Ouroboros Spine nautchiak ⟭
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Ooc — ebony
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optional puptivity!

"come now. we go to visit your cousin." 

her children had grown. they might now walk to sivullik's den. it was a morning that dripped with an earlier rain. she led them slowly, or walked among their scampering bodies. here and there she chuffed for one of them to slow their running, or for another to reach the current gait of the family.

@Ariadne, @Stratos, @Callyope, and the duck eventually came to the hearth where @Mojag had been born. moonwoman barked once to announce their presence, and then a croon for the boy to show himself. his aunt had come and with her, many cousins.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan

Ariadne had been very eager for the opportunity to stretch her legs somewhere other than the ulaq they spent most of their time.

As they traveled, the red whelp did not stray far from Kukutux', pacing herself alongside the pale wolf she knew to be her mother. Her littermates, however, would likely roam about, knowing how adventurous the two were.

Once they'd come upon a new ulaq, Ariadne strode in front of her mother and stuck her little head through the arch, peering within. Privacy was not yet something she had matured to understand. Now that she could finally see past hazy lids, there was so much to explore — especially new packmates.
See what I have to trade!
251 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag was waddling circles around the ulaq when the milklady came to the door.

It was a familiar face and scent that met his eye, earning a trill of happiness and a bold lurch of his hefty little body towards her; but rather than meet Kukutux there at the threshold, Mojag slammed immediately in to a small red-gold face.

His thick skull konked against Ariadne's, forcing him backwards at a stagger as he sank to the floor. The blow surprised him. Like any small person, it was like he was made of rubber—and Mojag rebounded quickly, as if there had been no obstacle at all.

He shook his head and babbled something uselessly.
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
Callyope did not know what to make of the new place. She was not opposed to visitors to their own private place or those who came upon her in the clearing in front of it, but this was...new. Entirely new. So it was often her who trailed behind, timid and reserved unlike her sister who boldly strode forward.

Despite her curious gaze upon her sister seemingly already playing (little did she know it was an act of clumsiness...) she still remained near the legs of moon mother.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

this is my moment in the sun
67 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Unlike Ariadne and Callyope, Stratos ran nearly the whole way to wherever they were going, reigned in only by mother's command  - and even this, merely because he didn't actually know where they were going, and following Kukutux was an essential thing in learning this, even if he "followed" from well off in the front.

And as it turned out, he ran right past their destination anyway and had to make a total 180 to get back to where they were actually going. Oh, come on! He scampered after Ariadne and made to squeeze past her, but if something had hit her from in front, he, sure enough, tumbled into her from behind.

Stratos staggered back, but his ears stood up even as the world spun about him. Some kid was here -- and definitely not his sister! Stratos babbled something in return as he shoved his way forward to see the kid who'd just run headlong into his sister.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"this is cousin mojag," the duck crooned to her brood. she stepped forward to check both ariadne and shikoba's son for any injury, though she had not truly suspected it.

"come and play," she murmured to the boy. stratos had bulled forward. callyope remained at her side. kukutux chuckled and pulled her bold son back, to allow mojag out of his own ulaq.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
and you can't tell what you're feeling
684 Posts
Ooc — siv
idk what we want to do with this thread, but this can be last from me if we wanna fade it out since the other two are inactive <3

Callyope would need a bit more coaxing, uncertain of the ruddy boy. Uncertain of how her siblings forged on so boldly without care in the world.

Eventually she would come around, willing to tentatively play. Perhaps a game of chase where she tried her very best to stay out of reach. Perhaps she could teach him a song or two with the help of mother.

[Image: 93940844_iWYou4vbMfaQSnr.png]common / inuktitut / norse
Conception: 2025-01-23

3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
last from me unless tala wants to continue! <3

kukutux kept the children close to her. 

she told stories. she sang songs. she gently parted them when milk teeth flashed.

young hunters. moon-girls. the next strength of the village.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]