Ouroboros Spine moon of my life
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
3.24.24. The night of @Kukutux return.

The Sunman watched as the sun fell. The busy work of the day coming to an end. There were not many nightstalkers among Moonglow, yet those few would remain active in the late hours, guarding the crater valley of home with a watchful eye. 

As dusk came, Aiolos too watched and waited at the mouth of he and his wife's ulaq. The day was a long one, Kukutux trip having come to an end and many of Moonglow wishing to return connection with their Moonwoman. Aiolos meant to return connection with his wife. Now, when he sees her pale coat in the moonlight from a distance, he woofs out to her with impatient longing.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
we had the same idea >D

her form was in his arms before either of them knew it; kukutux fit herself in the comfortable, known places of his body and kissed his throat, his face, high as she could reach.

"uiga, i have missed your face."

her gaze flowed into his own, seeing the desire there and responding to it in full joy; she wound an arm around his strong shoulders and pulled him down among their sleeping-robes, delighted in their familiarity and the way it felt that their heart-pieces fit together in her chest.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian

Aiolos embraced her deeply, kissing every inch of her he could reach while she scrambled around against him. Forelegs wrapping around him, urging him against the furs which lined their den. 

And I have missed your everything. He coos, ending then with a playful growling and tugging at the furs of her cheek with his small front teeth. Tell me all where you have been. What you've done. Who you've met. He is eager to know all what had kept her in the weeks she had been gone.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"i will, my sun man, when you have loved my body until i can speak freely," kukutux teased, and caught at his ruddy pelt with her teeth, seeking to show him that their words must wait for later.


"i went to hearthwood and helped to bring reverie's daughters into new life. then i went to moontide, to speak with our sea-girl of all that has gone on. the seal hunter man, chakliux, you remember him," kukutux teased a little of aiolos, "he has settled there, with two wives. five children were born in their lodge."

she fell quiet then, rather abruptly; her paw played upon his strong forearm, slung now over the flat belly that should be only just weaning a litter. "uiga," kukutux whispered, her gaze reaching for his own in the soft darkness of their ulaq. "if sedna should send me her blessing this last time, will you dance with me at the sea?"

they shared fear between them, she knew, and kissed his shoulder in the quiet, but they must not be ruled by this, no matter how her own dread had taken its permanent place in the recesses of her heart.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And he wouldn't object. He couldn't possibly, despite all his worry. With all the time that had passed between them, he would love her like her loved her the very first time and as though it were the last. 

First she spoke of those of Hearthwood. She did not know the woman personally, but through Kukutux words and during the time of shared hunting. There were many wolves he knew of, their stories and their packs, through the words of Kukutux alone. 

She spoke of Samani, her name whispered in his head but not aloud, for the sake of his wife and her beliefs. 

Then she spoke of Chakliux, from his time here in Moonglow and the sharp memory of his desire for Samani, though she was promised to Rodyn. Now he was a respected member under his ranks. Hhrmmmm... A grumble under his breath as she teased. 

Then, she is quiet a moment and when he speaks, his fiery gaze turns to her, aglow in the shadows of their den. Always... Yet their was a knotting in his brows and his lips pulled into a flat, unsettled line. She licked his shoulder and he lifted a paw, to press in onto the low of her belly. I'm just so afraid... He whispers, the truth only reserved for her. 

Though their last two litters had come early in the spring season, their first litter had come as late as the last moon of summer! Aiolos still had time to be convinced or to deny her...
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
fear, fear in her sun man, and he brought it to her arms. kuktuux kissed his throat, his face, his forehead. "i also have fear."

fear her fire-time would not come, fear that it would.

fear she would not conceive, fear that she might.

fear that she would lose another, fear that she could be too frightened to love them.

"we will let sedna choose, husband," kukutux whispered against the seagold of his proud ear.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She shared his fears and he breaths deep, pressing himself into her kisses. He could not live in fear and it was not like Kukutux to do so either. They had always lived day by day, savoring each moment, treating each one as though it could be the last. 

Yet - with the knowledge of that afterlife. That they would be joined together in eternity among the dancing lights. Within Sedna's embrace. Within Goddess Moon's embrace. 

Aiolos nods to her words and holds her close.
moonglow daddy