Ouroboros Spine i'm a mirrorball
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Limit Two 
Ariadne had wandered off to Uggungak Repose out of sheer curiosity. She had peeked in the many medicine dens and had smelled the variety of herbs and medicines that were kept there—there were still so many scents that she didn't know and could not recognize. So, in an attempt to familiarize herself with the various plants that grew in their gardens, she went south towards the proud coppice. 

It was a hot day and she waded in the shallow waters on the shoreline of Anik Lake as she made her way towards the territory, doing everything she could to keep herself cool as she walked.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux shut her eyes and thought.

sedna had seen fit to give her seven spirits in her womb. seven lives. and one given back.

the thought of her young moon-hunter hurt her heart. how he would have held much love for his sisters.

she took up ariadne's trail and followed, happy to pace also through the sun-warmed water. when she came across the girl she did not speak, only drifted to the other's side and smiled.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos did not often walk the western paths of their home. His attention was to the den-sites, the grandfather stone and along the edges of the lake and river. Today, he walks along the lake bed just the same, but had gone north and crossed over the river instead. 

This forest was of evergreen, it reminded him of Neverwinter and Lote's growing family there. He wonders how many now followed her, how long until they have fully established. 

He has these thoughts as he trailed on, spotting his ginger and cream daughter and Kukutux at her side. Aiolos woofs out happily, quickening his pace to close the distance between them.
moonglow daddy
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
How exciting! Ariadne had managed to attract both of her parents! "Aatâtak and anaa—I greet you," she said, beaming at them. "I am hoping to learn about plants today. I am walking to Uggungak Repose." She figured that they would be curious as to where she was leading them. "I am happy you are here!" Her tail whipped to and fro. 

"I am wanting to learn about plants," she continued, her gaze bouncing between them. "I want to help—especially with welcomed guests in our land." Learning medicine would help, right?
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
sunman was with them.

kukutux kissed his face. ariadne's voice lifted in songlike words. "i greet you, sea-daughter," the woman murmured, pleased at their child's formality.

"i will show to you the things that i know. then you must go down into the forest and learn with cloudberry wife." she smiled brightly.

ariadne would learn all things. "what green things will we learn today? the ones that you can eat or the ones eaten by brother deer?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Hello, Ariadne. He smiles to his daughter and he nudges himself into moonwoman's kiss as he then takes up the tail end as they begin their walk together.

This is very kind of you to say, Ari. Sometimes visitors come with a need for help. Someone with your skills would be very helpful to them. He smiles and then falls quiet as Kukutux spoke up of what things their daughter might learn today and what more she could learn from Lote too.

Aiolos owed his daughter @Samani a visit to the ocean. Maybe he would take Ariadne on a trip too.
moonglow daddy
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was lucky that both of her parents had decided to join her today. They both held different skill sets —a considerable amount of information for her to learn. 

"Yes, anaa" she promised regarding her lessons and training with cloudberry wife. She looked at her aatâtak next. "Have you worked with plants before? Or are we learning together?" She had never heard him speak about herbs and remedies, but he was a man of many talents. It wouldn't surprise her if he knew a thing or two. 

Although learning about brother deer's diet would be beneficial, Ariadne didn't see how that would benefit their guests. So, instead, she decided: "The ones we can eat."
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux looked warmly at aiolos. her husband was always ready to learn things that were new. he had learned her ways and her language. she did not think that he would be against her teachings of plants.

moonwoman nodded. she set off toward the edge of the repose, and soon showed to ariadne a stand of berry-bushes. "this is paungak," she told to her husband and to her daughter. "you may eat them. the taste is very sour in summer! but when the trees change, they become sweet. do not eat them when they are green, or you will have a stomach that is sick."

she would stop there for questions.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,061 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Ahh... A playful smirk. My knowledge I'm afraid is limited to mud, salt water, aloe and lavender. It was still better then nothing but these talents that required brains had been given to the women when he was younger. Men had been mostly made to clean their wounds with the sting of sea spray and slap some mud on it. After years of not knowing Aiolos had not put much effort into learning more. Today, Aiolos and Ariadne could learn more together.

He would follow still behind both his wife and daughter, pausing when Kukutux came to a cluster of blackberry bush. He sniffs it, investigating as wife explained, his nose wrinkling and a tongue sticking out playfully towards his daughter. Berries? Yuck!
moonglow daddy
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
wrapping! <3

kukutux rolled her eyes good-naturedly as aiolos gave voice to his dislike. "they are good to mix with fat. wrap it in leaves and store it. it is a good treat." 

she demonstrated how to imitate the ruminants now, how to gently and carefully strip blackberries to the ground all while avoiding the thorns.

they remained there for a time, talking of different things. and then ariadne led her mother and father back to the ulax, singing aloud. kukutux too raised her voice in song.