Redhawk Caldera Blues
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Snowstorms and cold had kept Wraen cooped up in the fen, therefore she set out to fulfill her promise to Ibis two or three weeks later. By this time it was no longer possible to track Arielle, because any tracks she may have left were gone. But information still had value and, though it was unlikely that the girl would be found that way, they could at least console themselves in the knowledge that they had done all they possibly could have to find her. 

For a small wolf like Wraen, ploughing through deep snow as no easy feat. For an aging wolf with chronic respiratory ailments - even less so. She wheezed and coughed, and had to stop many times along the way. Though she could see Caldera clearly in the distance, it did not seem to come any nearer regardless of the distance she had walked already. It was as if running on the beach with a finish line that kept retreating, the longe you ran and the more often you thought - hey, I will soon get there. 

Eventually, out of breath, hot and tired, she managed to get to an edge of the caldera, where there was less snow and more paths made by wolves moving to and out of the territory. She sat down first to rest a little, then tipped her head back and called for @Towhee or anyone else from the leadership that might be here at present.
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When it came to @Reyes, Towhee was quite the tactile creature. She was feeling particularly clingy this morning, wrapped up with him in the dim interior of their cave. But her bladder was full and growing more uncomfortable by the minute, so the Sovereign eventually hoisted herself onto all fours. Grumbling, she slouched from her partner's warmth and emerged into the pale light of morning.

Yawning as she urinated, she contemplated heading right back inside when she was done. But as she squatted, she noticed a flock of birds rise abruptly from the forest south of the caldera. Wondering what had prompted their flight, she meandered upward, then came to stand on the rim. Down below, near the foot of the caldera, she spied a familiar figure.

Trotting downhill, the Sovereign's tail waved as she neared Wraen. "Hey, neighbor," Towhee greeted, "what brings you here?" She almost made a joke, then her mind played over the events of the past few weeks. There was some good in there, though also plenty of bad news she might have to give... and quite possibly receive.
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For a moment there Wraen had doubts of, whether anyone at all would show up, which would mean that either her journey had been in vain or there would a ve-e-e-e-ry long wait out in the cold and open for people to finally respond to her call. But lucky for her Towhee showed up soon after and she greeted her friend with a wag of her tail and somewhat tired smile. 

"Good-day to you too, Towhee," she replied to the greeting. "I hope that you and your folk are doing well," she said, giving a quick once-over look at Towhee and deeming her fit and well, and quite content too, which was always a good sign. "I am afraid that I come bearing bad news - one of my niece's kids has gone missing recently. She is almost a yearling, reddish agouti with bright golden eyes. Her name's Arielle," Wraen described the girl as best she could.

"If Meerkat is around, perhaps, she can pass the news up North and if anyone is visiting Frosthawks and Bat's pack, perhaps, they can tell them to keep their eyes open too," she looked questioningly at her friend. "I know it is a lot to ask, but I am in no shape to travel that far myself and at present I have no one to spare for the task," she finished.
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The careworn smile warned Towhee, who braced herself for whatever bad news was about to come out of her friend's mouth. Her orange gaze rested on Wraen's lips as they moved, offering no response to the inherent question and instead letting her finish. She didn't know this Arielle. Towhee felt for Wraen, though her first reaction to the request for assistance was met with silent pessimism. In her experience, spending energy on looking for missing wolves was almost always a total waste of time and resources.

She didn't say that, though. What she did say was, "I'll pass the word along." Her kids did tend to move between the packs a lot, so it would be relatively easy to spread the news and raise awareness. Towhee chewed at her lip, wondering whether this Arielle might have fallen victim to a fate similar to Prim's or run into one of the many restless, roaming predators in the area.

"I don't know if this news has reached Brecheliant," the Sovereign said after a beat of silence, "but we lost Primrose recently. And there have been attacks here and at Firefly Glen. There's been a lot of loss around here lately." Well, that was an understatement. "But there's also hope on the horizon. Niamh and I had our heats about a week back and we're both expecting." It was too soon to know for sure yet, particularly in Towhee's case, but she was steadfast in her belief.
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"I know it is highly unlikely to find the missing child - now that no one saw her vanishing and that so much time has gone, but passing the word around is the least I can do," Wraen said and offered Towhee a grateful smile. The odds were grim, but as long as nothing was clear about the circumstances of the disappearence, it did not feel right to write it all off as a lost cause. 

"Funny, you should call it that way," she referred to the word that her friend had used to call her pack. None of them had settled on a name yet - she and Maia called the place "Enchanted forest" jokingly between themselves, perhaps, but "Brecheliant" was new. She wondered idly, where had Towhee picked this up, because she certainly had not been the one to suggest it. But it did sound good though.

"I am so sorry to hear that," she nodded, sad that the series of unfortunate events had taken place and feeling relieved that the long shadows had not reached her forest corner. "That's great news. Who's the lucky man this year?" she asked.
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Wraen spoke to the slim chances of finding the wayward youth, a truth Towhee had learned the hard way time and time again. She didn't say anything, though her eyes dropped thoughtfully to her feet for a beat before she looked up again to catch her friend's condolences. Her lips twitched into a faint smile of gratitude, staying somewhat wan even when Wraen reacted positively to the good news.

"Do you know Reyes? He joined us back in the fall, before the move. And I didn't know this at the time but he's actually related to Niamh." The Sovereign paused there, letting Wraen get a word in edgewise, since she had technically asked her a question.
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"Never heard about him, but I am glad that you found yourself a worthy candidate," Wraen replied, feeling confident that Reyes was a name she heard for the first time in her life. He must have joined the group after she had left them. And related to Niamh as well. "Is he a sibling? A cousin of hers?" she asked, realizing that she had never spoken with her former Sargeant at Arms about her birth-family. With all her interest in biographies, that was both surprising and disappointing. 

"How did the two of you meet?" she wanted more details. For a moment there, her imagination kicked in and suggested such expressions as "did you meet under the moonlit sky over moose's bloody corpse?" or "he joined in beating a crap out of a trespasser?", or "did he declare his undying love to you under duress?" But in the light of the recent events with bears trespassing and causing tons of unwanted trouble for all, she kept her trap shut and waited for a more toned-down version of the "how I met your mother" story. 
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When Wraen asked about the nature of Niamh's and Reyes's relationship, Towhee hesitated. Would her Regent mind if she divulged this information? She didn't care to share, having absolutely no hangups about his age. He was a sexually mature adult, so that's all that mattered. Anyway, this was Wraen... surely, she wouldn't suddenly think of their blonde comrade as geriatric.

"He's her nephew, actually," Towhee replied with a little eyebrow waggle, "and I met him when he was lurking outside the copse one night. I told him off but then he promised to feed me." She huffed a light laugh. "We're just friends but close, sort of like you and Arcturus, I guess," she concluded with a good-natured smirk.

She let that hang for a moment, then said, "Speaking of... how're you guys doing?" Towhee had technically already asked, though in vaguer terms. "You and Arc. And everyone. But mostly you and Arc," lol.
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"Nothing much has changed," Wraen shrugged. There had been no other heart-to-heart talks, no moments full of revelations, no progress in anything. Just routine. "I have not asked directly, but I have a feeling that he's still convinced I am the love of his life and he refuses to even blink another way for the fear of cheating on me," she said with a weary smile. "He was pretty crushed about... the whole ordeal last year, you know," she referred to Towhee's previous Bangspringfest and the role he had played in it. "I, on the other hand, see no problem in him fishing in other waters so to say, but he's never brought it up and I don't pressure either."

"I dunno, Towhee. I have come to a conclusion that he is his best ambassador and he may do as he pleases," she concluded. "I can't change his mind, I won't try and will just let things slide and see, where they go," she said. "That's, what being a good friend means, I think..." 

"Speaking of which... I kind of broke up with Bronco," Wraen changed the subject.
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It all sounded as complicated as ever, with Towhee feeling bad for both of them. When Wraen reminded her of her behavior last year, it gave her pause, though not because she felt particularly guilty about it. It was just that things were so utterly different this year, from her heat's effect on her to her choice in partner and her acceptance of sharing the parenting role. She marveled at the contrast for a moment.

But then Wraen said something that put all of that out of her mind completely. "Er, what? You two were dating?" Well, that was a bombshell on so many levels. "What?"
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"Oh, come on, Towhee - I am old enough to be his mom. Hell, I am even older than his actual mom," Wraen laughed, realizing that her earlier choice of words may have implied something different than, what she had actually wanted to say. And for a moment there, looking at her friend, she wondered, would it be fair to unload yet another emotional story on her. Too late for keeping her trap shut now, wasn't it? 

"We fell out as friends. Back when Maia was sick, I ran into him on my way here and without meaning to do so I stepped on his toes so that he got very pissed at me," she told. "Few weeks down the road he comes for a visit at the new place and I wanted to apologize, but turned out I was butt-hurt by his then attitude too and rather than saying a simple "I am sorry" and moving on, I said a lot of stuff that in no way improved our situation and made him even more resentful," she sighed.

"And I tried to make him see my point of view, but at some point it felt as though he was so dead-set in seeing evil in me that I saw no point in even trying to attempt to patch things up," she told. "I thought that over the years one gets used to people walking out of their lives, but it is not." 
Sun Mote Copse
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"So?" Now Towhee wondered if Wraen would judge her if she met Reyes. Niamh had seemed more concerned about being perceived as elderly, not particularly judgmental otherwise. But what would others think? Did she care? No, she thought decisively, feeling a prickle of annoyance. Beyond breeding eligibility, Towhee could not figure out why the hell age mattered to anyone. With their lifespans, generations were bound to be close together.

It didn't help matters that Towhee had once felt a brief and intense attraction to Bronco. It had been a fleeting thing in the end, thank goodness, not because he was too young or even her friend's son. But he was Niamh's son, which felt decidedly off limits simply based on their friendship and history. Towhee couldn't even say why, it was a foregone conclusion.

She pushed these thoughts aside as Wraen regaled her with the story. Although Towhee didn't judge her friend for it, she couldn't help but silently observe how the woman tended to burn a lot of bridges, particularly with Towhee's own family members. Unlike her ongoing vendetta against Hydra, this one sounded a little one-sided, and not from the side Towhee would've guessed with the difference in age and, theoretically, widsom. Wraen took responsibility for bungling the entire thing.

"What did you do or say to piss him off in the first place?" Towhee couldn't help but wonder, taking a moment to rub at her eyes, which always tended to ache during and after long conversations like these. Catching up with Wraen was worth the price of admission though.
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"I wounded his pride," Wraen replied simply to spare Towhee's eyes more strain than it was necessary. "Not on purpose, but then he got nasty with me too," she told her. "And I later wasted an opportunity to patch things up properly. But then he wanted me to kneel, metaphorically speaking, and my knees are too stiff for that," she added with a somewhat sad smile. "That's all done and in the past." Well, in a way it was true, she had burned bridges, but then wasn't it better to get rid off a bridge that had begun to crack and fall to pieces than attempt to fix it? Towhee might have a different answer to this question, but Wraen believed that it had to be so. 

"But apparently wise-old never-do-a-thing-wrong Wraen is both spiteful and proud, and makes mistakes and all other crap even in her golden years. I got a feeling that of all things that was the most difficult for Bronco to forgive," she added. "But I see that you are getting tired from me spilling my life's troubles at you all over again," she got to her feet, preparing to leave. "See you another time?"
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As more details came out, Wraen admitted that Bronco hadn't handled things particularly well either. It sounded messy. Towhee grimaced inwardly when her friend mentioned kneeling. Was that just an exaggerated metaphor? She wasn't sure she wanted to ask. In any case, Wraen brought the topic to a close.

"I mean, everybody fucks up sometimes," the Sovereign replied, "though I hope you two can mend things at some point down the line. Hey, no," Towhee complained when her friend seemed prepared to wrap up and go, "you don't have to go. I mean, if you have other stuff to get to, by all means. But I never get tired of you. You're one of my favorite channels," she quipped.
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"Maybe," Wraen shrugged. At the moment she was not sure she really wanted it. Not, if it involved Bronco being insulted still and forcing her into admitting that she had wronged him. He was a big boy after all. He had to battle his own demons and learn especially not to take things too much to heart. And Wraen... well, she was old. She was entitled to be intrusive, at times insensitive and gruff, and more importantly not give a damn. 

"I like you too," she admitted and sat down, after Towhee invited her to stay a while longer. "You do not get upset easily," she said. "Or... if I stepped on your toes you would scream a bloody murder at me, but we would still be friends after that."
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Towhee chortled at Wraen's words. "Dunno about that. But, honestly," she replied, "after everything you and I have been through, I can't imagine anything that would damage our friendship irreparably. Like, I literally can't think of what you'd have to do in order for me to hate you forever. It'd have to be really egregious." She could've run with the joke and cooked up some silly scenarios, but...

The fact of the matter was, so many wolves really did come and go in one's life. So few ever remained for good, so Towhee knew to value those who did. Even though the nature of their friendship had changed over time, including the physical distance between them, Towhee's relationship with Wraen felt pretty damn solid. She hoped it remained that way always, until one of them met her natural end.

"Hey, Niamh and I are going to need a break from the kids in the near future, so let's steal away again sometime, just the three of us. I know we've talked about doing it again but let's actually do it this time. I'll leave the location for the rendezvous up to you, I'm sure you'll find someplace suitably bitchin' and witchin'." Because coven, yo.
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"Well, let's just hope that this irreparable thing forever remains unknown," Wraen said. While nothing in life was constant, people among them, she valued the friendship she had with Towhee, because she was the one person she could be very honest with and discuss things she would never talk with either Maia or Arcturus. Each of her friends were unique in their own way and she felt blessed to have three the very best kind of them. 

"To be honest, the covenning venue will be easier to arrange this time, because with all the plains around and waters tucked neatly and securely in lakes Niamh won't have to get her dainty paws wet," she referred to her former Sergeant at arms being quite dissatisfied with their last meeting place at the bog. "How's Meerkat doing lately?" she asked.
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Her friend seemed happy to take on the task. Wraen promised to find them a suitable venue before changing the subject, querying about Meerkat. The question wiped her expression blank as she thought about her daughter and all she'd been through lately.

"Remember those bears I mentioned? They managed to kill the one at the glen, though it took several wolves with it, including a good friend of hers. Then her boyfriend disappeared soon after." Towhee's face darkened a little. "She went looking for him but nada. So she's been having a rough go of it. She's always been such a bright light, it's hard to watch her suffer. I know that's just life though. And I know she'll come out okay on the other side. She still has Bronco..."

The Sovereign caught herself and stopped there, looking up at Wraen with a wan smile. "Q went to the Frosthawks and Alyx is leaving too," she mentioned, since they were her children too. "Losing Prim was really hard on them, I think. Although I'm pretty sure Alyx always wanted to get out and travel, even before that happened. It's hard to watch them go but I've gradually come to realize that that's what kids are meant to do: grow up, go out and have their own lives."
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"That's very unfortunate," Wraen remarked quietly, when Towhee had finished telling her about Meerkat's life at the glen and the series of events that had made the girl's life tougher than necessary at present. But all bad things come and go. You just need courage and persistance to pull through. And gradually... eventually... things are alright again. 

"They are with us for a very short time - yes," she replied. "I still can't believe that Terance is a grandfather already. And may become such twice-over this season," she told. "It may sound lame, but just a short while ago Ibis was a wee-kid herself. And we were very young too back then."
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After Wraen speculated aloud, it left Towhee with a comment and a question. "Who's expecting at your place?" came the latter first, followed by the tired cliché, "Life is short." It may have been a platitude, though the sentiment was both fitting and genuine in this context. Their lifespans could be counted on two paws, often fewer.
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"Well... I have no idea. No one has stepped up, even though we have some eligible gals. Ibis is still young and seems to have enjoyed motherhood the first time around. There's two recruits from the former Seelie Court - either of them could, if they wanted," Wraen listed all the bachelorettes of Brecheliant. 

"And that leaves Maia and Eljay. Knowing the two they have already named their future children and grandchildren and yet I don't see them resolving their living situations at present," she said, eyeing Towhee inquisitively, perhaps, her friend had more insight in the mind of Wraen's brother-in-law-to-be. "I mean, I know Eljay and asking him to move anywhere else than here would be like offering to skin him alive. I know he would be very unhappy to leave his family home and it would be very hard for him to fit in with any other group than among his family members. 

But then... I have no idea, what Maia has in mind. She is the more flexible of them two... yet... ah... let them figure it out. I don't know. They are grown people after all," she shrugged.
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Most of those names meant little to Towhee, though the mention of Eljay and Maia genuinely captured her fascination. Wraen gave her a speculative look and the Sovereign could only shrug one white-streaked shoulder. She had no idea what those two had planned. She knew they were still rendezvousing regularly but neither one had spoken to her lately, much less about living arrangements or even the possibility of puppies.

But that made her think: if those two decided to live here, would she and the Regents permit a third litter? She supposed it depended on how many she and Niamh bore. But despite that pragmatic observation, Towhee was inclined to say "yes" if they asked. Eljay was one of the loyalest and most wholesome wolves she knew, a great father figure despite all his flaws. And she could easily picture Maia as a mother.

"True," Towhee rejoined. "If they do wind up here, I think we could make room for their litter. I guess it depends, but..." She shrugged again. "They haven't asked me, in any case. I guess we'll have to wait and see how their love story develops." She clasped her paws together and held them up near her face, sighing for dramatic effect, then mimed eating popcorn.
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Wraen with all her leadership experience had not thought about litter logistics the least and, now that Towhee reminded her about that, it suddenly made things a little simpler. If the two lovebirds could not decide at which place they wanted to settle, then the pack, who could sustain the added burden of toddlers and a mother, who is unable to hunt for herself, had to take them. Regardless of, what one or the other wanted or decided. 

"Yeah... I think it depends heavily on how much resources you have. The first pack I helped to create bore more kids that season than the territory was able to provide. Would not want to see it happen again," she nodded. "I am all for organic development, but a nudge in the right direction would be necessary. Eljay is not a young lad himself - this or the next might be one of his last seasons to have kids at all," she told.
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She wondered if Wraen was implying she should poke Eljay about this. Maybe should could float the topic past him, after she and Niamh delivered their litters. She would have a much better idea about whether or not the pack could support more hungry mouths then.

"That's hard to believe," Towhee said, though she didn't actually question the rationale, "considering he's been a baby his whole life." Although it was a jab, it was made with a good-natured if not outright affectionate sentiment. What were sisters for, if not to make fun of their brothers?

After a little snicker, Towhee relented with a decisive nod, "After our kids get here, we can tell him to shit or get off the pot."
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"Ain't that a bit harsh?" Wraen side-glanced at Towhee. Though it had been meant as a joke, it also sounded a little insulting. And it certainly wasn't something you could ever say to Eljay's face. His fragile self-confidence would crumble to pieces instantly. "I mean... he has his particular way of doing things and he worries too much about stuff he cannot affect, but that's, who he is," she shrugged. "Looking back at my life I have a temper to rein in during heated conflicts and I prefer to leave problems than stay and solve them," she said.

"Well, it's better to let him decide, what to do, but being understanding and supportive of, whatever he decides, would do a great deal of good. He puts the needs of others above his own far too often," she remarked. "What is this Reyes like personality-wise? All I know is that he shares food with people he meets, which is a good quality, of course, but there has to be more," she changed the subject.