Swiftcurrent Creek that autumn chill · pack meeting [r2 ends 10/04]
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Pack Activity 
Pack meeting, y'all... Mostly looking to see who from the Creek will want to attend this activity]https://wolf-rpg.com/showthread.php?tid=62084]this activity being held in the fall.

@Arlette @Arric @Cygnet @Pukei @Yukimi @Burdock @Saturin @Shark @Caliste @Leonore @Mae @Viinturuth @Buckthorn

Tried to only tag one character per player in the pack... Hopefully I didn't miss anyone! Also tagged NPC just in case, but obvi no need to join. <3

Round one will end September 10th. We can also PP anyone who wants us to do so... just let someone know. <3

His tongue slid over his lips—gaze casting to the blue sky and the way the sun shone down upon the creek. Grief kept him in the shadows—but he could not cling to it—not when he remained at the helm of a growing pack that held the promise of youth.

It wasn’t as if their lives had been completely shunted by fate.

He had told the Moontide man, Rodyn, that the Creek would make an appearance at the autumn gathering that was being organized in the valley over. He intended to make good on that word, and so, tilting his head back, he called to his pack mates—demanding a quick gathering.

A pack meeting was being called.

And there, by the brisk waters of the creek, the Alpha settled, waiting for everyone to gather for the discussion of it all.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric arrived promptly and stood silently glaring at the leader of the pack. He shifted and turned his nose only slightly upwards. 

You're a dickfuck. Why you gotta make me worry huh? Always traipsing off to God knows where.

He snorted and shook his head. His eyes showing that he understood. 

I get it though. And I'm sorry buddy.

Then he dipped his head and went towards a spot to scope out the pack and listen.
Swiftcurrent Creek
322 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae arrived a silent shadow to the meeting. She settled near her father with a small nod of acknowledgement. No other was spared a glance, for now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
135 Posts
Ooc — Jess
<3 you for tagging just the one account!

Water dropped from Cygnet’s pale chin as she lifted her head. Forepaws ankle-deep in water, she paused to listen to Akavir’s call rise, before flicking her tongue over her whiskers. From the sound of his voice, she expected bad news; she reminded herself he was grieving, and trotted down river to where the meeting was taking place.

Her stubbed tail waved at the sight of Mae, though she did not wholly appreciate that the spot next to Akavir’s side was taken. Arlette hadn’t shown up yet, and Arric sat far enough away that she felt fine assuming her place at Akavir’s other side so he was framed by the two young women who looked up to him. She sank to the ground, tilting herself slightly so she could watch Akavir as he spoke, while keeping an ear flicked back- in case one of Arlette and Arric’s homely children decided to push her boundaries when they came.
Swiftcurrent Creek
416 Posts
Ooc — Jess
”Alright, we all go,” Suzy said, though she was skeptical about the surprise pack meeting and whether she should bring along all four children. ”But I want you all to be’ave; it be straight back to de den wid all of you if you be not polite.” Yes, she would have them look after each other, even at this age. Letting them moderate each other would teach them, she thought, how to deal with unruly packmates later on in life. 

This was her first time being the mother, and getting to set the ground rules. There was no guarantee she was going to make all the right choices. 

”An den mebbe we fin’ a quiet spot in de river after an’ see if we can catch some minnows, hmm?” She suggested. A reward, should they behave. 

”Alright. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish,” She said as she counted heads. ”Off we go.”

No minor task. But aside from one child discovering some late blueberries to munch on, and another stopping to roll in something delightfully foul-smelling, they made it to the meeting. 

Aside from Arric, everyone else looked rather…dour, really. Like a mother swan gathering her cygnets, she motioned for her children to sit with her, and stay at her side.
Swiftcurrent Creek
20 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Leonore made a point of staying close to her mother, Suzu. It was not clear to her where they were going or why, but she was feeling a bit shy around these new wolves.

The promise of minnows as a special treat had encouraged her to behave; she would sit perfectly still and keep quiet - not completely quiet of course, but more than usual.

Taking the spot at Suzu's side, she sat, staring silently at those around her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it had been a very good long while since lestan had been in the company of so many, and he was shattered with nerves.
unsure of where to sit, and with whom, the mayfair found himself lurking far back in the ranks. his eyes fell to suzu, a smile catching in spite of it all, in spite of himself. shardik's children seemed quite healthy. suzu's children.
he looked away, examining the grass as more gathered.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,038 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne took up the rear behind his sister. Keeping her little fishies in line. Making sure no one strayed and they listened closely .He would settle nearby, golden eyes on the leader. A prickling of unease, only because this was so different than home.

But it wasn't a bad thing. A tilt of gilded ear and he waited. Watched. A small nod to those in attendance so far.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,222 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette joined the pack meeting a little later because she had to herd four kids towards one spot. It was not an easy task but she had managed. She nudged Buckthorn forward onto the scene. It was always a little chaotic walking with pups towards a destination. Arlette walked towards Arric. It was the easiest since the pups would probably gravitate towards him anyhow. She shot Akavir a smile. She had to recall Violet who seemed too curious for her own good, once again. Her eyes moved over them. One, two, three..... four! Okay they were all present. She nosed through Juniper's fur and nudged Burdock closer. All settled in. But that probably wouldn't stay for long.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
72 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Oh boy, her first official pack meeting...and she was late!

The call was unexpected, and of course she was all the way on the other side of the Creek. As quick as her legs could peddle, the girl raced to where the summons had sounded from but by the time she arrived, already most of the pack had gathered. She had even been beaten by the two mothers who had the job of herding their respective children – all eight of them, if she was counting correctly with eyes that widened in horror. Four each‽‽ How exhausting.

Pukei pulled what she hoped was an amusing face at the young ones she didn't know the names of, making a note to introduce herself to the newest mother later, before swinging her gaze to look to Akavir. "Where you been, mister?" she announced gleefully, completely oblivious to the man's turmoil. "I thought you fell into the river or something!" Then they'd have to pass leadership onto the next tall, dark and handsome, she thought, glancing over to Arric with a grin.

She took her place then nearby Arlette and her children, if only because she looked like she might need some help wrangling them if they got too antsy during the meeting.
55 Posts
Ooc — Cheetz!
Though Yukimi came as quickly as she could manage, the taste of mint and daffodils on her tongue while she experimented another obscure new paste, it seemed she was already late to the party. Many gathered around — all of whom were still strangers. Arric, at least, was somewhat familiar, but the shadow cloak who bore the both the call and a scar across his face was not. Nevertheless, the young woman was as happy as she was nervous to be around those she’d share a home with….still. She wondered who the woman named Arlette was amongst this crowd of wolves.

She sat near the creek amongst the evergrowing crowd, looking curiously around at all the faces she’d soon come to know. Her eyes specifically wandered to the puppies that dutifully followed their mothers like ducklings, and a goofy smile couldn’t help but crack her face. An ear swirled to take in the noise of the group, all the while awaiting the voice of the man who stood before it all.

Was he…the leader? How come she hadn’t seen him until now?
[Image: 85512331_sBCUc47O1EZtqNO.png]
Fluent in: Common, Japanese, and Norwegian. Knows some Icelandic, but isn't very good at it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
16 Posts
Ooc — Me
Burdock was not in a good mood, because he had been woken up from a nap and therefore still felt sleepy and groggy. Part of Arlette's job herding her brood towards the meeting place had been to nudge her son awake at least three times, the fourth - he had fallen face first in a puddle. Once they had arrived, he nested himself in the space right between his mom's forepaws, gave an indifferent look at all, who had gathered, greeted them with a one huu-u-u-u-u-uge yawn and went right back to sleep. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
12 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Violet was the one that didn't need much nudging from her mother to follow her. In fact, her mother had a harder time making sure she wasn't going too far ahead. The young girl clearly loved exploring and going to new places. Though when she ran onto the scene she was briefly stunned to see so many others around. She was frozen until she spotted someone she knew. Dad!!!

The girl rushed forward and dashed to him. She jumped up against his shoulder and chest in greeting. DA! She was desperate for his attention until she spotted Pukei. She knew that one too! Her tail was wagging and soon she was running towards her as well. She was like a furry bouncy ball, clearly already completely overstimulated. Going from Pukei, back to her dad and then her mother joined with his siblings. She had to bounce back to them as well. She nudged her brother Burdock, he couldn't sleep NOW!? This was the most exciting thing that happened to them!! BURRRR!!, she yelled in his ear.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,143 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Why didn't y'all tell me I derped and put April 10th as a date...

So sorry for the delay. Life got messy for a bit. Will try to push this along. Say next round can begin Oct. 4? Since apparently I like the number 4.

They trickled in—a few with blows to his heart that were missed or not understood. He was rigid—but he always remained so, and a nudge was given to Arric, though the flash in his eyes held the surprise he felt at the man’s chosen words.

Now was not the time—and soon, Mae and Cygnet flocked to him on either side—also, each earning a nudge from the Mayfair. His girls.

The new faces that arrived drew his attention—particularly the more youthful members of the creek. Only last year it had been a brood of his own—time was fickle.

Lestan drew forward—Pukei, who he offered a small smile, though it did not reach his eyes. He did manage to hold back the wince at her words.

Etienne, who he was only vaguely familiar with in passing.

A she-wolf, Yukimi, who he was not. Youthful—vibrant.

He blew out a sigh, his smile wane as he cast his eyes over the gathered once more. “Welcome,” he rumbled, his shoulders rolling back in a light stretch, as if he could ease the tension in his muscles through such a simple action.

“Thank you for coming. I’ll be to the point—hopefully. If you don’t know, recently, my eldest daughter passed. There is a sickness lurking in the Wilds—I urge you all to remain vigilant when dealing with others. It’s highly contagious—“ but here, he broke off, his eyes flickering over each youthful attendee. He didn’t want to strike fear in them. He didn't want to begin an introduction to the darker aspects of growing up. “Please come see myself, Arlette or Arric for more details on its symptoms and what we know… But this meeting…” He paused, glancing down to a paw quickly, before soldiering on. “Lilitu wouldn’t want this cloud to hang over us. So I bring maybe some news… The Creek has been invited to what an alliance of packs, the Moon packs, I gather, are calling a ‘Great Hunt.’ I believe some of us should attend—network.”

Or, to at least gather insight on the many packs that resided within their reach. “We need some to stay, and maintain the borders as well. So, the invitation is open—who wants to go?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,074 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric realized to late his words maybe cruel. But he hadn't meant it as such. He understood the need to go find your daughter, but Akavir was always going after his kids and cleaning up messes in some cases. This one a different type and his heart hurt for his friend. Now that he had kids he couldn't even imagine. But Arric also knew that your couldn't sacrifice other relationships for your kids even balance. And Akavir did sometimes.

Arric's ears perked forward. A great hunt. He wanted to go, but the realization dawned on him that he or Akavir would have to stay. And he knew Arlette would want to stay. So he would stay.

But he said nothing right now. Waiting to see other reactions and hear other words.