Broken Antler Fen From high hopes to the ground
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Pack Formation 
@Maia , @Arcturus , @Ibis , @Akavir , @Penn , @Sundance , @Arielle , @Lilitu : let's discuss pack matters. :)
Tagging also @Bridget and @Teya , assuming that the joining thread went well, but I leave this particular thread as a voluntary thing - if you wish to wait for the thread to play out, we can assume that Wraen did not find them right away during the snow-storm.

Time had flown fast - it seemed that only last week Wraen and Maia had rediscovered this territory, which would quickly become the comfortable cradle for their dreams to rest, grown and eventually become reality. What had started as a group of three stragglers on the road with no particular aim in mind, now was growing steadily in something that was taking a form of a pack. And though the oldest Redleaf-DiSarinno sister would have preferred to keep the easy and problem-free existence to go on forever, she began to realize that some sort of guidance and leadership was necessary. 

This thought had first occurred to her, when Arthur had jokingly referred to the fen as her kingdom and with Wraen realizing that, while she would be glad to be an advisor and take part in keeping the pack together, she no longer felt up to the task of dedicating all her time taking care of her subordinates. She would be five next spring - it was advancing age for a wolf living in the wilds - it was a road downhill from there. The former Sovereign had watched Finley and Elwood succumb to old age quickly, she had no illusions about herself either. And, what time she had left there, she wanted to spend in a relative comfort and safety. 

Therefore, when the raging snowstorm had subsided a little, she walked around Broken Antler Fen, spoke and gathered as many people as she could find near the area, where Ibis and her family settled at. The forest blocked worst of the wind and snowfall was not as heavy here. Once settled, she looked around and addressed the people: "I hope that even despite the bad weather you have fared well so far and with our numbers growing, I thought it was about time we sat down to discuss, how we want to manage this place. I believe with us coming from different backgrounds - we each have an experience that may contribute to this pack in creation or we might as well have things that we would like to leave behind and far away from our borders. I welcome you to speak your mind on the subject."
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was funny, honestly.  Through all this help and all of this planning, thoughts of "leadership" had never crossed Maia's mind.  Maybe it was because they'd traveled together so long without needing it.  But as Wraen  called them together and spoke, Maia was thoughtful.  It made sense that they'd need to make that kind of decision, and that she hadn't wanted to do it herself.  That was why she'd left the Firebirds, right? Because she'd gotten tired of it?

Maia had a lot of thoughts on it, but she wondered suddenly if she should even speak up here.  Guilt hit her about how undecided she still was about staying... what if she got what she wanted, and then everyone hated her for leaving?  She didn't want to leave, but....

Maybe leadership could be shared, and not just one wolf?  She offered, extremely hesitantly, and with an apologetic smile.  She could start there at least, and see if anyone agreed.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
When she arrived to the gathering it was a surprise to see two Sarahs standing together; a momentary double-take later, Ibis had to remind herself this was Wraen and Maia, not the aunt that she missed. It was with a heavy heart that Ibis approached them and as she put on her friendliest of faces, paused to greet one then the other with a small nod and quiet, hello, or good day.

Wraen launched in to things pretty quickly. Maia's comment reminded Ibis of her own experience in leadership, so she was quick to nod and share: When I managed to form my own group I was new to leadership, so I had a counsel of others to bounce ideas off of. It worked really well once I got the hang of things - they each helped to teach me. Beyond that, it help to keep me from becoming overwhelmed. And it had been a blessing. Maybe they could carry over some part of that here.

Oh, but, Wraen... You said before when you visited us at the plateau, um.. That you had ample experience. You wouldn't need that as much. Her ears flicked back with indecision. We are trying to bring together very different groups of people, so many it would be beneficial to have a representative from each working as a counsel? She hoped it did not sound like Ibis was offering herself up as a candidate; her experience with leadership had been educational but not exactly a life goal.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn was bored. No offense to Wraen or anyone else, but pack matters such as these really didn't interest the young Blackthorn at all. He had no real aspirations to lead and the only thing he expected of his leadership was for them to let him do what he pleased. Otherwise, who was in charge and how they ran things were irrelevant for him.

So, the boy tried to amuse himself by glancing around at the wolves gathered. He knew Maia and Wraen of course, and he recognized Arcturus. The others were new to him, though he wasn't too interested in them. Except for the girls--girls were very interesting to him these days. Two of them were too young, though they had potential. Their mom was definitely hot, though. Too bad she had that guy looming over her.

Wolves began speaking, so he paid some attention to that. But for his part, he didn't say a word. He pretty much just wanted to go and do his own thing again.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had nothing to add, but her widewater eyes flitted over those she did not yet know. first there was a strong and silent man, tall with black fur and yellow gaze. a small and incredibly beautiful woman, chased in shades of rosy earth; teya looked away shyly toward the next. another man, darkfurred and regal where the first was somber and honed. 
there was a boy here, closer to her age; the former courtier saw his silvershade layers and the curious stripe that ran across his spine, but did not linger.
two girls, one patterned in umber and black, while the other wore dove-grey. 
a good assembly, and one into which teya felt she might have a hope of fitting.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
send my soul away
1,066 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
of wraen, maia, and even penn arcturus was familiar -- but the rest of the assembly was comprised of wolves nearly entirely new to the mountaineer.

his gaze flitted respectfully to each stranger as they spoke. first, ibis -- an incredibly lightly built she-wolf bordering on frail in arcturus' estimation. the manner in which she carried herself struck arcturus as noble - he kept an ear turned to her suggestions as she spoke. a council.

penn was silent. maia had already shyly offered her piece. another woman was peering at ibis as she spoke: arcturus' attention fastened to her silently. she was cut of similar make as ibis - svelte and soft, but silent.

the topic at hand brought back his own memories as serving as beta in moonspear. he had taken up the mantle proudly -- arrogantly, even -- his first year of life. it seemed a lifetime ago. it felt strange to sit before so different a collective. they each were their own puzzle piece, and it was up to each of them to find the hole in which they fit.

arcturus was not a wolf who spoke in large crowds. he had always served as the observer -- even when he'd been beta in moonspear. back then, he had dreams of being an advisor -- perhaps those dreams would be actualized in brecheliant.
when you come down to take me home
send my soul away
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ohhh she was late.

At least she was in time to catch the gist.  Bridget skidded to a running stop just shy of the meeting, then jogged into the little huddle.  Good morning,  she addressed the collective cheerfully, casting her eyes over her current packmates (sorta?).  Quiet bunch, but on a first pass they seemed friendly.

Talking leadership?  She confirmed.  She'd heard the last comment from Ibis, but hadn't heard the intro.  Council's all well and good, but you are definitely going to want some kinda tie breaker.  Otherwise good luck getting anything done in a timely manner.  She smiled affably, though there was a note of exasperated history behind the comment.  She'd always hated the council of her home pack; they'd been fairly slow on the uptake for anything.

She took a seat next to Teya, but continued to take in the pack.  The woman Ibis had addressed was the one who had welcomed them, and Bridget assumed she was the point person (for now?).  There was a cute chonky girl to her side, and then a couple of dudes and a few kids.  All in all, not a bad lot.

Still no sign of Sundance... she was starting to get worried.  Perhaps after the meeting she'd take a hunt and go looking for him.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
I will go ahead and move this thing forward, but those, who did not manage to join, feel free to join any time and speak your mind. :)

In an ideal situation Wraen would have expected an equal involvment in the subject from all people that had gathered here. Instead - some preferred to remain quiet. Either because of being shy and new to the group, or because they had no interest in the subject altogether. In case of Penn, it did not surprise her much, except the fact that he had entirely missed an opportunity to suggest some ground rules too. But then - she knew that he was going to be only a temporary fixture to this group and therefore would never step up to take much responsibility in running this place. Which also meant that he would never get much say anyway. Seemed fair. 

With Arcturus's background of being a former co-leader, she would have wanted for him to say something too. Yet... had his disappointment in Hydra been so great that he believed he was no longer suited to any position that involved leading? Had he in giving his dream up to have a family, had given up also on creating a pack that was better managed than the one he had come from? Her gaze lingered on him only for a moment, then she was all ears to, what Ibis had to say. Maia had proposed sharing the leadership duties, but what she had not said aloud, but Wraen knew very well, was "as long as it did not involve her doing the job"

"Well, at the moment there are three such groups - us, you and your family and former Seelie Court members," she hoped she had listed everyone. "In my former pack we had two leaders and a set of Honorees - respected wolves in the group that worked as an advisory council. The system worked well there, works still, last I heard. We can have it here too, but as Bridget pointed out an uneven number of people at the top would be necessary to help big decisions go through swiftly," she said. "Over the years I have learned that different times call for different leaders to guide the pack through harsh situations and good times alike. The council could elect their leader and remove it as well, if it no longer fit, what the pack needed," she concluded and looked expectantly at each and all, who had come, to see, if they had anything to say on this matter.

"And we can decide on, which decisions the leader-elect can make on their own and which matters have to be decided on collectively," she added.
415 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She was late. Terribly so. She bounded through the snow like a hare being pursued, panting as she drew alongside her mother, completely and utterly a disruption to the meeting. Sorry, she managed, and then plopped down. She had been elsewhere, playing—and looking for the bird she had tried to befriend the other day.

Wraen seemed to be talking about adult things. She didn't understand most of it. But Lilitu knew they were trying to form something here: a new home, like the one they'd had in the vale. With leaders and rules and all that boring stuff. 

It was important, though, and she never missed an opportunity to try and make herself useful to her aunt, whom she held in high esteem (just below her parents in the hierarchy inside her head).

Can I help? she asked, when silence had fell among the gathered wolves. 

What was expected of her, what she expected of herself. . .she didn't really know at all. But maybe they'd be proud of her for stepping up. A smile came to her face at the thought.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They seemed to like her suggestion, despite making amendments, and Maia relaxed some.  She still felt a little guilty, but she felt something else to.  And it kept her quiet, because she didn't trust herself to put it to words.  Even as Wraen was thinking the unspoken words, a different set were lurking on her tongue.  Wouldn't it... be kinda neat?  To try it?

She had no real visions that anyone would take her seriously, and that was problem number one.  Her travel would suffer, problem two, but a small voice whispered that she hadn't traveled much of late anyway.  Eljay didn't travel... and as much as she enjoyed exploration, she didn't enjoy it near as much alone.  And now her list of those to visit was so small.  Terance was gone, Moonspear gone... and Illidan set in a pack over the mountains.  He was perhaps her only reason to venture out now.

But no.  She couldn't.  And they weren't about to pick her anyway, because both Arcturus and Wraen would make far better choices than she would.  They'd both been leaders before, and Wraen might not be so opposed if she didn't have to lead alone.

Yeah,  Maia answered Lilitu with a smile.  We are just talking about leadership, and how decisions should be made.  She kept her voice in an undertone for that, then nodded.  I like that.  The rotating leader.  She said aloud, then realized she was speaking out again and got a tidge quieter.  Because... y'know... they might get tired of it too.

She didn't think that it sounded necessary to set out what decisions could be made by who when the leaders would all be able to discuss things as they came, but she did keep quiet on that.  There might have been something specific they were thinking of, something she wasn't thinking of.  And she definitely didn't want to open her mouth too much and end up looking like an idiot in front of everyone first meeting in.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
The gathering grew. Ibis was almost entirely oblivious to all the others; her focus was on Wraen and Maia until a small, familiar voice asked, Can I help?

Ibis turned to look at Lilitu. She was surprised that she would be here with the adults. This discussion did not really concern her — and she looked around for Akavir next, who she presumed had been watching the girls at their camp.

She mistook Arcturus' swarthy figure for her husband and was about to admonish him fiercely; but this was not the place for that, and her ambassador training kicked in before she could loosen her tongue.

Maia said something else, half an explanation and half praise. Ibis sighed, but did not say anything to the girl. She nodded to Maia in agreement.

That's a good idea. If anyone wants to step down they should be allowed, at any time. The counsel can then elect someone to take their place. Upon saying this aloud Ibis pondered over it, considering how that might influence her daughters. Would they grow up wanting to take after their mother as an ambassador? Maybe it would give them equal opportunity to practice and build leadership skills when they were older.

So, then... Who will be on the cousel? The choice for her little family would be between herself and Akavir, for now. Ibis wasn't sure if she should make an offer to step up to the role herself or wait for the group to decide. She settled back on her haunches and looked around expectantly.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn couldn't help but wonder as he looked around at the gathered and listened to the comments made--did anyone even want to lead? Their talk of allowing wolves to step down brought the question to mind. It seemed to be of more focus than the question that the hot chick finally posed, which was what he was more curious about. Who would make up this council?

Again, the Blackthorn said nothing. He certainly didn't want to be shackled with any additional responsibility, not when he had other priorities in his life. He was curious to see who would step up. His bet was on the hot chick, since she'd posed the question. She was probably just waiting for her moment.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya was silent, though her attention shuffled from wraen to the beautiful woman.
she seemed to indicate something more than her words, and in the pounding quiet teya felt more and more smothered;
until her lips were forming words she had not meant to say: "i will," in answer to the vision of loveliness who had spoken, and then back to greenstone wraen. 
and then shyly to bridget, and then with growing horror she set her shy gaze upon the snowy earth.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
send my soul away
1,066 Posts
Ooc —
Master Guardian
more voices lifted into their small circle, though it was wraen's arcturus lingered longest upon. it was not so much what she said, but was left unspoken -- was she disappointed?

his gaze slid to lilitu, tended then by maia. a brave girl, thought arcturus. he waited then for the question that lingered in the air. who would serve on the council?

he could not help the way his gaze pulled back to wraen. subtly. expectantly. to him, she was the textbook example of a leader -- the rest he did not doubt, but it was her he knew best.

teya's surprising nomination had the mountaineer turn his attention subtly upon her. he did not know her, but he was no judge of his peers -- and in his mind, it was better her than him. his love for leadership had died back at the spear.
when you come down to take me home
send my soul away
818 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Who?  Hell.  She didn't doubt that she was cut out for the job, but Bridget wasn't initially keen on offering herself up to lead a group she barely knew.  She was a medic, not a queen, and councils tended to be stodgy affairs for those who liked to talk and didn't mind not doing much else.  Neither of those fit her bill.  Still, she watched the silence stretch, and was half a mind to offer when abruptly Teya spoke out instead.  At first she thought she'd heard wrong... and her surprise showed.  But then a grin spread across her face.

I'll put my vote there.  Won't find one better for it than Teya.  She said, fully confident.  Much better choice than herself, honestly, and she'd never heard her friend speak up for something like that.  If she wanted it, then she'd perform it admirably, and they'd be lucky to have her perspective.  When Teya talked, it wasn't often, but it always tended to seem worthwhile.

She sat back, clearly not offering herself, and waited to see what the others thought.  There was a silent glint in her eye that challenged anyone to say differently... but she didn't rise or make any presentation other than that.  If they passed them over because of newness that was one thing... but if anyone spoke a word otherwise against her friend, they'd find she had a thing or two to toss back at them.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Step by step the proposed ideas built the future pack structure and by the time Bridget had shared her opinion, Wraen felt both pleased about the progress of the meeting and the initiative some of the wolves took, and somewhat disappointed that, for example, Arcturus preferred to be silent and did not get involved in this at all. She knew his reservations about taking the leadership role, but she had hoped that he would at least be willing to give a try and help out. Now that he looked at her expectantly, there was a rush of annoyance in her, because to her it felt as if a grown-up son asked his elderly mom to solve all the problems once again. Wraen did not remark on this, but furrowed her brow. 

However, she did not have to dwell on this thought for much longer, because Teya stepped up to do the job, which was a little surprising given her shy disposition. On the other hand, she decided to give the lass benefit of doubt - it was clear that she did not know the girl well at all and, if Bridget vouched for her, then, why should she not trust her? The whole idea was to have representatives in the council, Seelie Court had chosen theirs. "That makes one," she smiled at Teya, then turned to Maia. "Would you consider being in the council too?" she asked her. "If not at present, I can step up to fill the role." She left her to mull over this, looking now at Ibis and Lilitu: "And you two would make a fine team - mother as a leader and her daughter as leader in training? Does this sound good?" she asked. 

If there is nothing else to add, then we can wrap this thread up in the next round! Thank you all, who have joined!
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was still reluctant, but Teya's stepping forward actually made her consider it more.  She made it seem so easy to just ask for it, and why shouldn't Maia throw herself in the ring?  The worst they could do was laugh and tell her no, and no matter where she and Eljay went, she could sort it out later.  She actually kind of wanted this, a fact that surprised her almost more than Wraen's simultaneous question.

She didn't know why she expected Wraen not to take her seriously, but she had fully figured Wraen would take the role herself, even with their conversations.  It was weird for her to think that she, the younger sister, might be deserving of it while Wraen stepped back.  Her surprise showed visibly, despite the fact that she'd just decided to ask herself.  Oh!  Uh.... yeah, actually.  She answered, smiling, but also looking down as she felt her cheeks heat up.  If you think?  I mean, I don't... yeah.  Omg Maia, what is wrong with you?

She looked up and smiled, her tail giving a wave while her stomach flipped at the thought.  I'd really like to.  At least she sounded more sure on that than the stammering earlier.  But she was tensed, and internally, she half-expected everyone but Wraen here to start laughing and tell her to get lost with that.  There was no way they would, but her mind couldn't seem to shake the fear of it.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya did not know she had been holding her breath inside; she let it out as wraen looked warmly upon her. the girl returned the curve of lips, and then her expression moved to pretty maia. it felt settled now, their place in the fen.
having not been part of such a creation before, teya meant to catch bridget's eye. more to be said when they had been dismissed. for now, her features held a soft pleasure in the entire meeting as she looked over at the woman and her daughter, wondering if they would accept.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Pleased to have things mostly sorted out, Ibis smiled to Wraen, then looked to the wolves which had gathered with a newfound appreciation. Things would be better here, she reasoned. This would become home; her children would flourish, growing in to upstanding members of their new society. Perhaps their family would grow in the Spring - encompass more than what they held now.

Ibis felt a swell of pride as she, and her dear daughter, were offered positions. That is a wonderful idea, she said in response to the thought of Lilitu serving in an apprentice role, and beamed towards her. What a splendid opportunity to learn!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn couldn't help but smirk at the irony. Wraen had called this meeting, had told them all what needed to be done, and made the final say on who should lead them. They were all looking at her as their leader. And yet, when the cards fell, it was others they were supposed to follow. He wanted to roll his eyes, but it was really no skin off his back. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how brilliant it was. Everyone else doing the work while Wraen just sat back and pulled the strings. It was just the lazy, devious sort of thing he would do, though he doubted anyone else saw it the way he did.

He lifted a hind leg to scratch at an itch behind his ear, then pointed his nose up towards the sky to stretch his neck muscles. He looked back at the gathered with a yawn, fully prepared to head out for a nap as soon as the green light was given.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Had Wraen known, what was going on inside Penn's mind, she would have felt very amused. Though she had politely refused to become a leader yet again, she had compromised by becoming a respected advisor. And in a way and not conciously she had, in fact, orchestrated the whole thing. In hopes that it would eventually mean that the right combination of people would carry on confidently on their own not requiring her involvement.

"Well, I think that we have settled everything nicely," she concluded the meeting. "If there's questions and ideas of what you want to bring to this, you may approach us any time," she added. "Dismissed."