Ouroboros Spine akuttuatittuk ≚
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soon moonglow and winterglade would call for sacrarium and enjoy a time of stories.

it would a time of feasting, she hoped, and new bonds struck between their packs.

she considered many things as she walked, balancing several pelts across her shoulders and spine along the path to the trio of oak trees.
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-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
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Ooc — Danni
Will delete if you have someone else in mind. But i can't imagine Rodyn not offering to help if he saw her thusly.

Large paws aimed toward the borders and the hunt's beyond, when a figure stopped him. Quickly paws turned opposite and a gentle lope began. Sure footed. Stopping. Kind smile lit up his face.

You need some help Moon Woman? He would offer his broad back were she to need it. It seemed unfair to not offer his assistance, when he could easily carry the pelts.
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Ooc — ebony
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"i will take your help, rodyn."

moonwoman was pleased. she set down the pelts, letting them slide along her fur. 

"how is your mind settled today?" she peered at him. their last talk had been very strong.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn settled further down almost to his knees so she could help to drape them over his back. Russet red mixing in with the green. Two stark colors against each other. Yellow eyes watching her as she spoke. He offered a genial smile, though his eyes spoke of the journey his mind had gone one.

It has, mm quieted, my heart and mind were. He tried to think of the words, but they would not come. He frowned in thought. Fighting, but that doesn't seem right, because it wasn't fully in disagreement, just wonderings.

He smiled again. How are you moonwoman? What are the pelts for?
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Ooc — ebony
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"they are for everyone. each sleeping-place must have new furs. i am also walking to give many to my sister lótë. she is building winterglade village."

it was good to sit and to rest. she looked placidly at the man. "you have brought much meat to moonglow."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled. I don't need one. You can give mine to someone else further in need. I have the deer skin from earlier. Rodyn's ears lifted up in listening, quivered there. He thought of what she said.

Will I get to meet her? I have not met her yet? He hoped so he liked ot meet the new wolves, and he would like to be on good terms with the villages that Moonwoman aprised.

I've tried. I enjoy hunting. It is not just to feed for me. I like to listen to the animals as they move, and learn new things. I don't always hunt. Sometimes i simply listen and watch. It is important to utilize all your senses and sometimes you must do that, without hunting. And I want to make sure we are strong for winter.
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"i do not think so. she lives in the forest, that way." she pointed to the trees of neverwinter which bordered the spine.

"we go often to visit. she will also come here, soon. she is secondwife to our husband sunman."

her small teeth showed in a smile. "my sister is herd-listener. you must share words at some time."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn's ears perked forward and he followed her gaze. Eyeing the forest. I will have to visit sometime. I will be sure to take her a fur or meat. Or does she like something pretty?

He had promised Samani things, and he would make sure to add the sister's items to his gathering as well. He enjoyed finding things that others would enjoy. He wanted to find some fish bones for Callyope to hang near her den as well. He felt she would appreciate it more than anyone else, as she was always singing.

I will have to talk with her then. I would like that trade someday. I haven't met you and your sister's sun man yet. He smiled, his tail wagged once, twice behind him. He would have to search out Sun man as well. It would do well to introduce himself to a man who Kuku loved, because he was probably a good man.
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Ooc — ebony
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"she enjoys pretty things that are useful." she enjoyed thinking of her sister and looked forward to the day that winterglade would stand as its own village.

sialuk came to her mind. 

"he stays upon the borders. and soon he will take our sea-daughter to walk beside the ocean." moonwoman's face was delighted to think of how her family was thriving.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
.Pretty things that were useful. He frowned in thought then smiled.

Do you think she would like a pouch with pretty shapes or dye? Mother taught me accidentally that some berries stain. I think i could fashion a pouch with fish bone and willow branches.

He thought through the mechanics of it. If he leaned the fur against a rock he could prob push the bone through with paw or muzzle.

He had many gifts to get. Sialuk with bones or pretty things, Samani pretty stones, he wanted to hang fish bones for both Samani and Callyope to hear the tinkling sound. And now this pouch for Lote if he could.

He nodded gently. Yea Samani told me her and her dad are planning a trip. I hope they have fun and enjoy it.
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Ooc — ebony
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rodyn was thoughtful.

she watched his mind work and listened to the skilled items he described. "i think she would enjoy any of those things. a pouch is useful. but it can also be a thing that is pretty."

of samani and aiolos, she nodded.

"she will come back a true woman. this is her passing-time."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn wasn't certain he could provide the image in his minds eye, but he was eager to try.

I will try it then.

Her words confused him. Passing time? What is that? Or is it for only women to know? he asked respectfully.

He didn't wish to pry into smething that may be a sacred thing between women and fathers or mothers.
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Ooc — ebony
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she smiled. he was learning. she veiled her eyes with her lashes. it was a way to say the man was correct and she would not detail what she meant.

"all a hunter must know is that samani may begin to choose her companions. sometimes a man who is chosen now will be called again when the time to be anaa comes to a woman."

she looked at rodyn. did he understand?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn took the silent meaning. He was learning from the Moonwoman. Their ways were foreign to him, but not wrong. In truth he found their beliefs easy to understand, and refreshing in a way. It was vastly different from the way he grew up, but he preferred it.

He frowned in thought. Like a trader? She chooses who father's her children? And she has time to choose many lovers to find one she likes, or to have more than one?

He hoped he had it right, but this time Rodyn wasn't sure. And he felt a small sliver of something in his chest at the thought of Samani, but he didn't say much. Unsure himself what it was.
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Ooc — ebony
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she laughed. "you are a fast learner."

kukutux folded her paws and sat before rodyn. "during the next twelve moons, samani will learn to decide what it is she wishes to be. will she be anaa? will she be wanderer? her sister, sialuk, is bone-speaker. who knows what the spirits will say to samani."

her jadestone eyes watched him. "all you must do is see if you are to be chosen. during this time, you do  no asking. no hunter may ask. only the changing-woman must choose."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled, genial, kind. I make a habit of learning. And I enjoy your culture Moonwoman. It speaks to me in ways which most don't.

There wasn't any certainty in the boy how else to say that. Except plainly. He liked this culture, wanted to make it his own for the most part. There would be stuff he imagined as time moved on, he may not understand. Or perhaps not follow. And his own quirks would get mixed into it, but that was okay.

Like I became a Hunter as I traveled here?

Rodyn balked at the thought of asking such a thing. He could never, then something dawned on him and he studied her for a beat of a minute, as he formed his words.

There is a chance I may not be here though, correct? If I choose to become a trader for moonglow? You would probably send me to trade with packs, yes?
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Ooc — ebony
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kukutux dipped her head in acknowledgement of his words.

"yes. i want you to be trader. but it does not mean you will never come back. it means you will be gone for moons of time, and come back to us at the end of seasons."

her eyes glowed.

"but you do not have to be trader, if something holds you closer to this village."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn smiled at her ans listened closely. I want to be a trader, but.

He studied her. I have grown a fondness for Samani.

He remembered her words that men must be bold and unafraid to speak their intentions and so he would. He bowed his head and then lifted it again, a strength in his voice.

I do not know if my affections are returned and if they are if they will stay. That is for Samani to decide, but I won't deny that I find her beautiful and kind and fascinating.

So I think that it would depend on that.

He smiled a little backwards afraid of what he just said. Mostly simply because it was new and he wasn't even sure if he could make such a bold claim. Especially given they had only met once, but it was something he frequented in his mind.
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Ooc — ebony
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moonwoman's face indeed showed a great and pleased expression when rodyn said the name of samani. it had not been her place to mention these things.

but now that rodyn held the name of her daughter and put words to his intent, kukutux would now answer.

"this is very good for my ears to hear." her jadestone eyes glowed and then she stilled once more into living marble. "i know you do not only mean to share her sleeping-place. you will be her husband. you will give a hearth to her children." he had spoken of such before, in other words. "i have many words to say to you now, rodyn of village moonglow."

all through it, she would keep her voice soft, singsong. the duck was a teller of stories.

"if a hunter wishes to marry a daughter of this village, he will pay a bride-price. samani is not only child of moonglow, she is child of moonwoman and sun man. if she marries before her sister, she will become moonwoman." and what a weight it was. it was not for samani to know. the look of her eye said as much. "i will ask you for many things and you will bring them all to my ulaq, to present to my eyes and sun man and samani."

a smile touched her mouth. that was a ritual in itself, and one she would tell him when the time came.

"but not this year. not until spring comes again will samani be touched by tooteega, and be given the blessing to be anaa. this is her passing-time. these moons of time are hers. she will make no commitment to a hunter. she will only choose to which she will give her time. or perhaps no man at all."

these were the words for samani. but she knew that rodyn must hear them too. each man of moonglow must know her ways. "she is skilled girl and has blood of two villages. when a hunter marries, he takes these things to his own ulaq. she brings them as her own gifts. she is not given by her mother and father. she stands up and says yes or no to a hunter. what she chooses must be so, and respected. you offer bride-price not to buy, but to show that in the old age of her mother, you will still give meat and furs. many of the gifts you will bring from trading are for a man's own ulaq with his new wife. it shows you think to the present and to the future."

she paused for a while.

"so this is what i say: you must go and trade for the things i will ask. give some days to samani, but leave before the end of the sun-time. i will speak to aiolos and we will say what is best to give. at first snow, moonglow will leave this place and go to natigvik for winter hunting. you will meet us there."

her eyes were soft. "the heart grows more when it longs to return home. samani must decide her life. when the snow begins to melt, you will come to our home. you will say out loud for the village to hear that you want her as wife. and she will accept. or she will say no. but it is a moment of great honour for each of you."

now kukutux was quiet. there was more to say. but he would have questions now.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
When is the end of sun-time month wise lol?

Rodyn was glad that he had not horrified Moonwoman with his favor of her daughter. Some parents got strange about it. But he tried to be good and kind and be worthy. She even looked pleased, so perhaps this spoke well for him.

Rodyn scuffed a paw into the dirt, a small shy smile on his face. Though Kukutux quickly got down to business, so he did his best to do so as well. Eyes on her as she spoke, mind working through all she said.

He said nothing at first just gave a direct nod to her statement and then settled in to listen. And process as best he could. He liked to listen to her speak. She sounded musical, and music was something he loved.

Rodyn pushed an ear forward, a furrow in his brow. He knew well the heavy price that hung from you when you were a leader. Had seen it in his father, and his mother. Though he had not planned that for his life. He would do his best to be as supportive of Samani as he could, if she chose him. In her travels she may find someone she liked more, and he would need to accept that with grace.

He spoke quietly. It is a time to learn of oneself? And what you want out of you life? A spiritual journey of sorts?

Rodyn smiled. He would continue to hunt until he couldn't anymore, he knew this about himself. His worship was hunting. It was how he showed he cared, with furs and meats and providing. He was a provider for his woman, his village, his family.

So I will trade my skills, my body and my own trades for gifts for Samani, you and Aiolos? Correct? Plus things for my own ulaq?

He was trying to follow, he wanted to get it right. He wanted to do the best that he could. Not just for Samani, but also for himself and for Moonglow.

You will tell me before i leave what it is you want? And where I am to go? And the right words to say? And I am not to return here, but to Natigvik, when the first snow falls?

And spring like a time of rebirth. I will announce my intentions? Are there sacred words to say, or do I speak from my heart and soul?
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Ooc — ebony
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hmm leave before sept 1st!

to his first question, a nod: "yes. a time of learning who you are, and who you will be."

to his second, she hummed. "you trade status as trader for honored position of marrying the next moonwoman. she gives her skills to your hearth as wife. it is a bartering between you and the woman who will be your wife."

to his third question, a tip of her muzzle. "yes. i will share words with aiolos. i will come to you when we have spoken. he may wish to speak to your ears himself. then you will go. and we will meet in natigvik."

sialuk had not undergone this courtship. she had become part of the mountain moonspear. she had sought a vision given to her by the heart of the village. her resolve hardened. 

atlas ostrega must not hold that place.

this would be aiolos' first time beholding the ways in which kukutux meant to raise their daughters. 

and there was much about marriage itself to discuss. but not yet.

to his last, she smiled. "you speak the words that come to you. the only thing else you must say is 'i, rodyn ardeth of village moonglow, have the want to marry samani nuiruk of village moonglow."

it was hard to part with the sounds. she did so in trust that rodyn truly meant what he said.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Okay. I was like umm...not sure what it is i figured fall start, but wasn't certain.

Rodyn listened closely to her words. He understood. He had searched for a sense of self on his journey here and had grown closer to his own image of what he wanted. He would endeavor to do so, in a deeper capacity. He hoped by the time the snow flys, he would know himself well. He understood. His livilihood would be trade, and hunting. He needed to prove that if he couldn't provide something, he would trade it for his wife and his future children and the pack. Because as Moonwoman, Samani would be responsible for the pack, and he would be the support that backed her.

I understand.

He said not much else in the context of the first words, but his mind was clear and his truths there upon his face for her to see. He understood the heaviness he would be embarking upon as husband to Samani if she chose him and he accepted it.

Rodyn was young and at times he was rash, but he had been raised a different type of way. And it was with these thoughts that he knew. What he spoke was truth. He had not set out to find someone so soon, and he and Samani both had growing to do, but he was a loyal and true beast and he never spoke something he didn't mean.

I thank you Moonwoman of Moonglow for trusting me with these words, and I will do my best to be the best I can be for Samani even if she chooses someone else, and the village of moonglow.

Because he knew it was possible she could choose another. And he could say nothing against it.
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kukutux's eyes were gentle.

"i think you will do great things, rodyn ardeth."

her voice too was soft.

"go now. think on what i have said. ask the spirits to guide your path."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,743 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn drew close and nudged her gently. He picked his burdens back up. He would deliver her furs to the place she wanted yhen head dwon the mountain to think and accept his path.