his wife in this, yet they were her family and, notably, her co-parents. She wanted them to help raise her offspring again, which meant she should absolutely include them in her decisions.

As she finished a patrol and returned to the rendezvous site to stretch out on a bed of fallen leaves, she considered bringing a third sibling into the equation: her sister-at-arms, @Hydra. This year, she'd mated with Arcturus against Hydra's knowledge. What if, next year, she coupled with a man from Moonspear with the queen's blessing? Maybe it was a far-fetched idea, though she imagined it could only strengthen the alliance and blend their families even more. And it was high time the Firebirds had the opportunity to host their allies' young, since it had been very one-sided thus far.

Before she ever brought it up with Hydra, she wanted to talk to @Phox and @Niamh first. Maybe they knew of other eligible bachelors out there. Still languishing in her bed of leaf litter, Towhee raised her head and summoned them with a howl, declaring it pack business. She snickered at that and lowered her head again to await them.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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lord of the hunt
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Ooc — aerinne
Now that the weather was starting to cool off considerably, Phox too had been thinking about the coming year, the coming spring, and next year's batch of kids. He hadn't asked Towhee whether or not she would try for kids again. Maybe she would be happy to just have her one Meer-acle. Phox did not know, but he knew that he wanted more children. He knew that Niamh was amenable to the idea, especially based on what they'd talked about in the past. Had she said she wanted all boys or all girls? He couldn't recall, but he also knew they didn't really get a say in how that turned out.

When Towhee called, he had been thinking about children. Or rather, one child in particular: Alyx. He wondered if she would come to her senses a bit now that they'd managed to quash the idea of her going to Rusalka. He also wanted to know what her real motivation was. If it was friends, he knew she could find that in Moonspear or Firefly Glen. If she wanted to avoid family, now that Meerkat and Bronco were in the glen, she could go to Moonspear. He wondered if that was what Towhee had called them here for, but he didn't ask when he arrived, opting instead for a friendly wag of his tail before he plopped down beside his sister.
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Niamh, on the other hand, hadn't given much thought to the potential of having more children the next year since she had admitted to Towhee that she'd had her doubts about being able to manage any more. She was focused on their current batch of children, who seemed to be just as troublesome. Alyx with Rusalka, and Primrose with Kingslend. When the snow fell, there would be no more mud for Quetzal to roll in, so what would she turn to? Regardless- she was too distracted by the current drama with their children to have put much thought into having more of them...Though she did love them dearly, and had come out of the slump she'd fallen into during the rainy season. 

Who would've thought- all it would take would be the gossip and drama of having potentially dangerous neighbours, and potentially inbred neighbours in their area to put the spring back in Niamh's step?

When she heard Towhee's call, she wondered what matter of business might be at hand, and eagerly made her way toward the Rendez-vous site to see Towhee relaxed in a bed of leaves, and Phox there with her already, comfortably reclined alongside her. She growled playfully, baring her one upper canine in a wolfish grin as she picked her way into the bed of leaves, circled twice, and flopped down with them before tilting her head questioningly at Towhee.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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When Phox arrived and flopped down beside her, Towhee greeted him by butting her head against the side of his neck and nipping at his whiskers. He was such a great father, she didn't doubt for a second that he would welcome more of her crotch fruit alongside his own. Niamh was a bit more of a wildcard after the season they'd had, though she couldn't picture her sister-in-law balking at it.

She would find out sooner rather than later. The second Regent joined the first, circling before settling down in the leaves beside Towhee and Phox. The Sovereign's tail waved, sweeping noisily against the crunchy leaves, not that she noticed. She let out a low whuff under her breath and nibbled the tip of Niamh's nose in wolfish greeting before situating herself to better make eye contact with both members of her small audience.

-"I know it's still fall but I've never gotten to do this before and I'm geeking out a little. Please bear with me,"- Towhee began with a quip before driving straight to the heart of the matter. -"I want to plan a litter next year. I want to raise pups together with you guys again. Please tell me you're on-board, so we can skip to the part where you two help me sort out a suitable baby daddy."-
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
There was always something pleasant in the air when the trio was together. When they were children, it had always been Towhee and Phox. With Niamh in the mix, he couldn't think of anything better. He grinned dumbly at his mate, shifting his attention only when Towhee began to speak. Phox straightened his posture, watching and listening as Towhee explained why she had brought them here. More children, and Phox would always be happy to have more, although he couldn't help but throw out a playful, -Have you gotten permission from your Regents yet?-

On the subject of baby daddies, Phox couldn't actually think of anybody in the pack who wasn't related in some way or another. Except... she would hate the idea, so of course he had to put it out there. -There's always Eljay,- Phox said, his tone as close to sincere as he could manage, fully prepared to get a good smack for that one.

Truth be told, he thought Eljay was an excellent dad, but something told him he wouldn't make a good match for Towhee. He'd get all attached like Arcturus had done, wouldn't he?
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Ooc — Jess
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While it translated only a minimal amount in her characteristically loud but flat voice, there was no mistaking the fact that Towhee was excited about something. And as soon as she mentioned planning a litter for herself, Niamh tipped her head back and yipped with glee. After all- this was the first winter that she and Towhee would actually get to hang out and talk about such things, now that they were sure that Raven had been wrong, and that Towhee actually could get pregnant. It had been difficult for Niamh to hold back from asking the fun, gossipy questions the year previous, knowing that it would only remind Towhee that she could have children. Well, this year was different- and they had a lot of catching up to do. 

She shouldered Phox when he mentioned asking for their permission and she nodded eagerly. -"Permission granted on behalf of both of us,"- she explained briefly, deftly. Now, on to the next topic. Niamh opened her mouth, but before she could get anything out, Phox suggested Eljay, which made Niamh snort loudly. She was tempted to say something that wouldn't have been very polite, but she held back, and simply shrugged instead. -"Eljay is cool. But if you have babies with Eljay, you're prolly gonna have a husband too,"- She explained. After all, she personally suspected given Eljay's shy, private nature, that Wildfire had been the only wolf he'd ever actually been with, and they'd become mates. -"How much involvement do you want?"- She asked, figuring that might be a good place to start. Because she would already know that regardless of whoever sired the children, Niamh and Phox would be there to co-parent as well.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Their suggestion should've surprised and horrified her, yet Towhee would be a goddamn liar if she said the thought hadn't crossed her mind too. But he was Eljay... and she thought of him as a brother. Granted, it wasn't an instinctual distaste that afflicted her, as it would if someone like Phox or another blood relative was tossed on the table. All the same, it really made her recoil. There were so many things wrong with the suggestion, even if some part of her had to admit that she might not find genes, knowledge or dedication to match Eljay's.

-"Dude,"- she thus rejoined, -"dude, no..."- And she would leave it at that. -"And before you suggest I bang my actual brother or my son or something equally atrocious, let me put a thought out there."- She paused, mostly for effect. -"I was thinking of banging a Moonboy."- Another pause to let that dangle. -"I'd ask Hydra for her blessing, of course, and have her hook me up with an eligible candidate. I have no idea if she'd go for it but I figure it could really strengthen the alliance. We could raise the kids right here in the copse, just like she's looking after ours on the mountain. Lots of visits and whatnot."-
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
As expected, Towhee didn't exactly jump on the idea. And quite frankly, Phox couldn't blame her. It would be like hooking up with... Liffey, maybe? The thought made his face scrunch up, and he wondered how Wildfire had been able to do it. Hadn't they grown up together? Phox blinked, listening as Towhee went on to suggest that she might bang a "Moonboy," clarifying that she meant one of Moonspear's males. Hadn't she done that last year? And look how that had turned out. The guy had gotten kicked out. Phox suspected the two events were related.

Using puppies as an alliance tool was quite clever, but there were other packs out there, and Moonspear's alliance was a solid one, what with Bronco and Meerkat there, not to mention Towhee and Hydra's friendship. -Maybe it would be smarter to strengthen ties with a pack we aren't already so close with. One strong ally is good, but what if we added another?- Briefly, his mind wandered to Rusalka. -What better way to mend a shaky pack relationship than by uniting the two?- Not only that, but it would possible placate Alyx's wishes to return to her friend. A swapping of wolves, as it were.
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Ooc — Jess
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Truthfully, Niamh was somewhat relieved that Towhee didn't seem too interested in Eljay being a father. As far as she could tell, the two got along but Niamh didn't see them as being terribly compatible. She didn't think Eljay would want to give up his rights as a father and simply act as a sperm donor, nor did she suspected that Towhee would want Eljay stepping in as a father. She already had Phox to be a father. She was also relieved because if Towhee seriously took Eljay in to be her mate and a co-parent, it might mean that she and Phox would have to step back a bit, and allow the couple their space to raise their children on their own. And Niamh was too possessive of Towhee to do that easily. 

She did approve, however, of Towhee finding someone from Moonspear to do the job. She couldn't recall meeting any Moonspearians who had turned her eye, but then again, she had very little experience with them aside from Arcturus...She'd almost forgotten about him already, since he'd left with Wraen. Somehow, Niamh doubted he'd make himself available for Towhee's needs again this year. -"Can't hurt to ask Hydra if she knows of someone,"- She said with an amicable shrug. Phox suggested a wolf from another pack, and immediately her mind swept to the thought of Rusalka and she felt something tighten within her chest. She looked to him, wondering if he'd speak the pack's name out loud, or if perhaps he was actually hinting another pack. He couldn't possibly mean Kingslend. 

-"Not that it's my place to do so- but I'm gonna say it anyway: that I really do not like the idea of even approaching the subject with anyone from Kingslend."- She said. She had several reasons now, not just her own grudge. -"But...I dunno. Maybe, yeah, try Moonspear, check out their bachelors, and then...If we have to...We could try Rusalka."- She said. Quickly, she added- -"But I wouldn't be surprised if they asked to keep one of the kids in return and I dunno how you feel about that, but I...Don't."- She said, with a shake of her head.
Sun Mote Copse
5,037 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Phox took the notion and ran with it, Niamh too. Towhee pulled a face but let them each finish before speaking in turn, saying, -"Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys. I'm not using my body or my pups as political tools. I have less than zero interest in using my crotch or its fruit to form alliances."- She wasn't offended by their suggestions, yet Towhee wanted to settle that matter. -"I'd only consider a Moonboy because they're our allies, not the other way around."- Okay, that phrasing didn't exactly make sense, but they knew what Towhee meant. Hopefully.

-"And if Hydra's not a fan of that idea—I have no idea what she'll think—then I'm sure I can find some unattached drifter or something. There's been no shortage of those in the past,"- she mused aloud, smirking at her smutty little recollections. -"I'm pretty sure I know who fathered Meerkat. And it wasn't Arcturus or Pippin. It was a loner named Kaertok. I wish I knew where he was these days, 'cause we made one hell of a baby together."-

Drawing in a breath and shifting on their leafy mattress, Towhee said, -"To be clear, I don't really want the father—the donor, rather—involved. Phox will be the pups' dad. I don't want any baby daddy drama next time, so the dude's gonna have to accept my terms or fuck off. And fuck no, I'd never let someone else keep my kids."- Despite her blunt words, she grinned at the pair. She would never ever consider raising a family with anyone but these two.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
lord of the hunt
1,603 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Niamh seemed to think his idea had some legs, even mentioning Rusalka as he thought it. They really did finish each other's sandwiches.

Towhee, on the other hand, seemed uninterested in using children as a tool to mend their relationship with Rusalka, and Phox shrugged. He wasn't going to force it on her or anything, although there was one thing... -Maybe shacking up with somebody you don't know is better,- Phox mused aloud (alongside ptero). -If he knows where you live, what's to stop him from demanding to see his children? Wouldn't it be better to go on a baby daddy mission when the time comes somewhere far away, where he's less likely to find you again?- Phox asked. He really doubted the ability of any guy to simply leave her alone once he found out he had kids.
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Kaertok? Niamh blinked. This wasn't a name that she knew- and she had to wonder what he looked like, and if she'd gotten her pale, beige coat from him as she certainly hadn't borrowed much colour from her mother's palette. She wondered what he was like, as well, considering the fact that Towhee seemed willing enough to couple with him again, considering the fact that Meerkat had, indeed, turned out wonderfully. Regardless- she didn't want involvement, aside from perhaps a visit or two. 

Phox's suggestion made a bit of sense- and that a stranger might not come looking if they didn't know where to look, and had no idea they'd sired a child. -"Yeah, but rando's can be weird sometimes. Say you did find someone who just kind of slipped, tripped and fell into your vagina at the right time and place, and say they somehow caught wind months later that you had babies- maybe this guy was good for the job, but then you never know, if you don't really know him. Maybe he's some psychopath who would thinks just 'cause he did the do, he gets a say in the upbringing too."- She said. The last thing she wanted was for Towhee to have to worry about dealing with daddy drama. So she shrugged, and made a casual suggestion. -"Though if that's the case, just point me at him an' I'll  threaten to rip his balls off so he can never sire children again."-
Sun Mote Copse
5,037 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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A fond grin twitched her lips as Phox and Niamh bantered about the merits of Towhee banging a stranger instead. It was such a strange conversation to be having, but it was so them. She really wouldn't want a fourth party involved in rearing their pups, 'cause they made such a perfect if utterly weird team.

-"Well, there's lots to think about, huh? I'd still like to pick Hydra's brain. Maybe she'll just shoot me down,"- the Sovereign said with a huff of laughter. -"I guess there's still a couple months to figure out all the logistics. The most important bit was making sure you guys were with me."-

With that established, she'd let herself daydream about all the possibilities come springtime. Starting now. With a smile on her face, Towhee leaned back so her head rested on the slope of Niamh's straw-colored back, then kicked up her heels to rest on Phox's buttock. She felt a little vulnerable with her belly exposed to the sky, yet if there were two wolves she could bare all to, it was Phox and Niamh.

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-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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lord of the hunt
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Ooc — aerinne
Last from me!

The Redhawk winced and clamped his legs together when Niamh mentioned ripping off balls. That was not a pleasant thought in the least. It sounded as though the options were out there, whichever one (or ones) Towhee decided to take. Maybe hooking up with a bunch of dudes was better, because then nobody really knew who the father was, so they couldn't claim ownership. Then again, how well had that worked out with Pippin? Phox wondered how his pack was coming together. That would be a solid addition to their allies.

He looked to Niamh when Towhee reclined, and he wondered what their own children would be like next year. It felt like the possibilities were endless.
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WC: 202

Niamh found herself wondering if she might have to take a visit to Moonspear herself, just to scope out the potential that there might be, in the form of a hulking mountainteer. Towhee seemed to want to sort it out for herself- but Niamh had already tucked the name “Kaertok” into her memory so that should he pass her way, she might at least get to check out what it was that Towhee seemed to be into...Just so that she might have a good chance at finding someone else who might be suitable. She felt Towhee's chin rest on the small of her back, and she wriggled gently, making sure that she'd be comfortable as she snuggled against Phox's side. She glanced over her shoulder, and with her forelegs free, she signed. -“We're always with you, Towhee,”-

She put her hind paws up on Phox's back, which made Niamh chuckle slightly. They certainly looked like an odd cluster of wolves, but she didn't mind. She simply set her chin down on her mate's paws, huffed a content sigh, and like her mate, began to envision what next year's kids might look like before she fell asleep and began to snore, almost immediately.