Moonspear kunikruk ⥅
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a howl rang out, one relieved to see the slopes of the place which had once been her home.

come! i have brought things, she called to her family and to those other villagers close, part of the moonwolves.

upon her foxpelt wrap she laid out fresh deer liver, clusters of blackberries, dried fish rolled into delicate spirals, hummingbird eggs.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Killdeer was the first to meet moonwoman, who he'd not seen in a very long time. Still, he recognized her as matron of these allied packs and as Sialuk's mother, and came toward her with the deference owed such a lofty, storied position.

Welcome, he said warmly, then looked upon her offerings with an expression of amazement. Wow—look at all that!

He blinked kindly at her, tail low but relaxed. I'm Killdeer. We met long ago. . .my uncle Caracal was staying here. And I. . .am one of the sires of Sialuk's litter, as well as Moonshadow's.

The last he said with some hesitation. Perhaps, she'd wanted a different match for Sialuk? Though, given the young woman's freedom in love, maybe interference would have been a fool's errand.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Aiolos came to his wife's call. At first, he did not know if he should. No spirits had called to him. None had eased his pain. He did not want to see the disappointment on his mate's face. 

Just a little over a week had passed since he had come to the peaks of Moonspear for visit. He had stayed to himself, mostly, in the higher mountains (much unlike himself) where he had a clear view of the Moon and could see Sea at a distance. 

He prayed to the two Goddesses which he worshipped. He prayed to the spirits, to Sedna. They didn't speak. However, he did feel better somewhat. Physically, from his daily soaks in the hot springs not available at the spine. And mentally, by the new senery he was in, distracting his mind from the death of another daughter. 

He would come, he then decided. He held himself as best he could when he arrived, she a small smile touched his features to see his wife again. He would keep trying, keep fighting, for her- always.
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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sialuk's arrangement pleased her, and that was what moonmother wished. her eldest daughter had been robbed of time as a girl, and had grown swiftly into a woman.

she remembered raimo. even that she had once considered kigipigak for sialuk.

"you came to the village, to look for towhee," kukutux said at last, surfacing with the memory and a smile. "if two of moonspear have chosen you, and one is a moon daughter, then you are kin to me. sit. eat."

aiolos came then. the misery still laid upon him and lived in his eyes. but her look for him was warm and vibrant, and she rose to embrace her sun man in a tight, lingering way.

"and my husband has come to stay among you. for a time. sialuk has lost a sister. we grieve her." another sister.

she drew a breath. "the children of moonspear, they are well? healthy?"
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
His face bloomed into the utmost happiness at her words, and it was only after a moment of silence that he remembered her coaxing to eat. 

It didn't matter. He could have been starving, but he'd hold firm. I'll bring these treats to the children, Killdeer promised. Thank you, Kukutux.

He caught his breath, a sharp sound in his throat, as he spoke. Sialuk's sister, gone. I'm sorry, he told both the silver woman and her fiery mate. I'm very sorry for your loss. There are many children here—they'll be brought up to honor her memory, I'm sure.

Another smile. Everyone is healthy and safe.
Daddy Moonglow
1,034 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Killdeer had been gentle to Aiolos when they had first met, Aiolos being no more then a stranger to Killdeer in his home. Now, he was just as apologetic to his wife. 

Aiolos listened to his mate. The sound of her voice and her pressed against him soothing to him. Yet, he could not think of lying with her in the den they had raised their many children. The den which they had been safe and secure in, until the world had swallowed them whole. 

Aiolos can be skipped from here if opportunity allows!
moonglow daddy
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
kukutux offered some tender kisses of sustenance to her husband, beaming at him with soul standing entire in her eyes.

"i am happy to hear it, killdeer," kukutux murmured quietly. "we grieve. but life must walk forward. rodyn of moontide plans another great hunt," she shared, assuming that moonspear had heard of such.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Oh, that sounds awesome! Killdeer replied, his expression brightening. It'll be nice to get to know everybody. When will it be?

Once he'd gotten an answer from Kukutux, he realized that perhaps the sun-and-moon pair needed alone time to connect and digest their losses.

He smiled, tail wagging in anticipation of the hunt. Thank you again, he told Kukutux, and then began to wrap the goods in the pelt—he was getting used to this sort of thing, here—then took it in his mouth and departed, the bundle swinging from one side of his jaw.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
so sorry i didnt see the skip note! <3 D:

"between the leaves falling and the snow to come."

her manner soft. "i will see you again, killdeer," kukutux said with warmth; her green eyes watched the young man leave.

she set her arms around aiolos, pressing her face to his own.

their breath mingled; their souls touched.

"i am staying here for some days, uiga."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]