Moonspear the night's watch
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Pack Activity 
ALL OF THE PUPPIES HAVE MADE IT TO THE ADULT RANKS! Impromptu pack rally/celebration; only one response required unless PPC or absent! I think as of this thread, only @Desdemona is absent! @Dirge @Arcturus @Jarilo @Dragomir @Dacio @Lyra @Nikai @Kukutux @Opalia @Osiris @Atlas @Praimfaya @Antares @Yama ; tagging @Vega @Alya and @Isilmë for reference.  Thread will be archived 3/25.

The children of Moonspear, each of them, had grown to join the adults within the ranks. It brought pride within her own heart that with that, each of them yet remained... as she and her brothers ever had. Steadfast. Loyal. Growing strong. Osiris had not been struck down to death by the wretched shade by Dacio's intervention, but even beyond that he had still proven himself strong in his recovery as far as she could see. He was alive today. @Dragomir, @Isilme, @Osiris, @Atlas, @Antares, @Vega... they all lived and breathed today. @Praimfaya too, as she thought of it. Some had survived more than others, but look now to where they stood. 

United, together! 

For all of the tumult of days past, Hydra could not help but feel pride swell within her. She was proud of Moonspear, proud of the children within it. Through the combined effort of all, they had made it through Winter. And now there was reason to celebrate. To remember that the fight for life, for one another, would always be worth it. Within the heart of the territory now, heading toward the borders, the matriach noted @Dirge and @Arcturus heading in that same direction. Hydra rumbled and pushed between them with an authoritative stride (though it was playful and well-meaning) as she lifted her head and loosed a sonorous howl to rally the pack and bolster their spirits with her own: 

I am proud of my family; together, we are strong! The call seemed to convey, serving, also, as a warning to any who thought to test their might.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
99 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Ever climbing the mountain’s peaks, surveying the land as it seemed to unfold before her, little stopped the Ostrega; she wished to find her place within the family, the pack, once more but, still, she knew she would always value these times alone—the heights, the wind rushing by, the teasing allure of the clouds. It held her attention, demanded it, stolen away only by the voice of her elder sister. And when she proclaimed her pride, Yama could not hold back her own voice from joining in; a song carried by the breeze, doused in the joy she felt for having been born into such a place.
529 Posts
Ooc — Iris
He was near the lower slopes patrolling with @Alya when he heard the call for the children of the Alpha pair. Nikai looked at his mate and smiled, then lifted his nose into the air alongside her and called for the new adults in their pack. Time had gone fast since they had arrived at Moonspear and though he had not been closely relating to these pups he had seen them change from children into near-adults in that time. Now it was time for them to take their full responsibility. Nikai howled along with Hydra's call; even though it felt that he was not yet a full part of this family, Alya was, and that meant a lot to him.

let me know if the pp is not ok, mix, and i'll amend!
3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
hydra's pride was clear. kukutux was swift to add her own light cry, though her mind traveled swiftly to thoughts of her place upon moonspear, her fire-time to come, and, shyly, to jarilo. there would be more children in moonspear. she only did not yet know if they would also come from her body.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
260 Posts
Ooc —
Although her brother's injuries worried her, she still felt the pride run in her blood, too. Praimfaya was back with them, successfully, and Dacio had protected the life of the alpha's son, who now hopefully could mend wholly. She continued to train her own self, and further hone her condition and spirits all the while. Helped by no shortage of somethings to be busy with, at least these were times she didn't feel like she faced alone.. despite any uncertainties to come if she bothered to look for them. Even so, on the whole, this was the most stable her life had been in quite some time--save for one wounded brother who needed to hurry up and get back on the proper mend. But, she tried not to dwell on him constantly.

The pale yearling tipped back her muzzle and howled out her voice, happy to join in among the pack in these proclamations of strength and good times.
parts of stars, parts of legends
677 Posts
Ooc —
He stopped his process, and eased into a contemplative pause when he heard his sister's voice ring out proud across the mountainside. It wasn't going to need more than that to get him to raise his own voice in song with the rest of them, dotted across the territory. Though, as he quieted, it was hard to believe the youngest Ostregas were already old enough to run fully-fledged among the rest of the pack--and, that it had really been that long since his parents had left them. Time had really flown, but he felt like they had put it to good use now that he took a second to reflect upon it. He hoped everyone he cared for felt the same while he tried not to miss those that were not here to appreciate the moment too sorely..

Jarilo soon carried on with this thought hanging heavy in mind, and continued his watch of the lands.
[Image: FTnkWJH.png]
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Along the borders, he heard the call raise up—how hard it was to believe that so much time had truly past. But there had been many eventful things to fill that time with, both good with the bad.

Dirge listened for a spell as other voices raised in and with the mix, and then lent his own to the chorus. Unavoidable, really; this was truly something to celebrate even if he did not want to believe it himself. His children were children no more, and their contributions to the pack would only grow from there.
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
From his hollow on the mountainside did Dacio's call come, rising with those of his pack-mates in celebration of their juveniles having reached adulthood. He recalled no such announcement for he and Opalia back at Drageda, though he supposed their growth was acknowledged in simpler ways. They'd gone straight from Goufa to Gona, after all, skipping that uncertain stage of the kru to become full-fledged soldiers instead.

His voice lifted for Hydra's brood, for Vercingetorix' orphaned son and daughter, but more specifically for his @Praimfaya. From all the things he'd done in his life, she was his greatest accomplishment. The pride within him swelled, overflowed, and was clear in the volume of his howl that joined the others'.

While Dacio had never truly felt like Moonspear was a home to him, he was thankful to be a part of them - even temporarily. Without Hydra and her kin, his would surely have perished in Winter's cruel famine. They'd given all three of them new purpose and fresh hope, a place for Praimfaya to better shape and mould herself into the wolfess she was destined to become.

"Trigedasleng" "common"