Moonspear kipigniugun ⚭
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Ooc — ebony
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wow third time is the charm i hope smhhhhh <3 none of my edits/future-dating were saving

in the darkness of early morning, kukutux opened eyes from fitful sleep to discover her body tense with the odd flames that had begun to lap at her breastbone, pool in her loins. it drove her into the clearing outside her den, brought her breath into a thorning trill that filled her both with terror and an overwhelming, incomprehensible need.

this was the time of fire, and it had come to her in the rain moon, even as she had slept, exhausted, streaked with ostrega blood that was not her own. she must bathe.

afraid that hydra would discover her, or perhaps @Jarilo, kukutux wended her way to the creek called silverspine and waded into the cold shallows, trying, hoping, that she would be able to scrub the scent from her body and thus call no men to her side.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
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vague-y vagueness <3
He patrolled on through the darkest hours and was only able to start winding down as the dawn started to approach. His mind wouldn't rest, leaving the body not far behind despite the inklings of fatigue he was beginning to carry with him too, so he vented it where he could best--duty. But, even that must wind down eventually, for the Spear's boundaries were covered by many eyes and paws these days, all accompanied by a set of teeth not to be questioned, and right now, many of them were probably fresher on the task than him. He eased off, gradually.

Jarilo had slowly turned his route inward, and took his way to a path steering towards Kukutux's home, but on his arrival, he found her not there. Only fresh enough scent to keep his hopes afloat, yet tinged with what creeping realization distinctly pooled nervousness right in his belly--with a fear he must keep at bay. Still, he lifted his nose and followed on with a stretchy, lurking trot, towards the creek until he saw her.

Hesitance was not his for now, but he stepped closer quietly, saying nothing yet beyond the tilt to his head and the conservative posture he backed it with, suggesting all of his questions, concerns, worries, and nerves frayed down to their finest fibers. He did not come to interrupt, though the relief to find her alone and without his brothers was difficult not to sense...
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Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic

her teeth had begun to chatter before she was finished, but she was stubborn, refusing to quit the water until every vestige of the new allure had been scoured from her.

she was terrified of hydra, kukutux now knew. the queen commanded the spire, and her rule was cold and unyielding to those who crossed the blackbear. and though they had spoken, kukutux knew that it was now such a terrible time, she did not know what hydra might do.

the woman made as if to step from the water, but froze with rivulets coursing her frame when she beheld the quiet, thoughtful gaze of jarilo. "oh!" she exclaimed in an inhale. how long had he been there? 

"you cannot ..." words rushed to a halt; she bit her lip, ears cupping backward. tears threatened to fall for some odd, horrid reason, even as inward embers pushed her toward the ostrega in a single step.

"it is not ..." again, kukutux stopped. what was there to say? and so she was silent, a thin-limbed breath of snow standing atremble in the icemelt of winter, too exhausted and shocked by all that had gone on to move.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
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Though he loitered, it did not feel like long before his heart raced ahead of him. On her exclamation, he instantly looked away, ears flat, and moved not another pawstep further. Distance was hers to judge as he stuck to where he'd paused, watching her, and the water slick off her furs. I know.. Whatever precisely it was, he sensed his intrusion, and all of the conflict it brought in him even without full-flight.

He was piecing it together now with a longer look, one he wasn't ready to face, and in the wake of his siblings exhibiting those facets so painfully recently--worry, he thought first of course. He was on absolute pins and needles over the entire topic, as if his father hadn't already sent him into orbit over it last year--the constant reminders of everything about it all always coming for him.

Sorry, a smaller voice than he liked, still aimed away when he squeezed shut his eyes. I just want you to stay safe, he elaborated on why he came, and then remained like he was some part of it. Something in him felt like that wasn't enough.. that it wasn't the whole feeling he felt. He angled back towards her a bit more, sighing, though steeled himself. May as well address a big one, first, otherwise he knew it would weigh him down: Does.. Hydra..? Know? Have an opinion on this oncoming notion at all? He hated to ask, somewhat concerned to hear the answer, or have it dampen the scene already. Jarilo might not know everything about it, but her policing on the matter was fierce--he had seen plenty enough to know that. To subject Kukutux now wasn't what he liked to consider.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
he spoke of hydra, and kukutux was moved enough to slip from silverspine, huddling forlornly upon the bank. hydra had been perfectly clear upon the order of things. the duck was afraid. she shook her head. "it is ... new."

how handsome he was beneath the silken darkness of nightfall. blackfox, green eyes glinting gemlike and then turning away. kuktutux became aware of a sharpening ache, for she recalled jarilo's warmth and the brush of his body from that first night upon moonspear.

he wanted her to be safe. but she was already such with him near. was that not so?

pale features flushed first with apprehension, and theb a determined look, rather unlike herself. "you know what it is she will ask if she comes here," kuktutux murmured, tongue emboldened by the rolling waves of near-lust that cascaded from her figure.

he had not chosen. she would not see him forced. but kuktutux must know first, for herself if nothing else
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
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New, then. His ears flicked back up. Maybe he felt better knowing that, while opposing it was the ever-present dread--so he was yet to see what would come, then. Did she know how it may go, yet? This was a delicate matter upon the slopes of Moonspear, and he was afraid she had already seen a glimpse of what it did thanks to his brothers' recent handlings. Plus, timing considered.. would Hydra allow? She had put out the flames of plenty this year and her litter would come before they knew it.

Which.. I know, he felt like he was saying it a lot lately, and he was as he glanced up her chest, to her face--quick to blink off some of his furrowed expression. This wasn't exactly what he meant to do here this morning, but he was unnerved deeper than he was willing to admit with everything lately, and had seen what this did more than once, so it had him on the absolute ugliest kind of guard he knew. If he didn't get it together, far nastier things could happen because of her.

He found a centering breath and stepped closer, though didn't reach. Her space was hers, and he was still new at all, learning--slow, for him to process it right. I know it must be me, or my brothers.. to be here, now.. he told her truthfully, trying not to sound so tired but those were the laws he knew their very core dictated. She saw what the others of his bloodline had reduced themselves to lately, as much as he hated to say it, they were probably lucky to be alive at all.

With Moonspear's tendency towards a dash of chaos, and Arcturus already having balked in the beginning, he knew the pack needed steadiness above all else right now, moving onward. But choice was key, even later. Which, given that.. you would be alright with it if I said I would be your husband? he asked, settling on her delicate face, sincere--but worried and burning up, trying not to breath too deeply too often or else thinking seemed like less priority, and now was not the time.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
his step came now too, a tread which kukutux dizzily met with her own, until they stood just before one another. and still after all that had gone on, she did not expect his answer.

eyes closed; she drew a shaking breath, and when she leveled her springjade gaze upon jarilo again, it was blurred with tears, saltwater relief unfurling beneath her eyelids. upon a threshold she stood, and kukutux steadied herself upon the sincerity of jarilo's eyes.

"i am your wife," the duck ventured with a nod, dry-mouthed, nerves fraying. out of them all, jarilo had been the only one to know her before this night of odd perfumes and the clawing hunger of her own body.

there remained the matter of their matriarch and her mate, who must give their blessing to this union. kukutux drew a breath, clawed toes gripping the earth as she reeled in disbelief, a shiver nestling into the base of her spine.

a swallow; a shift of weight. she reached to jarilo tentatively, silently seeking the reassurance of his touch to safeguard her against the biting lap of fire. a husband. a wife. kukutux could scarcely believe it had come to pass, not yet realizing the dawn of it even as she beheld his thoughtful verdant gaze and waited for his own words to arrive.

did jarilo truly wish this, or was he only moved by her as men would be? kuktutux could not think of that now, shuttering her own stare for a long moment of fighting for control
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
677 Posts
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Don't rush, a voice ceaselessly persisted, but looking this dead in the face so newly told him he couldn't afford to stall. If he did not take his action, he worried--always, that this could escalate, that this could easily turn into everything they all warned against with the right sorts involved, and be some new terrible catalyst for more internal strife on the mountain. At least if.. him, maybe it wouldn't have to go like that. She wouldn't have to be caught in the middle of their mess, and he could surely help hold it together for the good of them all. 

But also, Hydra could quiet it all if she so willed. Decide all of this for them.. but, she had not made him think that would necessarily be the case, not lately, not when she certainly did not discourage him to consider the opportunity it granted him--even at his own snail's pace before. He had her support then. However it was before his brothers, and tense times had come to pass since.

He wasn't sure if that would've changed his suggestion if it were not for her looming season. It rush-ordered it, sure, but he could still see himself comfortable beside her in time if all kept going well enough between them, with or without that instinctive urging that said now, or never for him. Jarilo also wasn't sure if it fully set in, either. The gravity of it could come later. He had intended to take his time, but he didn't have it to waste if he was going to roll that dice with his sister and her mate.

The dark Ostrega did have other matters to bring before them, though they were ones he didn't want to handle now, either--but he knew he must. This could help further steel his resolve. She made it easy and he had come close enough to press his nose to her cheek, though didn't linger. Inwardly, he reeled in his own way. Maybe that was easier than expected, as his face warmed more and he started to slip beside her, brushing past just to her wet furs if she let him before he arced away--quick to regret the space again, but he had to say head-on: Ah, alright--you will still have much to teach me in this, but I want to.. for you, he told her, and for Moonspear, his over-arching motive in all things to give him the solid ground to stand upon at all.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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Ooc — ebony
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and so it was. and so it would be. kukutux had little time to savor the moment, as it were, too fearful of hydra she was. the blackbear must know first; she shivered beneath jarilo's touch, body arching into it with instinctive desire. control, control; she must keep herself back, from falling, a stone high upon a mountain that dared not yet fall. "we will teach one another," came the click of her teeth, and at last the little duck lifted her head, and swallowed, and looked into his face.

both were aware of the role they played within moonspear, the potential of righting the upset balance. arcturus had gone, jarilo stood poised to take that forgotten helm, if he so wished. somehow her tongue did not work; not until relief rushed into her heart as the waterbird tilted back her head and called for @Hydra and for @Dirge.

then, and only then, upon pronouncement of the powerful bear, would kukutux blossom into her freedom. until then, she stepped demurely aside, shook the water from her pelt, looked back with softer gaze upon jarilo. the fire lapped at her; she closed her eyes again, exhaling a light breath, but unable to keep her glance from traveling to him again and again.

the alphess of moonspear would find them a proper distance apart, kukutux observing the fair rites of her rank and her family, even as her body throbbed with unheard wardrum beats and the dizzying peak of this final hour collapsed into an exhaustion she wished could be chased away by returning home, returning to her sleeping place.

with your husband, the spirit noted, and kukutux felt a shiver chase itself along her spine. suddenly she did not know what to say to him, and so once more only lifted the springwrought gleam of her gaze to the night, and to blackfox jarilo, who bled into and out of it, and whose brief touch still felt emblazoned upon her cheek.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
the bonecracker
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Ooc — kit
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Hydra had not been near enough to scent the beginnings of Kukutux heat, though in general had kept close enough to monitor her progress. With their temporary guest, she felt it prudent to do so given the state of things. That Arcturus was still absent was something Hydra had not thought too much of yet; it had only been a day, and somewhere within her Hydra understood she might have wounded his pride with her own actions. That paled in comparison to what she had seen as his defiance to an order she had given, and so she imagined that once he recognized that he would no longer be so irate about it all. It had been him she defended, as she saw it... though she had saved Revui from damage that could have been fatal. 

Hydra knew their family; knew their anger. Once it reached fever pitch, it could no longer be tempered. 

The call stirred her from her thoughts, and Hydra went toward it at a rapid clip. Had the state of Revui worsened, or was it something—

That scent! Her pace increased, but she did not throw herself into a sprint. She and her mate had discussed this already, and so she did not expect his arrival there in favor of him keeping to the borders. That green-eyed bastard would not be getting past them again... not without dying. Hydra arrived promptly, and she saw Jarilo there too. The space between them was a comfort, and her gaze was nothing short of appreciative as she looked to the two of them. 

Understanding dawned without them needing to say much, but Hydra did not dare hope—

Not true. That thing within her lifted its terrible head inside, and unbidden Hydra's tail began to stir in little waves behind her as her gaze shifted between the two of them. It was impossible, too, to hide the joy that came from her eyes. Her brother, Kukutux! Had they... was it official?
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
parts of stars, parts of legends
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She reminded him soon that in this they were on a more level field that he sometimes perceived it as, too caught up in his own inexperience and vague uncertainty surrounding what he needed from life most of all. He might not know what sort of husband he was supposed to be or exactly all depths of that had had brought her here, but all the same, she was learning first hand what Moonspear meant and his family made of it--the good and the bad. Her situation was not so different, he was just as unknown to her. We will, he agreed with a contented swing to his tail and growing smirk, then as he exhaled again, more grounded--though delicately; these were not his familiar spaces, not so close, and he was meant to be miles away surely by now but he most certainly was not. He hoped that he could make her happy.. he was ready to try.

Nerve-wracking enough of a realization, her call reminded him of now first, and Hydra's arrival did not leave them to wait long.

Determined now before her might and judgement, he looked for a steadying breath. Hydra, he greeted like he meant it, standing strong and he chanced a better read on her expression then, though he was careful and respectful. Kukutux, he loomed vaguely beside--toeing a distance, torn, subservient to his dark queen sister, lured by the pale's seasonal hints, and like he might like to sleep for a week or two straight at the mere thought of this all, his head swam; words, he had to say above the din of the moment: First, I want you to know, we have agreed--I will be her husband, he said, not needing any recognition over it, but wanting her and Dirge to know ahead of all things as the head of his family. Or rather, I am, now--she says she will have me as one, he splayed his ears, sheepish in the glance he had for Kukutux then, and soft tail wave left for her to agree, or hell, disagree then--for he did not want to speak for her, just tell his sister what little he could--before anything else became too obvious, or suspicious, given his timing and increasing nerves about... the what it all could bring so soon.
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so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
From the shadow of a pressing glade, he eavesdropped.

His pursuit of Hydra was paused by the summons and he found from where he listened the contents to be of mild interest. He knew of the exchange for the northern woman, knew what her desires were, and it surprised him that she had found a way to achieve her goal. It was not an effortless thing of course and frankly, he didn't know her that well.

He knew Jarilo though, and perhaps therein was his surprise.

A thin smile crossed his features, deciding then that perhaps it were best to let Hydra speak with them on the matter alone. He lingered, silently, ears prying as much as his eyes to see what she would make of the newfound arrangement... the talk of what would come afterward would certainly be one of conversation for later.

more of a cameo post as i pick through my backlog of tags, unless y'all wanna realize he's there.
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Ooc — ebony
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she breathed at hydra's tread, shut her eyes and lowered herself in obeisance. but kuktutux need not have worried, for the blackbear's gaze was warm, then elated. a small shy smile tugged at her mouth, and the duck glanced up at the sound of jarilo's voice.

her husband's voice. cheeks heating beneath their soft covering of pale fur, the girl finally could not hide her own pleasure as he laid the green of his eyes upon her face. "yes," kuktutux murmured in answer, straightening. hydra had already made her acceptance clear, and then the scent of @Dirge came to her. 

blinking delicately in the direction of her leader, wondering if he too would come to speak, the girl swallowed, tailtip still downturned with an appeasing movement. she stood bathed in welcome, but kuktutux knew how hydra had dealt before. a healthy respect, then, one she was happy to feed.

"i am the wife of jarilo now," she finished. was this all she had wished? her body spoke with its brazen new voice; she was overcome for a moment by both her new mate's nearness and the imposing presence of dirge, both male and both reason for wariness of a deep kind.

she wished to go to him now, but held herself at calm. kukutux would heed hydra's arrival here with awareness of her rank until the time came that jarilo and she were alone once more.

the though dizzied the duck.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
the bonecracker
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Ooc — kit
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Suspicions confirmed, Hydra moved toward them to offer excited congratulatory nips and kisses alike. Kukutux, a sister-in-love now; Jarilo, who had overcome his thoughts to come to a decision she did not think he would regret. Hydra anticipated what was next, but could hardly withhold her emotions in the moment. Her eyes turned to Kukutux and to Jarilo as she circled then to face them once more, tail not yet able to stop in it own pendulum sway. 

There was more that they would say it seemed, and Hydra waited with baited breath. Children? She hoped they might ask, but would not presume to know that this was what they wanted then.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
parts of stars, parts of legends
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Kukutux's affirmations steeled the dark Ostrega, it would seem, as he would not waver now--not when he had done his time slogging through every reservation he could find, and agonizing over what might never be should he simply allow himself to stagnate; what good would he have in that? Or anyone? Everything only served to remind him: he wasn't alone in this, not that he ever had been entirely, he sensed as he looked upon his sister's approval that showered over them, making his tail wag and shoulders soften amicably before he could return a few chin-licks back for her--in silent thanks, greater than he felt he could convey.

But Jarilo could not shake every anxiety so simply, keenly aware with every fiber of Kukutux, how close yet far he felt and the accompany odd worry over it he felt pooling in him. He chanced only a second of a look for Dirge, noted, though that was testament enough that he did not intrude or intervene yet for him to continue on for what may be even heavier than just his agreement to stand beside her. And--would you and Dirge be against another litter on the mountain this year? he asked, treading headfirst into territory unknown. His nephews and niece had helped ground him through troubling times, and more than he had properly anticipated he had liked raising and training them once they were old enough to venture out into his world of the mountainside. If nature.. deems, too, because.. he drew off with a glance beside him, and searched his sister's expression carefully afterward, his toes tense into the earth. They all had noses and well, he didn't have to spell it out to any of them what he could do about that if Hydra didn't have the need to put a stop to it all right here and now. However if his sister or her mate had qualms, he would do what he could.. he wanted to see to it that this could be alright..

Though, he knew how big of an issue it could escalate into after a bad turn. He had seen what heatscent in the wrong time and place could do to Moonspear, and he did not want this to be that, not now or later. Not remotely. It was why he was moved to act now, quick to spur his sides and make him--as he was situating himself to gain before this could even go wrong--hopefully.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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Ooc — ebony
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when the seal hunter had come for kukutux, he had spoken with her father, and brought what the older man wished. it had taken two moons. but he had returned with a bounty, and that wife she had gone with him to his ulaq. how different this now was! kukutux would not have dreamt that she would stand with another husband before a powerful queen, subjects that would continue the grasp of her own lineage.

jarilo spoke; kukutux returned his sidelong look with one of her own, brimming with joy beneath hydra's acceptance. her own smile could not be abated, but now was the time for her silence while her husband exchanged the old gesture with his ruling sister.

nature, indeed; it brimmed in her with an all but choking force, and she was grateful for jarilo's caution, the way in which he sought to cover both of them with his detailed inquiry.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
the bonecracker
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Ooc — kit
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No, we would not, Hydra drawled. She and @Dirge had discussed this. She wondered if he might come out to congratulate the pair or if he'd be content to linger happily in the backdrop to simply know that good times were coming. In fact, I expect nieces and nephews this year. Have I made myself clear? She drawled, her tone teasing as the corner of her lip lifted and her tail waved behind her. 

She had not known she could feel happy with all that had transpired. But here they stood before her, a light at the end of the tunnel. All at once Hydra felt grateful toward Kukutux, and always Jarilo; she moved toward them to nose them fondly. On that note, I suppose I should leave you to it, she drawled, tone not absent of dark and playful mischief. And so she did, moving to meet her mate and spirit him away for time together of their own. 

last post from me!!! YAY !
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
parts of stars, parts of legends
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For all of his carefulness about everything that could go wrong, this would not be one of them. When it was all said and done, his sister basically encouraged him off with the matter in mind and he was left to just stand there a moment, mostly to marvel that it was easier than he could have anticipated. But he had a lifetime of minding the mountain and its lead at his disposal, and had been raised up to respect this first, and foremost--and he had been the teeth to help enforce it when these laws were not respected more than once. He didn't think he could have stepped forward at all without a good sense of these assurances to guide him, but at the same time, why he felt Kukutux was safest there with him.

And, well.. he'd figure out the rest of it later. This was no small undertaking, but having Hydra so plainly on his side helped. She had been perfectly clear in that much and if she was fine with it, then... Very clear, he nodded, and there would be lengthier words about it later at another time knowing him--once he'd had the proper time to ruminate. For now, before that was going to set in fully, he licked his alpha's chin in great thanks, and slipped away from her the second he was done. A rumble of farewell, for now, and he turned on his heels to move off towards his mate. Which, for such a foreign concept, did not feel poorly at all

He moved around in front of her, and swept close, bolstered but still recovering. After that, he was ready to disappear entirely. Sighing, relieved but.. now preparing to face a different lofty unknown, he nosed her shoulder, and drew back on light feet. Come with me? the arc he waved in his tail suggested, happy to put distance between them and.. well, everyone else, even if the thought was a selfish one. Would she disagree, though? He would lead the way.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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Ooc — ebony
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kukutux near fainted with embarassment when hydra not only confirmed her approval, but also her ribald encouragement. blushing furiously beneath her pale fur, the duck was relieved to receive the blackbear's final kiss. she stared at the earth as the leading pair moved off into the nightbound woods, centering herself with low breaths before her gaze lifted to jarilo.

there was only kindness there, an invitation as he brushed the arch of her arm. yes, kukutux conveyed back, reaching up to shyly nudge his cheek before she fell into step behind his easy gait. the duck had no hesitation, and only a singular, specific anxiety as to whether or not he would be pleased. the wild spoke within her, and sprintmint eyes traced the strong line of his back as she followed. she was allowed now to look, the spirit supposed. 

a shudder spread out along the small of her own spine; kukutux swallowed and pressed onward.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
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Jarilo had not thought before that he set out for this right now, but, he fell into step with it all the same the instant he knew she was with him. Relief could come easing in later on if he was lucky enough to truly revel in it, so he set out to shake the tension with every stride forward--aiming his trail to a vista he knew, a quiet glen tucked where the forests started to end and give way further up. He would take advantage of the mountain's security there in a time not all could enjoy this place for what it offered them.

And, he trusted he could keep an effective enough watch from there, just to be absolutely certain--at least for now while all of this was very new to him and he was still struggling to grasp it fully. But it was real, he must admit, every piece of him was increasingly aware too. Once he had covered some ground and the path was set, he slowed long enough to hopefully have her beside him where his light gait could brush against hers.

I know some quiet places, he justified to break the silence with a slow smirk over his shoulder, since he couldn't entirely say that he felt it best they stay away from everyone and everything for far too many reasons. Just a feeling, but he welcomed thinning air more than most as more and more, it singled out to be just them. I used to have to track down my mother up near here sometimes. Not many others would go there often, he explained over a bend, though his significance went no further--just a good place he knew, one he wanted her to see, and somewhere he had always felt innately safe deep in the depths of his homeland. Secluded, though. he breathed, rounding a certain turn through the trees because he needed to hear it for himself more than anything.

Another exhale and he gave a playful bounce her way, nipping towards her cheek this time--and effortlessly looking to keep close with the motion, he would see what she would have from him.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
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Ooc — ebony
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eventually jarilo fell into step with kukutux, his dark pelt whispering against her own. moment by moment the healthy dread of hydra was fading, for they had her approval. 

her new husband was bringing the duck to a blessed place, one that brought to mind the woman who had borne him. kuktutux was humbled, eyes shuttered a moment behind her lashes as she felt the warmth of him alongside her and breathed the good scent of his nearness, returning his smile with an answer of her own.

the weald was beginning to give way as jarilo found more words. the trepidation lifted from the girl as mist beneath sun as she found herself finally, utterly alone with this man she had begun to know. and now were the moments arriving where she began to find her footing.

a soft laugh in her throat fluted as the potential tension of their solitude ebbed. kukutux returned it with a brush of teeth through his hackles, before she paused to turn her eyes over the silent trees. "i like the way it seems they speak when there is wind," she whispered, glancing heavenward a moment.

and then the words caught; her pale plume stirred, melding her fire-time with their air. for what seemed an eon, her verdant eyes rested upon jarilo's handsome features. a breath; kuktutux stepped forward to nestle her crown beneath his chin, body yielding toward his own with a low sigh.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
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Wind, the pale said, and around this word Jarilo felt himself linger with a slow, heavy nod. He glanced to the lightly-budded treetops, past them--heights beyond, and the skies spanning after that. Yeah, it's.. I've always liked it here, he managed enough to say, though barely when he blinked back to warmly watching Kukutux, he was firmly present, fortunately.

As it all slowly became less about the ground he could cover away from others, and more about what there was between the two of them, he felt himself hang on every sort of touch--given, or received, looking for cause and effect as he might leave it, and seeing how it sparked at his skin too. For someone so painfully reserved, and awfully duty-bound, to let it go and give in came against his usual grain.. though he could learn quickly, it was easy enough to just listen to her, try to be what she would want and more. Raised up all sharp, but with enough of an appreciation of the finer things, down to the tenderness of spring.

Though, he was still a stranger to everything as close as this. He breathed deep, for only a hint of the rush far different than the hunt or fight where he couldn't decide what else he intended to say about how he had always felt safe here, how there was much to learn, much to share... and, that he would gladly sequester away for as long as she needed him as hers--so he decided on suddenly, painfully aware of her furling scent that he had never been so involved in, his furs shifting and body keen enough to keep going for more of it.

She certainly had his attention and when she came beneath his chin, he went swift to deepen the motion; he pressed his chest close to her then threaded his muzzle over the back of her neck, towards the slope of her shoulders with kisses and nips as he grew a little bolder with each one. He could still be delicate with that unknown.. yet he was testing it now, though mostly it translated to a new craving while he teased unfamiliar intimacy for more sweetly-scented touch, and for more of her warmth that the rest of him missed. Though not entirely a conscious thought, not while so wrapped up such alluring newness, he angled the rest of himself beside her, his hip at hers, so close.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
somehow the words kukutux wished to speak ended up caught upon the tangle of her own response. sentence-making indefinitely suspended, the full breadth of his body pressed with a budding earnestness against her own. the duck felt the tug of his teeth through the fur of her nape; an exhale of tension greeted jarilo's soft courtship, his unhurried kisses.

she began to feel drunken upon the movements of his tall and powerful body. the blackfox made her feel all the more empowered, and a low wild sound quavered in her throat. some feathered feeling compelled her to stay as she was, for jarilo sought no reason to rush either of them. 

this was how kukutux came to realize if there was ever a man upon moonspear who would adapt her to those ways, it would be him. he was careful and organized, savage when the moment demanded it, and ever-watchful over the land of the ostrega kith. and now he warmed the little hillock of her shoulders with his breath and she felt the deep heartbeat of the ancient world in her bones.

delicately kukutux looked back toward jarilo, angling up, to catch the comforting greenery of his eyes for a silent moment that steadied the bird, her clear gaze imbued only with trust and affection. gone were any cobwebs of wariness; they had been replaced by desire for him. and though kukutux knew at any other time she would have been shy, perhaps horrified with her burgeoning wantonness, now she was not. only a new wife looking upon her new husband with intrigue.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
parts of stars, parts of legends
677 Posts
Ooc —
is vague and fade-y so not slapping a whole flag on but .. ~ does make those mentions ~
There was much to take in yet he wanted to search for more as he lingered; it wasn't all, he knew this with some baseline thought that burned back when she answered him, sound and body alike, riling so easily. Jarilo toed his fine line, very careful by nature, but encouraged and, well, learning about his own footing only freed him up for her--right where his interests willingly went when she spoke to him like that, despite nothing really to be said any longer.

His tail swirled mischievously over the open air and with the aura of the season he felt like could melt into her beck and call, if she wanted, strangely at her mercy for all the inexperienced in him. But this was not an unfamiliar concept. Perhaps applied to him, yes, but he was not dense enough to not see; nature had played out around him time and time again. He rumbled a low, foreign-feeling note of his own, but everything about this was new and curiously exciting now that he was not so terribly weighed down.

Beneath her verdant gaze, Jarilo felt no need for any fear--finally, it could've slaked right off his coat, he finally didn't want to care about it, and instead, move past on towards greater things to face their future with. He dipped forward enough to reach a lick at her muzzle somewhere, but the gesture stayed quick; he had his chin back over her shoulders soon enough. Remembering to breath on the way, he steadied up and slipped a mindful forelimb over her back. It was the same motion that went and shifted her delicately closer and him upward, all settling into the crook his body created and where she fit remarkably well.. and trusting him to do right--just.. just a lot to take in that only magnified tenfold when his meticulous touch found its way to bring them together. The low growl in his throat finished into a slow groan, and age-old instinct had the rest of him at its mercy now that thankfully knew what to do.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

she had not known what to expect. not truly. kukutux was an individual who had found assimilation more quickly than she realized. she had left the keep alone and returned to answer a promise. the duck had lived outside the proper boundaries of a woman for some time now, unsure if she would ever return to it. 

but as jarilo pressed closer, the confidence in him lent a relief to kukutux. perhaps she had only thought him careful, when in fact this was how a balanced man should be. there was no trepidation left, only the soft memories of the great ice sea, and feel of the tundra beneath her paws; thunder now in the wilderness laying across moonspear like a cloak.

and she found the stone-broken edges of her heart begin to mend, and flower with a devotion toward jarilo that even she did not think would end when these moments had passed. the flute of them warmed her through and through, and within his arms kukutux found her own breath and answered with a quiet trill.


[Image: pSj9vo4.png]