just in case, anyone is welcome! Tags are for ref
For a brand new mother, Fennec wasn't nearly as cautious of who she allowed near as, perhaps, others might have liked. She didn't like being trapped like this, though she didn't resent it as much as she'd worried she would. @Killdeer made the stay worthwhile, but for the first few days, Fennec was going a tidge stir crazy.
Any visitor was a break from the monotony of looking after the baby. She left for drinks, to do her business and occasionally for air, but never further than a few paces. For a little while this was kind of her reality.
You owe me so many spars when you get older,Fennec growled lightly, but she smirked as she turned her face and ears towards the den entrance. There was some bird out there making an absolute ruckus, and she barked abruptly, startling the thing into silent flight. Did it make a nest out there? Fuck, she hoped not.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 06, 2021, 12:19 PM
Meerkat hadn’t turned up yet but Towhee found she couldn’t spare much more than the occasional concerned thought in the yearling’s direction what with her new grandson occupying pretty much all of her attention. Even while she hunted just now, she told herself Meerkat had probably just gone on some impromptu road trip. She was quite the scout...
As soon as she managed to capture a duck, of all things, she carried the limp bird to Fennec’s den. Mindless of the loud mouthed bird disturbing the peace, she hovered near the entrance. Towhee could see Fen’s pale face in the darkness but waited for some sign from her before entering.
As soon as she managed to capture a duck, of all things, she carried the limp bird to Fennec’s den. Mindless of the loud mouthed bird disturbing the peace, she hovered near the entrance. Towhee could see Fen’s pale face in the darkness but waited for some sign from her before entering.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 06, 2021, 12:32 PM
Someone was approaching. Fennecs quickly picked up her mom's step pattern, the slightest hitch of old injury that never quite disappeared completely. She didn't immediately enter, which tickled Fennec, but she quietly appreciated it. It was nice to know she could have some space if she wanted it.
Right now? She definitely did not. Slowly she got up and, ignoring any sounds of protest, poked her nose towards the lighter air outside.
She thought it was a hilariously apt nickname, especially with the way the kid already seemed keen on harassing her.
Right now? She definitely did not. Slowly she got up and, ignoring any sounds of protest, poked her nose towards the lighter air outside.
If that bird is the loud one, you're doubly welcome. I'm guessing you're here to see Killer?
She thought it was a hilariously apt nickname, especially with the way the kid already seemed keen on harassing her.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 06, 2021, 12:43 PM
She didn’t quite follow Fen’s first remark, though she quickly cut to the chase. Towhee set the dead duck on the ground and smiled as she took a step inside.
Abruptly, she wished @Phox and @Figment could be here. Although Towhee would fight anyone who questioned her claim to Killdeer—and they did share blood, of course—they were his true grandpa and his uncle.
With Meerkat AWOL, she wondered who might be up to the task. Would @Sifaka mind heading there again so soon? Towhee realized she was getting ahead of herself and waited to see what Fennec thought even as she breathed in the smell of the baby’s head.
I’m here to see both of you,she replied with a sassy look Fennec wouldn’t see. Her eyes cut straight to the newborn, gaze softening. She loved her kids, though there was something extra special about a grandchild. They were all the joy and (almost) none of the work!
Abruptly, she wished @Phox and @Figment could be here. Although Towhee would fight anyone who questioned her claim to Killdeer—and they did share blood, of course—they were his true grandpa and his uncle.
What if,Towhee thought aloud, turning to see Fen’s face even as she snuggled down beside the tiny tot,
we sent a messenger to Frosthawks to let Fig and co know about this lil’ guy?
With Meerkat AWOL, she wondered who might be up to the task. Would @Sifaka mind heading there again so soon? Towhee realized she was getting ahead of herself and waited to see what Fennec thought even as she breathed in the smell of the baby’s head.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 06, 2021, 03:44 PM
Fennec listened as Towhee settled down next to her new grandson and took the opportunity for a long, luxurious stretch. She listened quietly, huffing a laugh when she said she was here to see both of them, but not responding until her mom was finished.
Fennec didn't care, per say, but she did wonder what her dad and brother would have to say about all of this. Would they take it as well as Towhee had, or would they be pissed? There was only one aspect of it she could see either of them having an issue with, and she got a little prematurely (internally) defensive on Bronco's behalf.
Fennec didn't care, per say, but she did wonder what her dad and brother would have to say about all of this. Would they take it as well as Towhee had, or would they be pissed? There was only one aspect of it she could see either of them having an issue with, and she got a little prematurely (internally) defensive on Bronco's behalf.
If you want to, and if someone can. Or they can find out when they come back.Fennec replied. She wasn't exactly thrilled with either of them for going their own ways (especially her dad) but they'd find their ways back eventually. At least she was self-aware enough now to know she was being hypocritical, but it didn't change how she felt.
I'm glad he's a chunker, he's going to need that padding when he meets Sphyra.Fennec added, sliding into the other subject as she pulled the duck to her and began picking it apart. She was starving, actually. Towhee was a lifesaver.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 06, 2021, 07:25 PM
Fen seemed rather ambivalent about the suggestion. Her comment sent a small pang through Towhee. That was valid, though would they come back? Maybe if they knew about "Killer" here, it might lure them. She bit back a sigh and smiled as she nuzzled the baby's head, letting the subject rest for the moment.
Oh, the idea of raising a generation with her grownup daughter was such a thrill for Towhee. She couldn't wait for her kids to meet this little one, though it would be some weeks yet before they could be trusted around the younger puppy. She voiced her cheerful agreement with a snort, watching in satisfaction as Fennec tore into her hard-won kill.
She really did wish Phox was here. He was missing so much. Somewhere along the way, Towhee had fully let go of Niamh and the pups she'd carried. But not her brother. Not quite. Not ever. She was moving on with her life but she would never stop hoping for his return. She would welcome him if and when he came, even if it was years from now.
Focusing on the present, Towhee mused, "Make sure you eat the liver. It's full of the good stuff, so we can fatten him up even more. His aunts and uncle really are goddamn savages."
Oh, the idea of raising a generation with her grownup daughter was such a thrill for Towhee. She couldn't wait for her kids to meet this little one, though it would be some weeks yet before they could be trusted around the younger puppy. She voiced her cheerful agreement with a snort, watching in satisfaction as Fennec tore into her hard-won kill.
She really did wish Phox was here. He was missing so much. Somewhere along the way, Towhee had fully let go of Niamh and the pups she'd carried. But not her brother. Not quite. Not ever. She was moving on with her life but she would never stop hoping for his return. She would welcome him if and when he came, even if it was years from now.
Focusing on the present, Towhee mused, "Make sure you eat the liver. It's full of the good stuff, so we can fatten him up even more. His aunts and uncle really are goddamn savages."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 06, 2021, 07:57 PM
She could practically hear her mom's disappointment, but Fennec wasn't the type to seek to please. She polished a pretty good portion of the bird off instead, leaving only a small bit for later if she got hungry again. Bronco might be lucky enough to catch a bite if she didn't, but she wasn't in the habit of setting aside food for others (especially now).
Fennec cleaned feathers and such from her muzzle, then grinned at the prospect of her baby siblings piling on their new nephew.
Fennec cleaned feathers and such from her muzzle, then grinned at the prospect of her baby siblings piling on their new nephew.
If he keeps up at this rate, all he'll have to do is sit on one of em. He eats nonstop.Maybe that was normal though.
How long do they normally, y'know... have to stay here?IE how long before she could duck out longer? She figured she'd know when she knew, but her mom was right here to ask too.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 06, 2021, 08:30 PM
While Fennec tucked into the duck, Towhee was all too happy to simply sit there and murmur sweet nothings against Killdeer's fuzzy forehead. As she cuddled him, she ached a little for her puppies as newborns. She had the presence of mind to think, Seriously? At this age, they'd absolutely overwhelmed her and she hadn't really had many moments like this. Although if she went back to last year, she could certainly recall many of them with Meerkat. That made her insides twist as she worried again about the missing yearling.
Fen captured her attention and Towhee looked up to read her lips. At first, her brow furrowed. Was Fen anticipating her son leaving the pack already? He was only a few days old! Then she realized what she actually must've meant and blamed her musings about Meerkat for the momentary mistunderstanding.
"They feed pretty constantly for the first couple of weeks. But I'd steal away at least once a day to stretch your legs and get some air, otherwise you'll go stir crazy. As long as you don't go far and come back within a couple minutes, he'll be okay. In a few weeks, you can probably start leaving him for a little longer, though since he's your one and only, I'd just make sure someone's around to keep an eye on him. Keep him warm too. I'm always happy to babysit." She wondered if Fennec could hear her smile.
"I'm glad you only had one," she said after a moment, "'cause with one, you can really focus on him and enjoy him without being totally overwhelmed. You and Fig were pretty easy, though raising Meerkat was just a different experience altogether, especially compared to my current bunch. I love all of you guys ridiculously," she continued, hoping this real "from one mom to another" talk didn't bother Fen, "but I wish we had control over how many. I'd always go with one at a time, maybe two... y'know, if I could pick."
Fen captured her attention and Towhee looked up to read her lips. At first, her brow furrowed. Was Fen anticipating her son leaving the pack already? He was only a few days old! Then she realized what she actually must've meant and blamed her musings about Meerkat for the momentary mistunderstanding.
"They feed pretty constantly for the first couple of weeks. But I'd steal away at least once a day to stretch your legs and get some air, otherwise you'll go stir crazy. As long as you don't go far and come back within a couple minutes, he'll be okay. In a few weeks, you can probably start leaving him for a little longer, though since he's your one and only, I'd just make sure someone's around to keep an eye on him. Keep him warm too. I'm always happy to babysit." She wondered if Fennec could hear her smile.
"I'm glad you only had one," she said after a moment, "'cause with one, you can really focus on him and enjoy him without being totally overwhelmed. You and Fig were pretty easy, though raising Meerkat was just a different experience altogether, especially compared to my current bunch. I love all of you guys ridiculously," she continued, hoping this real "from one mom to another" talk didn't bother Fen, "but I wish we had control over how many. I'd always go with one at a time, maybe two... y'know, if I could pick."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 07, 2021, 06:00 PM
Figured.Fennec replied in a mutter as her mom pretty much confirmed the limitations she'd already, in a way, imposed on herself. Thankfully she would have plenty of willing babysitters when that time came.
She appreciated her mom's honesty, and if the words made her feel uncomfortable, it didn't last long. There was a time, a while ago, when she had envied her younger sister's closeness to the family. Meerkat had an openness Fennec didn't know how to display, and a friendliness that Fennec just couldn't have. And honestly, didn't really want. She'd made her peace with that a while ago, and with the fact that because of it, it would probably always feel like Meerkat and Towhee had a closer relationship than Fennec and her mom shared. She knew her mom loved her and Fig just as much as any of the children she'd actually had, and that was what was important.
Plus, she would be quick to call out any favoritism she saw, even if it didn't exist - just like she'd done about the Regent role.
Considering I didn't even ask for one, I'm definitely glad.Fennec replied, smirking back. Then it faded, just a bit.
I think Bronco wanted more, but better to see how bad we screw this one up. And then, who knows?She gave a careless shrug, unwilling to go much further on it than that. This year was a fluke in her mind, and it was hard for her to imagine what the next few might look like.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 07, 2021, 07:36 PM
He stirred a little at the presence of someone else in the den. Not that he saw or heard—even with their respective disabilities, his mom and grandma were still a sense or two ahead of him—but he definitely felt the vibrations in the floor and in the air. More warmth pressed against his own.
It was nice. Cozy. He might not hear nor understand any of the words, but they could go on talking forever. He wouldn't mind.
Killdeer yawned, stretched, then let out a toot that was dangerously close to — Nope, that was definitely a shart. Sorry, y'all.
It was nice. Cozy. He might not hear nor understand any of the words, but they could go on talking forever. He wouldn't mind.
Killdeer yawned, stretched, then let out a toot that was dangerously close to — Nope, that was definitely a shart. Sorry, y'all.
June 07, 2021, 08:03 PM
Towhee didn't respond to Fennec's words right away, chewing on them for a moment, during which Killdeer spotted an opportunity to mess himself. The Sovereign cleaned him up by rote, not even particularly aware of what she was doing as her mind was elsewhere.
"You can always make more later on, if you decide that's what you wanna do," she agreed thoughtfully, then looked speculatively into her daughter's blind eyes as she said, "I'm admittedly pretty biased but I think you and Bronco will be good parents. And if you do end up sucking, well, Killa here can always count on his g-ma," she finished, bringing some levity back to the conversation.
"You can always make more later on, if you decide that's what you wanna do," she agreed thoughtfully, then looked speculatively into her daughter's blind eyes as she said, "I'm admittedly pretty biased but I think you and Bronco will be good parents. And if you do end up sucking, well, Killa here can always count on his g-ma," she finished, bringing some levity back to the conversation.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 08, 2021, 01:20 AM
Yeah.Her reply was a little dubious, more hypothetical than a sure agreement. Bronco would probably want more kids next year, but a lot could happen between now and then. She still couldn't shake the feeling that one of these days she was going to find him gone, off to join another pack or follow some other new thing.
Bronco wasn't even the one with the history of that. It was stupid.
His g-ma might be better off. He's got a set of lungs on him.Puppy screams set off the worst in her and she was honestly lucky he couldn't understand her most of the time. She was really going to need to get a handle on her language when he got old enough to understand that "miserable little shit" wasn't something a kid should hear his mother call him. It was (mostly) affectionate, and she could have been talking to the literal turd too. He didn't know.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
June 09, 2021, 02:17 AM
It was good that Killdeer's sense of smell was still in the works, because whew. The kid was stanky. Luckily for them all, Towhee cleaned him up relatively quickly, and besides, it could be worse. His shit still had the milk-sweet aroma of an infant, not the carnivore pungency that would come later.
And there was not much of it, anyway. His little face eased at his grandmother's ministrations, and while he let out another small fart, this one was mercifully dry.
Making small, piggish grunts, Killdeer nestled into the hollow of Towhee's throat, enjoying the warmth of her and the vibrations of her pulse and each word she spoke.
And there was not much of it, anyway. His little face eased at his grandmother's ministrations, and while he let out another small fart, this one was mercifully dry.
Making small, piggish grunts, Killdeer nestled into the hollow of Towhee's throat, enjoying the warmth of her and the vibrations of her pulse and each word she spoke.
June 09, 2021, 08:54 AM
Her eyes twinkled in amusement when Fennec mentioned the baby's crying. Her deafness could present a challenge sometimes, though this was definitely one of its perks. Her foursome—now her trio—had been difficult enough without volume. Towhee didn't even want to imagine, not that she really could conceptualize sounds properly.
"Hey," she spoke up when she felt Killdeer snuggle into her neck, "if you wanna steal a few minutes to yourself, I've got this."
"Hey," she spoke up when she felt Killdeer snuggle into her neck, "if you wanna steal a few minutes to yourself, I've got this."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
June 17, 2021, 06:10 PM
Fennec visibly hesitated, unable to help herself. For all of her complaining, when it came down to actually leaving him, it was harder than she expected every time. That was pretty stupid since Towhee was... well, Towhee, though. So after a second she nodded, relaxing with a bit of relief.
She turned towards the exit, then back momentarily, so her mom could hopefully catch the words.
Sure. Thanks.
She turned towards the exit, then back momentarily, so her mom could hopefully catch the words.
I'll be back in a few.She wouldn't ditch her kid with grandma for hours, but a short walk sounded amazing and she'd take the freedom while she could get it. Forcibly shoving her anxiety under the rug (honestly? Wtf) she set off to do a short round.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone. If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
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