Sequoia Coast Daughters of Sun & Moon
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian

The father would not bring his children near the salty waters. Not this time. He stops with them right before where the grasses of the coast line turned to sand, so that they may learn of beach slowly and to their own terms. Sand would be far different then the dark and rich earth in the forest and mountains. 

Look there, girls! He says with an excitement, pointing his ginger muzzle towards the open water, which rolled white foam onto the golden sands. The morning was new, the sunrise dancing on the waters, revealing what the darkness had formerly shadowed.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
if the gods favoured them, kukutux would return to moonglow carrying aiolos' children.

she hoped secretly for sons.

his voice was beautiful. she stared reverently toward the sea, nosing kausiut closer. the sun shone upon her husband's scarlet fur. 

she laughed for the sheer goodness of the place.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Something in the ocean thrilled her.

The lean peachy figure of the girl moved forward, eyes transfixed by the white foam that was carried onto the shoreline and then dissipated into the granules. Samani had never seen a body of water so large, so indomitable in its nature. Her jade vision followed the rolling of the waves until it hurt to look at the horizon. The sea was breathtaking in all that it was. She did not want to leave it, not so soon.

Samani prowled forward, a short distance from her parents. She watched the water with interest, following the natural flow as it moved in and out. When she was certain she had timed it well, she plodded into the wet sands and felt the water slosh up to her ankles. A serene smile lifted her features.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Contrary to her sister Kausiut was not that excited for the sea. She was tired, her crooked leg ached from exertion and it was damn cold and windy out here. There was a permanent scowl in her facial features and, while her parents and sister gushed over the view or, whatever that was that made this place great for them, she demonstratively turned her back to the scenery, plopped down and wallowed in self-pity about everything that was wrong with this setting and life in general.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The Greek watches ever closely, his eyes fixed on one of his daughters as her jade eyes were fixed on the ocean. He hears his wife's laughter behind and he smiles. As Samani steps nearer, letting the waters rush along her ankles, Aiolos makes sure that he is at her side, to sweep her up should she stumble.

The water here is strong, like a fast flowing river to the falls. It is tricky, even when the water looks calm, don't underestimate it. He teaches his daughter and noses her rose shoulder softly. Look- The water will pull the sand right from under your toes!

With head turned to the sea and close watch to Samani, he does not yet notice his other daughter's lack of interest.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux came to stand alongside samani. she heard the rumble of her husband's voice as he spoke to their sea girl. "will you come and see?" she clucked in their words to her daytime star.

moonwoman dipped her muzzle to encourage kausiut. it would do well for both twins to see how their father rejoiced when he was near the water. this would be their birthright from the sun man.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moon child listened to her father speak and noted what he said with a nod and a searching stare upon the water. As he told her to look, she could feel the sand being sucked from beneath her feet as the waves pulled back in preparation to lap at the shore again. Samani was delighted with it. The smell of salt was heavy on the air and the water itself. She’d never smelled anything like it.

So transfixed with the ocean and the information she was receiving from their father, Samani had almost forgotten about Kausiut. When the peach turned her head toward where her sister was pouting, she blinked in confusion. Their mother attempted to rouse the other girl, urging her to go to the water to see. Samani wished that her sister would taste the air where she stood.

Kausiut, come see, Samani barked to her sharply.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Kausiut growled warningly at her mother, when she nosed her to get up, refraining from an angry snap that was at the tip of her jaws. While she could dislike and treat most other packmates a tad bit more aggressively (within the limits of her rank and standing in the pack), some respect was reserved to Kukutux. Maybe because she instinctively realized that for the time being she was still very much dependant on her mother. She also sensed that for an inexplainable reason Kukutux would still stand up for her long after everyone else would have given up on her. Kau did not wish to admit it, but her mom was an invaluable asset that had to be tolerated, until circumstances changed. 

Samani called out to her sister, she looked over her shoulder with an expression of utter disgust, then got to her feet and quite demonstratively walked around the sand-covered plot, pretending to having found something super interesting there.  Eventually she dug out a hollow in the sand and curled up there in an attempt to protect herself from the bitter-cold wind.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Can wrap this up jf you guys want?

His smile was wide across his cream muzzle as he watches his girl and as Kukutux comes to stand with. But Siut does not join them and as one twin turns to call to the other, Aiolos tosses his head around his shoulder to see his one-eyed lass very obviously so ignoring them all. The travel was nor easy for Kausiut. Little would physically be for the little one though her world was the spirit one, one which Aiolos could not touch.

There are many different rules of life out there, Samani, and many different creatures to eat. One day, I will show you. He knew they could not stay long. He would pass a glance to Kukutux, to stay with their happy child while he turned to go to the angry one.

Aiolos did not push her,  but silently went to sit close to where Kausiut had burrowed herself in hopes to block some of the sea-swept winds. His fiery eyes remained to the sea and all her beauty.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
last for me!

aiolos was a good man with a father's heart. he went to sit beside kausiut. 

kukutux reached out to touch samani's shoulder and smiled toward the ocean.

"it is inside you," she said softly. "it was your taataa who gave you this within your spirit."

in the next moment she would try to compel samani into a run along the sand, one designed to lure kausiut to play.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani's last! ^^

The moon child was elated, even as her father retreated to check on Kausiut.

As her mother offered her words to suggest she had gotten this gift from her father, Samani smiled up at her and felt warmed to know that her affinity with the water had come from the brilliant light that was her dad.

She needed little coaxing to chase her mother down the sands. The waves tossed and toyed with the pads of her feet. Samani ran as swiftly as she could, darting toward the water to feel it rise and wash over her ankles. She was so overjoyed that she even wished for Kausiut to join. The girl howled back to her sibling, wanting her to play.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Later on Kausiut would be forced to move, because it would be the only way to keep her warm. She would express her anger by chasing her sister (and never getting even close to sinking her teeth in the too happy-go-lucky beautiful flesh of hers) and later on her attention would be fully drawn to the items washed ashore. It would be there that she would find the first piece of treasure - a dried out little fish - that would start her collection of items.

But more on that in the future.

Stay tuned.