Ouroboros Spine spirits
136 Posts
Ooc — siv
All Welcome 
he is not trespassing but he is very close! i welcome any injuries :)
tagging leaders for visibility but AW @Kukutux @Aiolos

The snow came down heavy, the afternoon sun shrouded behind all of it. It obscured his vision as it came down, it sent him tumbling slopes a few time and he was marked with the ivory powder on his ebony coat for it.

Makan was not visibly well beneath that snow coating, though. He was thin, ribs protruded through skin in a haunting fashion. His eyes sunk deep and seemed dull despite their lively color. His fur matted in places that had not been cleaned in some time.

He looked more like a specter of death than he did anything canid.

It took grip of his mind too. Damaged from exhaustion and under eating. It was very clear that Makan was not all present. Even worse than when he was in a prime condition. So it was no surprise that when he found snowy borders, he was not nearly as concerned as he typically was. Too tired and desperate to be rid of the snow.

He hovered near the edge of the territory, dull gaze transfixed on the whipping snowy winds as he wondered where to go from here.

makan cannot speak — i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
pregnant she may be, that does not the sivullik from completing her rounds and checks of Moonglow. her pace is slower, her feet find their placement with the utmost care, in hopes of ensuring the safety of the children who blossom in her womb. but while she wishes to lay and rest, duty always calls for her.

she could smell someone different, the wind and the snow bring his scent into her nose. shikoba feels concerned though for now decides to not call for backup. instead, she begins a gentle pace towards the border, though a threatening call is sung into the wind.

"you are on the border of Moonglow. back away and state your business or leave now.'"

while her growing belly may make her appear a bit pudgier than she'd prefer, this does not stop the woman from looking like a threat. her tail is flagged and her hackles look like agouti spikes along her body. should the man not move, shikoba will move in quicker with her lips pulled back in a snarl. but she gives him a chance, more mercy than usual with her cutthroat personality and duty.
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3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux pierced through the snow at the sound of her sivullik's snarls.

she clicked her teeth in the wind and drew swiftly to shikoba's side, shoulders swathed in a white pelt.

she too carried life, but she was not without her own ferocity. the moonwoman growled, knowing her guardian had already put this man to their words. she would not hesitate to fly forward if he threatened moonglow in any way.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

An assumption is placed that Inutsuk is aware of Kukutux' pregnancy. If this need be changed, I will oblige to doing so.

A call sounded high through the air. The call had come from Shikoba. Someone had drawn close to their borders... too close.

Now that Shikoba carried their children, an instinct drove him to paranoia. It may have been her job as sivilluk to guard their claim, but he did not enjoy the thought of her fending off a possible threat alone.

Lifting his limbs with heavy strides, Inutsuk departed and made straight for her direction.

Upon arrival, he noted that Shikoba was not alone after all. Kukutux accompanied her. But they both held children within their wombs. Whether action were needed, he would be present nonetheless.

The tawny man rushed to the side of his wife, placing himself a few steps ahead of her with his flank shielding her front. An icy gaze parted the women to find the stranger they had come upon. His own teeth then were put on display, lip curled tightly. If they were to take even a few steps closer, he would advance, not daring to hesitate in defending both his companions and the spine.
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —
throwing Lótë in here too, feel free to skip if needed! <3

The dove's ears flew forward, head lifting as the call sounded and sent fear spiking through her heart. Had the spirit-bear returned? Was it the red-furred tupilaq that had corrupted him beyond their borders?

Lótë abandoned the plants she had been identifying for the sake of the children, telling those in her care to stay within the heart of their village. She paused only long enough to send up a howl for the rest of the children -- calling for them to stay away from the borders and praying to the spirits that they were nowhere near the edges of the Spine. 

Flying on frantic steps, the two-year raced to the source of Shikoba's cry to find the expecting mother facing off a dark stranger with Kukutux and Inutsuk at her sides. The cloudberry wolf slowed slightly, slinking around to stand by her pale sister. 

Much as the trio had before her, the painter's lips peeled back to reveal her teeth as her ears flattened and her hackles prickled along her bear-marked haunches. A fierce breath whuffed between her jaws, a whisper of the snarl that would tear from her throat if the onyx he-wolf crossed onto their land. 
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136 Posts
Ooc — siv




Their lands peeled back to expose them just as their lips curled to expose daggers. He could feel them upon his skin and they had not even made a move yet. Their eyes all shined into his soul and surely, surely, they could see him for everything he was.

A shame, a waste, an ugly boy bound to become an ugly man. He was not good for much.

The fine lines of his bones under dull fur proved as much. He wondered what they would do with him, why they came to him in such fiery throes. He was still disorientated enough, not of sound mind enough, that he had not realized that it was him in the wrong. That it was because he had come to them, not the other way around.

He shuffled back a few weak steps, crouched lowly with a broken whine in his throat.

makan cannot speak — i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
perhaps kindness would save this boy from feeling shame gnaw away at his flesh and bone. but shikoba would not be the one to dispense this forgiveness. not when she had so much to lose on the line. though, his receding steps are enough to prove to her that the boy is not stupid, nor searching for a fight. if anything, it is probably the last thing he would like.

soon there are others to join. and to each she offers a kind dip of her nose only before deciding to discuss. "what does moonglow want? another man? or do we chase off?" while she would have weight to the decision, she knows her peers opinions matter heavily to her. shikoba would listen intently, quickly, and hopefully come to a decision with the duck present.
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3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
her cloudberry sister. her sivullik. the man with the changed name.

kukutux did not see fear in the man but she saw no threat. shikoba spoke. "why did you come so close to moonglow" the duck demanded with a clip of her teeth.

she was not violent. but she promised that her pack would move upon her word.

kukutux waited to hear this word.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Oh, what to do with this boy of dark fur. 

He had been submissive, yes, when faced with many opposing. However, this did not make Inutsuk feel at ease in the slightest.

With both their alpha and sivullik expecting, it did feel the right time to allow a new face among their ranks; that is, if he requested to join with the village.

Regardless of his displayed manner, who was to know of his true intentions?

The tawny man would keep quiet with his thoughts, for now. 

Tooth and claw would be at the ready to defend, if need be.
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —
going out on a limb with this plot but to avoid confusion, Lótë is offering to guard Makan and help nurse him back to health.

Moonglow's heart had hardened. 

Their way was hospitality, kindness. But Raimo had come. The red spirit. The Saint wolves. The sisters who desecrated their land. Lótë's own husband. It was too much. Of course strangers on their borders would cause them to draw ranks by now. 

Lótë was amongst that number, fierce and cold in the face of the stumbling stranger -- as cold as the snow that whipped against their frames as if the spirits sensed their ire. 

And yet, the dove did not wish for her heart to close itself off from the world. Warmth had long been her way, it was one of the things that had drawn her to the village when it was not yet established. She forced her viridescent gaze to look beyond his proximity to their boundaries. 

The dark skeleton was one of death. He was haggard, his bones protruding in gaunt angles. The sapphire of his gaze was cloaked, hazy and dull with the kind of weariness that put many on their backs. Lótë had known such pain, had danced with death. It did not make her soften outwardly, still cautious, but when Shikoba questioned -- the painter drew close to murmur in soft tones for the other villagers alone. 

"I do not think he means us harm. He does not smell ill but he is weak, close to death from some misfortune." Her wan features were tight, serious. It made her nervous to speak up, or make suggestions. Not to mention they did have expecting mothers and many children in the pack to think of. 

"I have been hunting again, I could keep watch over him and feed him. Perhaps he would stay and help when the new pups are born. We will need all the meat we can store." She glanced between the others to gauge their reactions. "My children may be frequenting your hearth more often and I may need herbs for his wounds, however." 

When Kukutux addressed the man, Lótë drew back -- turning back to the sickly silhouette of onyx. Her ears pricked curiously, also eager to see what the man's reply would be. If he could reply. 

If the wolves of Moonglow did not wish to expend resources on the wanderer or admit a stranger access to the Spine, the doe would stand with them. That would be that. In spite of that, she could not help but pity him. 

136 Posts
Ooc — siv

So many words and they all rattled the cage of his skull, enough to expand the cage of his ribs in mildly panicked breaths. If he could not keep up with them, surely they would toss him aside anyway.

But one of them, the one who spoke the most, spoke a clear message.

She wished for him — and he did not know why. Feed him. Watch him.

He sunk deeper, a soft sound in his throat for her. Then he tipped to his side, now laid in the snow on his back. A bony, sunken belly exposed for them all to see.

Look, look, he practically begged of them.

He was no threat. He could be good. He would be good.

He begged that the woman who spoke the most might see this of him.

makan cannot speak — i am okay if this cuts a thread short due to hard interaction!
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
eek so sorry for the late reply

his sight is pathetic and shikoba would rather string him up by his neck and let him figure his life out without their help. but damn it, the buds that grow within her belly bring about a different chemical balance in her body that makes her feel a bit... protective over the man? something about his pitiful sight makes her feel sorry for him, something about his air makes her feel sad for his state.

while she thinks about his possible threat to moonglow, so far teeth have not made contact to flesh. lótë seems protective, and perhaps there is finally good reason. the woman steps back, looks upon her peers, and gives them all a nod.

the man receives her approval, for now at least until he is in good health. then, she would perhaps choose to reevaluate him after.
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3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
last from me! <3

it was the way that the man displayed his starving belly which first softened kukutux. the babes kicked within her womb. she was mother and he was hungry. but it was the voice of her sister lótë which stayed her hand at last.

"she speaks to moonglow for you," she told the man. her jadestone eyes rested on the paintwolf. "we will take him to the ulaq. if you wish to make a hunter of this one, then i accept your path."

moonwoman lowered her muzzle to seek a brush along the man's guard hairs. now he wore their scent.

her eyes were warm upon shikoba. kukutux stood back. she would follow where lótë directed and help in the way her sister wished aid.

the duck also wanted to see what sort of man the stranger would become.
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