Ouroboros Spine sunatuinnaligivuk ≶
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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babies welcome but not obligated; this stage can be a bit hard to play <3

a deep pall had come over the duck. it felt as though she moved through darkness, as though her limbs were heavy with it. 

her doting upon @Kausiut and @Samani had not differed from what had been given to her raindrop and ice crystal. kukutux remained dutiful and attentive to each of their needs.

but her own were put aside, and the woman drew inward.

the sun had risen. the day had grown hot. moonwoman longed for the seas of snow and the touch of ice. she lay listlessly beside @Aiolos. "you said that kigipigak had come back to us?" the duck's voice was wan.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
It is not easy for a god to be confined to a tiny, mortal body. Feeble, fragile, restrictive. 
It wants to stretch, to move, but fears that it will burst at seams. 
It has not known patience in the past. It is learning it now. 
Its survival depends on the flesh he has occupied. 
If it dies, the god goes with it. 

Kausiut was hungry all the time. She latched upon her mother's teats and consumed milk with such vigour and greediness, as if her life depended on it. Perhaps, it did. Were it possible to have another stomach, when the one she had was already full, she would have pounced at the opportunity. When she was not eating, she was sleeping, reminding a disfigured balloon - very round belly, tiny limbs on four sides and overlarge head at the top. She suffered from frequent bouts of colics and she was not the one, who would suffer in silence. The whole world had to know of her discontent. She was unsoothable, until there was enough room in her stomach to start eating again. That she did gladly. 
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Kukutux had not left her den since the arrival of the twins. The pregnancy had been hard and recovery after birthing harder still. Aiolos worried but there was little he could do to help lessen moonwoman's recovery time savor to keep guard and remain vigilant to her needs.

This day, her need was only his company and so he rested in the den with her whilst Sialuk was out- to welcome visitors in his stead or to gather more remedies, he thought. He has. Aiolos confirms, looking outside the den, still keeping mindful of any other close by. He said you welcomed him to live here as family... that where the both of you come from, are very similiar... Ending there, his words with question, should she like to add to this story.
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
the mention of the distant island brought the woman's head to rise. "we speak the same words. our people have many ways of speaking, but kigipigak knew my own." she smiled, thinking of their first meet. "his family is different. on my island, we are balanced. a woman. a man. our daughters and our sons made marriages early."

"kigipigak's mother is stronger than other men. and there are teeth to be given satisfaction. he did not seem to have thoughts for a wife until sakhmet. but where i lived, he would be husband already, and father in this year."

the stream of words tired kukutux. she lay her head down again, shifting closer to aiolos.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She speaks of their languages, how her and the winter wolf shared one another's. Words that Aiolos himself had difficulty upstanding, though it would be the fourth of languages he was practicing. He wondered how much he would remember of Hua's family tongue after time passed now that they were all gone. He rarely spoke of Greek any longer but this was not one he would forget.

She spoke of equality in her land. The men's circle. The women's. She had spoken about this before. Equal maybe, but segregated with their own systems unlike some others. It seemed maybe that Kigipigak's family may have had more freedom and ability to decide what they wanted to do with their life and whom with, without the lack of betrothal. A lack there of could be both good and bad. Your freedom on one paw whilst the other, fulfillment and duty.

I see... He muses, inching himself against Kukutux further in the same manner which she had him. Women on the island where I grew, they chose their man each year. Whichever was best fitting, whichever had best potential. There was much competition between the men. They were for guarding and breeding, these were the uses they held and only. They were not mates however and were not seen as father's to their pups. A woman may choose differently for her each year.

And then, He spoke that he lived with a girl before. That she may visit some day. I'm assuming this, Sakhmet?
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
kukutux lifted her muzzle, beginning to preen a tangle from the glossy red silk of her sun man's nape. she had heard him speak of his land before, but it remained as foreign as it had ever been. only one circle, and women openly choosing! in her world, a woman could refuse any man as husband or lover. but there was a way to approach and to be approached.

sakhmet. "yes. he hurts for her." kukutux did not voice that she had once considered making a match for kigipigak and sialuk before! but he had become her kinsman, and through her, was now more of an older cousin to the raindrop than anything.

and his heart belonged to another.

"on my island, a man was able to have more than one wife." she had ceased her grooming, and now looked soberly upon aiolos. "if sivullik had not come back, i would have asked you to take lótë as your second mate, so that her children would also have your status."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He nods, listening to her words of the missing woman and a sigh escapes him on behalf of the man. Aiolos had endured a loss so similar. Of Ruo, who promised a trip not long from him and in taking their son with her. She had not ever returned. The hurt took much time to mend and through Kukutux he had. He was happy for it, now, but could never feel 'happy' for the death of Kukutux former mate. They had both pushed forward however, together.

Then she spoke of her island and how men, at least it seemed to him, held more of a power there in which a man could have more then one wife. Could a woman have more then one husband if she so chose? He did not think so.

Then, she stops to look at him and adds... His eyes widen a bit, head rearing back at this as his ears folded to his skull. Oh...! Shocked indeed, for he assumed taking a second wife would intel all the same things the first would have. Aiolos then shakes his head, hesitant as he began at first.

I, I suppose I would have done it... for you, for Lote too and her pups. Being a single mother was a hard thing and even though Aiolos has not taken Lote as his bride, he had still cared for her and watched over her in her mate's absence. She would not have struggled for food or protection even if he had not returned, but alone in the den with screaming pups and no time to herself... well, that's where Aiolos would have come in, if needed be.

Lowering his skull and nudging his muzzle up under her pale chin. But I couldn't imagine her being anything more then sister to you, as kin. My affection, my desire... it is for you and you only. Pulling away, his lips formed into a sigh line and he sighs only for then a small smile to touch his features as he looks to her- wise and kind woman, woman to his children. My love is to you only.
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
kukutux flushed and felt the throb of it deep below. a good annaliak would admonish her for such thoughts. the body of a woman needed deep healing and good medicine before she took the duties of a wife again.

but it was because she did not see such things as tasks that she wanted aiolos now, and it showed in the heating of her viridian eyes before she cloaked them below her lashes. "it is the same for me, angutik." she tasted the sound upon her lips and sought the fur below his chin, breathing her breath between the proud red fur there.

"maybe i will teach you the words for love," kukutux teased, though she was filled with aiolos in her sight.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He enjoyed the way she often looked to him. The yearning in her bright eyes, which would fall with a mock shyness that betrayed her desires. A proper woman always- a true 'lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets'. Aiolos loved her so.

He takes a deep breath, resting down his head over hers as she moves under him there. Angutik? What word is this? As she tests it on her tongue, he does not believe he has heard it aloud before.

Ans then, she teases. Now he feels the sensation of it deep within him. I'd love for you to show me the moves for it, too. The words end in a rumble on his lips and he preens the furs along her ear. Aiolos knew however, she could not. She needed her time to heal and Aiolos would have to wait (reluctantly) however long that took.
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
she laughed; her breath caught in her throat. aiolos stirred the many things within her spirit; she wanted him now, and breathed raggedly against the edge of his muzzle.

"soon the snow will come. you must lie with me all winter, so the sun's light is not lost." the suggestion of it singed her cheeks, but it was a good thing, for a wife to want her husband.

privately, she felt if her sister was also his mate, he would not resist either in the time of spring. but she knew his love was her own, and felt true in it. 

kukutux was happy. "angutik has the meaning of husband."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She laughs and it echoes within the walls of the den around them and their two daughters. A heavy breath then returned, he could feel the mahogany guard hairs at his nape and shoulders begin to rise.

Each time she spoke, it was as though she was speaking poetically. Her words flowing, speaking in a manner true to her own self. He did not think the sun's light would be ever lost for long but he would not question keeping her quite comforted and warm during the Winter's tight grip on the world.

Creamy cheeks crinkle as a wide smile takes his features, happy with the title of husband gracing her lips. Then I would call you γυναίκα. My wife.
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
can fade or keep going! <3

kukutux burned but it was with a good and deep flame. she said the word in his tongue twice, once silently and once aloud, and her eyes danced with love.

she had been given a great blessing first in the sun man and then their daughters. kukutux slowly and reverently pressed her crown to his shoulder, ears warmed by the brightness of his smile.

"i am your wife."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]