Ouroboros Spine Autumn winds have long since past.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Hello darling. @Kukutux hopefully, but others can join.

Paws of night kissed shadow fell on the mountain range. Black tipped ears swiveled listening, waiting. So many sounds in the mountains, so different than his former home, with it's lake and tall trees. But it smelled fresh here. Like the fresh air after a thunder storm, the kind of storm that made your fur plaster to your body, made bones jut from pieces of meat, curled around you enough that your fur drew smoke, and mist as it dried. It smelled clean.

Rodyn took another deep breath, drawing in the air, the scents dancing along his senses. There were wolves here, so he was mindful of the borders, especially now babies, whelping all of the above, he wasn't about to get on the wrong side of a mom. He licked at his shoulders where his fur had grown spiked and tall at the mere thought of an angry mom.

His autumn fur did not blend with the green grasses of spring, it blended with the forest and the trees. Here, he was not as well hidden and though it smarted just a bit, there was a thrill there. A tendril of a type of excitement of the unknown. What would happen? Who would he meet?
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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her mind was upon sialuk and the village her daughter meant to build. kukutux was not saddened. she had meant for moonglow to be an inheritance for the pale star, but it had not come to pass. perhaps samani might become moonwoman. perhaps ariadne or callyope.

today she sang. her voice carried in sweetwater tones, lifting upon the wind in a wild lilt.

and then her jadeite gaze fell upon a man of crimson and darkness upon her borders. kukutux drew closer with a wave of her plume. there were spots of sun in his face, the eyes that would find the moonwoman's alabastrine figure as she approached.

"this is village moonglow. i am moonwoman." he had the build of a hunter and the wind brought no pack-scent to her. "what has brought your path here?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
*me too* though I am slow going, I am slowly remembering.

Brief flashes of thought came to mind, dark fur, gentle eyes. His Mother. Dark fur, his eyes, strong, sure, the voice the curled around him like spring time breezes, that was his father. He missed the burly man, but had tender memories of the hunts they shared, the lessons he was taught. He missed them, but his father had been right. He would find no home amongst their pack lands, anymore. He was too large, to strong and all he had were sisters and little brothers. And old ones his father had gathered. 

A flick of an ear, he listened as a pretty song of shadows and night time crept along his ears. Moonsingers. Much like he, though in the day. It was lovely and he closed his eyes to allow it to wash over him. He was a social creature and had missed others.

Rodyn's eyes were drawn to a figure nearby, he lowered into an easy submissive position, but not prostrate, after all he wasn't asking to join as of yet, just getting the lay of the land. His eyes of yellows traced her alabaster fur, he hadn't seen many white wolves before, most of his kin were dark. They had white accents of course, but he was autumn born, autumn raised. She looked upon him with knowledgeable eyes. A pretty color her eyes, reminded him of the cerulean pools he had come across as he traveled. 

He waved his tail in greeting. And voice full of kindness, but deep like the shadows that had born him he spoke.

  "Good day, moonwoman. I'm Rodyn. Just passing through. I saw your stretch of land here, mindful to stay aside, and couldn't help but admire the area. Not many mountains where I'm from."
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
the man was respectful. it raised him immediately in her esteem. he had reclined and while she did not sit, her posture was smoothly relaxed. she looked over the colors of the man, noting that his eyes held a confident intelligence that spoke well for the rest of him.

moonwoman smiled softly. "it is a place that holds many good things. my sister is building a new village in the forest that way," she gestured, "and my daughter seeks to make her own in the place of that mountain." now to moonspear she looked for a moment.

"you are wanderer? or trader?" kukutux asked, intrigue lighting her greenweald eyes.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn stayed watchful his eyes would alight upon her face, then back down. No outright staring, no shows of dominance. He knew better, his mother had taught him the meaning of the word Respect and he hoped to honor all she taught him, by staying as such. Rodyn didn't always act the smartest, he was a youth after all, but he had always been a bright child, and he used that to his advantage as the moon kissed she wolf continued to speak. 

"I'm in search of a new pack, too old for my parents pack. Perhaps I'll check out one of theirs." 

He followed her movements as she motioned towards the two areas where her sister and daughter lay claim. A soft lift of his ears. 

"I was raised in the forest, where the evergreen's grew tall, and the rivers danced along their roots, but those mountains. Well, they're certain picturesque. And perhaps new things should happen, though change isn't always good."

His dark lips pulled down in a frown as he thought on his quandary. It would serve me well to go to the mountains for something new, but forests are what I know. So the question becomes do i stick with what I know or go towards the new.

"Moonwoman can I ask you a question?"

Though she wasn't his mother, not even his friend, though perhaps he could change that. She had more years to his, more lines in her fur, and curvature. So, she had lived a longer life. And he wondered, was it good to go with the flow of things or shake it up.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux chuffed, gesturing that rodyn should walk with her away from the borders. her stride was easy, the assured walk of a woman with a tightly-knit village behind her. if the man should suddenly change his demeanour, her husband, her daughter, and sivullik would be harsh upon him.

the moments continued and he gave no indication of such. he spoke of his parents and kuktutux realized he must have recently made his path away from them. like sialuk, her mind whispered.

the man had lovely words upon his tongue. they danced in vibrant hues that brought moonwoman's gaze toward him, gently approving. she had not spoken since his own voice had begun.

but now the duck saw fit to speak. "tell me what is in your mind, rodyn?" moonglow always had a place for good hunters. she wished to see what trail he chose.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't privy to how some of the packs did it here, but he knew in his home, the males always walked a bit forward to guard and protect. So he followed beside her, because she was clearly capable, but he kept and ever roving eye on the area around, perhaps she wolves at her back, but Rodyn wouldn't let harm come to her either, while they stirred the air with voices.

The brief mention of his parents gave way to a soft ache, and sigh. He did miss them, but they had taught him well. And they were healthy, happy when he had left them, and so they would remain in his minds eye.

Rodyn licked along the seam of his maw as he thought to speak. "I know that we all must make our own journey, Father told me that when I departed, though my question is."

He paused unsure how he wanted to proceed his own thoughts chaotic. "Do you start small and stay with what you know or start big and begin the change immediately? I know change is ever compassing, but to go against the grain, or stay put. Well, that is my quandary."
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
he asked where the wind might lead him. the duck smiled with her small and even teeth. "i never do small things," she told him softly. "this place and the village before it were important and large. i will do it again." it was a declaration to never grow so stagnant.

kukutux studied rodyn for a quiet moment. "do you have the want to be father? to have sons and daughters?" it was the focus of many men, but not all.

her mind rested upon the star as she waited.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn tilted his head, listened as she spoke, he had to lean a little forward to hear, her voice quiet in the air. Her voice was soft as whispers, but held weight and he listened to it as he would his own mother. Gods he missed her, more than anyone else. Though don't all boys love their mothers, differently than most. 

You would do it again? Or you are doing it again? Laying claim to land not sullied, is a hard task, but an important one.

Her next question drew him pause and he looked inward. Did he want to be a father, raise pups. He hadn't ever thought of it before, he supposed he was near that age, yes. One of the many reasons his father had cast him from their pack lands himself. As he thought he listened to the air, the ground, deep even breathing. Would he like children? He loved puppies, loved their scent, their curiosity. It would be the upmost gift a she wolf could give him. Then he spoke.

I would love a gift like that. Though I would need to find a mate for that, and I couldn't settle. It would have to be a love as deep as the stars. That's what my parents have and i will settle for nothing less.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"i would do it again."

he honored his father. he honored his mother. more and more she enjoyed rodyn. kukutux pointed with her muzzle toward the peak that had been moonspear, to the rockfall of debris that had cascaded down its closest side and now lay in near-impassablw rubble.

but the stones were covered with new green moss.

"that was once the place where i made my home. it was destroyed by a star that fell from the sky. many things were broken. i and my daughter built moonglow together as we waited."

she paused. "if the mountain calls you, then walk upon it."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her voice like silken shadows fell on his already ticked ears. One wavered and twitched as he listened, and for a moment his thoughts went inward, as will happen as boys do. 

He followed the motion of her white frosted muzzled, eyes lowered and squinted as he tried to make out the top of the mountain and fell. It touched the sky and left no room for anything in between. He of course knew it didn't really, but it looked as such and what is youth without fantastical and whimsical notions, even adults. Those were the best kind.

He studied the moss that grew upon the stone and dipped his muzzle. Nature is already taking back what is hers. Old must make way for new.

There was a pause in her words, and Rodyn wondered at it, he studied her face curious and wondering, but he said nothing. Her next words pulled  frown of thought from his maw and he stared at the mountain again.

I suppose then, it's a start of a grand adventure isn't it. Perhaps the mountain won't be where I settle, but I can visit it and learn if nothing else."
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
she nodded. "you may find your path there, rodyn. or perhaps you will find that you have a longer wandering to make. you have the favor of moonglow," she grinned, "and its moonwoman."

she reached to nudge his storm-dark shoulder.

"after you have gone to that place, come back to this one. i will bring you to my ulaq for a meal."

her jadestone eyes studied him. 

toteega breathed. he is one to test.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He turned towards the mountain again, traced along it's peak with his eyes. Though it's tops bore white tips, there was greenery down the side. There would be forests upon it, in different areas, and it would be nice to be among the stars for a change. To look down upon the world, a little higher. He had always been a big male, but even mountains made him feel small, the trees most of all. 

I'm glad to have met you. You have my favor as well, and if you are ever in need and I can provide assistance, please don't hesitate to seek me out.

Her gentle nudge rocked him back just a step, and offered her the deference due of someone higher station, even though he did not follow her steed. Her next words drew him pause and he turned the strange word over in his mind. It sounded different, but a bit comforting, though that could be the femme in front of him.

I'll return for this meal, in your Ulaq. He attempted the word, he wasn't certain he didn't completely butcher it, but he tried.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux beamed. "the village will be here when you come down from that place. spirits walk there. be respectful, rodyn," she murmured gently.

"when you return, i will share with you more of our words. even if you do not stay, i will show you how to be trader."

the duck had taken a swift liking to him. she hoped he would return.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,639 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Last post from me. Thank you for the thread :)

Rodyn lay an ear back suddenly a bit shy at her beaming smile. It was nice to make someone happy, he had forgotten how lovely that felt. He heard her words and he looked at the mountain again with surprise. Spirits resided there.

"I will be respectful. I promise."

At her next words her smiled and dipped his head. I would like that, very much. Have a good day, Moonwoman." 

He dipped his head and with a gentle nudge and lick beneath her chin, the respect she was do. He turned and trotted towards the mountain, ears forward, tail erect. A grand adventure, new and shiny.