Wheeling Gull Isle Yacht rock season.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All Welcome 
Towhee found herself staring at the island across choppy waters.

You should be at the copse, supporting Meerkat, an inner voice scolded. Looking out for your grandkids.

That’s why I’m here, she argued aloud.

She wasn’t only thinking of @Swordfish. What had become of @Simeon, @Malakai, @Judah and @Dinah? Was it possible any of them were still out there?

She squinted at the remote beach, which appeared empty. Towhee realized she couldn’t leave here without seeing for herself, though she would either have to wait for the tide to turn or make the swim.

Towhee took a few minutes to collect herself—she didn’t think she’d ever be ready to visit Caracal’s grave, yet she must—then began wading into the surf.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
I will carry cross and song where I don't belong
65 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
John. Judah. The island had brought back faces Simeon had thought long lost - long dead.

No, not the island. Simeon knew the One who had brought these faces back to them.

He arrived on the shore again in search of others. Dee. Mom. And Simeon found someone else he'd often wondered if he'd ever see again.

Grandma! he called to the tall figure cutting through the waters. Grandma, it's me! Simeon! he knew it was her - it had to be! But he remembered only after calling for her what mom and dad had said to them before: she couldn't hear them like other wolves could.

Which simply meant he'd have to catch up! Simeon plunged after her and tried to intercept her before she trekked too far through the shallows, his whole face alight with an unshakable grin.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
I made some mild assumptions; just let me know if I need to change anything. :)

The wind pushed at the water, which in turn pushed Towhee off course. Instead of landing on the beach directly across from the mainland, she just managed to clip the island’s southeast corner. She heaved herself out of the water, legs a little shaky from the effort, though she resisted the impulse to sink down to the sand to rest. Instead, she held still, shaking saltwater from her coat and peering around with stinging orange eyes.

She jumped a little when she saw a figure clambering out of the tide a few meters off to her left. Towhee didn’t recognize him at first, her soaking body stiffening as she swiveled to face him. She wiped dripping seawater out of her eyes and then blinked at the yearling, her breath catching in her throat when she realized she knew that face, namely those eyes.

Simeon, Towhee said, taking a step toward him.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
Someone is here. Judah follows toward their smell, swiftly through the salt air. He keeps his strides low as he scans the open coast from his concealed passageways, though his heart hammers violently, because he knows these scents. And if Dinah could come back to him… he wouldn’t believe it until he saw them. He hikes up a granite rise then out onto a precipice until he stands at the top. His eyes scan the barren stretch of sand, much of this coastline pale and smoothed by the beat of the sea. He tenses, inhaling to catch wolf scent from a cool gust. They were close.

He tumbles down onto the beach, picking his way across the sand as quickly as his three legs would allow. Up ahead there is splashing in the surf, a blur through the waves. He freezes, lifting his head, squinting his eyes against the flare of sunlight…

Before he can make sense of anything his body quivers into a lay, throat leaking a whine, tail wagging so furiously it makes seeing straight impossible. His eyes line with tears and the one  remaining paw rakes the sand towards his brother and grandmother.
238 Posts
Ooc — Twin

the island was lifeless.
it was she and judah up until now. they hadn't yet gone to rivenwood, and she hadn't been back to the rise. she hunted for him, and held him through the night until the lap of the sea upon the rocks lulled him to sleep, and never strayed from his line of sight. she'd made a promise.
but staying here was, admittedly, beginning to put a damper on her lucidity.
it began with little shadows in the corner of her eye, casted in odd places and disappearing when she turned to get a better look. and then came the dreams, hauntingly vivid; faces she'd never before seen, sounds she'd never before heard, colors she did not know existed. each time she woke, her skin felt as if it was boiling and her heart felt as if it may rupture, and her only solace was burying her face in the sea-brine ruff of her brother.
she loved him. she missed mama. she couldn't leave him. she missed mulherin. she told him nothing.
keep him safe. keep him warm. don't lose him again.
and so, given this fractured state she was in, when he slipped off one afternoon and she found him near the landbridge chasing after two eerily familiar figures, she assumed it was not real. it couldn't be. there was no way.
but judah had been real.
and it was the same process of flipping through a thousand realities, a thousand feelings and a thousand thoughts which led her to bolt after him, shouting: simmy! simeon! gramma!
love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
it always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Messenger of God
124 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Since the thread with Judah & John is still very much underway, I'm just doing a cameo for Kai!

Malakai would see them from the rolling green hills. Kicking up sand as they ran towards one another, jumping and bouncing about for joy. He did not join them. Instead, was content to glower at them from the distance. 

Where had their grandmother been all this time? When their father had just parished and their mother was a shit-show mess. She might have kept them together. Might have kept them alive, kept them a family. 

Instead, Dinah retreated with their mother and those evil little basterds. Simeon burdened himself with sadness before disappearing. Judah had disappeared, leaving Malakai to refuse to leave for months which nearly made his death. 

None of the family had stayed and it was by the grace of God and skills of @Nakano which Malakai lived today. As he looked to them, they looked more like ghosts from memories past.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
I’m going to narrate a vague conclusion for us as discussed in Discord.

Behind Simeon came Judah and Dinah. Even Malakai was there, albeit off in the distance. Towhee could hardly believe all four were still here. For a while, she could only take turns gawking at them and pulling them into hugs where permitted. She could only hope they didn’t mind the seawater—and the saltwater leaking from her face, besides.

Catch me up. I want to know everything, she implored them, moving toward the island’s center so they could sit somewhere and talk among themselves.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.