Ouroboros Spine Sâppak
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moon was bright in the sky when the white hunter reached the borders of Moonglow. In his jaws he clasped the thick bodies of two beavers. His hunt had been prosperous. It would show good intentions to bring them gifts after such a long time away. The last time he had spoken with the Moonwoman had been to help her daughter. Seeing the moongirl again had sparked a sense of duty in the cotton grass hunter.

Kannoyak placed his prey at his paws. The man looked upon the pack and wondered if they all fared well, if they had been strong during the winter months. Their numbers seemed strong, based solely on the markings at their borders.

The pale wolf took several steps back, respectful of the village’s claim. His chin lifted to the dark sky and he howled.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Delicate paws, delicate features she found herself tracing the paw steps of her mother. If she sniffed really close she could still smell Shikoba's scent on the borders. And she dreaded the day the scent would be gone.

It was dark on this night. Ajei found it difficult to sleep and she knew she needed to return to Moonsper sooner rather than later. But she wanted to dip into her grief a little longer. Wait until she healed before arriving back at the borders.

A big white beast was there when she heeded a call. She tilted downy head.

Hello. I'm Ajei. I'm sure moonwoman or sunman will arrive soon. But would you like company while you wait?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was not a familiar face that came to greet the man upon the border. The girl who approached had highlights of crimson and ginger in her coat. She was striking in a way that the cotton grass hunter had never seen. The green of her gaze was like newleaf and Kannoyak could not help but offer her a gentle smile upon arriving.

She spoke of the Moonwoman and a Sunman. He was relieved to hear that they would see him.

Please. This one enjoys the company of the wolves of the moon.

Kannoyak bowed his head respectfully to the young woman.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
When Kannoyak called, Ariadne abandoned the beaver pelt she'd been tending to along the lake's shore. Their conversation had been pleasant, and she had thought of him more often than not; it had been good to see him.

She ran as fast as she could, making her way to the borders, and soon enough, she spotted Kannoyak and Ajei in the distance. She slowed her gait as she approached and stopped at the other woman's side.

She regarded the Moonspearian with a gentle shoulder bump before turning towards the pale man. Kannoyak? she said with excitement. What brings you to Moonglow? Was he here to stay? She could only hope.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei returned his smile, hesitant, shy.  He was big, bigger than her. As big as Arrluk and sunman. She felt small and unsure.

Ajei's smile brightened. They are lovely. They are one of my dearest friends parents. And they took very good care of my mother.

Before she could say more Ariadne was there. Ajei was still uncomfortable around the she wolf. But she returned the small shoulder bump and smile.

She bowed her head. Since it seems you have a friend in Ariadne. I'll leave you two, to catch up. Have a wonderful day.

She would quickly turn and continue tracing the remnants of her mothers paws
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The moonwoman has much kindness in her spirit. It is good that you are raised with their love, Kannoyak spoke quietly, in a voice that was meant only for the shy green-eyed doe that had approached him. He had not missed the hesitation, that flicker of uncertainty in her newspring gaze. The cotton grass man did not wish to make her shift uncomfortably.

Another face appeared and this one was familiar, bright, and beautiful. Kannoyak stood taller, more properly at the appearance of Ariadne.

Moongirl, this one has brought gifts to request a hunter’s place in your anaa’s village, he explained to her. The white hunter’s voice was dutiful, matter-of-fact in the way he presented his offerings. The fat beavers he had left on the rock were heavy with meat.

This is good, yes? he asked Ariadne.

The green-eyed girl did not wish to stay, or she may have felt she was intruding. Kannoyak bowed his head to her and waved his tail in farewell. The cotton grass man would bring that young girl a gift from the wilds to show his appreciation.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
ajei walked back along the path just as kukutux was moving to answer the unexpected and pleasant call of kannoyak. "there is a salve of oak leaf at my ulaq. it is there for your wounds," moonmother murmured softly, touching the girl's shoulder.

an image of arrluk came to her mind, watchful over ajei as she returned, and kukutux smiled as she went on.

kannoyak looked well, tall as a young pine. traveling had been kind to him. and ariadne's eyes were kinder still, kukutux noticed with no small interest.

"kannoyak! it is good to see your face!" moonmother exclaimed, reaching for the man with an embrace. "your arrival is very well made. it seems many have returned to village moonglow this year." her green eyes shone warmly on ariadne for a moment before her attention returned to their guest.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She'd been too distracted by him to notice the bounty that lay at his paws and on the rocks. When she realized all he'd brought, she gasped, marveling at everything with an appreciative glint. It is very impressive, she assured him. I know my anaa will be very pleased with all of this. She was impressed; the respect and care put into collecting the offerings warmed her heart.

Ajei decided to leave them, and Ariadne watched as her former packmate walked away. She frowned as she watched, hoping that she hadn't been the reason why she left. Once she was out of sight, she returned her attention to the pale hunter.

I am so glad that you are here, she admitted as her tail began to sway at her heels. I have been thinking about you a lot since our last conversation, and I was hoping I would see you again! she admitted candidly.

Kukutux arrived shortly after, and Ariadne stepped back and glanced warmly at her mother, allowing them the chance to speak.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man glowed at Ariadne’s praise, standing proudly before the young girl and his offerings.

Another pale figure appeared, her striking eyes found him and Kannoyak could not help but to dip his head low and humble in the presence of the woman of the moon. Her presence had always brought him great peace and hope. The villages she had made with her children stood strong in his mind, always.

Moonwoman, the white hunter greeted her. This man is humbled to be near your village again. These are gifts for you.

Turning, he nudged the two beavers toward her and the moongirl.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
an appreciative sound came from kukutux, who let her eyes linger in gratitude on the plump animals. "i thank you, kannoyak. i will give one to vairë. and ariadne, perhaps you will take the skin of the second to the lake tomorrow. her work is very skillful," moonmother murmured to the cottongrass hunter.

"come. we will go to my ulaq. i wish to hear all your stories! i am certain we both do," she laughed, watching fondly as a pair of grandchildren ran across their trail.
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She was given a task, which she'd happily do for them. Yes, anaa, she answered, her face ablaze in a heated blush. I will bring it to you when it is done, Kannoyak—it will be nice and soft to line your bed with.

When a plan was set, Ariadne nodded in agreement. Yes! Please, I would enjoy hearing more of your stories from up north, she said, waiting for either of them to take the lead.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes, of course, the white hunter spoke.

The man gripped one of the beavers, expecting the moongirl would carry the second. Plum eyes lifted to Moonwoman. Kannoyak nodded his head, indicating that he would follow wherever she might lead them.

Winds churned the clouds overhead. They darkened in the distance, hinting at a chance of rain.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
yes. she had not seen ariadne quite like this before. or perhaps in the beginning with herself and kigipigak, though that had been a girlish gleam where this was a woman's shine.

his bed! but then she remembered what she had told white elk of callyope, and hid her grin.

"rain brother comes. perhaps lightning mother will run with him," she said, pleased for the wide space of the protecting ulaq as the storm came.

at this time, kukutux would often bring food.

her mind moved.

"ariadne," she said in a soft voice, settling upon a pile of soft hides as if she were wearied, "there are mossberries in the first cache and elk meat in the second. please eat with us, kannoyak. it is very good to have you here."

she leaned forward. "the caribou hunters have come to the wilds. my son, kassuq, and my grandson, salaksartok, they had gone to learn the ways of the long hunt. kassuq has come back, but there are others, in moontide. do you know of these people?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Please skip me next round!

Ariadne took the other beaver and followed along. When they arrived at the ulaq, Kukutux gave her a task. Yes, anaa, I will be right back, she said, regarding them both with a glance before stepping out of the den and setting off to collect the requested items.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
An offer was given, for Kannoyak to eat with the women of the moon. The pale man nodded his head, willing to follow the duo wherever they might lead him. The winds carried promise of the Moonwoman’s spoken thought. Lightning mother sparked high upon the darkest of the clouds, flashing brief and brilliant before she left to dance elsewhere.

The Moonwoman spoke of her children and Kannoyak listened. It was good for them to learn the ways of the long hunt. She spoke of Moontide, of the wolves who had settled nearer to the coast than to their sisters inland. The cotton grass man nodded his head again.

This one believes hunting brother Chakliux is with the wolves of the tide.

Though the bold seal hunter could have found his spirit called elsewhere.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"he is. he lives there with two wives. five children were born to him this year. i helped to bring them life. and his oldest son is now a man."

they had indeed hunted together, she recalled, though only lightly. chakliux's time among them had been so short.

"many pups are in moontide. a hunter will be useful while he is visiting," she said with teasing slyness, appreciating the cotton-grass man's presence in her village.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Chakliux had been a busy man. Kannoyak chuckled, appreciative to know that his pale brother was well and thriving with his family. The wolves of Moontide would surely appreciate his talents. There were few like him.

Moonwoman, he spoke in a gentle rumble. This man would like to create trade paths between the villages. To share food and herbs and offer aid when needed. The wolves of the moon were already a close knit group. They had been built from Kukutux’s family and so they would always share a closeness to their matriarch.

Is this acceptable?
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"this is acceptable, kannoyak. come and go as you have the wish. bring me word of things i must know."

but in this she trusted him, and in all others she knew the cotton-grass pathfinder too was loyal.

"now, we will eat. i tell you, there is a place of moonstones close which might be pleasing to your eye...."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
After quickly getting the items Kukutux asked for, Ariadne handed them to her with a smile and then moved aside. Despite missing the conversation, she assumed it had gone well based on their expressions and body language, and she was happy to see that things were going accordingly. 

She settled back on her haunches, hoping to join the conversation again.