Swiftcurrent Creek Huntsman
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Pack Activity 
Optional Pack hunt! January 4th, 2024. Please let @Sovereign post first! <3 @Akavir @Eshe @Arric @Arlette @Viinturuth @Cygnet.

Weeks of travel, scouting and tracking had finally paid off. The Creek pack was due for good hunt. Ensio would not go back on his word. But it took time, as he ventured out to scope out potential targets and narrow down his options. 

Some time ago, a little ways to the east, just beyond the range of Swiftcurrent, he had located a herd of thirteen Elk. All adults, composed of one mature bull, a yearling bull with high aspirations and ten does of varying ages. 

They were calmer, now that the rutting season was over. The Duskfire kept his distance all the same, posing as little more than a flickering gray shadow that appeared at random. He would wait until they came closer, to his ground, where the pack would have the advantage.

Come they did. Lured by the appeal of fresh water, while the river still flowed. He was not surprised. Watching from the opposite bank, as one by one, they emerged cautiously. He noted their numbers...their condition.

The young bull was not faring so well. An open gash on his hock, likely skewered in a disciplinary show of dominance by the mature male.


Ensio raised his head and called for the pack.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric hesrd the call and headed towards it. A hunt as Ensio had promised. Upon arrival he dipped his head to the younger male withca smile.

Yhen began to scope out their quarry. Oh this was gonna be a fun. As long as yhe whole pack helped. They were big beasties down there.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign had been close by when Ensio's call rang out.
But, she was apparently not the first of the pack to arrive despite this.
With a chuff she announced herself and came to stand by Ensio's shoulder, dipping her muzzle to Arric in a silent greeting.

Her amber gaze trailed to the herd of elk after a fond look to Ensio's features - but this was not the time for affections, and so she did not give them further to her companion, save for a light bump of her shoulder aimed for his own as the pale behemoth found the injured ungulate, and a steady sway of her tail picked up at her hocks, anticipation for the hunt once the rest of the pack arrived.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Ensio and Sovereign were back! Arlette was so glad that they were. She came quickly when she heard his howl. She figured that where Ensio went, Sov went as well. Arlette wondered if Cygnet should join or watch. She was maybe a little too young to really join. Arlette would tell her to watch closely but not join yet. Perhaps around the six or seven month mark.

"Sovereign," she greeted and moved in close with tail wagging. 'Ensio, welcome back," she spoke as she stepped back. Her eyes fell on Arric and offered him a smile in greeting as well.
Swiftcurrent Creek
117 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Cygnet found Arlette's trail and followed it like an obedient shadow, her stomach rumbling at the thought of fresh, hot meat. She thought nothing of her age and size; and by this point, she had begun yet another growth spurt which made her sore, tired, cranky and hungry all the time. She trotted toward the others, one lip twitching as she fought the urge to curl it at the sight of the Beta male. 

She caught Arlette's gaze as it went toward him, and with a low, affectionate growl she not only stepped between them, but rubbed up along the scarred woman's side, tilting her chin up as if asking to be nuzzled. She preened the fur at Arlette's shoulder for a moment before she snapped her head to the side and shot daggers toward Arric with her eyes. 


And as suddenly as the look had been given, it was turned toward Ensio, tempered and curious. She licked her lips; elk would make for a delicious meal.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Moving this on to the next round! All others tagged are welcome to jump in at any time! <3

Arric was swift to respond to the call. Shortly afterwards, Sovereign and Arlette, followed by Cygnet arrived. To each one of them, he gave a soft bob of his head or a whisk of his tail. Notably missing were Eshe and Akavir. He hummed thoughtfully, regretting that they had not yet shown up for this hunt. Maybe they would still make an appearance.

Deciding that they had waited long enough and that they had the numbers to pull this off, he turned and faced the wolves gathered. "Thank you for joining me on this hunt today. Sovereign and I both look forward to working with you."

He motioned back at the Elk, ambling on the opposite bank. "I have been tracking this particular herd for some time now. They are mostly females, with one dominant bull. Our target will be the younger buck. He is already injured, making him a softer target."

"As you know, Elk use water to escape to safety. We will need to cut him from the herd. The uneven footing in the stream may work to our favor with his injury, this time."

Now, he shared an open look with Sovereign. She was just as much a part of leading this hunt as he was. "Sov, what are your thoughts on our tasks?" He was quick to include Arric and Arlette. "You both are more experienced than I am. I welcome your suggestions too." 
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric saw cygnets reaction, but chose not to reqct when it was what she wanted.

Arric hummed thoughtfully. He eyed them, noticing the toung elk. He felt bad that Akavir amd Eshe hadn't arrived. That didn't show very good faith. Granted Akavir had been sick perhaps that was it.

I don't see a problem with this plan. Someone lwrge will have to block the way to river for the young one. Just as you know be mindful of antlers.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Gonna eek out a reply to keep this moving! <333

Sovereign listened as Ensio spoke to those present. 
Arlette, Arric, the pup who shot daggers at Arric and just as quickly looked away...the yearling stifled a snort of amusement at that before returning her attention to the elk, Ensio's choice for their meal today.

Arric made a valid point. Someone large to block the river. Be mindful of antlers, too...

Sovereign hummed in thought, speaking slow to accommodate her thoughts as they came. 

"My thoughts are as follows...Me and Ensio, we block our quarry from the river. Arlette and Arric, I think you both would be best fit to chase, herd him toward Ensio and I - so we can take him on from the shoulders, and then, we can all drag him down together once he is surrounded." She mused, looking to each of their party with a gaze that sought either approval or adjustments to the plan she had thought of. 

Inexperienced as she was with group hunts, Sovereign anticipated Arric and Arlette especially would have adjustments to make, and this, she welcomed.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette looked down at Cygnet's growl, wondering what was amiss. The pup flattered her with a display of affection which was rare. Arlette decided to instantly indulge on it, because honestly, she was a sucker for it. She moved her muzzle down to nuzzle Cygnet back. She didn't see the look the pup shot at Arric since her face was facing the other direction. Arlette hummed happily. "I know you are hungry, but hopefully soon we have some fresh meat," she told her.

Arlette looked up when Ensio spoke and explained what they were going to target. She didn't feel like she had the most experience, especially with hunting. "I can chase, but I am not one for the take down. So this plan works for me." She didn't have the weight nor strength to do so. She understood they needed her, otherwise she would stay with Cygnet and explain. She noticed their two alpha's weren't here and got her worried. Arlette decided to tip her head back to howl for @Eshe and @Akavir just as a final call or an answer if they would join.

Arlette turned to Cygnet. "I will have to go with them to hunt. You can watch but not join. Do you understand?" Arlette figured that Cygnet did understand to stay as they did as well when she went hunting for fish or other things. "Good distance is more food," she promised.
Swiftcurrent Creek
117 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The girl licked her lips expectantly, and began to pant softly in anticipation. She looked to Ensio as he began to speak, processing the directions that he gave. They had a target, and would need to try and cut him away from the others before they reached the water- otherwise, he might be able to swim to safety. Could elk swim faster than wolves, she wondered? For some reason, she figured wolves would be faster swimmers- but killing an elk in the water would be hard. It would likely be best to cut the young bull away from the rest, and run him down on land. 

Arric spoke, and gave his own advice; she did her best not to huff at his words. He'd just stated the obvious, after all- the elk's tines would be dangerous. The massive woman with the severe mien offered her opinion, though Cygnet was omitted from the plan completely, and she looked from one wolf to the next with a glaring gaze as if to say am I invisible?!

Arlette likely felt her bristle. She was promised more food if she kept her distance, but she wasn't satisfied. She reached to touch Arlette's flank with her nose, as if to indicate that she would be little more than a shadow- a pace or two behind...She pattered her feet on the ground. She wanted to run with them- sitting on the sidelines and watching would be excruciating.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,105 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The call was sent when the pair were off-territory—a trip @Quill had coaxed the man on to find certain herbs and remedies.

She had explained them to him—he hadn’t been the best listener and was far more interested in watching her… if not set on idly teasing her.

As she ordered him to carry back one of her treasured finds, the dark man plucked them gingerly to his mouth, offering his forehead to bump hers with a croon, before an ear flicked to the call of the hunt—the one he had requested the yearlings set up.

The one he would absolutely be late for—“shit,” he mumbled, and with a quick glance to Quill, he quickened his pace to drop off their find at her instruction, and quickly find the group.

“They’ll never believe we were just gathering herbs…” he mumbled to his mate, partly with amusement, partly with dread of how irresponsible they would look in that moment.

They missed the initial plan—and openly apologetic, Akavir gave a quick shake of his head. “Sorry we’re late. We were outside the territory.”
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"They’ll never believe we were just gathering herbs…” Akavir said as they rushed to meet the others.

They'll have to see all the sage we collected, then, she said matter-of-factly. And then thank us—it'll help many of them when they're sick. Although Quill loathed to be late, they couldn't help it; there had been no warning about when this hunt would happen, and they just happened to pick today to go outside of the territory.

Despite how she felt, Quill was openly apologetic when they arrived. Yes, it's my fault—I found some sage a few days ago and decided today would be the day to get some help to gather as much as possible. She ducked her head and splayed her ears. Sorry that we're late.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Glacial eyes darted from Sovereign and then the other faces. Considering her words, and those of his pack mates as well. It wasn't like he would argue, even though this was a hunt he and his companion had arranged. He respected his elders enough to trust they knew what they were doing. They had many years more experience than he. 

Cygnet seemed the most eager. To the point of impatience. As her displeasure of feeling left out revealed itself, he tried to correct that. Fixing her with a long, pointed but softer look than usual. A hidden promise in the glare of his eye, and maybe even a fleeting smug grin.

"I am fine with this. If no one has anything else to add, then we are ready to go."

Only, not quite. Akavir and Eshe, now called Quill, popped up out of nowhere, both with apologies on their tongue. Ears pricking in surprise, he welcomed them with a shake of his head. Shaking off their reason for being late. "There is nothing to apologize for. I can't blame you for wanting to be well stocked." He chuffed lightly. "We are just glad to have you here."

"We are targeting a young Elk bull today. He is already injured on his haunch. Sovereign and I will be blocking his escape route. And I believe Arric and Arlette will do the chasing. We will take him down as a group." Here he paused, to allow Quill and Akavir to insert themselves into a role as they saw fit.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue eyes in dark face looked over Akavir and now Quill. He took a deep breath and didn't make the obvious joke here, but god he really wanted too.

There was no more to be said. They were late and it sort of maybe irked him a bit, but they did have a valid excuse even if he didn't believe it for a minute. Maybe they had been looking and stocking up plants but he was damn sure that wasn't all they were probably doing.

He gave a soft snort and then shifted to quickly fall into position when Ensio made the plan and signal to start.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Apologies if this reply is doodoo ;w;

Sovereign made to start moving into position as Akavir and Quill showed up, apologies weaved across their features.
But the herbs were not unnoted, and the pale girl, with all her youthful innocence, didn't even assume the two Alphas had been doing anything aside from collecting plants. 

She had no reason, in her mind, to doubt it, especially when they both smelled of flora! Strongly!

A nod from her then, as Ensio spoke. "No apologies needed. We didn't exactly give uh...a heads up..." She gave an awkward, sheepish grin of her own apologies, leaving Ensio to fill Akavir and Quill in on the plan for their hunt.

Once all was said by her companion, the yearling piped up in an attempt to be considerate: 

"Do either of you have a preference on tasks?" 
She wondered, and then immediately wavered, which was written all over her face. 
Did she look stupid? Cuz, she's pretty sure right now, that she looks stupid.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette turned her focus on Cygnet. "I know you want to but if something happens and you are in the way we ALL don't have food," she tried to explain. She was still too young to officially join. "No running with us, but--- How about once the deer is down on the ground you are allowed to come closer," Arlette negotiated with her. She understood the urge but she also didn't want Cygnet to ruin this hunt with an accident.

Arlette was relieved to the the alpha pair. While she was a little skeptical about their reasoning she didn't comment on it. She was just glad that they were present. She always felt that Akavir had been a little distant and she didn't wish for Eshe to become the same. "I'm glad you are here," she spoke then.

"I'm ready," she smiled then.
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Happy to help take it down—thanks for setting this up, Ensio and Sovereign, Quill affirmed with a firm nod when Ensio repeated his orders, and Sovereign asked for her preference. And happy to be here. , she said, her gaze bouncing between each packmate.

I'm ready to go when everybody else is!
Swiftcurrent Creek
117 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Part of her wasn't willing to be reasoned with. She glared back at Ensio, and bared her teeth when she felt mocked by the shade of smugness that she caught in the corners of his lips. She flicked her tongue across her lips and pinned her ears as both Akavir and Quill were invited to simply slinge into the hunting party, late, and still be given a task in the venture. Her dour gaze settled for a moment upon the dark alpha; maybe she should have neutralized him completely when he'd been sick. Then, maybe others would take her more seriously, and let her contribute. 

Arlette sought to reason with her but the girl shook her head violently, eyes squeezed shut, a soft guttural sound coming from her throat from the effort. She pressed herself to Arlette's side (perhaps a bit roughly, as she was now quite agitated) and then backed up a few paces. Assurance, yet again, that she would not cross the path of Arlette- or anyone else in the hunting party. She'd be nothing more than an afterthought. Her focused gaze searched for an invitation, and issued a silent threat.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,105 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Their late arrival was accepted without much backlash—though he swore he saw Arric all but bite his tongue. Instead of paying the Beta any mind, he glanced to the huffy Cygnet from the corner of his eye, noting the deathly glare she cast upon Ensio with mild amusement.

Arlette tried to barter with the girl—and Akavir wondered idly if there was something in the water of the creek that made the youthful girls born here a certain level of feisty.

Ensio filled them in--Sovereign questioned he and Eshe, and the man dipped his muzzle in silent acquiescence. “Wherever I’m needed,” he offered her—this was their hunt to lead. He had wanted to see what the youngest couple of the creek could do—and had offered this task to them so they would feel included amongst their comrades.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Everyone was set and ready to go. But Cygnet, was not happy. Ensio all but ignored her flash of teeth towards him. He would let Arlette deal with her. It was not his place.

Akavir and Quill were happy to pitch in where they needed. Which would work. Any gaps that appeared, they could fill and take care of. "One of you can assist with the chase, the other the take down. Akavir, I feel you would be better suited on Sov and I's team. Your size will benefit us."

He began crossing the distance to the river, hopeful that the hunting party would not be far behind. "Arric...Arlette...give us the signal when you have separated him from his herd. I anticipate he will go to the water for escape. We will close in on him there."

His teeth flashed. A growl starting in his throat. Eyes fixed on the elk. The hunters were coming for their weakest link.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette could tell that Cygnet was not happy with her decision. But as her guardian she wanted the girl safe, and for now she was too young to run with them. "No, Cygnet. No running with us. You join later. If you do run with us you will eat last or not at all," she spoke firmly, perhaps something a little more unusual but a buck, even injured was no joke. Plus, she might sprain her ankle or knee with the extensive running and chasing. Arlette looked at the other adult wolves to make it clear that she would keep the girl to the rules. "You can join when the deer is on the ground," she reminded Cygnet.

Arlette turned and focussed on Ensio. She nodded. "Yes," she confirmed verbally. The female then pushed herself forward, giving Cygnet one last look and then glanced at Arric and Quill. They would have to start with the chase of the animal. Arlette was keen on going and letting Cygnet make her own decisions and live with those consequences. The woman moved into the direction of where the elk probably should be. Arlette had never really hunted with Arric. Better not get too distracted by him. She could use a lengthy run to chase him into the trap that the others would plan ahead.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A smile lit up his face and he bent to task. A small growl rumbling in his throatm he looked over Arlette. She was capable he was sure, but he worried after her. But well he also revered a chance to hunt with her.

So he sprang into action giving a low chiff hoping she could figure out what he wanted by body language and noise. They were to chase well alright.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
much apologies for the poopy reply

Sovereign hesitated as Akavir and Eshe offered vague responses to her question. 
But to her silent delight, Ensio took the reigns and put them both in places that seemed beneficial to the hunt.

Everything said and done now, the pale princess began moving with Ensio, crossing the river towards their position for the coming chaos. 
She put herself into focusing upon the injured elk and where he was among the rest of the herd, an eagerness for bloodshed making her stomach rumble quietly within her body. 

She willed herself silently then, to be patient. 
Patience was often the key to many things.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,105 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Ensio spoke—and with that, Akavir was tasked with the young couple. With a quick nudge to Eshe’s cheek, the man slid after the pair, while it seemed Arric and Arlette were going to work together to separate their target from the rest.

Skirting out with a patient stride, he waited for the chasers to begin—his eyes drifting along the potential paths the injured elk would take.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Confident that the chasers were prepared and ready to do their job, Ensio veered off to the right. The elk's brethren saw the oncoming wolf. Panicking, believing Ensio was coming for them, they turned and scattered.

The tactic worked perfectly. They did exactly what he hoped they would do, leaving the injured young bull to fed for himself. In a flash of slate and silver fur, he emerged some distance behind the animal. Head low in a threatening manner, hackles bristling, he had it's escape route blocked. 

One deliberate step forward and then another. His jaws snapped on empty air. A snarl in his throat. Panic sent flooding in the blood of the bull. Glassy black eyes wide with desperation and fear, as instincts urged him to seek shelter, closer to the water.