Ouroboros Spine utterpok
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
OOC: Keyni is at the borders of Moonglow! Open to all, but special mention for @Lótë/@Imaq, @Kukutux & @Aiolos.

The Tundrian had waited long enough. She had been close in vicinity to the village of Moonglow for some time now. She saw little point in hanging back in the distance any further. With Selamuit off on his own agenda, she was free to choose her timing as she wished.

She edged closer and closer to the Spine, the terrain and it's landmarks becoming more familiar as she neared what had at one point, been her home. And very well could be again, should it be in the cards for her. Coming to the borders, she was pleased to find that they were securely intact and refreshed as ever. 

But she was mindful. Light footed with a hint of caution. There was a new tint entwined in the scent of several women, Kukutux among them. Keyni easily deduced by the time of year, what this meant. Pups. Newborns. Chances were that the Moonwoman may not be available to heed her call today, and understandably too. But there were others who could. She tipped her head back and released a smooth note with her voice, reclining to sit patiently.
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Much of her time was now spent at the spear, communing with her ancestors and listening to their whispers. She had become so used to their voices that she scarcely required the bones any longer. These past few months had allowed her a deeper connection with the spirits gone from this realm, and Sialuk had come to know them as friends.

But always, she returned to the spine, to Moonglow, to anaa, to the children who were born here.

A voice she had not heard in many months sang a song for her, and for a moment, Sialuk worried. Was this the voice of a spirit? Had her village sister's songs not been sung? Was she trapped between the world of the living and the dancing lights? Sialuk's heart felt tight in her chest, but as she approached, she picked up on the familiar scent.

A sign of relief.

Keyni, she said, warmth riding the wavelengths of her voice. It has been many sunrises since I have seen you.
Atkan Aleut
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos would never stray far from Kukutux for long, in the same manner which Inutsuk when not leave the side of Shikoba for long either. But they were strong and those as @Lote and @Qadira would be where Aiolos was not. Even now, Sialuk greets their visitor before his arrival. As he comes, the agouti at their doorstep was one he knew as a former fellow member. 

Keyni, I'm glad to see that you are well. He speaks as he comes nearer, to be then at the side of his eldest step daughter. I'm sorry Kukutux will not be here to greet you. She has newly given birth to a litter of three. He speaks with a proud smile and wave of his tail.
moonglow daddy
"Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats."
449 Posts
Ooc —
a cameo, lótë can be skipped!

Lótë remained behind in the village, despite how the echo of Keyni's tones tugged on her heart strings. @Inutsuk lingered somewhere close to the ulaq he shared with his family but the doe felt that her presence was needed within the heart of their community. There was an unspoken roving of shifts; instinct beckoned that she protect the new lives of Moonglow while Aiolos and Sialuk patrolled. 

Even so, a grin lit her face up with excitement, tail beating against the earth as her head lifted -- her prone form positioned a respectable distance from the mothers' dens. Tipping her head back, the cloudberry called out in return. 

'Welcome back!'

[Image: tumblr_inline_p7g2ubEPPb1ufb8ej_400.gifv]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The wolves that greeted her were familiar faces. First the pale Sialuk. Jade eyes roved warmly over the nearly grown woman. She was no longer the child she remembered her as, from so long ago. She had filled out nicely and matured beautifully. The Tundrian's thoughts were reflected clearly in her eyes. 

"Sialuk..." She returned in a breath. Her tail waved loosely in the twirls of natural friendship. "It has been far too long." A single, soft step pushed her forward. Snow kissed muzzle extended out in offering, seeking the acceptance for contact along the curve of an ear.

Moonglow was a powerful place. She hadn't even been here two minutes and already she was feeling it's pull. That tug, welcoming her home. The warmth of the clan she did not realize she so missed. And then, the flame kissed Aiolos joined them. Looking as healthy and sturdy as ever. Bearing great news, no less. Just as she had thought, Kukutux was a mother again.

"It is good to see you again as well, Aiolos." She smiled, tipping her head modestly. "A blessing, for all of Moonglow. You must be thrilled." She complimented, her voice unusually weighted with more emotion than usual. She was happy for them. Somewhere from the heart of the village, the unmistakable voice of Lote called to her. Ears pricking, she shuffled on her paws, as if resisting the urge to see her old friend right here, right now.

First things first. Back to business. "I have fulfilled my promise to Lane and her followers of Duskfire." She began, unaware of the name change. "I had planned to make my way back here as soon as I tied up all loose ends but...we had some...complications." Her expression grew more serious. "I come with news. Your friends in Rivenwood." She paused, looking carefully from one face to the other. "They were attacked by Ursus. I was part of the scouting party sent out offer them aid in recovery. But..." She took a stiff breath. "...their two youngest were kidnapped and still missing." She clearly did not mean to imply that Moonglow take action. What they could do here, so far away and at this time of year was quite limited. "I thought you should know, as it is my understanding you are good terms with Mahler's pack."
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

keyni upon their borders.

her sister's voice rising in welcome.

moonwoman tilted back her own crown, calling from her den with love for the woman who had stood alongside moonglow.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's own name returned to her. Somewhere deep in her heart, she had feared Keyni may not remember her. It had been so long. But the fear was swept away. Aiolos approached, and Lote's voice joined them.

The raindrop's ears pressed forward to cup the words of her village sister. An attack. Stolen children, still missing. A sense of sorrow and loss for the wolves of Rivenwood, though Sialuk did not know them.

Anaa's voice then, the soft tones a welcome reprieve from the sorrows that Keyni spoke of. Moonglow was safe.

You will stay? she asked, her gaze pausing first on Aiolos for approval, then Keyni.
Atkan Aleut
Daddy Moonglow
1,010 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Howls would sound out over the dome of Moonglow, the voices of Aiolos wives, greeting the return of Keyni. The Greek is unable to hold back a smile, hearing their call together stirring something inside him...

I am. He responds, still all smiles when Keyni mentions how thrilled he must be. Having the ability to be a father at all was something he never could have imagined years ago.

Unfortunately, the conversation went sour from there. Kenyi spoke of her time spent with Duskfire and her willingness to return home once business was finished, however...

Aiolos frowned deeply at the end of the woman's tale, turning his direction to the daughter at his side. Aiolos had grown up to fight for anything he might have wanted in life, what little he could have. Being a guardian and ambassador to his pack, his first instinct was to gather those willing and able to band with their allies and get those pups back by any means nessisary.

That we are. He confirmed. Moonglow was on good terms with those our far but their close connection was to Duskfire. However, seeing as Duskfire and Rivenwood were close too... It was a manner which would need discussion and not just between Moonglow, but all of Duskfire and Rivenwood's allies as a whole. Does Rivenwood still stand? He asks, uncertain if they still remained on their claim or had been forced out.

Would she stay? Sialuk looked to them both, questioning. She would stay, lest Keyni had any objections herself. Either way.... Come- we should report this to Moonwoman. He waited only long enough for them to agree before turning and making pace towards the dens...
moonglow daddy
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The voices of Lote and Kukutux, her sisters, rose up into the air. Welcoming her home. Tugging at her spirit more and with it, the need to rejoin them again. She so badly wanted to throw her own voice into the wind, but Aiolos and Sialuk had questions.

Her jade eyes glimmered, landing on the Moonwoman's eldest daughter. "Of course. I always knew deep down, I belonged. This village is like family to me." She reached out in a rare gesture of affection and brushed her nose along the side of Sialuk's muzzle. She would make up for lost time here and re-strengthen bonds. As well as make new ones.

On to Rivenwood. "That I do not know. When I offered them aid they were still intact, but their numbers were thinned." Lane or Tuuluuwaq, when she may see them next, might have more information than she. Also of assistance could be the northern white man, Kigipigak in the Tagia. She was clearly frustrated that she was of little more use, all the way out here. But on the plus side, she was united with Moonglow again. Nodding, she followed the lead of Aiolos and Sialuk, but with a high tail, happy to be back.