Dragoncrest Cliffs The Wild Mountain Thyme
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Pack Activity 
Let Meerkat post first and then open for anyone! No turns needed. @Erzulie @Rosalyn @Chacal @Sobo @Mireille @Jorunn @Quennell @Enigma @Suzu @Etienne @Theo @Clementine @Arcelia @Aminthe

Song Inspo!

Njord and @Meerkat awoke before dawn to hunt together near the edge of the Tangle. The broken antler herd, busy with filling their bellies, succumbed to the deuling hunters shrouded by the morning fog. They managed to bag a handsome young buck for the day’s bittersweet celebrations: the send off of their only daughter, @Mercy.

The day had begun with anticipation and excitment. A thrilling hunt – a dance in partnership with prey – reminded Njord of the strong bond between him and his wife. He admired the sharp look in her eye as they hunted together; she was like a fierce lioness in wait. Yet reality started to set in when the dust had settled and the deer fell. Their trio would soon become a duo. Would @Stingray or @Swordfish soon feel the call to disperse as well?

Pride, happiness, fear, worry, and excitment all found places in the Sveijarn-Corten’s hearts as they prepared to summon the pack together. Njord, only having been returned for a short time, felt his mind fret anew. Yet he found the courage to call Sapphique and stood besides his mate stoicly.

Mercy arrived looking like the blazing leaves of peak autumn. The timber dappling of her pelt blended into the bold Sveijarn red of her back. Wild frocks of hair seemed electrified by her confident personality and Njord could tell there was not a single drop of apprehension in the young woman’s heart. It made him smile warmly and helped ease his fatherly concern. Mercy would be alright.

Mercy, Meerkat, and Njord shared a few words in private before the others arrived. “Mo nighean,” he said softly, “my heart is burstin’ with joy as ye turn the page on tha next chapter of yer life. Be smart an’ be safe… mind yer mother’s teachings. Ken you will always have a home ta return to. We love you verra much.”

Then, as the rest trickled in Njord found it in himself to stand rooted before the others. “Today we send off our Mercy with good tidings and a fine meal. She heads off on a new journey into tha wild with all the courage in the world! Let us eat together an’ celebrate her,” he proclaimed as the rolling brogue of his tongue embellished his pride.  He turned to Meerkat as he glowed, thankful they were together again for this moment.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sobo cocked his ear to the sound of the howl, and decided to press on in the direction he was going, opposite the gathering.

Perhaps it was a bad look for the Jade of Sapphique to not make an appearance, but he was still deeply stung by his exclusion from their wedding and saw no reason to attend this time. He had no relationship with the cubs of Njord besides bringing food to the rendezvous. His relationship with Meerkat was rocky at best, to say nothing of his relationship with Njord himself. Not only was it best for him to not attend for his own well-being, but it was likely best for all involved if he did not cast his stormy shadow over their proceedings. He had long discovered he had no ability to hide his true feelings.

Besides, he reasoned, attempting now to ward away the worry that his mothers would brand him as immature for not being there, someone would need to patrol the borders and keep an eye out for trouble while the rest of the pack was preoccupied. Today, that would be Sobo's job.

2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
She managed to put on a brave face and maintain her composure as they executed each step of their plan. Her lip trembled when their daughter arrived looking grownup in ways that should have reassured Meerkat but only made her chest ache. Still, she managed to keep her heartbreak hidden, smiling as Njord addressed Mercy, then the crowd now gathering around them.

Meerkat even choked down a few bites of venison to toast her daughter’s departure. But when she saw the look of glowing pride on Njord’s face, she abruptly realized she had reached the end of her rope. Trying not to draw attention to herself, she began to back away from the gathering, slowly retreating to its fringes.

When her eyes found her daughter saying her farewells, Meerkat strode up to her and gave Mercy a sound kiss on the cheek. She whispered a few words in the young woman’s ear and then turned, avoiding her husband’s—and anyone else’s, for that matter—eye as she ducked her head and sought somewhere she could be alone to experience the feelings she couldn’t hide a moment longer.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small part of Etienne was confused when he was called, but he heeded it none the less. Perhaps Mr. Njord had a new lesson to impart, but upon closer inspection he realized it was to say goodbye to their daughter? While she went on a traveling mission. It made him a little nervous. What if Suzu wanted todo that? He'd just have to go with her to keep her safe. There was nothing else too it.

The vibrations were to loud, so with gentle steps he too stayed on the fringes. So he noticed Meerkat leaving with sadness on her face and his heart hurt. He must remember to drop off something at her den for her. Perhaps a rabbit or a sea shell.
1,689 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
it was hard to see another one of them leave.  but the ceremony was cause for celebration. mercy would leave with all the love of sapphique.
she brought a thin garland of tiny green kelp-leaves for the girl, and placed it around her shoulders. "come back to visit, mercy," the ruby murmured softly.
meerkat's trajectory was followed with a knowing gaze, and after lifting her voice in a howl of praise for the departing girl, erzulie too excused herself, not quite trailing the young mother but soon gone from sight of the others.
[Image: F0ZZHqZ.png]
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille was pleased and clear-eyed as she came to join them. she kissed mercy, hugged meerkat, snugged her da. this was hard, as hard as it was to have seen coraline and loko go too. but it was nice to know that mercy was alive, that she had not been taken or killed.
for that reason alone she would not cry.
and when meerkat left, and when her mother followed, she slid into their rift. "hey, eti!" she called to her nephew. "let's go an' see if mercy is not too big to be tickled, oui?" she invited with a chuckle, before leading him in a playful lope that direction.

2025 mireille pups will be based on interest. 1/4 available.
PM me if u would like to privately adopt <3
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti heard his Matant call for him, and he giggled as he ran after her. Tickle fight, how wonderful. He could not wait.

Oui! He chased after his aunt as fast as his tiny paws could carry him, anxious to begin the fun that he could do. he didn't know mercy well, but who didn't like to be tickled.