Ouroboros Spine take me back to a happy place
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Set at the Edge of Moonglow. Tags for @Sialuk, @Kukutux@Antares, @Melaine, @Howl and @Ravaryn for reference. With FFG disbanding, I am throwing Keyni here. Any others who want to join in are welcome. Please gimme a heads up if I have messed up on assumptions, but I will try to keep it vague.

Keyni had taken some time off to venture away from the Spine, to travel back to her old home of Firefly Glen. It was a days travel, and her goal was simply to check up on how her old haunt was faring. If it was still riddled with debris and destruction, or if there were still some pockets that were at all habitable. And of course, there was her curiosity of locating @Howl and @Ravaryn, who had not re-united with the remaining Fireflies. She wondered what had become of them. Were they okay? Had they stayed behind, or packed up and moved on? Whatever their decision was, Keyni could be at peace knowing the young girl was with her father once more.

What she had found was disappointing, but by no means a surprise. The land was deserted, the scent marks of the borders barely a tingle in her nose. A ghost town, unfit for any sort of pack to thrive. She caught no sight or scent of anyone. Just the twittering of birds and the scampering of the odd squirrel or spring hare. The realization set in that Firefly Glen was no more. She sighed, turning away. It may very well have died long ago, when Antares lost his family. And besides, from her own feelings and quiet observation of the Ostrega, Moonglow had begun to feel more and more like home in the passing weeks.

Returning a day later, the tundrian mix had already made up her mind. But first, before she sought audience with @Kukutux or the wise @Sialuk, she raised her head and released her own call. A call for @Antares and @Melaine, should she be in the area. She knew @Bronco and his dark friend @Vallkyrie were away, traveling. She waited, curious if the former leader of the Glen would make an appearance. Then she called for either Kukutux or her daughter, with no sense of urgency in her voice. She had been in limbo long enough. Another few minutes would make little difference, with her mind now set.
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He'd not noticed any changes, but for some time he had suspected firmly that unless more wolves showed up to pull the Glen wolves from their resting place and back to their previous home, that they would either wander away or join the pack. Adrastus, naturally, hoped for the latter as he believed them to be capable, helpful wolves and led by one that he still considered to choose as his second, should he decide to stay as well. It would also put a thorn in Raimo's side, and cause him to be worried out like a splinter pressed from a fingertip. 

So when he heard a familiar voice call out for the leaders, he became curious. Naturally, he recognized the fact that she was not summoning him- but he was so close by, her call had startled him with its loudness. A few steps, a few heartbeats later, he caught sight of her and flicked his ears forward. He appeared as though on cue, even though his name had not been spoken in her howl. "Ms. Keyni," He rumbled quietly. "Everything alright?" He asked. He would not press her, of course, should she shoo him away in favour of speaking to those she had summoned- but it was not without some concern that he felt compelled to check in with her, seeing as he was in the area anyway.
3,266 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
would moonglow grow with more effort than her own body might produce? would raimo bring the woman home to this village? a swallow tightened kukutux' throat, and she strode out below the stone overhang of her ulaq. setting a gentle pace for herself, the duck would have made for the outskirts of moonglow in exploration.

keyni's voice, rising. a frown belabored her expression, and kukutux began to press that way.

as before, adrastus, in his role upon the border. the moon came lightly to his side, eventually, and pressed pale ears toward the woman, listening to whatever was said in response, having just caught the last word of sivullik.

raimo came again to her mind, and as she stood awaiting keyni's voice, kukutux sought to veil his face from her mind.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
The Firefly Glen refugees had been in limbo far longer than anyone had intended, Lane was certain. It was as if they all teetered on the edge of some great precipice, waiting for the event that either tipped them over the edge of destruction or pulled them safely away from danger, to be restored and revived. For the latter to occur, someone would be required to step up to leadership. Surprisingly, both Antares and Bronco had failed to do so, though either would have been fit for the position, in Lane's opinion. 

There was also Keyni, of course, who might take it upon herself to step up to leadership once it became clear that no one else intended to do so. Keyni was a pack-oriented, dutiful wolf, and it only seemed natural that she would step in to fill a needed position. As Lane made her way toward Keyni's call, she wondered if this meeting would serve as her announcement of her intention to lead.

Before Lane arrived at the source of the call, Keyni's voice filled the air again, summoning the Moonglow leadership. That was curious... perhaps Lane had misjudged Keyni's intentions? If instead of rallying the Glen wolves, Keyni meant to leave them for Moonglow.. would the Glen be able to survive her defection? It seemed unlikely. There were barely holding themselves together as it was.  

Moonglow had responded to Keyni's call more quickly than Firefly Glen, even though they had been summoned second. That did not bode well for the vitality of Firefly Glen, Lane imagined. Lane's amber gaze fell upon Kukutux and her subordinate with the attentiveness and gratitude they were due, as the Glen's gracious hosts, and she nodded respectfully. She then turned her attention to Keyni, encouraging her to speak with a flickering smile and wag of her tail.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
As he mended, it only made him harder to pin down. He kept watch low on the borders of the glow most of all, able to surface hesitantly as a silent sentry for their cause if nothing else, but restlessness still seeped in eventually--and he was too upturned to do anything but act upon it. Most productive in working his frustrations through his muscles seemed to be ranging and hunting with Vallkyrie, between here and the fringes of the abandoned glen most of all, but it still had yet to inspire him to.. return to a helm there in any honest capacity, certainly not alone. Instead, and perhaps led to it by that very same train of thought, it only hoisted up this new concern that deepened considerably by the day: where was Bronco?

He was distracted by Keyni's call first. Others were included, too, and as much as he might prefer to not face this in front of so many.. he steeled himself to appear, at least, to see what it might be exactly. Maybe he was only expecting all of the worst. He had a good idea already, though. He had a good idea what all of them had been thinking, especially when so much of it weighed on him.

A clipped trot, and not a word, he arrived already with his ears angling back and expression blank. He stopped on the edge of the scene, gauging it already with grim intent. Given that his aunt was here, as well as the snowy Adrastus, he started to second guess a few of his expectations before he looked to Keyni for details he knew she would have.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Patient as always, Keyni stood by to wait. But, she did not have to wait long. The familiar white form of Adrastus arrived shortly after her call, curious to the reason behind it. The hunter was always a welcome sight to see, in her eyes. Offering a soft wave of her tail, she shook her head to assure him. "It will be, soon." She answered simply, smoothly. Her own way of stating that she intended to resolve the dilemma woven between her and the remaining Fireflies today. Kukutux arrived soon after, to whom Keyni only offered the slightest of soft nods. She had no doubts that the duck would offer her a home here. Melaine arrived next with a smile and also brimming with curiosity. Jade eyes settled on those gathered warmly, but she remained silent. Conveying that she would not speak until everyone had gathered, including Antares.

And, moments later, the very wolf she had been wishing to see most of all made his appearance. The tundrian mix turned to him directly, eyes flickering over his form. Reading his expression for any clues as to what he might be feeling. There was a certain sense of seriousness in her gaze, but also understanding. Allowing another few seconds of silence to pass, she broke it with a soft clearing of her throat, speaking to Antares first. 

"Thank you for coming, Antares. Melaine." She addressed her packmates first, but let an ear flick to be sure to include Kukutux and Adrastus as well. "I think you know what this is about." Green eyes locked onto blue, not in challenge, but forthright honesty. "I checked back in on our home and...nothing is left. I didn't even find a trace of Howl or Ravaryn. It is plainly obvious that the time of the Glen is over." Slowly, she sat down, her attention solely for the dark Ostrega. "Antares, I know you have been struggling. It is not lost on me. You've been through far too much than any young man should have to go through." She drew in a breath, choosing her next words with care. "I think it may be in our best interest if those who remain and wish to do so, merge with Kukutux and her followers." She set him with a soft, but level look. To set him straight in that she by no means, was stomping all over his rank. "But, because I respect you - all of you, I will not act before consulting you first. I do not want to see you hurt further, which is why your opinion matters." She fell into silence then, compelling him - tell me your thoughts.

390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
As a note, this is after Bronco bounced & before Kyr went hunting for his ass on the 11th. :)

When she arrived back to her (temporary) home it was with a ground hog clutched in her jaws, ready to place it in a cache for the wolves who had accepted her long-standing visitation. Their was a gathering ahead and she made way to which she was able to hear the tail end of Kenyi's words, speaking that the remainders of the Glen should formally join Moonglow but left the ground open for Lane and Antares on what they wanted to do.

The long legged huntress made way to them, finding a placement somewhere along Antares' side. With Bronco having seemed to wonder off somewhere, now Antares (though she had not known him long) was her most prominent connection here. Settling the gopher down, she dips her head to the group in silent greeting as she listened in. Her glacier eyes searching the land beyond around them, no Bronco in sight...
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Soon. Well, that gave him some reassurance- and also led him to believe that she had called for her packmates, so that they might convene together and suss out something of a plan. The time had come, he felt, for them to do so anyway- not that they had worn out their welcome by any means, but they had been welcome for so long that it simply felt as though the Glen wolves might become a permanent fixture. Keyni did not shoo him away, nor did Kukutux who came to his side when she arrived. Soon thereafter, there were more- two females he did not know personally, and Antares, to whom he gave a slight smile and nod of his head. 

In a fashion that was more diplomatic and responsible, Keyni addressed her packmates, and Adrastus kept Antares in his peripheral vision so he might gauge the male's reaction. He was their leader, after all- and he wondered if the man might be humble and appreciate the fact that someone else had stepped forward to address their future, or if it would trouble him at all. As Adrastus had nothing to offer the group but welcome, he remained quiet. It seemed they might have some to discuss amongst themselves, and he did not want to interrupt.
3,266 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux felt as though she might blanch a bit as keyni began to spoke. it swiftly became clear that this would be a meeting her nuak had not expected. vallkyrie, here now, and lane, each given a gentle glance. it humbled the duck that her land should be chosen for this meeting; it meant to her that she had made a place of peace.

it had not been her place to call them for this reason; the moon had welcomed them all and her wolves had followed suit. antares' leadership had remained unquestioned by kukutux. it was to the dark ostrega hunter that keyni now looked, unwilling to choose her mind without hearing his words.

like sivullik, the duck had nothing to add. she only settled her haunches against the earth rather than remained standing, a silent reflection of her intent to dispel any tension. each of these wolves had come into her eye for a purpose. each one would choose their own path. she  inclined her head toward antares, waiting to hear him, but did not stare, as she knew the pressure of these many eyes would be more than enough without her own added.

it had not surprised kukutux that bronco had left. he was a diligent young hunter and one loyal, but he was too young to remain unsettled. it was the way of men his age to seek their own paths, but she had favoured antares in this, to lose so much and then bronco as well.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
lane and antares are swapping in the post order <3

He flicked an ear and a quick glimpse to beside himself when Vallkyrie joined them too, noting that much before he gave Keyni his attention. She steered matters forward, and he was quiet to listen--though not without a short nod to say he did suspect what this might be. She could prove him wrong, but he knew very well that he needed to give voice to everything that had happened, and what he thought might come of it.

That she still held her respect for him enough to package it all like this was not lost on him, but he was inwardly searching for his starting point already. He also willed away his grief at not finding hide nor hair of Ravaryn since everything. Antares only hoped the cheery girl had made it away from here, safe beside her father--as Antares had hoped so badly for her. But now it was just another absence deepening the dark for him, and he wanted to think Keyni's respect towards him even now, was not entirely misplaced. She hit a lot of matters head on, though. Yeah.. the Glen is no more. I have gone back a few times too, trying to.. I don't know, convince myself. There is nothing there to return to, he said, jaw set firm over the words, and the finality they represented to him. And I do not have the will to force it to be, not alone, not now.. he replied, drawing off slowly on the admission of his failing. For him, a large part of it had died with Osiris, and disappeared with Atlas. He was only the ghost of what was left, a darkness snuffing the light that remained when Bronco had not come back.

His navy gaze flicked away then, but he returned it to her soon enough, determined not to think deeply on all the others here in favor of his own focus to get through this. There was one he was missing, worst of all. You are right about that, about all of it. To stay and integrate properly is the best, logical choice, he said, wanting to drum up the proper conviction. To help bolster Kukutux's own strength in exchange for being there when the fireflies needed somewhere to hide and regroup, it only seemed right to his heart. They had already been here long enough, some of them might already have good starts already. And I want what is best for those that still.. look to me with any respect, though it's feeling hard to deserve it. I know I have made you all wait far too long to hear what might just be obvious, he drew a slow steadying breath then.

To all of them, but Keyni most of all. So, point remains.. the choice is all yours now. I have.. something I have to do before I can completely make mine with no regrets still, Antares drawled, ending vaguely for himself, and an apologetic look towards Keyni. She already knew more than most, so he would not reveal more unnecessarily.. not unprompted in front of so many. It was a chance to let it set in, if anything, but with this, Firefly Glen with him at its helm was laid to rest. They were free of it, of him, so maybe that would be a weight off his shoulders soon enough.
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Keyni wanted Lane's opinion? She blinked, dumbfounded. 

No. Even though she had directed the statement to everyone, Lane could see Keyni's attention clearly focused on the owner of the only opinion that truly mattered here. Despite whether Keyni had decided unilaterally that "the time of the Glen was over," that could only be true if Antares agreed. 

Which he did. 

And so just like that, the Glen was finished. Lane breathed in, preparing herself to adjust to the huge loss that she imagined she should be feeling. ...She should be feeling something, right? Her time with the Glen had been essentially just endless work, exhaustion, and uncertainty, with a moment or two of abject terror. Maybe it was understandable that she wasn't feeling any kind of egregious loss here. 

From what Lane was hearing, it sounded like the plan was for the former fireflies to join up with Moonglow, as Keyni was doing. No doubt Kukutux would accept everyone swiftly, and full of gracious sympathy. 

If the events of the last several moons were anything to go by, Lane wasn't so sure she was feeling the whole pack thing. Honestly, it had been brutal, and it would have been so much worse if she'd had stronger ties to those who were lost. You know, the kind of ties that packs encouraged. 

It was nice of Moonglow to offer. Really. And it had been super nice of them to house the refugees the past few weeks. But Lane just wasn't sure. Antares mentioned something about going off for a bit, without offering any details. That seemed like a much better option to Lane, and she didn't hesitate to jump right on that bandwagon too. Anything to put off this decision. 

"Me too. I'm gonna just.. take some time." Lane swallowed, trying not to feel too guilty as she turned to Kukutux. "Tell Za-- tell anyone who asks, please-- that I'm headed, um.." Lane said the first thing that came to mind. "..north for a little while. Across the mountains." 

Fuck. She and Zane had dreamed up such a good plan, and now she wasn't sure she could follow through. If Lane had been a fully mature wolf with adequately-developed emotional intelligence, she might have looked for @Zane before she left. She might have explained to him that it wasn't him, and it wasn't even marriage that had given her cold feet. She just couldn't tie herself down to the whole pack thing yet, not right now-- not when she had just been set free. 

But as it was, Lane was a teenager. And as a teenager, she was a whole lot more partial to the idea of just disappearing as opposed to having a difficult, embarrassing conversation. They could talk when she came back. If she came back. Or he could come find her, if he wanted. That would be cool.
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Posting with permission in order to wrap this up! <3

She felt herself ease slightly. A small part of her worried that she might offend Antares by her show of initiative, and in turn, hidden leader like qualities. But he listened. He was patient. And in the end, agreed with her that there was no going back to the Glen. That here, trying to pick up the pieces in Moonglow, as full fledged members, was the healthiest choice for them all. 

Her brows furrowed softly. He appreciated her respect, but questioned if he really deserved it. Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, she tried to turn it around. Make him feel better. "You have been through much, Antares. For being able to withstand these burdens as you have for so long, is respectable in of itself." 

He left the choice up to her. Keyni was no longer a subordinate under his watch. She didn't need to double check with him, first. Though she hardly had ever had any issues getting along with the ebony Ostrega. He had un-finished business to take care of. And Lane needed some time to herself. To both of them, she nodded. "I understand. Do what you must. What you feel is right." Her soft jades moved in turn to Vallkyrie. The Archer had not been of the Glen, but was a valued acquaintance. Keyni was certain she would be welcome, if she wished for a home. To her, Antares and Lane, she concluded. "I will not force you to make any choices. But I have no doubt that Kukutux and her followers will welcome you as their own, should you wish." She turned to Kukuktux and Adrastus, who had stood by, patiently. With a gentle bow of her head. "If you will have me, I will remain here. This place...it calls to me." A trace of a smile flickered to her lips.
3,266 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
last for me <3 please msg me if anything here is not great/too assumptive!

and there it was. kukutux wanted to cluck her tongue in sympathy for antares, for she saw how hard it had been for him to speak. she wanted of course to know what it was he must do, but would no more think of asking than she would have answered such an inquiry about her own death songs. to keyni she glanced now, filled with pride that moonglow would have another sister in its growing circle of women. it calls to me.

a glissade of guilt now, to find any delight in the falling of the glen. but their pain belonged to her. she had listened to osiris sing powerfully into the night. she had heard antares' own voice. kukutux had listened to the fireflies find one another and her blood had beat with hope for them. even now, they had not died. they would not forget the faces of those who had made them, that of her kinsman among that number.

lane speaking, saying she too would go out into the land. to this kukutux hid her first reaction — surprise, for had she not seemed interested in zane? perhaps vision had failed the duck. a soft look to the medic. all of them suffering, and they must be cleansed by their own route. 

the woman straightened, smoothing pearlwhite fur and looking toward the dark ostrega now. how much he resembled the blackfox! how much he looked like the blackbear! the name of their family existed powerfully below his wounded spirit. when strength returned to the boy, he would be thundercloud over glacier. "i hope that peace comes as you seek your path, antares," kukutux said softly. "you will be my nuak even if you travel a great distance. moonglow has a welcome for you that cannot be taken away."

to pretty, pained lane: "you have been a good sister to me and to this place. if your trail leads you to us again, i will share with you the secret of saiyu, which is a medicine that can only be made with water that is warm." she knew the younger to share her interest in herbs, but lane bore much wanderlust inside her healing heart. she would share it anyway, and evidenced this with a small quick smile before turning her jadestone eyes to vallkyrie.

blue ice woman. "there always is a place for strong hunters in moonglow. some may cross between two circles. i believe that you are one of these." kuktuux had thus far seen the start and the strife of building two poles within moonglow, but it must be finished. it must be scraped as a hide was, polished, cleaned. perfected. and in this, a moonwoman with wisdom knew it was wise to see each for their strengths. 

beside her, sivullik. the woman was straightening now, turning her eyes to antares and then to keyni. "you are welcomed." offering a nudge to each of those gathered if allowed, kukutux would sweep them all with a steady look, one that rested upon adrastus, before moving to stand alongside their newest, whispering that they should go first to the duck's ulaq. 
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It all came to pass then. Lane would decide to leave, traveling further towards the mountains somewhere beyond here. Keyni would remain and would turn jade eyes to her ice, ensuring them that Kukutux would have them too, if they wished. Kyr knew this already to be true, having been offered and a part of Vallkyrie felt guilty for remaining here and yet not having said 'yes'.

Again, the pale woman whom cloaked herself in furs, drew attention to her. To Pikaluyik. She spoke of the hunt and Vallkyrie nodded sharply, directly, with the attention the newfound leader deserved. She had picked up the ashes of this mess and made a sanctuary for those that had been lost, now of Moonglow or not. For this, she was owed much respect.

To Antares then, Vallkyrie lifted her head, looking to the other black wolf with a softened smile. While he knew he had to tie up some things first before making a decision if he should stay or go, so did Vallkyrie. She needed to hunt but this time, not for prey...
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
He was well aware that he is probably the biggest wreck about this; this last symbolic piece of what he and his brothers had fostered, what their parents had allowed them to branch from. To up and admit that it's over, his fight for its cause is finished because for now, he had nothing left to give.. it only wounded him more, somehow, but they were graceful about handling it still now in the end. Wishing him peace, despite all of his uncertainty. All of which he didn't know what to do with on the spot, besides feel it burn behind his ears.

Surprisingly Melaine took right to the hint he had made too, using his vague avoidance of everything to spearhead her own plan that he didn't exactly expect.. but didn't find it misplaced for her, either. Another weight off his shoulders to have her roll with it so well, too. He gave her a sincere nod, wondering if he'd see her again after all of this. Maybe when he was.. different, too.

And to Keyni, he was silent for a loitering stretch, to bite back the ache. He knew. She spoke sense when he wouldn't verbalize it. Yeah.. I know, he breathed, not doubting the welcome he could have if he wanted. Kukutux affirmed this plenty, to which he dipped his head in a slow, understanding nod. They could use able hunters, and he needed the security of something. But, he wasn't ready to say it too. Not right this instant, though they were the last of everything he had. It made sense, despite his overwhelming desire to not spend a second more right here on the spot. Again, not right now. One thing at a time.

With that, he backed away and quietly receded from the situation entirely. To regroup, perhaps. He would face the rest of it soon but as he said, there were things he wanted to do first.