Sleepy Fox Hollow we are love
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
Official intro to the hollow, posted a day early because why not!

The breeze drifting in from outside was cool, but not so chilly as to present a danger to the young cubs. Wylla angled her snout toward the sky to search for rain clouds, but saw only fluffy white ones drifting across the grey-blue. She would have liked it to be a little warmer, but as long as it stayed dry, this would work.

Besides, these were the mountains. They were cold at the best of times.

Wylla rose from @Isa, @Anselm and @Emmerich and stepped out into the weak sunlight, giving her small body a mighty shake on the way out. By now, the cubs were accustomed to @Mahler slipping in to take her place and bar them from going further than the entryway, but this time, no one was there to stop them. Their father was surely close by, but today was the day they were finally set free.

Hoping that @Phaedra might also make an appearance, but suspecting she was off travelling again, Wylla turned to face the den and bowed down, lashing her tail playfully and calling, well, come on, then!
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Emmerich did not need further invitation. He had followed the footsteps of his mother as she had stepped outside the den. His paws were eager to pursue. The young boy plodded to the mouth of their home and sniffed tentatively. His eyes moved to Wylla. Emmerich waved his tail to her and yapped a sharp sound. 

The pup did not want to offer a chance for Anselm or Isa to reach the gold light of sun before him. Emmerich bounded toward his mother and arrived at a clumsy halt near her paws. He sniffed at her and looked up to her chin. Another yap met the air. This game was fun. Emmerich sniffed at the ground and began to test just how far he might be able to go.
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian

mahler stood by as wylla encouraged their three to exit the den which had been the epicenter of their world for so long. he brushed emmerich's head with a rumble, nudged anselm, and guided little isa between her mother and himself.
"there is a lot to see. but all of it is your home," he told them. the gargoyle was content for wylla to take the lead, and passed his warmth and quiet happiness to her with a look.
his heart had not forgotten thade, and he wished fiercely for even a day where all of their children were in one place.
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43 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
The safety of their walls had always brought her comfort, brought her peace even as she kicked at her siblings and made a fuss to beg for attention. Even as she started to put weight onto paws, she had known their walls to be the beginning and end of their universe, never approaching the light that crept out the front of the den. She did not desire to move, remaining curled up in her own little ball where she normally slept, a whine of protest as her mother rose, not feeling her father’s presence either.
She did not like it… not until she was being guided along and even then she let out soft whines to show her discontent, her head down as her paws dug into the ground until she lost her balance and collapsed to the ground, finding her paws only so no one would attempt to help her. The warmth she felt as she escaped into the world around brought a pleasant shiver, her nose wrinkling as she plopped her butt down and looked around, blurry figures making no real sense to her and no meaning rising with them.
503 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Anselm had grown used to the boundaries of their den. He rarely contested them -- so when Wylla set off into the bright sunlight and then turned around with an inviting gesture and sound, he was bewildered.

It was not until Mahler nudged him did Anselm trudge forward. Emmerich was well ahead, the spearhead of the group -- while Isa remained the anvil, holding back and falling once before regaining her ground.

Anselm's tail waved uncertainly. The sights, the scents, and the smells mesmerized him. Somewhere nearby was the sound of rushing water, the scent of dampness and leaves. Anselm knew none of these senses for what they were, but with his tail wagging he fumbled his way towards Wylla and Emmerich with eyes bright and ears floppy.
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
She’d known how it would go, but Wylla was no less amused at being proven right. Emmerich was hot on her heels, pushing boundaries the way only he knew how. There was almost no hesitation in him, and when he tumbled at her feet, she laughed and blew air against his whiskers and bounded a few steps further.

Isa was more reluctant, and with a whining protest for every step taken. By now, Wylla had grown tired of her neediness. The girl was perfectly healthy and no longer sported that alien green pigment in her fur. Mahler had been right, and Wylla felt foolish for having coddled Isa so much in those early days, because now she was a menace when seeking attention. She regretted it and combated it by giving in less and less to those demands. Isa whined and Wylla ignored it, instead slapping her paws to try to coax her further out.

Anselm was the least eager of all. She’d known he would be. Anselm was practically lackadaisical next to his siblings and likely wanted nothing more than to curl up for his tenth nap of the day. Only when Mahler nudged him forward did he seem to perk up, bumbling toward mother and brother alike. Wylla grinned.

This is Sleepy Fox Hollow, she told them, straightening to gesture at the world around. The den was dug under the long side of a log that stretched across a lazy river. Rushes grew all around. On this side of the river there was a colossal stone in the distance, and fields stretching miles on either side of it. The roar of the falls was a constant here by the densite, but hushed, almost as though it knew there were little bodies sleeping here. They would stay here for some time yet, sharing walks like this, and little by little, the puppies would expand their range on their own time.

Bet I can run faster than you, she challenged brash little Emmerich and sleepy Anselm, giving the ground another clap of her paws before bolting several long strides away from them.
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Emmerich thought that picking on Anselm would occupy a fair amount of time. He watched his brother step from the den with his standard trepidation. The stocky pup barked to him, tauntingly hoping he might draw perfect little Anselm from his shell. Emmerich was so prepared to rouse life from his sibling that he nearly missed the challenge that had been issued by their mom. 

The boy spun on his feet, stumbled and plopped to his butt. A small whimper was made, but Emmerich did not wallow. He bounced off his rump and onto his overly large paws. Then he took off after Wylla with excitement carrying his every step. He was so happy that she would play with him in this way.
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
wylla introduced their home and then dashed away. mahler's amused and charmed laughter bounced o'ertop the nodding heads of grass after his mate, and he brought up the proverbial rear at a slower pace. 
emmerich bounded after his mother. mahler chuffed to anselm that he should join. he did not expect isa to take wylla's offer; she was often far too shy and bonded to one or both of them.
but he stood aside should she wish to go after all, smiling at each of the trio in turn.
his heart, for one moment, not riddled with its usual bulletry of guilt.
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43 Posts
Ooc — Tasha
The slapping of her paws was only met with further resistance, digging herself in as she plopped down on the ground, listening to the words her mother shared but looked outside instead of venturing further. She was not for being coaxed or persuaded. She would not go. Instead, her head rested and stared out.
Her brothers could have all the adventure and the fun, but she would stay in the comforts of the life that she already knew. She observed the way that Emmerich fell, the whimper he made before he was running off again into the strange new land they had been introduced to. Was that where wolves disappeared to when they were not inside the den? She found herself slowly almost crawling her way over by her father, now that her mother had been enveloped by this Sleepy Fox Hollow that she had been introduced to, hoping he might share some affections instead since it appeared her mother no longer loved her.
It was never too young to start being dramatic.
503 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
Emmerich blindsided Anselm with a few nips before he roused a defense: his jaws gaped and little milk teeth were bared but his brother was already gone.

In the siege Anselm had missed Wylla's challenge. The tantalizing noise of water was forgotten as he saw his mother and brother lope off. Instinct kicked in. Chase.

He was nearly atop Emmerich when his brother wiped out. Anselm did not even slow -- he was too cumbersome to coordinate all four legs accordingly anyway. Instead he saiiled past, forgetful of Isa and Mahler who were well behind him. As far as he was concerned, they were in another world now: his world was full of bobbing coneflowers and waving grass; sunbeams and the cajoling face of his mother lingering just out of reach..
1,022 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Wylla gave an uproarious laugh when Emmerich stumbled and Anselm overtook him, pausing with her tail wagging high in the air long enough for the boys to catch up. When they were nearly upon her, she made a tight turn and darted away once more, scattering loose grass with the churning of her paws. Just out of reach, she spun again and bared her teeth in a wolf's grin.

Can't catch me! she called sing-song to them with her tongue lolling, casting a passing glance at the den where Isa remained hidden. There would be time for their daughter to greet the world; these things didn't need to happen immediately. Wylla was a little disappointed her girl didn't want to play with them, but she didn't show it.

They frolicked outside the den until the pups grew drowsy, then Wylla and Mahler tucked them back into the safety of home.