Sun Mote Copse it’s not too far now, one day we’re gonna dance on the sun
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Surrounded by family in their cozy little cottage, Meerkat gave birth in the middle of the night. She couldn’t properly see her newborns but she touched them endlessly as she cleaned them and tucked them against her body. While they nursed, she put her nose to the top of each tiny head and memorized their scents. Meerkat fell asleep like that, head curled protectively over the bairns they would eventually call @Otter and @Skipjack.

When her eyes opened, early morning light crept into the den. Meerkat raised her head and unfurled slightly to look at her youngest two for the first time. The firstborn was a pudgy little girl, dark brown with the most darling pale belly. And the other, a boy, resembled his da and older brother so strongly, it made her chest ache.

It took her a very long time to look away from them, just to take a peek around the den. Was anyone else awake? Many of them had been there for her during the labor and delivery. They were all exhausted. But Meerkat did not hesitate to croon a low note, hoping to gently wake them so they could come properly meet the family’s newest additions.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Sun Mote Copse
48 Posts
Ooc — twin
Otter has entered the chat.
47 Posts
Ooc — Kat
There wasn’t much to him yet…

One day not too far from now, Skipjack would frolic with Otter through Orca’s Forest; sit atop Njord’s Craigh while his da told him stories about their family; catch a nap with his mother in Meerkat’s Bourie on a rainy afternoon.

Perhaps Stingray would take him to Ray’s Beach to teach him how to swim and one evening his ma would scold him for tracking dirt into The Taigh after “helping” Aunt Fennec dig in Mercy’s Garden.

She would have to drag him to Fish’s Loch to wash his filthy paws. When little Skipjack asked, “What fish?” she would tell him about his older brothers, gone but not forgotten.

When Grandma Towhee came to visit and they sat quietly at the respite by the river bend, his big blue eyes would watch her forelegs weaving words. Despite the solemn air of this place, he would go there whenever he missed the old matriarch and her big laugh.

But his favorite place would be Seal’s Nook, where the quiet little boy could spend time by himself, daydreaming as the birds sang songs in the branches overhead.

Today, the wee bairn couldn’t do much more than squirm and whimper, but it was only sunrise. And those first rays stretched on forever, shining with the potential and promise of a bonny life.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
30 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The big day was finally here. During the night, Meerkat had brought into the world two tiny lives. Everything had gone smoothly, much to everyone's relief. Despite the sense of welcome to rest within the depths of the communal den, Nyssa opted to distance herself.

She didn't go far. Electing to sleep instead, outside at the entrance. Close, but not infringing. She was fond of Meerkat and Njord, touched by the continuous generosity and warmth they exuded. But, she was not part of their immediate family. Meerkat was an expectant mother. Nyssa's instincts urged her to be cautious in such a time, however sweet Meerkat may be. And, she did not want to offend anyone else by accidentally being too close.

During the light of day, a gentle croon from within reached her ears. Tucked safely under one of her forelegs was a fresh hare, should Meerkat have the appetite for it. Nyssa turned, only so the tip of her snout was visible at the entrance of the den. She stayed stationary, save for the gentle thumping of her tail, crooning in quiet elation.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Meerkat, and the two tiny lives within her, were like a bright, celestial star that their family and pack orbited around. Nyssa, Stingray, Fennec, Towhee, and Seal… Njord knew that they were blessed to have kin near. He couldn’t help but reflect on the long and tumultuous journey husband, wife, and family had been through… how each season of life presented new trials and challenges. Now, in their humble glen, a new chapter of their story was about to be written.

The delivery was textbook. Njord was never far, should Meerkat need him. When the sound of two purring bairns reached his ears, the father laid behind his wife to regard the new additions to their family: a lad and lassie – both healthy, plump like a broken can of biscuits, and braw.

“Welcome, wee ones,” Njord whispered as he nuzzled Meerkat’s cheek and felt complete serenity.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Having arrived the day before, Seal found a small corner in the Taigh for herself and waited, with anticipation, for her new siblings to arrive. She felt excitement, but also anxiety. Seal remembered the women’s circle: Kukutux’s words of warning about dangerous men and ways to terminate a pregnancy. It had planted a seed of rightful caution in the young woman’s mind, which had unfortunately bloomed into fear regarding this chapter of life.

She watched Meerkat’s silhouette carefully. Smelled the scent of birth in the Taigh. Ready and prepared, should her Mother cry out…

But there was no reason to fret. Soon, two tiny babies suckled at her side. Da moved to cradle them all. Together, they created a picture of pure love and happiness for Seal to admire.

After some time, Meerkat invited them close.

Nyssa admired the new additions from the den’s entrance. Seal, too, was respectful but found her curiosity pulled her in like the tide.

“They’re so cute!” Seal gushed as she regarded the two tiny little bodies. She had never seen a wolf so small! “That one, she looks like an Otter cub,” Seal added with a giggle as she gestured at the sandy pup.
Sun Mote Copse
5,131 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee stayed close while her daughter labored. Once the puppies were safely delivered, she moved to sprawl just inside the door. Everyone in The Taigh drowsed for a few hours, though as soon as the first fingers of sunlight felt their way into the space, it stirred them awake.

She didn’t hear her daughter’s welcoming croon, though she smiled and sat up as the others gathered around. Towhee’s attention flicked to the nearby threshold when a shadow fell across it. She nodded at Nyssa, eyes flicking approvingly over the fresh rabbit as she climbed onto all fours.

Towhee thought she ought to go out on patrol, especially while much of the pack was otherwise preoccupied here. First, she intended to say hello to her newest grandchildren. She stepped closer to where Meerkat and Njord curled around the newborns, planning on giving each tiny head a quick kiss before departing.

She did press her nose to each fuzzy babe, though Towhee immediately realized she wouldn’t be going anywhere soon. With a happy sigh, she stepped back toward her post beside the door, the picture of a matriarchal guardian keeping a close eye on her family’s newest members.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
She felt Njord’s breath on her cheek, followed by the cool skim of his nose. Meerkat pressed into his affections, eyes only leaving the bairns to watch the other residents of the copse draw nearer. Towhee stayed by the door, where Meerkat caught a glimpse of Nyssa. She silently willed the woman to come closer, though Seal’s declaration snared her attention.

A smile slowly spread over her face as she tried to lean back to look at Njord, saying, Well? What do you think? Shall we call her Otter? She beamed at Seal, thinking it was perfect to let her older sister name the little girl. And the boy, he looks like a fish, and a Fish. But a wee one, a teeny tiny tuna fish, she crooned, unable to resist the urge to nuzzle his pudgy little face.

Don’t worry about a posting order, y’all, just post whenever you feel like it.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The scene looked like a picture drawn in a fantasy book: warm, sunny rays, the smell of spring on the horizon, and kin gathered around the next generation… Njord could almost hear thematic music orchestrating the placid scene.

Seal’s remark inspired her mother. “Aye, Otter is a bonnie name,” Njord agreed. Truly, it was apropos! The small brown pup looked just like its new namesake, plus it continued the naming tradition of the Redhawks.

Njord felt his heartstrings pull when Meerkat spoke next. Fish… the similarities between their two boys were striking.

A wee tiny tuna fish. Suddenly, a little lightbulb went off in Njord’s mind. “What about… Skipjack?” he suggested. “Tis the name of a small tuna. I often saw them offshore from Meares Island…” he reminisced. “They have a particular habit of swimmin’ ta’gether near the water’s surface under the moonlight.”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

30 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Nyssa relaxed, if only slightly. Njord and Meerkat were just as welcoming as ever. Encouraging, even. And the watchful Towhee, who she did not know...even she could not help but smile warmly towards her. 

Gingerly, on feather light paws, she squeezed partway in besides Seal. She knew the girl only by name, as a daughter from Meerkat and Njord's former litter. And again, she felt an almost natural sense of kinship, as she did with every wolf here in the Copse.

With her dark ears plastered so tight that they looked to be missing, she edged closer. In awe, her eyes lingered on each tiny, squirmy little body. A perfect boy and girl. Had she ever been so small?

"They are so cute! Those names...they're perfect for them!" She tried to keep her voice to a whisper, even in knowing the newborns were deaf. Her breath washed over them slightly as she spoke. She wanted to be close and watch over them, but that was not her job. 

Clearing her throat, she began to scoot back outside. "You must be exhausted. But I left you a rabbit by the den, for when you are hungry." She smiled at the new family. "Congratulations, you guys." After one last adoring look, Nyssa left to find a sunny spot nearby to rest.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Otter and Skipjack, Meerkat murmured her agreement.

Her eyes flicked up to see Nyssa edging closer. She tapped her tail in welcome. She could only agree about the names. It made her happy, that Seal had christened one and Njord the other. She liked that their son’s name honored her husband’s homeland.

Thank you, she said as Nyssa retreated, the slow shuttering of her eyes agreeing with the woman’s assessment.

She didn’t even have to ask. She knew Njord, Seal and the others would keep an eye on the newborns while she caught a few winks. Meerkat settled back into her husband’s supportive embrace, letting her head come to rest on his shoulder as she closed her eyes and drifted.

I’ll leave this open a few days in case anybody wants to get in a final post, then toss it in the archives. :)
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)