Moonsong Glacier maliksuktitauruk ⋣
3,525 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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All Welcome 
set for tomorrow afternoon! aw! lmk if the powerplay isnt a vibe

@Vairë had come here once before, and that morning kukutux offered that she would bring the children away for a time to the pack of their cousin. chickadee would accompany her, and the moondoe as well if she wished, but this might be a time for vairë to contemplate in her own mind with quiet for once.

the children had grown leggy and kukutux was hard-pressed to keep up with them, relying on chickadee's limber youth to keep the young ones together, especially @Salaksartok. @Nasamiituuq kept close to anaanatsiaq. kukutux kept an eye on @Ipiktok.

"this is village moonsong. your annagiik ariadne is head here, as your annagiik sialuk is in her own village, which is called moonspear, and how your annagiik sea-dancing-girl was head in moontide."

the wind was filled with snow; kukutux trotted over the borders, encouraging the young ones to go and see what ariadne had uncovered.

she did this for genuine familiarity.

and she did it for herself, an assertion of her status as moonmother.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
400 Posts
Ooc — ebony
cameo for now!

this was the first of the other moonvillages which chickadee had visited, and she was astounded at the size of a land that a girl had conquered for herself. it stirred something in herself which she had never felt before.
trying not to gawk too much, chickadee stuck to her role as babysitter, herding wayward children back onto the trail, including seizing scruffs or muzzles or tails where it was needed.
the glacier's strong wind struck her hard; chickadee wheezed, then recovered with wide eyes and a shocked little laugh. the moon woman did not even flinch, and secretly she wondered if kivaluk would have. she gazed around the place, approving of all she saw.
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
I am shameless and Dutch is a busybody whoops

Winter fell upon them like a blanket this year. The panther felt wrapped up by the change of scents in the air, swaddled by the gentle fall of snow. These lands were warmer than the lands he grew up in, albeit not so warm as his father's place of birth.

All things seemed peaceful. The world seemed kind. It made him wonder what other notions he was deluding himself with — for he knew that there was an unrest in his sister packs. That there was a sickness that walked these wilds. It set him on edge, and he was very nearly grateful that it kept him from fully enjoying his favorite time of the year.

He did not want to let his guard down.

It was inevitable that he should find their visitors — he searched their pack lands endlessly for things that might not want to be found. This, however, was a pleasant surprise.

"Moonwoman!" he hailed her, an extra spring in his step as he approached. "And moon daughter?" And, of course, moonchildren! Dutch tried not to gawk at them when he drew near, and he did not come as close as he might have if they were not around. "You bless us with your presence. Will you introduce me?"

To the children most especially! He wanted dearly to drop to the ground and invite them to play — or to gather them up and stash them somewhere safe, as his instincts currently urged him.
3,525 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
all babies still welcome to join! <3

dutch, and her eyes brightened to see him. "these are three of my grandchildren. their mother is vairë, who will follow me as moonwoman. 

"this is salaksartok. ipiktok is the name that this one has. and her name is nasamiituuq."
kukutux introduced each child; the girl shrank back against her and she produced a tiny ball of deer fat for them each, hoping to keep monster boy occupied and unwilling to run off just yet. "she has the name chickadee," moonwoman said with gentle fondness, glancing toward the girl who grinned and reddened. "very soon she will marry the sivullik, our firsthunter. kivaluk is a young man who i raised at my hearth and who is as a son to me."

"this man has the name dutch. he is strong hunter of moonsong and guardian for ariadne," she said for the children and for chickadee, who grinned shyly again and felt her heart race to think of marrying. "this woman greets you," she said in imitation of the other women she had heard, the words careful on her mouth.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
39 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Strangers! Nasamiituuq was beside herself; her world was still quite small, revolving entirely around her anaa and anaanatsiaq. The promise of a trip had brought her great excitement, but the reality of it was a stark contrast from her rosy expectations.

She was frightened. Nasamiituuq pressed herself against anaanatsiaq's legs, staring with wide eyes at each of the unknown wolves. Suddenly she very much wished to go home.
87 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Ipiktok was growing to be a portly boy with large paws and small ears. He trotted dutifully beside Chickadee, his anaa, sistraa, and anaanatsiaq, absorbing all they had to say about the new sister village, Moonsong. However, he often became distracted… but was led back to the group by their babysitter – who Ipiktok thought of more like an older sister.

The convoy was greeted by a large man with a deep voice! Ipiktok tried not to show his timidity, but the boy couldn’t help but wag his tail low. “Hi,” he chirped when Kukutux said his name, though the boy observed his grandmother’s pattern of speaking. Soon, he would address himself that way, too.
Sword of the Morning
577 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
His heart! These babes were still so small, and although Dutch knew he was gentle enough not to hurt them in play, it was difficult to convince them of that. He could not curb his enthusiasm, and his mouth twitched as he struggled to contain a mirthful laugh.

"Hi," he echoed, internally falling to pieces over the young wolf. He would not embarrass the boy by cooing over him, but when he lifted his gaze, an adult could surely read it in his eyes.

It was hard to tear his attention away from the children, but he managed, and was very quickly glad that he had. Chickadee's bashfulness widened the panther's grin, as did the news that she was soon to marry. There was much joy in the village Moonglow! It made him happy to see and hear of such prosperity.

"Congratulations," he said, warmth suffusing the word. "I know that Kivaluk must be a good man to have been raised by moonwoman — and I see that he is also a lucky one!"

Warmth edge into coltish flirtation — flattery without any real intent.

The panther stretched, bowing before them and then collapsing altogether to put himself on the children's level.

"Will there be a wedding?" he asked, but there had to be, didn't there? He hoped it would be like the one that Raiyuk had described to him. "Will you attend, thoda khilana?

He asked this question of little Nasamiituuq, but split a glance between the two children so that Ipiktok might feel welcome to answer in her stead.
400 Posts
Ooc — ebony
gonna have this be the last reply for chickadee so i dont confuse myself lol <3

between kukutux and dutch, chickadee was fairly squirming with how to handle their pride and praise! her face was hot as a volcano at the tease of the handsome man; she had never thought particularly much of her looks, but in this moment she felt stunning.
flustered, she glanced between kukutux and dutch and the kids, noting how nervous the little girl seemed to be.
the one called monster boy by his grandmother was straying further and further away. "i hope we'll see you at the wedding," chickadee piped exuberantly to dutch, then went to collect the boy, soon becoming engrossed in a patch of lichen he had scratched up from the frozen ground.
3,525 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
it pleased kukutux to see dutch so witting with the children, so willing to entertain them. it suggested that his urge to be taataa was stronger than perhaps even he knew.

she thought of what he had spoken to her.

chickadee was shy and flushing, speaking only a handful of words before she went to join moonmother's grandson.

she clucked her tongue and turned back to dutch and the other two, nuzzling nasamituuq a little in reassurance as she waited for one or both of them to respond.

and her eyes were delighted.