Kildeer Rest Winters Eve
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Set directly after this thread. For @Kukutux!

Following Kigipak, the newly returned Tundrian allowed him to lead the way towards the camp where Kukutux and some of her followers resided. She was quiet for the latter portion of the journey there. Reciting her thoughts, gathering her feelings and keeping them in order.

By no means was she nervous. And any excitement she may feel, she kept to herself, classic of her composed nature. Watchful jade eyes darted around them, skimming the snowy field, it's grasses covered by snow. The rocks and boulders protruded out, well enough for her to spot them, avoiding the obstacle they might present. Once her fellow Northerner escort saw fit, she stopped by his side and let him call for the Moonwoman.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The entire time they were together, they spoke very little with one-another.

Kigipigak was not a serious creature by nature, normally. He was loud, brash, and given to boyish behavior that he should have shed by this point in his life. He knew little of the woman that followed him now, except what she'd shared earlier: that she as sister to Kukutux, had once made a home of the glen, and at some point Moonglow.

She was more serious, he thought. Self-assured too. She moved without doubt as he led the way, and then waited patiently for Kigipigak to seek out Kukutux. He need not howl — the moon-woman's ulaq was easy to find given that the hunter visited often.
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux would be happy to return to moonglow when the feasting had ended.

when she looked up from stacking cured hides, it was to see the familiar face of her kith. but it was the woman at his side which elicited a gasp from the duck.

she rushed forward, eyes shining and tail whipping with delight. "keyni! it is very good to see your face!"

a blessing from the winter mother. she glanced to kigipigak, wondering if the man shared her excitement.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She knew she would not have to wait long. A glimpse of winter white fur and a classic tending to various pelts, was the all too familiar sight Keyni needed. Her jade eyes glimmered a little brighter. She shifted her two front paws, stiffly but eagerly. 

Normally, around others she did not know well, the Tundrian almost always kept her composure. It was the rare moment when she sprang into excitement. And this, was one of them. Her friend rushed to meet her, and she did the same. With a surprising bounce in her step, quite unlike what Kigipigak had seen before, she darted in close. "Kukutux! My dear is so good to see you." There was no hesitation as she pressed in, clipping her teeth gently at the base of the Moonwoman's ear. It felt so good to be back.
Eun Liath

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,267 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Feel free to skip/pp Kigipigak from here on!

Having been present for the reunion of others among Moonglow, Kigipigak had learned to anticipate certain things. The loving look upon Kukutux' face was one of them; the bubbly eruption of energy between the women, another.

The lost woman moved swiftly to where Kukutux stood and the two embraced. It was the same as when Lote had returned to them — and Kigipigak felt out of place immediately. He averted his eyes from them so that they would not notice the awkward sensation clenching his jaw.

In the same motion, Kigipigak moved back and away, so that the two could converse and reminisce, whatever it was that women did; he would stand guard in case something untoward were to transpire, but he could not help but feel superfluous in the moment.

Every so often he would steal glances to the so-called Tundrian, unable to help himself.
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux was not unaware of how the man looked at keyni.

she was beautiful, made even moreso by the wintertime and her own glowing eyes. "this moon has been one of such blessings," she breathed, pulling keyni close once more.

inviting the woman to sit with her in the snow, the duck leant closer. "where have you gone upon your journey?" kukutux inquired brightly, lifting her chin toward the winterhawk. she did not think he would join them, but the invitation was there.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
If the amber eyes of the pale northerner were upon her, then Keyni did not notice. She was too immersed in the moment, of taking in the familiar fragrance of her close friend. It made her cheeks flush warmly, just thinking how lucky she had been here. How many good, honest wolves she had the pleasure of knowing.

"May it continue to be so..." She tacked on. Her voice held a note of a more solemn nature. The Moonwoman would know the devastation she had seen. She did not move far. Only away to settle closer to stack of hides, glancing to admire their quality. On the snow laden earth, she rested, poised. Perfectly at home, even exposed in this great cold. 

"That is what I came to tell you. I did not mean to be away for so long." She breathed, shutting her eyes briefly as she recalled the past, the events leading up to it. "Before my departure, you may recall I had taken a scouting mission, north." She paused. "It was uneventful. I intended to turn around and head home, but I fell sick. It felt like a common stomach bug at first. But then I felt my memory almost slipping. I couldn't navigate either, I was so dizzy." She sighed, but showed no sign of weakness. "I pushed on, trying to lay low. Let the symptoms resolve themselves. I was lucky when a pair of wolves...a couple, both medics, were kind enough to treat me in exchange for assisting them through a few lean months for them. I then immediately found my way back...but as you can see, far from where I left." Her ears fell slightly, jade eyes darting briefly to her paws. A show of apology, were one even needed.
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux clucked her tongue to hear that keyni had been through so many trials. "i am glad that they found you. if they had not given you healing, perhaps you would not have made your way back to moonglow."

it did not escape her that keyni had come at a crucial moment, with the season of warmth ahead of them. what did she intend in moonglow? and how might kukutux bring her more fully into the fold?

"there is no anger in me. i only have joy that you have returned." she looked curiously at keyni. "will you stay here in the village or travel more?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Having discovered that Kukutux was not angry for her unexpected disappearance, Keyni raised her eyes to her again. She knew the Moonwoman well, but hadn't been confident in how she would take to her sudden return. She should've known to expect nothing short of happiness and relief. "I am glad as well. Perhaps fate will be kind and allow me to repay them one day, should our paths cross again."

Then came a question she had been expecting. Whether she would return to Moonglow immediately or continue adrift, exploring. She paused, contemplatively. It wasn't that she was unsure; she was weighing the severity of what she had seen. "The herds are is the land." She gestured to Kigipigak with her muzzle. "He mentioned briefly to me, of a Glacier pack. Allies. I would like to learn more of them. And if I am able, assist in any way I can while I am in the area."
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
decimated. she did not like the sound of the word, how very encompassing it was. 

"moonglow helps duskfire to put the sick to rest," she murmured softly. "each day there are many hunting parties. the meat does not bring sickness to our villages. i keep the skins here, to make them beautiful."

"we have many camps in these lands. you may stay at the one that you choose," though she hoped keyni would reside here with her. "the glacier is there," she motioned, "led by lane and issorartuyok."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She tapped her tongue against the roof of her mouth. Hummed lowly, thoughtfully. "So long as this sickness does not taint the meat." She glanced to the pile of skins, smiling slightly with an appreciative eye. "It does provide. I should very much like to learn this craft from you, in due time."

Kukutux gave her blessing, the freedom for the Tundrian to stay where she wished, with no grudges. She felt a natural pull to the Moonwoman and her village. But she also felt another, of a different sort as well. She often contemplated carving her own path, leaving it to fate how it might play out. And, were it favorable, both Moonglow and the Glacier would have yet another ally in the Wilds. 

"I am in no hurry." She leveled her jade gaze with her friends, softly. "You know that all I do is with great consideration." She smiled knowingly. Sparing a glance, she looked in the direction of the Glacier. Her ears pricked up in surprise at the mention of one particular name. "Lane. I know her, from our time together as Fireflies. If nothing else, I will pay them a visit. I assure you, that regardless of my choice, that I will keep in touch." She leaned in, nudging the underside of her pale chin in a sisterly gesture.
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
it surprised kukutux that keyni would not choose to come back to the village. but perhaps she had seen things beyond which had shifted her mind toward other intentions.

she had the blessing of moonwoman, whether or not she chose to remain within moonglow. "i know."

"walk with the spirits, keyni," she said softly, returning the gesture. "come to my ulaq at any time, and i will give you teaching." she sensed her sister wished to walk, and so would allow keyni her own departure if she so wished.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
OOC: Fade with this post? <3

She held close for one last minute, to convey that no matter what happened, she would never be far from her thoughts. This was by no means a goodbye. More along the lines of a 'See you later, I'll be checking in' kind of deal. Keyni had to see what the Wilds held for her. What her heart wished for. Where she might be needed the most.

"If nothing else..." She breathed. "Perhaps I may serve as connection between the clans to keep our unity strong. Wherever I may land." She added, putting on a positive spin. Her take of the possible role she may serve, in the future. If it was anything the Tundrian valued, it was being useful. Wanted. 

With Kukutux, she knew she was. Unable to help herself, she pressed her brow to the ducks white crown. "I will. Soon we will meet again. But today...has been good to be back with you." She rose, shaking her furs. "Stay well, dear sister." She smiled, and took her leave.