Lion Head Mesa basium
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 

set for early evening on the 25th <3 since sen is wrapped in the war plot, tagging @Toula @Gucci @Naberius @Harakhte

their path from the stone bridge had been waylaid by snow of all things, enough to make moving across the slick rock treacherous. a drop in elevation had ended that obstacle, but now there was the second mountain to climb.

germanicus called for rest at regular intervals and hunted small game, offering what he caught to the others and eating sparsely himself, returning to the habit of harder rations as they marched. by now, he felt all that remained of his scent was wandering, of the mountain places and scrubforest, washed of kvarsheim and riverclan alike.

on the fourth day, the flatlands could be glimpsed between the foliage hanging along their path.

on the fifth, the trio of travelers descended into kintla and germanicus pointed to the gigantic structure of wind-carved red stone. "that is akashingo."

what seemed like a short walk was deceptive roil of land studded with boulders and thorns, which swallowed them as they went down into it, and as the summer's heat burned into night, germanicus murmured that they should halt. "once we are in view of their sentries, they will inform the ruler of our coming."

here it was now, afternoon dipping to gentle dusk, when germanicus stood with @Akavir and @Wren at juncture of grassland to red sand which stretched a several minutes' walk to the palace itself. he paced briefly, gathering scent, and glanced up toward the creek wolves. "the pharaoh makono is no longer here. the land bears the stamp of her sister toula."

with that, germanicus called out for the wolves of akashingo, announcing himself as former mereoan and ally to the reign of the second pharaoh. 

nothing now but to wait.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,258 Posts
Ooc — Rachel

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Snow of all things—surreal only when they traversed the rest of the mountain and downward—and days later—the heat of summer, which became more unbearable come the desert they found themselves to.

He withheld a grimace as lush foliage and fresh flowers gave way to hardened shrub, brown-paint dirt and boulders. “Real fucking cozy,” he murmured quietly, more to Wren than anything.

Informed soon that sentries would be upon them, Akavir felt a hardening in his being—emotions masked carefully behind a trained outward appearance. And then—news that the Pharaoh Germanicus knew of was no longer a key player, and his features darkened briefly, a sharp gaze directed to the man. “And what does that mean, now?”

Was this sister much like the one who killed a father for power? Did she, too, feel the need to harbor those that passed as hers and admit them to slavery?
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Five days. Five long, long days. 
And yet, she has grown strong with the travels of her past. Her muscles do not hurt so much, after crossing this path for the third time in her life. But the journey was made agonizing by brutal temperature change; snow that quickly sunk back into heat, air that shifts from thin to hazy.
And the load-bearing awkwardness that hung heavy on three sets of shoulders.

She'd never been this far south in the Wilds. Warm browns and reds are visible in the distance, sunglow that shines on tall pillars, and it sticks out like a sore thumb amid rolling plains. 
The drybrush is reminiscent of home, and for a moment, it's almost as if Wren is walking in New Bayridge again. It brings a shudder, and she's careful to keep her space from both men. 

And it's not long until they're someplace completely alien and that feeling of eerie familiarity is long gone. It's much larger than she thought it would be. She wonders if Silvertongue felt this way about the Valley when she moved. It's like a prison, she'd whispered back when the Mayfair spoke to her, and she half expected him to lean over her shoulder and snicker like a child. 
Toula. The name means nothing to her, and yet it brings anxiety. I guess we'll find out. 
194 Posts
Ooc — Box
Hope it’s cool with everyone if Akh invades!

War was a slog, and Akhtar was a distant observer, like an observer of an opera. Holding up a pair of opera glasses as if this was some sort of play. The theatre of war, it made for delicious drama back home.

The call of the sentries made his head lift from his dice game, waving away the fellahin he’d been attempting to teach the game to.

Go inform the queen I’ll be by soon, yes? A shaky nod.

Very good dear, thank you. Up the priest stood, watching the coyote scramble out of view. Akhtar turned then, grabbing his black rabbit’s skin and shaking it to clear it of dust. Then, he began walking.

The borders would show him a familiar face, though not one he ever remembered speaking to at any great length, accompanied by two faces he did not know. Akhtar flung open his metaphorical arms, like a rich woman welcoming her party guest.

Imperator! A quick glance to the companions of the man.

And friends! You have caught us at quite the time! Getting closer now, he could pick out more facial features of the two, his face never losing its smile even as his eyes sharpened.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
War bloomed in the north, their members yet to return. Many others still remained in Akashingo, on guard and restless. Specifically so, Naberius was restless. The lands around here in these open meadows, plains and steppe, were beautiful and promising. Yet the queen only but recently aged to around a yearling. Many others were mongrel dogs or half-breeds. There was very little which held Naberius attention and he felt himself growing anxious and bored

Visitors lifted his spirits. He followed through the pathways of red rocks and appeared along the archway to spy them. One of their own had already come to greet them. Certain that the priest could tend to them for a time, Naberius moves to gather his yearling-young queen. We have visitors, Hemet-nekheb. He would find it fitting to flank along her as they made way to greet their latest company.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
30 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
There were more visitors to the palace! Harakhte had watched the goings-on of Akashingo in his own way, visiting with Toula or enjoying his time at the wellspring with his attendants, or sometimes walking the grounds while his soothsayer prattled on; so it was today, as the man's droning voice dulled all of Harakhte's senses, he came to notice the arrival of a band of strangers.
He was swift to dismiss his man, and moved hastily to see the gathering. One of the priests - the long-bordied, deer-like thing Harakhte thought to be a cursed deer or somesuch - was there, eagerly welcoming a pair of swarthy men.
The sphinx approached readily, although he hung back at a respectful distance behind Akhtar when appropriate. There was no one to announce him, and no reason to make himself known to these strangers just yet — but he was a presence, nonetheless. He hoped to learn about these strangers, as well as continue his study of Akashingo.

Can be skipped!
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
akavir's voice was sharp. "it means akashingo has put another child onto their throne."

but there was not time to elaborate, for their arrival had been noted and was swiftly addressed in the svelte form of a priest. germanicus knew this man by name but would have known him also by very nature.

the pleasure-loving egyptians never stopped their flaunting.

"hem," germanicus greeted with a polite bow. "i am no longer imperator. these are my allies. we come in search of a truth akashingo may know."

he studied the holy man. quite a time indeed.

"pharaoh makono no longer rules?" he asked carefully.

there was a second man now among them, a dazzling creature with the touch of highblooded lineage upon him. 

germanicus shifted gently, the mien of a watchful soldier ready to brush hand along scabbard in silent promise.

what had gone on here?
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
skippable for now until she's needed! just wanted to get a lil reply in!

So this was Akashingo. 
Her figure parts from her travel companions only a few yards away where she inspects the border, the scent posts that lie there. The figures who creep closer like little spiders; one tall and slender, another wispy and harrowed, and a third who stands in the form of a soldier. There are foreign words spoken from a harsh tongue, and so she shifts closer, slinking behind Akavir with a grimace that muddies her features. 
She says nothing. She would not interrogate unless it was necessary. 
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
she looked gratefully toward the man Naberius, requesting he join her; surrounded then by Mazoi and a few attendants, Toula moved from her royal chambers to meet them. she would not invite any in during the days of war, but meet with them herself when needed.
her eyes were bright as they beheld who it was that waited. two strangers, but one familiar and much welcomed face. it was difficult to hide her girlish excitement, and what she could not withhold veritably beamed out from her gemstone gaze. 
Toula was introduced and announced, title and all, to those present. but her eyes were for Germanicus! he was greyer than she remembered, though that was all that had changed for her. 
he had always been a friend to her, and to her father the once Pharaoh (unknowing of certain terrible things)—oh! imperator! welcome! she greeted.
thank you, Hem, for greeting our guests—though these two, I do not know! but any friend to you is surely a friend to me, unaware, too, of the hatred others bore for their lands. Toula, though, remained relatively careful—in times of war, she was advised she must be! to what do I owe the pleasure? she asked, ever happy.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,258 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There is nothing at first—a pause in the moment when Germanicus responds to his question, for the answer only leads to so many more that play on his tongue—who in their right mind places a child in charge, what could have happened to the previous one, and what does it mean for his daughter to have yet another new face in charge—but they all remain unspoken as activity blossoms before them. 

They’re greeted by a strange creature. Akavir remains carefully impassive on his thoughts, features locked to a stoical mask and his muzzle bowing lower to acknowledge the claim of those before them now. 

More come, but soon they are greeted by such a young girl—dainty, even—and he’s painfully reminded of his daughters. 

He speaks nothing, for the moment, allowing Germanicus the ability to navigate the situation as he feels he should.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
it was a point of bitter amusement, that germanicus should have been so mistrusted in the mountains, yet as they stood here, it was upon his ties and his knowledge their mission fell.

but a great debt was lodged against his spirit, and it was the girl belen, now the sharpfang silvertongue.

in these halls germanicus had seen much and done little.

the herald's voice rang out: muat-riya isetnofret toula, Beloved of The Red Land, Wife of the Gods, Hemet-Nekheb to akashingo.

he bowed low before the royal girl. "it is good to see you again, divine one." she had been a child princess at their last meeting, and child she still was, yet with no naivete in her. the tactician saw at once how she maintained her calm delight while questioning them. toula did not ask so many questions, and her kohled eyes had taken the regal closed nature that was her birthright and her best approach.

"mereo is no more, though if you wish to re-establish trade in the sunspire, i will assist you."

she glowed with a purity of joy that germanicus did not think was possible in this palace. surrounded by her servants and her guardians, the final daughter of ramesses had somehow been untouched by his evil.

"these are my allies." unnamed, as the eagle would leave that to wren and to akavir. "we have come seeking knowledge of a woman who resided here." 

no more, no more to so many ears. he hoped the young queen would notice his gravid pause, or perhaps the priest.

time now to treat the swiftcurrent wolves to the luxuries of akashingo, which in time turned all heads.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The lord dips his chin to the blonde Queen, following at her flank at request, just a hair behind her, perhaps less so then he should have been. Coming along her is her hand maiden and Mazoi. 

As they came and Toula was being introduced of long names, title and all, Naberius took note of the excitement in the Queen's eyes and then swept his attention to their visitors. Two dark men at their doorstep and one large grey shaded female. 

Their guest speaks. Speaks of a downfall of a pack unknown to him and a search for a woman unknown the same. Then he waits. There was guards, a servant, priest, one of their visitors and of course the Lord and the Queen herself. Alot of eyes. Alot of ears. All here to protect the Queen. Who might all she dismiss?
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
immortal longings
818 Posts
Ooc — anon
many words, and much news. an idea posed, which Toula was much taken with. another idea came brought on by the mere sight of the grey eagle—who she bid to rise in her gentle voice. 
but it was the man alongside him that had stolen her breath from her! he was handsome, terribly so. tall, dark, and not inexperienced in each and every way that she was in the matters that she now dealt with. the hardness of his gaze was something that she hoped that she could soften. he was not a man she could read, but the mystery only added to his allure!  
and the woman, too, was a sight! even her glowering did nothing to hide this from Toula, who found art in the forms of others as much as she did an artists work. theirs was a canvas the Gods put together, after all. 
I shall tell you all that I know of this woman you seek, she promised firstly, given this was the reason that they had come. she did note his pause, and did not press, understanding it now for what it was. but it is hot, and I am sure your travels were tiring. please, rest and enjoy the refreshments Akashingo has to offer first! the fellahin will lead the way to your quarters, where you may find respite. now they stepped forward, indicating themselves as the ones to be followed.
Toula looked now to Germanicus, smiling. she would find him, sooner than the rest. and though it was an effort not to stare at the dark man, Akavir, she succeeded in maintaining her dignity as her gaze panned toward both himself and Wren. you are each welcome to stay as my guests, she invites, stepping backward with her own host. 
Can be a last post for me to get this moving <3
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
last from me as well!

That is the Queen?
Wren's lips part in an 'o' of shock. She is chipper, pleasant, well-spoken; and young. Very young. When she glances to Akavir, she's sure he's thinking the same thing.
This may as well have been Snow White; dwarves surrounding her, songbirds atop her shoulders.
I'm, uh, oh, God, fake name, fake name, fake name! Swan. Bella. Swan Bella. This big guy here is my... friend. She points to Akavir with a nervous gesture of a paw. We're neighbors of Mr. Imperator.
The young Queen gives Akavir a look as if she had never seen a man before in her life. As if Wren could not see it. As if Wren did not, also, have eyes. This earns a throaty, disgruntled laugh, and discreetly, she presses her shoulder to the Mayfair's flank. She makes a mental note that if this teenager were to try anything — or if Akavir were to be so weak as to oblige — they would both get a firm slap to the back of the head.
She nods at the offer of refreshments, the strange word of fellahin cold as it hits her ears. This was already bizarre, almost too bizarre for her liking — but she was here with a purpose. She was here to be a Gamma, a friend, an ambassador, a sleuth.
And this is something she reminds herself of as she follows behind the two Valley men.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,258 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A yearling wore the crown of Queen. It was a stark reminder of his time in the Empire—children placed within roles that they were simply not ready for, if only lacking experience. 

She was well spoken and kind—upon the outside. Blackened lines tracing bright eyes and pale fur—her eyes soft upon the man Germanicus. He breathed slowly in—pressing the thought that the very man had sold others into slavery to the back of his mind for now. He could not explore what emotions were drawn from that thought. Not here. Not during this journey. 

Everything could be processed at a late date—for now, he remained on autopilot. 

Wren spoke—and then rambled—offering a stumbling introduction that vaguely drew a lift of his brows as he cast her a sideways glance, his own flank pressing closer to hers in return. 

Then—champagne eyes upon the girl who would allow them her time, and he moved to mirror Germanicus’ show of respect and use of title. Taltos, divine one. A proverbial middle finger given to his cousin who had run off—let a curse punish him for the use of this name. We are grateful for your hospitality and time.

Last for me here!
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
last for me as well! <3

tactician's gaze noted how the young royal looked to the man akavir. he wondered if she was freer than her sister had been, or if the blood-honored way of marital arrangements still held sway inside the palace.

it was not his place to know, nor to inquire, but the eagle found himself far more invested in akashingo and its politics than was necessary. after all, it had been fennec who had placed makono upon the throne, despite the fact that each of them might have denied it.


his heart twinged. his throat thickened.


swan bella and taltos. he spared an approving if sardonic thought for their names. "thank you, great queen," he said, stepping to her side if the retinue allowed, and in this way would the miseried germanicus and the swiftcurrent wolves enter the lavish rich rooms of akashingo.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami

There is a passing of glances- intrigue, wanting, disgruntled and, a smothered chuckle from the woman into the dark man's flank... Interesting. Naberius quirks a furrowed brow, yet says nothing. The dynamic here whilst their visitors remained might prove worth keeping an eye on after all. 

After they offered their thanks, to their Queen and began heading off, Naberius soon turns there after. Guests, it is good to have you both! He said happily with a pep in his step.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]