Sunset Valley tautuk ∧
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she looked for @Inutsuk and @Shikoba today.

"there is a sick one in that herd," she said, motioning toward a group of six caribou upon the edge of the valley. "but the others surround it. they protect it from our teeth."

"sivullik," she greeted. "who will you choose for a hunting party?"
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breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
it is as if the spirits whispered her name into the air, for shikoba had come to search for kukutux after her recent shared words with inutsuk about the plentiful hunting to be done. as she grows into the sulphuric view of the native, her word are listened to carefully.

a sick one among them, yet hidden away to be protected. a noble art of protecting the herd, but an opportunity for those who year for flesh. upon the question, shikoba thinks silently for a moment.

"inutsuk and kigipigak for strength. sialuk or kukutux help shikoba separate herd if able to run." it has been a long time since she had led a hunt, but hopefully this one may end in victory. so long as the pushers keep the caribou separated, the strength of 3 pairs of teeth will help bring it down. then, moonglow may be able to eat together.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The man heard Kukutux address them and approached by Shikoba's flank. 

With a faint chuff and a respectful nod, Inutsuk greeted her. This was the first he'd seen of the pale woman since they had arrived in the taiga. 

He listened as the two spoke of a hunt, audits pricked thoughtfully. Once they had both said their share, he opened his maw with the intent to speak. There will be no chasing if we can't get past the barricade of the herd. Perhaps one of us, or an extra body can be charged with rousing the group and distracting them to try and break them up. Attention cannot be focused in multiple places. This will hopefully become an advantage.
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Ooc — ebony
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they arrived — together.

kukutux attempted to hide the sheen of pleasure in her green eyes. shikoba spoke and she listened. they had not stayed close to the sunset camp. she thought that this pair might have roamed the taiga or set another somewhere else.

"i will join you to hunt," she said to their sivullik. inutsuk spoke, and the moonwoman gave a respectful nod. "this is wise."

she looked to the caribou. "i can run fast. should we ask kigipigak to come now? or begin first?" her eyes were attentive and respectful.
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breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
normally, the hunts are led by the firstborn son, or perhaps those who have proven themselves to be knowledgeable in the family. at least, these are the rules that shikoba had been taught at a young age. now, she remains a stranger to the way that Moonglow chooses to chase after blood. both speak before her, and she listens and nods to each of them. concerns and advice are taken and the sivullik thinks only for a moment.

"shikoba will summon kigipigak. he help distract herd. inutsuk will pick the caribou to hunt." a special task, but she has faith in his skill. she looks for a sign of approval, or perhaps disdain should he not like his job assignment. with his advice, she likes to imagine he has knowledge in this subject. hopefully, he picks something easier to take down and feed many mouths. should everything be agreed upon, the woman lifts her head to summon the man.

"@Kigipigak; come and hunt with us." hopefully, he is not too far away and will be able to come quickly. opportunities always come and go, and as it continues to grow colder, this is an opportunity that cannot be missed by the wolves of moonglow.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
He would only listen as the pair planned their strategy. Though, he was rather surprised when Shikoba suggested that he chose where they would strike — it showed in his expression too.

While I am honored you say I should do this, I do not think I have been a hunter here long enough to be bestowed the task. This will be my first hunt with Moonglow. It is a time for me to follow and learn the proper way. I am only man here, while you are sivullik.. He looked down to Shikoba now, a sincere expression upon his face.

It felt wrong to object, but also to accept. He would make his concern known. If she still bade he do this, however, he would without complaint.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The voice of Shikoba drew Kigipigak from his patrol. He was glad for the invitation; watching the caribou was not as entertaining as chasing them could be. It was a sign that Kigipigak was of high standing among the Moonglow wolves as well — that he should be summoned by sivullik at all — and so he was prideful as he drew close.

With a chuff, Kigipigak looked to each of the wolves gathered. It did not surprise him to see Kukutux, but he did not know the other — and so he drifted by the man, Inutsuk, without a word. It was a good choice as the man began to speak, giving clues to Kigipigak about the nature of the man.

What is the plan? Kigipigak voiced, cutting through the end of Inutsuk's indecision. He stood firmly, like a soldier, and watched Shikoba.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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kukutux listened. it seemed that inutsuk hesitated, for he felt it was an honor.

she wished to tell him that to be chosen for such honor was the right of firsthunter.

but she felt it would undermine shikoba. and so she only stepped to the side of the woman, smiling encouragement toward inutsuk for the man to accept this gift.

kigipigak came upon them. kukutux turned to him, but she would let shikoba speak.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
shikoba looks to insutuk with confusion; why would he deny the position? had the first hunter not trusted him, she would have never uttered his name to help play a vital role in the hunt. while the woman can be pushy at times, she is not a brute who relies on force to make others do things that she wants. she has learned all too well that force can be what drives others away.

"shikoba trusts inutsuk," she tries to reason with him, but with the entrance of kigipigak, the native decides to leave it for now, "later, then." a secret promise she intends to make with inutsuk; if he is the one to align himself with the sivullik then he must be able to take these vital roles. one last look to him before she shifts to the winter male. she looks towards the backbone with a smile. "need kigipigak to help hunt; we chase but kigipigak will find the sick caribou. shikoba needs strength from you." 

while anyone could pick out a caribou, a hunter needs to be able to see the slower prey that would provide less work to take down in order to efficiently feed the mouths of the many who make up Moonglow. she has faith that the tundarian will choose sufficiently and quickly once the herd scatters from the scattering of snow. 

if all can be agreed upon, then they may start their trek to find good placement of themselves before they send the herd running.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
To hear that Shikoba trusted him, hence why the offer was given, made him only regret turning it down. Inutsuk didn't want the sivullik to think that he thought different... that she didn't trust him... he only didn't want to soil the views others of Moonglow may have for him. His goal was not to take advantage of these responsibilities, rather earn them when the time was right.

Enough had been said from him. From here, he would remain silent and carry out his task of the hunt.

While Shikoba and Kukutux, the faster of the four, would pursue, and Kigipigak would be choosing their target, Inutsuk would follow at pace closer to the sidelines. He is not best known for speed, so if he were to try and keep up with the chasers, he would fall behind when the take-down was being made. Eyes would remain upon the chooser. Once a caribou was selected, he would circle and prepare to help set a trap and take the prey down.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
From what Shikoba said, and then the man Inutsuk, the roles had been decided. It was to be Kigipigak that sought out the target; he would seek, they would chase, and together kill the thing.

He spun on his heel and began to prowl from the group immediately, spurred by this new sense of purpose that had been given to him. It would be a glorious hunt!

I will find one! When you see it split from the herd, that will be your cue! His voice was a volley of good cheer, loud enough to carry back to them, and maybe also to draw the attention of the caribou. It did not matter much to Kigipigak. He wanted their eyes upon him. The illness made them stupid, and he would have his pick of the lot.

His pale shape drifted further and further from the trio of hunters until he was blotted out by falling snow. The crunching of his steps picked up a tempo as he ran, seeking the herd, weaving among them; and then there came silence.

It was brief.

The bleating of caribou as they erupted in surprise, as they ran, as their hooves cut the ice and their bodies were taken hold of by panic, came next. The healthier ones were miles ahead — and somewhere among a throng of the addled sick, was the target Kigipigak had chosen.

He was hot on its heels, driving it across the snow. His snapping teeth kept it harried enough not to rejoin the others, but it was easy to tell that Kigipigak had begun to run out of steam. He was not built for short, frenetic bursts such as this; but his job was done. Now it was up to the others.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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shikoba's decision was swift. the hunting party moved on. kukutux was grateful for how sharply kigipigak moved.

when the caribou began to pound back in spurts of snow, moonwoman left at a growing sprint. she came to the side of the caribou and drove it on, keeping pace with the long legs.

a hoof sliced at her. she dodged by inches and continued to race the animal, veering to aim a heavy snap for its flank.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
they were quick to move, and soon there is the thundering of hooves through ice and snow. scattered particles, the cold crystals slice against the woman's face mercilessly but she presses on. kigipigak had picked his choice, and now kukutux aims for the flank.

it would be too dangerous to aim for a limb with how sharp their hooves may be. shikoba intends to grab ahold of the shoulder, but every now and then she can feel her teeth graze against the skin and fur of the prey animal. it's exhilerating.

should inutsuk be able to land the final mark, they may be able to slow the caribou down and be able to overpower it against the ground. a panicked call leaves its throat for its herd, but not one comes back. the fate of this animal may very well be sealed.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The thrum of hooves announced that the hunt had begun. Kigipigak had chosen his target and now all participants should be in position. 

Kukutux and Shikoba did their jobs well to slow and weaken the kill. With Inutsuk not far from reach, he could have joined in. Instead, he waited. The more distance the caribou was forced to run in the attempt to escape, the more tired it would become. As teeth and claws slashed from every angle, it would eventually grow frustrated. That would be the best time to strike, considering his physical abilities favored strength over speed. It was wiser to let the prey do all the running.

Moments later, as hoped, the creature did begin to slow. 

That was cue.

Charging in from the far side, Inutsuk moved up closer to the caribou's front. The beast's movements were flailed. If he missed his opportunity, antlers would come to meet him quicker than he could get away. 

A few hoof beats past before he jumped upward, jaws parted wide, aiming to snag over the snout. Only a second of distraction would send it stumbling over its own feet.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
His role in this complete now; they came pouring from the snowscape to meet the target, first Kukutux, then Shikoba as the sivullik overcame her position. Kigipigak knew not to slow or stop. He might've had the simple role of separating the target from the herd, but he was also the wall to keep them from escaping back the way they'd come.

Then, Inutsuk. Together the four wolves harried the caribou at every angle. Much as Kigipigak wished to end the thing's life quickly, he was also overwhelmed by the enjoyment of the hunt in its entirety: a unification of bodies working towards one goal. It was a piece of the puzzle that was his soul, having been missing since his exodus from Unnuakvik.

He could not forsee a life without these people; the hunt, the shared exhilaration, the might of them, together. The white wolf held faith only in the terrestrial and yet this snowy expanse was his church, and this chase, his way of worship.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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they worked as one, the hunters of moonglow.

kukutux shifted fluidly so that shikoba might take her space. inutsuk grabbed for the snout of the animal. moonwoman fell back, sinking her teeth into the back of its leg and shaking her head to and fro. 

blood drumming, blood hunting.

women did not hunt this way in her home. and yet here in these wilds, here in her village, all were free. blood rushed into her mouth. she set her haunches, dragged along by the caribou as its wounds became many.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
a harrowing cry from the caribou as it missteps in the snow; its front leg buckles and soon the animal is dragged down by the pairs of teeth that sink in. one knee placed into the snow, but with enough pressure from the others, it caves in and both knees find themselves buried in the icy landscape. 

inutsuk stole attention away and caused the slip-up and eventual fall.

kukutux helped slow its run and weaken the pace of the animal.

kigipigak picked the correct animal from its herd and sent it running in the right direction.

each earned their right to blood and flesh today. shikoba feels herself sink in the snow as the caribou's front half tips forward. she scrambles towards its neck now, intending on grasping onto the windpipe and allowing for a quick death for this sickened beast. perhaps it would be an act of mercy, perhaps it is an act of brutality. in the eyes of herself, in the eyes of Moonglow, perhaps it is nothing more than a blessing.

a final gasp of air, the caribou grows limp. she lets go now and looks upon the village members with a glimmer of pride over her eyes. their work is what makes hunts like these successful; it is the combination of strength that makes Moonglow resilient. it is the blood of others that keeps her tied to the village.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Finally, the caribou would begin to fumble.

Only, as it did so, the dark furred man accompanied it, falling sideways in the snow. He had forgotten to release his grip before the fact. A rookie mistake.

All joined together to keep it subdued while Shikoba took her place to put the beast to rest.

Inutsuk scrambled up to his feet, half embarrassed towards the fall. Though, a dull ache stole away his attention, making him forget there was even an audience present.

Despite what had occurred, the man refused to make a scene. Slight pressure would be placed against the sore shoulder for now. Slowly, he then returned to flank the now deceased creature. It had indeed been a successful and exhilarating hunt. This was his first of many and so he should join along willfully with the others to celebrate.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The prey was downed, bloodied, and ended by Shikoba. That their fourth had fallen did not register for Kigipigak; he moved with free steps around the place their hunt had concluded with his head up and voice booming, letting his happy voice carry in barks and short triumphant calls.

It would be sivullik who would eat first; perhaps Kukutux next, then the men. It was the way the world had worked for generations - Tartok or otherwise - and he was glad for the familiar sight.

If and when he was to eat, he did so sparingly and with the future in mind. The meat could be shared beyond the hunting party and he would not waste it on himself.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
down their prey fell.

kuktutux had noticed the fall of inutsuk; she cast him a searching look. but because he rose and joined them again, because it did not seem as though he was injured, she said no words.

she did not wish to hurt his man's pride. 

"shikoba," she said gently as kigipigak called out his pride. "first blood is for firsthunter."

she would feed next, tearing off a swathe for those at her densite.

moonglow was strong.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the right to eat first is given, though shikoba feels reluctant to take it. while her position as the first hunter allows her such rewards and pleasures, the woman still remains cautious with her title. with a bit of encouragement from the moon woman she so desperately follows, shikoba begins to tear flesh.

the call of kigipigak excites her. once shikoba eats her fill of fallen caribou, who lays with a hole gouged from its belly and shoulder, she looks towards the others. blood smears itself onto her face, a woman who has conquered and a woman who has fought. now, she is a woman who provides for others.

"shikoba could not do it without Moonglow, many thanks." a nod to each, though a final gaze lingers on inutsuk. when they would eat their fill, hopefully the rest of the carcass could be picked clean by others, or perhaps stored for the times where caribou cannot remain plentiful.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
All assembled, each forming their own gestures of triumph.

Inutsuk remained rather quiet, though. It wasn't unusual for him to often be so, but in this case, it would be expected that he would have been more exuberant about the success of his first pack hunt.

The man gaze grazed over the fallen caribou, then each wolf of company, and finally to their surroundings.

He was still, set like a statue over his haunches. If attentive, most, if not all of his weight would be seen placed over the left side. The ache would eventually cease. That was the hope, anyway.

Each would have their turn to eat. All the while, he would keep watch for any to try and dare approach and snatch the kill.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,299 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
There was much to rejoice.

The kill was successful, the wolves worked well together. Shikoba was a fine sivullik and Kigipigak was proud of each of them; he continued to crow until the others joined him.

They would either share some joy in their yammering or through song, to declare to both villages that there had been success this day, and then after, begin the work upon the carcass in earnest.

It was a fine hunt.