Heron Lake Plateau Let's give this bad boy a test run.
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
All Welcome 
Set April 20. I'll leave the first round open until the actual 20th so everyone's timelines can catch up!

Edited to include reference to @Screech's scent markings.

Although she was—they all were—exhausted, filthy and footsore, Towhee couldn't help but perk up immediately when they crossed what would become their borders and climbed, X drifting just ahead of the careworn caravan. She gasped audibly when they crested the plateau and found herself staring across the largest lake she'd ever seen, teeming with herons and other waterfowl. The hawk circled once and then returned to alight on Towhee's shoulder blade as the she-wolf continued to gape.

All she wanted to do was eat (maybe one of those overgrown ducks) and sleep after their week-long trek through the uncharted wilderness. Instead, Towhee turned toward @Elwood and @Finley, dipping her snout to sniff at @Tywyll's and @Cinder's heads to make sure all was well. She then faced @Quixote, @Colt, @Eljay, @Nevouku, @Orca, @Tegan, @Fiadh, @Lucca, @Clover and @Raven, offering them a weary smile.

"Everyone should get some rest," she said. "Stay close together until we can start marking and patrolling the borders properly. Speaking of which," Towhee continued, striding over to Tegan, "you're coming with me. No rest for the wicked." She clucked her tongue. X swooped up and off her shoulder blade. "We're going to get started on the borders. Before we head out, go over to the lake and take a big, long drink. We're gonna need a lot of pee."

On that note, a pleasant breeze blustered across the nearby lake, ruffling its surface and tousling Towhee's matted nape. She closed her eyes and tipped her face into it, fully trying to enjoy the slight brininess of it (the ocean, perhaps?), when instead she got a nose full of someone else's piss. Had they come all this way just to find themselves in the middle of another turf war? Towhee's eyes narrowed to slits, every aching muscle in her body suddenly tensing. They'd just lost their old home, then come all this way, and now that they were here—in paradise, by the looks of it—Towhee wasn't going to budge.

"Tegan!" she called, quite possibly disrupting his compulsory potty break. "Colt! Quixote!" By the smell of it, there weren't many claimants, so perhaps it would be easy enough to oust the unwelcome squatters. "Come with me."
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
THREADS: 1 / 1
154 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Even as they crested the plateau, Fiadh's nose was wrinkled. Her eyes lifted to X in the sky—had he known when he chose this place that someone else already lived here? Did hawks know about wolf territories? To the fiesty young Blackthorn, the plateau being occupied was of no real consequence because at best it was a couple individuals versus a whole pack, but it was nevertheless instinctually uncomfortable to tread on land that already smelled. Towhee led them on regardless and Fiadh followed, trusting that the Alpha wouldn't lead them astray.

All doubts were whisked from her mind as a massive lake came into view. It dwarfed the one from the caldera by a huge amount and rivaled Lake Rodney. Maybe even surpassed Lake Rodney, thought Fiadh after a second look. Long-necked birds clustered around the shore nearest them, gangling and strange, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when one flew gracefully away. "Woah, cool!" the Blackthorn exclaimed, tail waving wildly behind her.

So, who cared if someone lived here? It was their home now. Present occupants could just merge into their pack. Or Towhee would show them what for. Either one worked for easygoing Fiadh.
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
exactly what was bothering tegan was unclear. but whether he was just angry he got in trouble, or angry towhee had yelled at easy, or angry she couldn't come with them-- or a combination of everything-- tegan was not himself. he couldn't sulk in the back of the group-- towhee wouldn't let him-- so he sulked in the center of the traveling pack. 

this sucked. 

towhee made a fun(?) little jab at him being in trouble, calling him wicked, like she hadn't just yelled slurs at a perfectly good friend of his for no reason. okay, towhee, ride your little high horse. see if tegan cared-- he didn't. 

he didn't verbally answer, but moved towards the lake to do drink and then begin to routine pissin', only to immediately be called out again to do something else-- probably something else unnecessary. lowering his leg, tegan mentally sighed and moved after towhee, head low and ears down.
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca

It wasn't like he could be everywhere at once, but the plateau was covered in pretty even terrain so when a large number of wolves come wandering close, it isn't weird that he'd see them. What's weird is the fact that they seem keen on staying, and that they cross his heavily marked borders without a second thought; he feels an intense level of dude what the fuck as he prowls closer. From a distance Screech cannot tell any wolf apart from the next — not until he spots one with a strange silhouette and takes to focusing his attention on them. He approaches head-on with Towhee, and when he's close enough he recognizes the shape as a freaking bird — not just any bird though, the talkative one from about a week ago. 

It is at this point that Screech's eye dashes from face to face, and he realizes he's actually surrounded by this collection of wolves, and no amount of pomp, puff, tail-waving, or displays of confidence could ever combat that many teeth. He lets out a frustrated rumble from deep in his chest and launches from the sun-baked reeds, landing dramatically in front of the wolf in the lead position, hoping to startle them so that he can get a good look.

In the back of his mind Screech can't help but think, shit I'm out-numbered, and can only hope that Redshank is somewhere nearby to help him out if things get ugly. He doesn't attack, but he does take a breath and shout, Who the fuck are you — get outta here, this is mine! But it isn't until he's emptied the whoopie-cushion that is his mouth that Screech realizes he's shouting in the face of his deaf sister, not that it'd ever stopped him in the past.

Except — wait. Towhee? He spits next, because he's close enough to actually look at her and finally he realizes this isn't just a bunch of random assholes — they're his random assholes!

185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
He couldn't quite understand it. Just as soon as he had begun to walk and explore, just as soon as his eyes opened fully, he and Cinder were uprooted. He had no idea what was happening or why it wad happening but he had been grabbed and carried for what felt like forever with only short periods of rest. 

As he was set down again and nudged by the girl he had begun to recognize, he gave a low and long sigh of mixed emotions before turning to look for Cinder. Depending on how his quiet and more emotionally in tune little brother handled this, he would probably be fine.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt weary and out of his comfort zone entirely as they reached the place. He didn't like it any bit and couldn't see anything positive about them being here. With a frown he settled near the others, staying close to mommy and the pups, ever keeping guard over them. It was such a strange thought that these pups would never even know of a different home than this place, rather than Redhawk Caldera, their real home. Not that Eljay would rather 've fought the Blackfeather wolves again and probably just died, but still... This didn't feel one bit right to him.

Tegan seemed to share his woes on some level at least, as the boy had been sulky all trip, and Eljay imagined he shared the sentiments that Eljay felt. The boy was asked along by Towhee to mark the borders however and Eljay glanced at his brother briefly before turning his attention back to the littlest of the Blackthorns and on mommy, watching over them and making sure they stayed safe.

one post cameo! edit: with all that is happening: eljay will just stay with finley & the babies protectively so feel free to reference him in this way; i won't post again unless he is actively engaged in some way, feel free to tag me if this happens. :)
on my teeth
220 Posts
Ooc — Laur
He was warming to the place, despite at first having reservations. It was large and flat and, although places at times could be waterlogged and nearly impossible to traverse, it was a great source of food. And did they ever need it. The pair had spent a majority of their time making something of a border, Redshank spending extra time on his multiple claw marks on the few trees that surrounded the lake — they needed to be extra deep, just to show that they weren't to be messed with (and also give the illusion that there were more than just a couple of members here if their scents alone didn't already give that away).

He had been heading back towards the central lake before he too noticed the distant but large group arriving at the borders. Their borders. With a growl, the boy descended a small hill and began to head in their direction before a certain screeching voice caught his attention. His pace suddenly broke into an all out sprint.

A thick smell permeated the air, and he eyed the wolves who reeked of a similar pack scent as he loped towards them. His tail flipped over his back, a (foolish) confidence he hadn't felt in a long time taking ahold as he came to a stop beside Screech. They were vastly outnumbered, injured, and partially starved — but also completely stubborn. This land was theirs. With his usual narrow-eyed glare, the boy gave a sweep of the interlopers before focusing on the one Screech addressed. "Y'know these fools?" he questioned in a low voice, turning slightly to his friend, though continued side-eyeing the dark female.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Clover was with the group, her tail waving as her snout investigated every random thing it came across that seemed of interest. This time, traveling wasn't so bad because they were all traveling together. The Blackthorn's weren't missing out on anything, they were included. She echoed Fiadh's verbal sentiment with only her awed facial expression as the herons took wing. When her sister commanded her brother, uncle, and packmate to her side, Clover—without invite—made to join them. The seriousness in her sisters garbled voice meant business, and Clover wanted in. Not on the business bit, really, but more the what the business could mean.

But the business came to them in a snarly, one-eyed wolf that Clover could scarcely remember herself. His scent was familiar... where had she seen him before? She had to think, and think hard, but he spoke before she could come to any conclusions at all. His verbal challenges were met with a snarl, which from Clover was not the most intimidating thing... but she meant business. You get the fuck out of here, she demanded, This is ours, now— and as Redshank spoke, the petite and fiery Clover looked toward him with an angry squint and said in her next breath: Who you callin' fool, fool? We'll fuck you up! Her gaze swung back to the strange one-eyed wolf. How did she...

He spoke her sisters name, and Clover was taken aback for a moment. She studied him, and could scarcely recognize him. If it weren't for his own significant markings, Clover would not know him. Hey!!!! You're the guy who left early! During that meeting! She exclaimed, referencing the meeting that was about the war they were to go to. The war that they weren't allowed to participate in (huff). She wasn't aware that he had run away, and he had no intent of participating in said war. Clover had thought that he was going off to fight early, and had intended on following him but someone saw her try and sneak off. Well, maybe she should count her blessings, she thought as she looked him over. Blackfeather lost the war, but he'd been fucked up pretty good. Clover didn't remember much else about him, other than she thought it was a cool move on his part to go fight early... but, well, it wasn't his best idea.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt had been skeptical ever since finding out they were moving to a place at the whim and word (?) of Towhee's pet bird.  How the fuck did a bird know what sort of place they would need, and how could they know what they were getting into without verifying first?

But he kept his mouth shut, knowing it would only get him into trouble, and followed when they packed everyone up to go.  He at least was an easy move - it was his sister, he assumed, who would be pissed if the new place sucked.

When they arrived, it wasn't bad, and he was almost willing to acknowledge that when someone popped up and it dawned on Colt what was happening.

"Damn bird found a place already taken," he said, only loud enough for those nearby to hear (y'all decide who that is).  He recognized one as Clover did - looking rough but here, the kid he'd at one point told to find his own way.  Looked like he'd tried, and probably hit a few bumps on the way.  This one not the least of them.

At least he had the satisfaction now of being right.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
The journey had been exhausting in a way that had taken Fin by surprise. She had made countless excursions like this throughout her lifetime and never had they been so wearing on her. She did everyting she could to show no signs of this, but by the time the group landed at the Plateau, she had called the charade quits. The injury she'd sustained in the fight with Blackfeather screamed in protest at her overuse and she gave up on trying to battle the limp it demanded.

Another wolf may have supposed that this was just another facet of their advanced age. Fin blamed the children she'd had to carry all this way. Children she loved, but children she really wished would've just magically been six months old the morning they'd left. No such luck. The pup she dropped at her paws was just a little turnip, as was the little boy that was shortly placed beside him. Fin dropped to her haunches beside them, blinking wearily at their surroundings without noticing much. She was so tired. Her leg hurt too terribly. She was spent.

Or, she thought she was, until the sudden arrival of her long lost nephew.

Fin shoved herself back up onto all fours, standing protectively over her boys. Her hackles raised as she looked between Titmouse, his friend, and her children. She had long ago written this particular Redhawk off as lost, ever since he had returned from Blackfeather, clearly brainwashed. He had abandoned them in their time of need and Fin had been relieved to see him go, truth be told. To see him here just when she'd begun to think this whole mess might be over was highly unwelcome.

Fin kept quiet in the larger conversation, seeing as Clover did a beautiful job of saying everything she otherwise would have. Her words were for only Colt, and to him she growled a low warning, "Shut it, jack ass." She was wound too damn tight for his sass.
1,002 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
Master Medic
Coming off PPC to write this incredibly awkward post lol :B

Raven had had mixed feelings about the move ever since it had initially come up as a mere topic of conversation. While Towhee's reasons for moving the pack were sound and the medic agreed with them wholeheartedly, it was incredibly difficult for her to embrace the thought of living outside the caldera's sheltering embrace. It was where her entire family had been born and raised, and where their pack had made its home for far longer than those turdbreaths at Blackfeather had even existed. But there was no denying that something needed to change, and since Blackfeather wasn't going away anytime soon it seemed the Redhawks had little choice.

Tired and footsore, Raven had remained close by the beta pair and their pups for most of the trip to assist them as needed. While it was a role she was happy to fill, she was glad when her sister declared that they had arrived at their new home. Though she was two months into her third year, a week on the move had made her all too aware that she wasn't a sprightly young pup anymore.

Their new territory was beautiful and serene, with a commanding view of the surrounding lands from atop the great plateau. Despite her reluctance to leave the caldera behind, she had to admit that Towhee and X had chosen a wonderful place to resettle their pack. Misgivings roiled in the back of her mind, though. While there had been no sign of other packs for many miles on their way here, Raven had detected the subtle scent of wolves in the immediate vicinity as they climbed the plateau. Were they moving into a territory already claimed by another pack? The markings were sparse, many faded by recent wind and snow, but they were unmistakeable...and uncomfortably familiar.

After Towhee's announcements, Raven made her rounds checking to ensure that everyone was okay. As she finished, she went to voice her concerns to Towhee but didn't have a chance before two of the wolves whose markings she had detected burst onto the scene. The faint familiarity of the scent made sense to her when she recognized that one of them was none other than her lost brother, Screech. Her heart might have soared at the sight of him if it hadn't suddenly exploded in panic at the thought of her pack tearing him apart right in front of her. Hideous flashbacks to the day she had seen her pack slaughter her half-sister played through her memory and she shuddered, a weird half-growl, half-whine dying halfway up her throat. She quickly moved to stand beside Towhee, but there was no threat in her demeanor as she looked at Screech. She was silent, but in her eyes was a mixture of so many mixed emotions as she looked at younger brother's face and prayed that Towhee would deviate from her usual modus operandi of "kick ass first, ask questions later" just this once.
89 Posts
Ooc — belle
Why they left the safety of the den, he knew not - but still the boy did not stray far from his mother or his brother, content to remain by their sides for every second he breathed. His brother in particular was usually the one who provided Cinder with a sense of peace (of course, even with the few little arguements they had, if they could even be called arguements). Even now, as his small body was placed gently to the ground, his wandering gaze immediately searched for Tywyll.

His tiny grey tail began to sway at his rear and his eyes glittered until the spat words broke his attention. The pup whined softly, shuffling toward his darker brother and placing himself directly by his side so that their paws lightly touched. He was seeking comfort, but gave Tywyll a look as if to say "I'm not scared."
for you,
there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
The first feeling that Elwood experienced when they arrived was relief, followed quickly by surprise. Much happened in a short time -- Towhee announced that they would start claiming the plateau and lake before them, only to stop short and request the assistance of Tegan, Colt, and Quixote to investigate the prominent scent that they had suddenly smelled.

But before the exploratory team could break away from the rest of the group, they were approached aggressively by two strangers; no, make that one stranger. Like the other Redhawks around him, Elwood was quick to recognize Titmouse, despite the fact that he was older and missing an eye. Clover seemed ready to throw down right then and there, but she thankfully didn't make any movements to back up her verbal assault.

Elwood wasn't quite sure what to expect from Titmouse and his companion, so he remained silent for the time being, leaving judgment to Towhee.
112 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Orca was eager to explore their new home, but stopped short when the pack noticed that there were various scent-markers already present. Almost simultaneously, two wolves approached them, and her mouth dropped open when she recognized her brother. She gaped unabashedly at Titmouse for a long few seconds, unsure whether she should be filled with excitement or dread now that he had materialized before them.

She slowly took a few steps forward, moving from her position somewhere near the back of the group to stand a few feet behind Towhee, gaze still fixed on Titmouse.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh couldn’t wait to tell Screech about the legless fat-dogs she’d seen, and the ocean too. With a bounce to her stride, she returned to the  Hinterlands, toward the area he’d designated as theirs. She hadn’t exactly made herself useful for the little collection of wolves, leaving for a jaunt to the ocean shortly after meeting Screech, but she returned now, with a partridge clutched in her jaws. Now she could show him what a partridge actually looked like.

Over the bird’s feathers, though, she caught the scenta of several other wolves in the area- and they were marking. This wasn’t good. She hastily dug a pit and stashed the bird, covering it back up and hopng she’d be able to get to it later. No sense bringing a meal to a confrontation. She launched into a gallop, then, confidence only beginning to fade when she saw just how many wolves Screech was faced with.

One wolf stood at Screech’s side, so Niamh moved to his other. The fur along her spine bristled and her eyes were wide, just in case one of the strangers who were trying to move in on their territory made a stupid move. Her eyes roved from one to the next, not really picking up any distinct features, just counting. Her lips curled the slightest bit, but she was otherwise silent. Screech was the one to make the call.
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
After a certain point, Quixote had just followed along and turned off his brain.  He had brought up the rear of the line much of the time, mostly just so he could stay away from Towhee.  He hadn't lost his precious antler, though he almost had during one of the times they stopped.  Now the group stopped, dispersed over a smallish area.  The trek had been long, but he'd done okay over the distance.  He had sore paws, but eh.  That wasn't too bad.  Quixote hadn't noticed the strange scents, or if he had, his conscious mind hadn't thought anything about them.  He dug a small hole, buried his prize, and flopped on top of it.  He was curling up into a ball to sleep and try to forget it all.  And then Towhee called for him.

A mournful groan came from him as he unfurled himself and got back to his feet.  Unlike Colt, Quixote actually followed instructions, trotting over after her.  That was just about when Titmouse and company appeared.  Qui, on the other hand, didn't really remember him at all, and figured these were just some troublemakers from somewhere nearby.  He and Titmouse had only crossed paths at the meeting or whatever, if that.  He growled briefly, bristling as he moved to take his place along with the group that met up.

However, whatever dust-up seemed almost ready to go down seemed to have tripped over its own shoelaces.  There was familiarity between that guy and Towhee and one of the youths at least.  So maybe they weren't going to have some big problem.. Yet.  Or were they?  The tawny woman who appeared most recently seemed to be the most on edge of that group.  Quixote chose to stare her down, ears forward, watching her to see what she did.  Though his fur was slightly bristled, he was waiting to see if she was going to do anything more than be threatening.  He hadn't even considered that maybe they were here first -- his brain hadn't made the connection yet.  All he knew was there were some fools here and he trusted that one the least.
600 Posts
Ooc — Cody
They'd come quite a distance. At least it felt a distance to Nevouku. How far had they gotten so far? And where was Sebastian, he was still wondering about him and where he had gone. The travel had kept him on the edge of his nerves as well. And when he stopped as the group stopped, he could hear from the rear of the group some shouting. That got him even more nervous. Nevouku was very much confused as to what was happening from being towards the back.
dayvan cowboy
99 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Both of the Blackthorn brothers had been quiet during the trip — Tegan stewing because of his punishment for his recent endeavour whereas Lucca was simply dragging his feet. He hadn't wanted to leave the Caldera on the basis that he just hated doing things. Especially if those things included week long hikes — with his entire extended family no less — through God knows where to a place that a bird had picked out for them. He mirrored Tegan's dour expression as they finally came upon what would be their new home, though his ears perked up against his will at the sight of the plump waterfowls at the lake's edge.

He was just about to go ask his sisters if they would care to join him on a small, impromptu hunt (because, you know, their last one had gone swimmingly) before there was a sudden commotion. The boy had been hanging at the back of the group, saving his bitching and moaning for any there who would listen, but Clover's fighting words drew his attention. He sidled up to where he could see the cause of the disruption, though hid apprehensively behind the more aggressive Redhawks. There were two wolves standing before them — make that three, he thought as another came up beside the males — who seemed to stir some recognition in the crowd. At least one of them did, Lucca suddenly realised as he peered over Clover's shoulder, staring at the familiar-looking grey wolf. Only he was missing an eye. Huh.
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Proceeding with @Screech's blessing! I plan to start the next round in 3-4 days. Post order's open. :)

Before her three intended cohorts could even join her and set out, quite a few things happened in rapid succession. It began with a wolfish figure materializing and moving toward the group. Towhee swiftly moved to meet him, placing herself in between him and the rest of the pack. Before she could even perform more than a perfunctory assessment, a second wolf appeared with a collar resembling Fiadh's former accessory wrapped around his throat. Soon, a third arrived, her golden fur rippling tellingly.

Somewhere behind the Alpha, Clover was yelling threats, while Colt and Finley muttered at one another. Towhee wasn't aware of any of this, though she did sense several someones closing ranks just behind and beside her. She didn't dare take her eyes off their rivals to assess her guards. There were only three of them, two of them looking particularly worse for wear, yet they were still notable threat, especially with the young pups so close.

She thought of them, not to mention the fact that they'd only come out here to avoid a fight, and suddenly Towhee felt enormously conflicted despite her stubborn sentiments only moments ago. But before she could delve too deep into what to do next—fight or flight?—the first wolf was up close and personal, yelling in her face. She only just resisted the impulse to attack, mostly because he completely threw her off by saying her name. Recognition hit her like a thunderbolt.

"Tit?" she said in disbelief. Her orange eyes narrowed into slits. She barely recognized him, especially because of his missing eye. Their last altercation—when she'd busted his nose—seemed lifetimes ago, as did the melodrama involving Moonspear. Wasn't Gannet even happy in his new home? Her lip curled but she hesitated a beat before she spat, "What're you doing here?" She had other questions—what happened to your eye? did you kill Galaxy?—but there was the more pressing matter of the apparent turf war unfolding.

"We've come a long way, Tit, and we don't want a fight. We want a home. So either beat it," Towhee said loudly, eyes shifting to include the male and female behind him, "or join us." She paused. It wasn't her favorite compromise, yet her priority now was avoiding conflict as much as possible, mostly to keep the pups and everyone else safe. With that said... "If you do try to put up a fight, we won't just win and we won't just chase you away," she assured them, "we'll kill all of you." They sure as hell wouldn't start their new life by making the same mistakes they'd made with the Blackfeathers.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
[Image: tumblr_lldl65J5si1qclvq3.gif]

She recognized him in the next instant, but even when that was dawning on her, Screech couldn't help but let his lonely eye dash about in an effort to identify everyone else; he saw Raven move to his sister's side and had to stop himself from grinning ear to ear. In the back he heard a voice - but that was overwhelmed by the bratty tones of some kids, and they didn't earn much more than a sharp glance. There wasn't time to say hello or to welcome anyone and -- wait, why the fuck would he welcome them? They were the enemy as soon as they stepped foot on his land.

Towhee gave her conditions and caveats as if she already owned the place. He felt the fur along the nape of his neck bristle; and that was when he realized, he was looking for Finley and Elwood. Why was Towhee in the lead? He had so many questions but no time to ask them; Niamh was suddenly there beside him, and Redshank too. Together they had to protect what they had found - what they had been working towards. This would only be another obstacle for them to overcome.

The Caldera has fallen? He managed finally, more or less ignoring all the extra garbage his sister was slinging at him (although his jaw set when she had mentioned her death threat). This is our home - ours. We worked hard to find this place and claim it, and if you think you can come up here and threaten us, you have another thing coming. He didn't notice until after he'd spoken that his teeth were bared. This was a pissing match between the two siblings more than anything - and Screech knew he could win one of those. You have two choices: Join us, or go home.

There was more he wanted to say - so many questions, so many resentments he could've aired in that space - but he wanted to look powerful and in control to his friends, and so he kept it short and sweet.

612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Already he was wondering how this bomb was going to be extinguished.  The bomb squad was probably like an hour away and Quixote was just some dude with a pocket knife and no training on disarming explosives.  Towhee's words put him a little on edge -- there was something about them that made him wonder if this is how those ever lasting wars started.  Then came Titmouse, who pushed the envelope and seemed to be egging on a fight maybe?  Why?

Okay, they really needed a lid put on this, fast.  He took a couple of steps forward into the no-wolf's-land, not aggressively, but definitely trying to draw attention, Hold the hell up!  There's like three of you, he scoffed loudly, but perhaps not as sure in himself as he might have otherwise might have been if the situation had been slightly different.  Only one seemed to be in good health, that tawny girl, and the guys were kinda scrawny and scrawnier.  Quixote himself was noticeably on edge both from the potential fight and the conflict of wanting to defer to Towhee out of self-preservation and at the same time not trusting her to be a diplomat.  He looked to her, pleading that she wouldn't take the bait, that they'd have a chance to not make mistakes that would be later regretted.  Hell, he was regretting his decision already, and fully expected to get chewed out about it at some point but whatever.  Cross that bridge after putting out the fire on it.

He turned so he'd be perpendicular to both groups to both be physically counter to the aggression and trying to make sure Towhee would be able to see what he was saying as well.  I get it if you guys just want to fight for old time's sake, but can you just hold on a sec?  It was a plea to both Towhee and Titmouse (though honestly, almost entirely focused on the latter since he seemed less agreeable) for a little more time, a little more talking, a little less teeth.  His next words were pointed to Tit alone,  Did they, a sweep of Quixote's head indicated those that stood with Screech, agree to maybe face a whole pack's worth of wolves or is that what you decided for them?  Doing so means you've decided you want to hurt your friends -- on both sides -- because these numbers aren't at all in your favor. Some of the Redhawks had to like Tit still, right?  Did he care about anyone?  If Titmouse wanted to lead, wouldn't he care about his underlings?  Wouldn't he want to sort out challenges without maybe getting everyone killed?  It had seemed like the most logical wire to snip, but if Quixote was wrong, he probably couldn't have stopped it anyway.  He wanted this to end with words, not by potentially creating the equivalent of a new Blackfeather on this side of the mountains, too.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt shut up at Finley's statement, but he still simmered with the righteous fact that he'd been right.  Never send a hawk to do a wolf's job.  They should have had scouts out here, not sent the entire pack on the whim of another creature.  What was their alpha thinking?  Colt made a decision then and there, but it was one that would need to wait.

He listened without a whole lot of reaction as threats were made and returned, though his fur pricked at Towhee's suggestion.  Was she seriously about to fight for this piece of ground?  Seriously?  His sister's kids were here, and hadn't they just fucking left the last place because they had decided fighting was a thing they didn't want to do?  He didn't care if there were three of them.  Colt had no issue with Screech, and if the guy wanted this patch, well... they could move on to the next just as easily.

"Your bird made a bum call.  I say we move on," he called out, then gave a quiet "damn," as he realized oh, fuck, right, she couldn't hear him.  But the rest could, and maybe at least one of them would agree.
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
oh fuck no. tegan was not fighting. for towhee? fuck no. what'd she done for him lately? jack shit, that's what. instead, tegan stood and continued sulking, glaring at any wolf that made eye contact with him. except for finley, if finley looked at him he'd soften a bit and just wag his lil tail.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh hadn’t exactly been prepared for this- and foolishly, her first thought was that she was glad she’d buried the partridge rather than bringing it with her- these punks probably would’ve tried to take that from her, too. One of the wolves- a robust, dark fellow with brilliant eyes, stared her down, and she eyed him with one brow raised. She sniffed; his intimidation tactic of staring her down wasn’t going to ruffle her feathers. She flicked her tail dismissively and ignored him; but couldn’t help the tug of a faintly amused smile at the corners of her lips. Out of the three of them, he’d chosen to try and intimidate her- she was flattered. 

One of the wolves spoke up, and she tilted her head to the side a bit as soon as she began speaking. There was something guttural and strange about the way she spoke. She looked to Screech, who didn’t seem too surprised, and who seemed to know her. The dark wolf called Screech “Tit,” or something like that, but she didn’t care. This female was demanding that they either leave or join the group of them- and threatened them with death if they didn’t leave. The female and Screech both had reddish markings behind their front lega, on their ribcages- Niamh began to assume they were related.

Niamh had to hold her breath to keep herself from laughing. Seriously? A death penalty for defending their turf? That was ridiculous- Niamh couldn’t even begin to fathom it. Who killed someone else just over turf? Morally, it was horribly wrkng- so she cast her gaze about the group to see if any of her followers expressed any remorse or surprise that that was the order given. Foolishness, Niamh thought. Absolute foolishness- and probably a bluff.

It was all too surreal for her, and Screech didn’t seem to be afraid either, so she stood right where she was, her lips peeling back slightly as his did. She hardly believed that these wolves- supposedly from some Caldera, would join them. But why couldn’t they just move along?

The male who’d been eyeing her early stepped forward, and for some reason, Niamh was drawn to step just one foot forward as well- defensively. He had her attention now. There was definitely something about him that she liked better than the female who seemed to lead the group- and he seemed to feel the same way about how ridiculous it was to kill over turf- or at least, so she interpreted. He didn’t exactly try to dissuade his leader, but he was diffusing the situation slightly. When he questioned her allegiance to Screech, she straightened up, chin lifting slightly and finally, she gave him the hard stare he’d been giving her earlier. This was their turf. She didn’t want to die for it- but she certainly didn’t want these vagabonds to take it just because they were greater in number. If anything, that gave her motivation to find others to join with her, Screech and Redshank and then come back and whoop their asses into next week. 

One wolf suggested that they move on, and she eyed him for a moment, before giving a soft, almost appreciative nod. Her eyes scanned the others, to see if they would agree. She had no idea, still, that Towhee was deaf- but she found her eyes drifting back to Quixote again; her gaze lacked the coldness she’d given him earlier, and instead she sinply looked firm but calm. She was still quite certain no wolf killed another for turf.
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Oh, she loved this! Even when another wolf came to stand by "Tit", Clover was raring to go, chomping at the proverbial bit. She, in her bold youth, echoed her sisters word with a snarling grin. The Blackthorn was not the most menacing thing to behold, but there was no denying her intent. When Screech responded, they had their answer, even as Quixote tried to appeal to his better senses. When her uncle Colt contested Towhee, though, she huffed. This place is paradise! Why shouldn't we stay? Nevermind that this guy had been there first. They were here, now.

She looked at Fiadh, who she was sure was also ready to jump into a pub brawl with her. Lucca was behind her, too. Here was their chance to fight, given they missed out on the Blackfeather Woods battle.

Clover looked back to the wolf she had, seconds ago, thought was semi-cool. Now he just seemed dumb. But that was strictly because he wasn't doing what her sister wanted, and by extension herself. Her mother had her baby siblings, and like Hell were they gonna switch locations, now. Nope. Wrong answer! She hollered, making a wild lunge for him. Unfortunately for her, she was on his good side—no way he wouldn't see her coming. Or predict it, given her "battle cry".