Ouroboros Spine I got my finger on the trigger
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn still has a thread open with a pup from here and Sialuk, don't know how they are going to go yet.

Rodyn followed the scent of the moon woman, that he had met so many days ago. It wasn't hard, he had recognized it and followed it to almost the same place he had been before. He paced back and forth unsure if he really wanted to take this leap, because once he did. Well that was it, they owned him then, and he was beholden to them. His father had always told him not to make a decision without thinking it through, and he was still a little lost, but he was lonely and he had liked her the best.

So with gentle tip of his head backwards, he howled to whomever could hear him, and then settled at the borders respectful and ready. Warm Yellow eyes on the pack lands beyond. It looked peaceful here.
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Lucky for Rodyn, he would get Stratos today!

The little prince had been close to the edge of Moonglow and hurried toward the call - having never met an absolute stranger, and quite eager to start showing himself a competent hunter, a competent soldier, a competent son.

Not like he had anyone to compete against, except for Mojag, who was enough of a brother in heart for Stratos to feel some sense of competition against.

“Who’re you?” the boy shouted still from some paces off. But he was running in quick! And when he tried to slow his nails clicked on ground slippery from the rain; “uh oh!” he realized too late that he would more or less slide into place when he finally got near enough to the outsider at their door, if “into place” was even the right way to put it! “Watch out!”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
OOH yay. I'm okay with this :D

Rodyn heard the footfalls before he saw the youth, and then he saw the young wolf no more than a few months old hurrying towards him. A small smile lit up his entire face at the youth's exuberant eagerness, but it quickly turned to a slight fear as the young one started to slip.

Before he could answer the youth began to barrel harder towards him, of no cruelty on his own, just a misstep. 

Rodyn positioned himself and tightened his legs and back, for the inevitable collide. He hoped the youth wouldn't knock them both down, but he wasn't about to let the youngling fall rear over end and get hurt. So he would take the blow. He dug his legs further into the dirt, claws anchoring them. Now if only his bulk was enough, they could hope. He was a pretty large wolf all things considered.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
stratos was off! kukutux clucked her tongue, rolling her eyes with a sigh. it seemed that these young hunters, her sun-boy and mojag, were ready already to leave the ulaq!

but this was not a bad thing. it showed that moonglow created hunters. it was their name. she swung a brown hare-skin over her shoulders and hurried after him.

it was the handsome hunter, rodyn. kukutux smiled, her tail waving through the air as she came upon them both. stratos appeared to have run farther than he intended. "it is good to see your face again. what did you find upon the mountain?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
He was too busy dealing with his wayward paws than to notice what the stranger did to help him make his collision a little less brutal. Stratos made a final clumsy lurch and found himself smack against the newcomer’s side.

OOF!” he said, and then a groan of, “augh,” as Stratos slid to the ground and stared up at the dizzying sky.

Anaa came behind him. Her voice brought a heat to the young hunter’s cheeks and he tried to scramble upright, but simply ended up rolling over to cast her an apologetic grin. “Anaa!” he said, and realized from her words that Kukutux knew the man.

“Whoa!” Stratos looked to Rodyn with new understanding. “How d’you know anaa!” And he glanced behind the man to see if he could see what Rodyn had found on the mountain before he told them himself.

Something cool, or something yummy, he hoped!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn kept his feet, but he did make a low groan as the youth collided with him. Rodyn looked down at him. You good.

I met your Aanaa a few days ago. We had a nice conversation. If you're hungry. I have some squirrel over by the tree yonder. He motioned with his head towards a small neatly dug cache that he had put there earlier, in an effort to appease. His mama always taught him to bring a gift, and he hadn't wanted it to spoil in the sun in case he needed to wait.

Rodyn turned now towards the Moonwoman and bowed his head, tail down. Good to see you again, moon woman. I found your daughter Sialuk on the mountain, and pretty things. A sense of peace. Reminded me  of some of my favorite forest spots.

Rodyn settled down his tail around his paws, a soft even breathing in his throat. He looked around at him at the colors of the mountain. It had been night before now to see it during the day, it was breath taking.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux reached down to blow air between stratos' ears. "this hunter has the name of rodyn. he is friend to moonglow." the duck would not hide her smile that he had met sialuk while on the mountain which was once called moonspear.

he was a man of peace. he settled close. and he had already brought food close to the village. moonwoman blinked warmly at him. "come to my ulaq. we will share a meal, and stratos will tell you the things he has the wish to hunt."

her small teeth showed in a grin. kukutux turned, starting back toward the dens.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Okay, seriously. 10/10 stars. He was friends with anaa and brought back a squirrel? He’d officially intercepted the coolest outsider there was!

Stratos grinned and ducked sheepishly as anaa explained their common knowing. “Good to meet you I’m Stratos!” he announced with a little puff of his chest, and after a quick kiss to Kukutux’s chin, the boy scrambled up and was off to check out that tree Rodyn had pointed him towards while he and anaa talked about the rest of the stuff he probably should’ve been paying more attention to but only really kept one ear turned towards.

He trotted out from behind the tree with promised squirrel clenched neatly in his mouth, despite the drool already oozing around it. He’d caught his name being mentioned and fell into step with the adults.

“Aya aya! Imma gonna hunt effryshing!” he butchered through both a grin and the squirrel in his mouth, “Deer, and goachs, and caribou, and even moof!” Oooh! He drew in a breath and looked excitedly up at Rodyn.Haf yooou effer hunted moofen?”
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled at the youth. He adored the young pups he had been meeting on his forays. Well met Stratos. I'm Rodyn. 

Rodyn saw the youths chest puff. and then he was off, after the squirrel. Ro chuckled quietly. He stood again to follow behind the Moon woman, his eyes on the youth as he ambled back into view. His excitement was tangible and Rodyn had to listen closely to completely understand.

I hunted a moose one time with my family. Big things, mean. But they taste good. You want to hunt one of those make sure you have a group.

Rodyn followed behind Kukutux, his eyes on everything around. It was beautiful here in their moonspear, he enjoyed the sights. It smelled fresh, new, clean. Like a brand new snow fall.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
her laughter swelled and filled the air with the pure crystal of small glass bells. stratos spoke and she knew at once his spirit would be guided by rodyn. 

they spoke of moose. kukutux did not think she had seen one in a long while. but she knew the animal described, and recalled the awestruck sensation of fear experienced upon seeing one.

they had come to the ulaq. the duck motioned for her son and rodyn to sit, and served them newly dried strips of venison taken from the drying-place over the denmouth.

"rodyn." kukutux settled herself. "have you come to stay in this village?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
He listened carefully to all Rodyn had to say, his eyes widening at the idea this man had actually hunted moose before!

When eh’m bigger eh’ll be meaner than mooths!” Stratos wagged his tail, and gave a little snarl around the squirrel. Very convincing. “Ahn yeu, meh, dah, ahn Mojah’g can ahll hunt mooths togetheh!”

He placed the squirrel in the place anaa stored her meats for drying, happy enough to trade the kill for the other tasty treat anaa offered. If meeting guests meant getting food, maybe he should meet the guests more often…

Stratos chewed at the venison, stopping only to interject, “of course he has!” to anaa’s inquiry, as if he had the right to decide such great matters for the man between a smile and another wag of his tail.
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn chuckled and looked over the youth. I'll gladly hunt moose with you and Mojag. Mojag helped me hunt a squirrel recently. His tail patted against the ground at teh smell of meat. He dipped his muzzle in thanks and took a bite.

Rodyn's ears perked forward at the inquire by Moonwoman, but his mouth was still full. And his mama had taught him never speak with your mouth full. Despite that they were animals, she was more refined. Sometimes too refined. Gods he missed her.

But before he could answer after swallowing Stratos interjected and Rodyn chuckled. Stratos answered for me, but yes if that's alright with you. I'm a fair hunter, I like little ones, and I can fish. And anything I can't do I am willing to learn. I can protect if I need too, even at the expense of myself.

He met her gaze kindly, gently just enough to show his honesty and then looked away.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux laughed. her heart was filled with joy. "stratos will become a great hunter. you see how his heart is already filled with much eagerness."

she nodded at the man. "you stay, rodyn. i will teach you our ways." moonwoman thumped her tail against the ground as if to punctuate this statement. 

"this is your welcome to moonglow."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
sorry for the wait! I'm good with this being my last post, if ya'll are ready to wrap up? <3

Mojag helped Rodyn hunt a squirrel!? Stratos nearly gawked at this, until he remembered that gawking was unbecoming (though mostly he remembered that he would drop the squirrel he had been holding if he slacked his jaw even a little). Stratos made a mental note to catch up with his brother. Maybe they could pass a couple tips around. You know, hunter to hunter.

And here, as it was, anaa called him a great hunter! In front of Rodyn, at that, and his chest puffed like a stuffed rooster at the praise - and even more at Rodyn's promise that he would stay and become a hunter of Moonglow too.

Stratos laughed - boyish, but reflective of the dance of his mother's own laugh. And he bounced up and bowed in the space before their newest family. "You are one with us now," he said with an eager, yet still very childlike, grin, "and now I will learn the ways of your hunters too, even as me and anaa teaches you the ways of ours!"
Common | Inuktitut | Greek
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,646 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn saw the pleasrue and surprise on teh boys face. Perhaps you and I should hunt a squirrel next.

Rodyn saw the boys chest puff up and he smiled at him. He was adorable. And he was probably a good hunter. He had the body for it. He would grow into a great hunter.

I will gladly teach you our ways of hunting. And to learn yours. You honor me. He spoke quietly. Mostly for Strato's benefit, but his voice was also towards Kukutux, as she too honored him.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
fading! <3

stratos was already a strong hunter in his words.

kukutux was proud.

the three of them would pass some time together, inviting rodyn fully into the village of moonglow.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]