Wheeling Gull Isle tiritchik ⌮
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for @Aiolos <3 other tags for ref! AW if anyone else wants to greet her. set for tomorrow morning! 

holding a skin of herbs and dried fish, kukutux stood upon the rainwet end of the tirrak. 

she had told @Sialuk, @Adrastus, and @Lótë that she wished to make a journey of goodwill to their allied one. it was not a fine time to depart, but moonglow hung empty without the presence of raimo.

selfish, determined; wishing to be free — kukutux now sat down her gifts and tilted back her alabaster head to call for the redsun, joy and shyness twining into her clear notes.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The rain hadn't let up for a while now. It was cold against his skin, so he tried to avoid it as best he could by hiding out among the trees. Soon Mou would have to head back to the family den to check on Maegi; the chance of settling in among the warm bodies was tempting enough to distract him from his work. He had been patrolling the beach, more-so for morsels of food than anything, when he'd retreated to a nearby grove, and then spotted the pale shape of a wolf along the sandbar.

The sight of her made him wonder if Maegi had gone off to stretch her legs; he worried immediately for the newborn Blueberry, the larger children next, but did not move from his position immediately. The stranger shifted as they sang a call skyward and in that instant Mou knew this was not his wife, wandering. This was a stranger, and she carried something with her.

The man gave a furtive look around before disembarking from among the trees. His strides were quick and long, devouring the sand, though he did not run. He slowed as he neared her position and bobbed his head in a greeting, the collar around his neck pinching at some long bits of scruff.

The tilt of Mou's head and the expectant, curious expression on his face was question enough. Who was she? What was she doing here? And then his eye trained upon the bundle at her feet -- what was that?
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Ooc — Kat
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Meerkat fell back as Kukutux approached the coastline overlooking the island and began navigating along the sandbar connecting it to the mainland. There was no particular reason for the delay, other than simply catching her breath for a moment as she observed their surroundings. As soon as she saw a gray figure appear to greet Moonglow's leader, the yearling hastened forward.

She smiled as she came closer and recognized their greeter. Would he remember her? Meerkat's smile faltered a little as she recalled the circumstances of their meeting. She had been in such a wretched state, yet he and his mate had helped her, no questions asked. She might very well owe them her life. Her head bowed as a sign of continued gratitude and respect.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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Daddy Moonglow
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The spray of the sea damped his coat as he strode the coastline as he had time and time again. He would have wore a trail by now in a forestry, but the waters would wash his path away, reminding him that his place by the coast was a blessing to him. He should cherish it, respect it, for his place here could be washed away to very easily.

The Sea Goddess would not steer him wrong today, however. Kukutux had made her promise and had fulfilled it. She had come. Her voice then on the breeze with her scent and he pushes himself faster, yet pleads with his body not to seem too eager. The one-eyed warrior had already come to take charge, silent and waiting it seemed as he stood guard.

There was another near then, he quickly took note. A tawny young girl though smelt a bit differently then the scents of Moonglow. He had smelt her before here once though did not recall ever meeting her.

Kukutux... Her name was warm on his lips, I'm happy you've come to visit. Finally. And then firey amber eyes turned to Meerkat. And to you, though I dont think we have met? A pause with question and then, I'm Aiolos.
moonglow daddy
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Ooc — ebony
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his neck

throat girdled by a substance kukutux did not understand, a hunter with one eye strode calmly up the beachfront to meet her. the woman dipped her head in a soft obeisance. she did not have a moment to glimpse the colour of the remaining gaze as it lay upon her gift. smoothly, returning to the rootfields of her birth, the duck folded herself beneath the silent inquiries in the deference of woman to man. 

meerkat's scent unfurled nearby; her heart! leaping with joy and delight to see the redhawk girl. but in formality she recognized only the one who had come to meet them. 

and then aiolos was among them, her name rich upon his lips, and she turned her attention to the redsun. "aiolos. i was to say, i am kukutux of moonglow. i have come as we are distance-kin." this last for the hunter who had made his questions. reaching forward, the duck nosed open the pelt to reveal the green things and the dried sticks of meat. only then did she incline her head toward meerkat, ears lifted in delight. "it is good to see your face again."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
As soon as Meerkat appeared on the beach, Mou's attention shot her way. He knew that face, that scent — and then Aiolos was there to meet with them too, and Mou could withdraw. He gave the bundle one last fleeting look, the pale woman who brought it therefore hidden in the darkness of his blind side, and sank back to the periphery.

From behind Aiolos the man could observe the goings-on, be present for any issues, and provide backup; but there would be no need, he thought. Meerkat was a sight he did not expect to see again, yet he found himself pleased with her visit. He chuffed softly at her, almost bashful, before going quiet again.

The pale woman spoke up and Mou looked her way when she did. He had missed the stare of her eyes upon him, and truthfully was not likely to notice had he still owned two working eyes in his head. The stares and gawks of others had become like background noise — present and unimportant.

Mou kept his black batty ears pivoted towards the women, but his good eye trained upon the back of Aiolos' head, waiting to see how things would unfold or if he would be dismissed, to return to work considering the many mouths he and Maegi now cared for.
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Ooc — Kat
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A fourth figure strode toward the sandbar. Meerkat had never met him, though she couldn't help but be reminded of her older brother, Bronco. She saw Kukutux dip her head, which reminded her to do the same. The stranger spoke, addressing Moonglow's leader by name and expressing his joy at her visit before making introductions with Meerkat herself.

She let Kukutux speak first before answering his pleasantry. "I'm Meerkat Redhawk, from Redhawk Caldera." She sensed that Kukutux had come here to speak with Aiolos and Meerkat was happy to step aside and give them space and time for their private conversation, especially since she wasn't here on a social call.

In fact, she decided to raise her pressing question now and, depending on what answers she received, head along to Sapphique. "I'm actually out this way searching for my dad and his mate, Phox and Niamh Redhawk. They've been missing quite a while and we're really worried about them. They likely have young puppies with them. You wouldn't happen to have seen or heard from them, by any chance?" Her dark honey eyes flicked from Aiolos to Mou in the backdrop, filled with a slightly desperate hope.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Daddy Moonglow
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Aiolos eyes would be left to shift to Mou, as Kukutux politely introduces herself and her reason for being here to him in order to answer the question which lay silently upon Mou. Mou had shifted then, taking a step back in order for his leader to take over the conversation. Aiolos dipped his head in thanks to Kukutux gifts, his head turning round to shoot Mou a look. When he began to speak he placed his attention back to Kukutux. Thank you for your offering. These will do well for us. Maegi specifically which the two men worked around the clock to care for as well as to protect their claim. Luckily their had not been too many visitors to notice their now poor conditions. Though Kukutux brought herbs, no healer was here to make any use of them any longer.

The Greek was forced then to draw his attention away from Kukutux and onto Meerkat. It was now made obvious the two women knew one another and as did Mou, who bad woofed softly into her direction.

This woman was on business, business from a particular pack which had come here now long before. A Redhawk. Uh oh. She confirmed that the man who had come here formally was in fact Niamh's mate and that he had yet to return from trying to seek out Niamh and her children, this girl's little brothers and sisters. Phox had come here searching for Niamh some time ago. He admits, leaving her to know she was on the right track. Niamh had come here for rest and renewal. Far away from Phox, it seemed. But what had happened? Aiolos wasnt sure, hadn't been here. Mou didnt speak and, hell, @Maegi would have been really useful right now. But by the time he arrived she was already gone. His head swung back to Mou, questioningly. He didnt care if Meerkat would see the gesture, for a sharp nod from Mou would allow them both to know that 'yes', she was gone and thats the story they were sticking too. Now, if Mou wanted to draw Meerkat's attention and lead her to the truth of it all, Aiolos would leave that ball in his court.
moonglow daddy
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Ooc — ebony
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kukutux had never before seen aiolos be deceptive 

and it was only a feeling, as he explained the names she had heard and their relation to yuelong. here one day and gone another. but the redsun had turned to look at the silent man when he said this, putting a question into the duck's heart.

she lowered her head, heart suddenly leaping with a pound. isumakittuk! the inner spirit hissed in a fervent tone kukutux had not heard in some time. no more taboos broken. do not think upon your question. it is disrespectful of aiolos.

and she wished nothing less than this. the woman had gone on.

yet meerkat had mentioned children, and aiolos had not.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The girl spoke of family. A father, a mother, both of whom Mou had known at some point in his life; that made Meerkat more than someone rescued, she was family to Mou — but what would that mean?

Aiolos cast him a look next. The leader had an answer prepared which was, technically, the truth. Niamh had come here and she had gone — a path leading her to death, but gone all the same. Mou knew that his brother Phox had come by after and had been wise enough to keep clear.

Mou nods in agreement to what Aiolos says. He adds one last detail which Meerkat likely did not know: Phox is my brother, he murmurs. We... are not close... but, if we hear from Niamh, we can send word.

He glances to Aiolos for confirmation of this and then looks at Meerkat, ears twisting apologetically sideways.

Knowing how much the Redhawks hated him and fearing what may come of the truth, Mou chooses to keep the secret; he has to think of his true family — Maegi and the kids — regardless of the blood connection he shared with others.
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Ooc — Kat
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Her heart started pounding the instant Aiolos said her father's name with some measure of familiarity. Meerkat hung on to his every word as he spoke of Neema coming here to rest. She met this information with a blink, her limbs feeling so shaky she sank into a sit as he concluded by saying both Niamh and Phox had come and gone.

It was information. It was a lead. Meerkat sat in silence for a moment, processing, and missed the look Aiolos gave Mou. But her attention snapped to him as he rasped something that added a whole new layer of intrigue to the situation. If Phox and Mou were brothers, that meant he was her uncle.

This revelation surely would've captured her entire fascination in different circumstances. But Meerkat had about one thousand questions about Phox, Niamh and... "What about the pups? Did she have them with her when she came here?" "Niamh had come here for rest and renewal..." "Why did she leave? Where would she go...?" It didn't make any sense, whether the pups were still in utero or newborn. None of it did, truly.

Although it was a relief to get some news after so much time and effort, Meerkat was left with as many questions as answers. Tears actually pricked at her eyes as they shifted wildly between Aiolos and Mou, now much more full of both desperation and hope.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Daddy Moonglow
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Hearing that Phox was Mou's brother was an interesting fact. The pups which he and Maegi saved were not only of a friend's passed, but they were kin of Mou via he being their uncle. It seemed fitting for the couple to raise the pups if Phox did not have any other nursing mother he could trust with the ability to do so. But Niamh would not be heard from to send word of. Not in this realm, at least. So Aiolos, it was a comfort to him to know Niamh was well cared for, loved. So why did she so suddenly leave and risk the life of her own pups in the stress of doing so?

Of course we would. He nods as the collared man's question lingered for him, nodding as an added confirmation as he turns back to Meerkat. She was still pregnant when she moved on from here. He did best to answer her questions and truthfully so, bending it or otherwise. But I dont know why she left or where she went. To the heavens? The afterlife, reincarnation?! I dont know what happen to make her leave your pack, either. But that she just wanted a fresh start for her pups and herself. It was really all he had been told, having not been there himself nor even met her. But he didnt want to put all the questions on Mou for having been.

Why she had left, why this had happened at all, might have been a question Meerkat should have been asking her father instead. She had ran off from their pack, full of pups. As it were, he had not gone with her and then she died. A horrible, tragic turn of events that to Aiolos by now all seemed could have been avoidable if Phox had been the mate he should have.
moonglow daddy
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kukutux remained quiet. the man with the odd circlet spoke. he was the brother to meerkat's father. her akkaq. but the duck did not think that this would be comforting to the girl, not in this moment.

she too brought herself into a seated position, pressing shoulder to that of the younger woman. it was a terrible thing. why had niamh not remained here, within yuelong, to bring her children to the earth? 

many questions. the duck hoped aiolos could summon more answers for the pain of meerkat.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Meerkat had more questions. As they flew from her lips Mou wasn't sure if answering them would be wise; he had to be careful, despite the way the look on her face pulled at his heart strings. He wanted to alleviate the pain and the worry, but he also had to think of his family first — and Maegi was his family. The rest had damned him and disowned him.

As Aiolos did his best to answer, Mou felt increasingly uneasy. He was not a bad liar; such a thing came easily to him after years of silence and improvisation. He had to hold his tongue now and let things play out, lest the Redhawks learn the truth and bring death to their doorstep.

That was all he knew of his family now — that they would do anything to destroy what he had, what he was. That meant Yuelong was now in danger too, and their numbers dwindled by the day.

Mou looked on helplessly, only to draw his attention to the dirt and then to the pale woman who offered support to his niece; that should have been his role as family, he thought. If he hadn't screwed things up so much in the past —

It wasn't worth dwelling on.
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Ooc — Kat
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Her heart plummeted when Aiolos told her Niamh had still been carrying the pups when she'd left the safety of yet another pack. A question screamed through her head, over and over: Why? Meerkat hadn't been present for any of the drama and only knew the details via Towhee, complete with her mother's bias. But when Aiolos went on to say that her Neema had just wanted a fresh start, Meerkat's eyes cut sharply to the leader's face, widening, all decorum momentarily forgotten.

"What...?" she blurted, aghast. That made no sense at all and she babbled as much, "That makes no sense! She..." She'd always been a happy, integral part of the family and pack: a beloved leader, mate and mother. Meerkat thought Towhee's assessment had been colored by anger and resentment but perhaps she was right. "There's no way she was in her right mind..." the yearling muttered, rocked by the implications of Aiolos's words and wounded by them too.

But that wasn't really his problem, nor anyone's at Yuèlóng. Niamh had dragged the drama to their doorstep but she'd moved on since, much to her loved ones' sorrow, particularly Phox's. Meerkat didn't know Aiolos but she had no reason not to take everything he said at face value. Besides, Mou didn't counter any of it and he was family, a fact which Meerkat acknowledged by a lingering, pained glance in his direction.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude," the yearling said after several steadying breaths. "I really appreciate the information, it means a lot." It was good to get somewhere after all this time, even if Meerkat had trouble making sense of Niamh's motives. "If you do find out anything more, could you please let us know at the caldera?" she requested of either man.

Presently, Meerkat turned to Kukutux to add, "Are you okay here? Is it alright if I go ahead to Sapphique?"
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Daddy Moonglow
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Mou remained silent, Kukutux pressing to Meerkat with reassurance and all the while it was left to Aiolos to weave and tale and bend the truth. It hurt him to do so and this shown on his features, upset and unease.

To Meerkat bursting out on him about what he had told her, ginger ears flattened against his skull. Her attention was sharp on him though he did not relent, watching her own facial features carefully. He said nothing to this. Couldn't really. He hadn't even known Naimh, hadn't even met her. How could he have known why she had decided to just up and move on from her pack?

Then, an apology and Aiolos head lowers and he takes a heavy breath. We will. Was all he could offer, for if Naimh could return to them, Aiolos would tell them and let then hash out this mess. But she wouldnt be coming back. Not ever and Mou had decided by his silence it was not yet time to reveal such information.

To Meerkat's last bit, directed at Kukutux, Aiolos felt his legs stiffen a bit, an ear twitching but he remains silent. Why wouldn't Kukutux be okay with them here? The unspoken accusation made Aiolos grow impatient, annoyed. Maybe Meerkat had seen through this ruse by now.
moonglow daddy
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meerkat struggled.

she had been given many blows; kukutux allowed their world to narrow until it was just she and the stricken girl. "iksriktaayuuk, i will be well here in yuelong. it is good that you have come here. you may not know what she meant to do, but you know that she was here. your path is true."

she turned back to the quiet man and to aiolos. how weary the scene now, and her mother's heart wanting only to take meerkat home to moonglow.

but the girl would go to the sea-wolves. and kukutux would remain here.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Aiolos often held a measure of pride within himself, and it did not surprise Mou to witness a slight quake to those foundations when the girl spoke again, concerned for the pale woman. The leader looked a touch concerned and Mou read it as offense; but the moment passed, and Meerkat soon would depart from them.

A part of Mou felt sorrow to see her go. He was unsure if his choice to be silent was right; it felt only right for his own family, and until now that had been enough. He wished to follow after her when she deigned to go, to speak with her and know her, as he might learn of his brother and sister that way - but he would not.

It was a stain on his history that need not be unearthed. Better to let her go alone, unbothered. The ache remained within Mou though. He pondered if he would have another chance to know her.

Should the girl take her leave, the gathering would become something a touch more awkward for the man. The feeling of being a third wheel between his leader and the woman was prompt enough for Mou to dismiss himself.

Heavy thoughts weighed upon his shoulders.
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Ooc — Kat
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Oblivious to how her platitude—not to mention everything before it—affected Aiolos, Meerkat had eyes only for Kukutux for the moment. She didn't really doubt that she would be fine on her own. Mostly, she wondered if she would be able to find her way home alone, though Kukutux's reply assuaged any concerns.

"Okay. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon," she said quietly, nudging the pale she-wolf before turning toward the two men. "Thank you again." Meerkat very nearly begged them once more to send any news to the caldera, just as a reminder, but they'd already said they would, twice.

Dipping her head to all three, she retreated to begin her trip further along the coastline. Her mind reeled with every step (which would prove to be her downfall when she missed one). Why had Niamh really left the caldera? Why had she stopped at Yuèlóng, only to leave again? How was she? How were the pups? Would she and Phox ever catch up to them or was their family broken beyond all repair?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Daddy Moonglow
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Kukutux does her best to offer comfort to the young wolf, lost so horribly by the equal loss of her mother, father and young siblings. Far too much so for the girl to need to bare. Aiolos felt guilty, though his patience grew thin. His lips formed in a tight line, a grim expression still.  Now, he only nods when yet again she begs for them to send any information if they have any and another thanks for what they could offer now.

She leaves and after a few lingering moments so does Mou. Lifting his head back higher, Aiolos casts his attention out to the sea, never to be far from it's view, especially here on the island. A sigh, and then, Come... It would linger with question, for he would never command any woman, especially her. I've some place I'd like to show you. And he then turns from the ocean and onto the snowy beauty, tipping his muzzle for her to follow along as they moved further onto the island.
moonglow daddy
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Ooc — ebony
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meerkat went. the silent man faded. all that was left now were kukutux and aiolos, and the seabirds that wheeled above. the scent of the warm sand, the salt lapping against the edges of the island.

her eyes filled with a relieved affection as sun man spoke, and the duck went with him quickly, reaching tentative jaws to kiss his shoulder when he felt they were truly alone.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]