Blacktail Deer Plateau Your skin makes me cry
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller

Wraen hoped that the little family still inhabited the Blacktail deer plateau, despite the fact that several weeks had passed, since that first and only conversation with Ibis and one with Lilitu few days afterwards. The more time she spent at Broken Antler Fen, the more convinced she grew that this just might be that very place they needed for winter. There was a bit too much water and potential flood-risk for her liking, but that was just about the only thing that bothered her. Everything else was perfect. So - she wondered, why shouldn't she share the area they had discovered with other people too? Especially those, who had been on the lookout for a place to call their home?

She did not catch their scents right away, but the plateau was a big place. And rather than combing it through, she decided to save energy by sitting down and howling for Ibis and, whoever else, was with her at that moment. The call was inviting and promised good news. She hoped that there would be anyone to receive them.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Whether Ibis had reconnected with Akavir on a personal level or not, she had gathered up her little family and over the past several weeks, kept her head down while keeping the two girls fed; she slept soundly beside Akavir at night, startled awake by the various sounds in the darkness, or memories turned in to dreams, some leaving lasting impressions that flavored the daylight hours after.

When a call rose throughout the trees and requested Ibis by name—as well as the others—the woman was surprised; she had been in the middle of giving Lilitu a bath. Now who could that be... She murmured to nobody in particular, and then with a smirk down at her rambunctious daughter, sighed. Alright, that's enough for now. Lets go see who it is, hmm?

She sauntered along a corridor of stone until something dark and grey caught her attention. Ibis wondered if it was a lonely storm cloud at first; a stupid little notion that she quickly banished, letting a smile spread across her sharp little face. Wraen! You're back.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
When you are in a hurry, but have to wait, even a minute appears as if an eternity long. In the time period between her call and Ibis's appearance Wraen had managed to come up with several possible scenarios of, why no one was there to receive her call and what could have happened. All that speculation came down to nothing, once she first heard than caught sight of her estranged niece.

A quick once-over look at the lady to assure that she was alright and then the aunt went on to greetings and the actual business that had brought her here: "Hi, Ibis! Its so nice to meet you again and see that you are still in good health." Argh, the long-standing habit of introductory small-talk was hard to break and she felt almost annoyed that she had not managed to get the big news across right away. "The reason I am here is that we - me, Maia and Arcturus - are planning on settling down south, in the vicinity of Redhawk caldera.

We did not intend to do it initially, but there has been some slight change of plans," MAIA'S GOT A BEAU!!! Wraen left out that sentence though, because neither Maia, nor any her love interests would be of any interest to Ibis here. "And we wondered, if you and your family would like to join us there for winter? I remember you mentioned looking for a new home - or I may have imagined hearing that - but if you are we would be happy, if you considered this," she finished, noticing that she truly was nervous and had been rambling for the last part of her speech.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Sullen as she was about the bath, Lilitu was a little slow to follow. She stomped along after her mother, only picking up the pace when she caught sight of a familiar face in the distance. Wraen! she exclaimed, breaking into a lope. Being late, she only caught the tail end of the conversation—but what she caught was quite juicy:

"—like to join us there for winter? I remember you mentioned looking for a new home - or I may have imagined hearing that - but if you are we would be happy, if you considered this. . ."

Oh yes, yes, yes, can we, Mama, please? Lilitu burst out, wagging her tail enthusiastically. She nodded at the other woman. Wraen is really cool and she has lots of stories—and there's nothing to do here, and I miss having more friends—I mean Arielle is okay, but—can we? Please please please?

It was an entirely inappropriate torrent of words, given her subordinate place among the adults. But Lilitu didn't care. She'd take the consequences later. For now, the prospect of something other than the plateau—the prospect of new faces to meet—outweighed anything and everything else.
355 Posts
Ooc — hela
Arielle had already been searching for her sister, and it was only a bonus that she found her scent mingled with their mother's own comforting scent. Growing excited at the prospect of spending time with them both, she trotted through the trees of the plateau in search of the pair. 

What ultimately led her to the trio was the sound of Lilitu's excited pleading. Afraid she might be missing out on something, she picked up the pace and skidded to a halt near her mother. Arielle was a fairly shy creature, and so when she realized there was a woman she had never met before, she shifted closer to Ibis and quietly peered up at the stranger. Momentarily forgotten was her interest in what been going on—now she was only concerned about what this unknown wolf was doing here. It was comforting to see that her mom and sister were not worried, but she couldn't help but be a little wary still.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The reunion of the family had been bittersweet--or so Rachel is assuming, since she really dropped the ball lately and it hasn't been played out (I'M SORRY GUYS). Akavir's relief had been instant the moment his cream-kissed wife and beautiful daughter had been found. He had tried to keep the outlook as positive as possible, if only for the sake of Arielle, and so when their hopes had become real, the inky wolf remained unequivically grateful to whatever spirit chose to watch over his family.

So when the cool air lured him from his sleep and he realized he was alone, the man jolted with a start, barely blinking past the sleep from his eyes as he made to find his family, staggering toward them with a cool but thankful gaze when he found all three of them--safe. Together.

Finally, they were together.

Rumbling a greeting with a sleepy growl, the man brushed against his mate, her scent instantly soothing him--his broad muzzle tipping down to brush across the crowns of both daughters in a good morning kiss.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Things happened very slowly for so long, and then very quickly, as if Ibis' life were a river dammed and then let free. There had been stagnation within the Empire and great worry, some which trailed them to the plateau, and then there had been stillness in the aftermath of the reunion. Ibis worried about her husband and their connection to one-another, of how her separation from Arielle might affect her in the long-term too, and carried all of this with her.

And with Wraen here again, Ibis found herself feeling joyous again - but would not let herself be carried away by the emotion. There was a caution within her now; knowing that she had to keep her family together and safe was one thing, but making the decisions that would keep them united and happy was another beast altogether. She wanted to trust in the last vestige of family that Wraen represented to her.

The offer was a good one. Ibis looked to Akavir as he drew up alongside her, and then smoothly looked to Lilitu as she voiced her pleasure; so much like her mother! Such an exuberance of expression! Ibis worried immediately that the new home might not be enough for her daughters, or maybe it would be a danger to them in the long-term. What if they moved and the darkness that lurked in the unknown came and swept them all away? Ibis loathed the thought as soon as it entered her mind.

Ibis could not make a decision for them all. She wanted to say yes — to shout it, to let herself feel hopeful in the way that Lilitu did. Instead she found herself wilting a little bit, becoming more withdrawn, and found comfort when Arielle sagged against her other side.

What do you think? She asked of Akavir, realizing a moment later that he probably had no idea who this woman was. Warmth flooded Ibis' face. Oh -- Suppose you just woke. This is my aunt Wraen, The woman smiles softly. Wraen, this is my husband Akavir. A motion between the two, as is customary for some introductions - and she continues. She has offered us a home for the winter.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
In Wraen's experience memory of children tended to be short, therefore it was a pleasant surprise, when Lilitu remembered her the moment she saw the older she-wolf. She nodded at her in acknowledgement and offered a kind smile. Then the little assembly was joined by an agouti coloured pup, who seemed less exuberant than her sister. She preferred to stay close to her mother and Wraen politley averted her gaze, to give Ibis's second daughter some space and not make her feel as if she was crowded by attention. 

Finally a tall and handsome dark-pelted male came - he did not greet her right away, preferring to pay his attention to his wife and two kids first. This was a bit unusual, but in the end she decided not to dwell on it too much. "Pleasure to meet you," she dipped her muzzle. "The area is quite nice and diverse there - a forest, a lake, a slightly swampy area and open terrain all around us. Deer and moose come to graze there. In case it gets tough, we have friends in the caldera to collaborate in hunts. If we need it, of course," Wraen elaborated. 

"You do not have to decide right away - take all the time you need to discuss, what you wish to do and what's best for your family," she wanted to reassure them that there was no rush at all.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She craned her neck to look at her sister and father as they arrived, sort of waiting for her mother to be surprised or cross with her for speaking up so fervently. Neither came. Instead, deliberations began—it was a matter for the adults to discuss, of course.

But wait! Weren't they gonna live there, too? Lilitu looked back again at Arielle, trying to meet her gaze. Don't you want something new? her eyes asked. New friends, new places to explore?

And the picture Wraen painted was so lovely. She found herself swept away with it, and cast a plaintive glance at Ibis. Please, Mama? she asked, softer than before. She was practically dying for a new adventure; if she didn't get off this plateau soon, she'd perish from boredom, certainly.
355 Posts
Ooc — hela
The arrival of her father made her tail sway happily against her legs. She leaned into his affection and then promptly sandwiched herself between both parents. She felt safe there, but was still too shy to interact with the stranger. Even when Ibis introduced her, clearly knowing her, Arielle kept quiet and close to her parents. Luckily the woman didn't push her to say or do anything, for which she was thankful—it most likely meant she would warm up to this Wraen more quickly.

She did catch her sister's looks, but she just smiled shyly at her and stayed quiet, taking in all the information being shared to process it in her mind. She wasn't necessarily opposed to going somewhere new, but she couldn't shake the spike of nerves in her chest at the thought of moving again. What if someone got lost and they were separated again? Of course, she really had no say in the matter—she would follow along wherever her family went, but she would be internally fretting about it until they were safe once more.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Sorry for skipping, gonna keep this going (and avoid the activity checker nyeehh) --

Her husband was quiet. Ibis accepted this and nosed lightly across his shoulder, a small but loving gesture, before turning her attention back to Wraen and the two girls. It was not surprising to her that Lilitu was so enthralled by the idea and that Arielle remained quiet, perhaps skeptical; it would be a good change from the plateau, Ibis reasoned. It would take some discussion before the little family was on the same page though - she did not want them to rush in to anything - and so when Wraen confirmed there was no rush, Ibis felt a little better.

She looked to Lilitu with a smile. Come away, Liiltu. It is almost time for breakfast. We can talk about this together later, okay?

Ibis did not want to snuff out that lively fire in her daughter. She wanted to accept right off the bat, but she knew that would be unfair. A conversation would happen and a decision would be made. With a smile shared with Wraen, Ibis intones, We will discuss it and get back to you... Either through a howl, or, who knows maybe we will meet you closer to home. It is nice to see you again Wraen. Her tail wags. Would you like to join us for a bite to eat? The offer is light; Ibis will not be offended if Wraen refuses or departs from the family's company.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Thank you for your offer, but I should be on my way - Maia's still recovering and I would not want to be away from her too long," Wraen excused herself, though she would have loved to spend more time in the company of Terance's grandchildren. "The path is easy to find - you walk straight down South, keep on the plains side. Past caldera and a large lake - there we will be," she explained the path down there as good as she possibly could.

"And even if you decide otherwise - I will be very happy to meet you again. Perhaps, you can stop by to say hello," she smiled at the four people before her and after hearing, what they had to say (if anything at all), she left the party. 

Last one from me.