Ouroboros Spine aatukuu!
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
All Welcome 
as someone may or may not have noticed by now, nantahala was shaping up to be quite the inventive little imp. now able to wander semi-freely from the ulaq, she set her sights on anything that was foreign to her. this often resulted in her imagination running wild, leading her to rather interesting — and creative — ideas.
for example, today she found a large slab of bark which had somehow fallen from one of the many spruce trees which shaded her home. it was big and sturdy enough to hold her and slightly curved, and to nantahala, this made it a perfect land sled. repeatedly she clambered atop it and pushed herself down a sloping hill, which held not much in the way of momentum, but that did not matter! she was as fast as the speed of light in her mind's eye.
aama! aaba! she calls to @Vairë and @Valiant, who were likely nearby; a toothy, mischievous grin plastered across her pale face. she wanted them to watch! WEEEEEEE!
3,414 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
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can be cameo!

moonglow once more resounded with the laughter of young ones, as it had every spring since its beginning.

kukutux listened from where she gathered with the others beside the lake, and sent up a hunting-song in lowly cadenced encouragement for the attempts of nantahala.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Nutu could hear the cries from inside.


Her ears perked up and with a big open mouth, watching carefully as a girl she had not seen before slid down on a piece of wood. Thumping her back feet, Nunu's tail wriggled aggressively! "Aaka! Aaka!" She whispered, but this whisper was more of a yell than a whisper, a whisper of a yell, and with big eyes to @Ariadne, "Tan I go pay wid-dem?!" She wanted to go out so badly- but she needed permission first. 

writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Cameo and skipable!

"Aaka! Aaka!" Nutuyikruk whisper-screamed. "Tan I go pay wid-dem?!"

Ariadne smiled. Yes, daughter, she said, nudging her child underneath the chin. Go, have fun!

She would follow her outside and lay at her ulaq's hearth, watching both children and intervening only if necessary.
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
distantly, nantahala heard the muffled sound of a voice that was unfamiliar to her until now. a girl about her age — and, of course, this meant she had a new friend!
as her makeshift toboggan skids to a halt against a particularly bumpy patch of grass, she glances back toward the ulax in search of the face who matched the voice. she raises up a stubby paw to wave the new mystery friend over. there was room for two!
"Tank you, Aaka! Tank you, Aaka!" She was so excited, she couldn't contain how her tail wriggled so much behind her! It would not stop! It kept going, viciously! A missile waiting to launch, she was given the go-go-go, and sprinted from her ulaq to the pretty sun girl. The strip of wood stopped, a paw raised ahead, and through each weighted bounce, she got closer.

"Hiiii! Wanna play togeder?!" If the sun girl was gonna say no, she would be sorely met by Nutuyikruk jumping in alongside her with a big smile upon her mouth. Giggling! "WAOWWWW! Dis so cooooool!" Wow! Wow! Wow!
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
a friend! a friend! nantahala's little tail whips up into an excited wag. ya! her head bobbles in an eager nod, and if she had hands, she likely would have been clapping them. she was ecstatic! she'd never seen this girl and her siblings before until a few days ago, but that did not matter — they were here, and so that meant that they were not strangers, because no one in moonglow was.
she wriggles the toboggan out of the rut it was in and begins to push it back up the hill, but is frustratingly stopped by the fact that her new friend seemed to be weighing it down. clueless to the fact that gravity is a thing that exists, she persists with a determined knit to her brows. except — wait, she hasn't gotten her buddy's name! where were her manners?
was' your name? she pauses to ask. i'm... nan-- nanta---wiwyfower.
Giggling violently with a silly smile, she fell backwards in a clumsy fall after being pushed up, up, up, up! "HEEEHEHEH!" Bouncing in front of the log, her teeth grabbed hold of their vehicle. The back of her feet kicked, kicked, kicked, to drag it faster up the slope. Through a mouthful of bark, she spoke with a wiggly, wild tail. "My names NUDU! Nooo-tooo! Yikrukrkrkr.....kkkkkkr! Nudtu! Nice meech you wiwyfower!"

When they got it to the top, the girl had managed to grab another nearby piece of wood to plop on over top of her head. A little hat to their little land-boat. "You pwettty! I neber seen a wiwyfower before. It a fwower? I gets my name from..somethin'. Mhm-mhm," she figured out. Yes, her name came from somewhere, and that was the best of what the girl proudly knew with a wooden hat spilled on her caramel head
my mind turns your life into folklore
128 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Wrapping as discussed!

They worked together to get the sled up the hill, and while they climbed, they got to know one another. They continued to play and talk well into the evening, and Nantahala only left when she was called back to the family den. She hoped that she could play with Nutuyikruk again, and was happy to have made a friend.