Moonspear good news
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Please allow @Hydra to post first!
We are GREEN-LIT, y'all! Let's do this!

Osiris howled, summoning @Leta, @Atlas, @Antares, @Vega, @Bronco, and @Meerkat; the time had come to rally the hand-picked wolves and divulge them of their plans of claiming Firefly Glen. As his inviting tone began to fade into the crisp, autumnal air, Osiris lowered his head and turned towards Hydra. "I hope they're prompt," he mused with a laugh, licking his chops nervously. It was out of Osiris' character to be nervous—but this was different. He had never sought the allegiance of his siblings and peers in such a manner. Osiris exhaled slowly, willing away his unwanted nerves in a steady breath.

Osiris and Hydra had chosen a glade just off the Silverspine's beaten path for their meeting space. It was secluded enough for the group to discuss their plan in private, far from the rendezvous's hustle and bustle.
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra echoed her sons sentiment with a quiet look, though did not imagine they would delay them any without good reason. Be sure to explain to them that this is by no means leaving Moonspear; only an extension of it, she drawled. Because she did not want this to feel like anything less than what it was: progress, and the betterment, of Moonspears dominion and protective wing over the wilderness. Each of these wolves Hydra trusted implicitly. And if any wish to remain upon the mountain, that is no bad thing either. All will fall into place, she drawled, nosing him, before looking to the horizon.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
She still hadn't gotten around to asking Hydra about Yuèlóng. Meerkat sought her aunt now, sniffing along familiar paths around the mountain until she pinpointed a fresh trail. She had just threaded past Silverspine when she spotted the Alpha female, standing with Osiris. It looked like they might be having a private discussion, so the youth paused.

Her eyes flew wide when Osiris suddenly tipped his head and howled, inviting a handful of the pack's members to come join them, Meerkat included. Her heart immediately began to beat faster in her chest as she blinked. What could he and Hydra want with her? And Bronco? He'd mentioned Atlas and a few other names Meerkat didn't know well. She was mightily intrigued, to say the least.

And she was going to be the first to arrive, by pure luck. "Hey!" she called out as she trotted closer to the pair, head and tail ducked respectfully. Meerkat wanted so badly to ask why they'd been summoned, though she knew they'd reveal it in good time, likely after the others joined them. In the meantime, she speculated silently, nibbling at her lip when she suddenly wondered if they were gathering for a hunt.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
While he hadn't been right with Meerkat when the call went up, he wasn't long finding her trail and tagging along, eventually reaching the group to see that his sister had been quick to answer the call and reach them before him. Curious, he drew to her side and like her, he'd assumed that they'd been called out for training or a hunt, something along those lines as it seemed that Osiris had called for the attention of a fair crew of yearlings. Eager to be given direction, without asking questions until the others arrived, he bobbed his head in greeting, and plonked his hindquarters down so that he remained as always, practically attached to his younger sister at the hip.
201 Posts
Ooc —
Leta had plenty of work to do in immersing herself more into Moonspear life, but first she simply wanted to get used to the lay of the land. That was not easy. Her muscles ached and her feet pined for the softness of yielding grass and supple dirt rather than the stone that did not yield. Fortunately, there was plenty of the latter upon the mountain too... but she did not want to make a habit out of lingering there for comfort. One of the many reasons for coming here was to get out of her comfort zone. 

She had changed some; whatever traces of childhood might have lingered upon her with softer, rounder edges had leaned out some with all of her exercise as of late. That was not to say she was slim or slight, rather there was simply no baby fat left upon her person. She looked remarkably like her mother these days... though there was no one here but for Charlie to know that, and she had not seen much of him the past week as she threw herself into self-improvement.

Osiris voice was one she was glad to hear as she paused in her latest bout of conditioning. Leta was struggling a wee bit less, but hopeful that wherever he hailed her and some others from was placed upon some grassy knoll. Maybe even the Glen... 

She was not the last to arrive, but not the first. There was a boy who... who sparkled. How did he do that? She admired it, before her gaze turned to Meerkat. A pretty girl, Leta had no idea she was one of the younger ones in the ranks. Meerkat did not look like a little girl, and it was hard for Leta to distinguish adult from child the more they all seemed to grow. Hydra, impressive as ever, was at her sons shoulder... and Leta politely dipped her head to all present. New to Moonspear, she was subsequently the lowest ranked among her peers. 

Hi, she greeted, voice soft, I'm Leta, she introduced to Bronco and to Meerkat with a wave of her tail. Much as she wanted to eagerly greet Osiris, she had enough decorum to not burst at the seams and greet him with all the excitement she felt she possessed. Hello Osiris, and Queen Hydra, she added, eyes averting. Her tail had yet to cease it's little wave, happy to be around her friend again.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Antares was in the middle of a sweep of some lowlands when his brother called for him, among others. Paired with the knowledge that his mother-aunts had gone off to the glen, and then evidently invited Osiris out as well, he wondered if this had something to do with that. Based on his brother's recent venture and the news it brought back, there was a chance that played into it somehow, too, but he was just thinking ahead given all the options of happenings lately. He knew he would find out in due time and trotted there to attend.

A handful of others were gathered already, and as he found them, Leta introduced herself. While giving her a look that lingered, Antares silently took his place at the edge of the group--not too far from Bronco's side opposite his sister. Once situated, it was his mother he eyed next, and his brother after to try to suss out exactly what was going on. So far, and though this was just a quick look, he not sensing major strife, but something different on his littermate that he couldn't quite place yet.
spear of the sun
263 Posts
Ooc — Bo
The summoning howl from Osiris reached the inkwell’s ears easily.
Atlas had been tending to a portion of the mountain’s borders where he felt the scent markers had faded and hadn’t received the proper tending that they needed to remain strong. When he had felt satisfied with the work he’d offered, the shade turned himself to where the voice of his brother had originated and began his trek toward it.
When the swarthy young Ostrega had arrived, it appeared as though many had found their way to Osiris’ meeting place – their mother included. Atlas nodded his head respectfully before finding a place in the back where he would not draw attention or likely be asked to participate. He eyes like suns settled on the autumn-touched cloak of his sibling as he struggled to swallow the envy that crept up his spine.
Osiris had always been ahead of him. That was just how it was.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
They arrived punctually, appearing at the clearing one-by-one, and Osiris watched in silence as they filed in. When everybody had settled-in, he shifted and cleared his throat, feeling their eyes on him; it felt strange to hold the attention of a crowd. "Thanks for coming—I won't waste any of your time," he began. "We wanted to gather all of you today to let you know that I will be claiming Firefly Glen offically—for Moonspear," he quickly glanced sidelong at Hydra, feeling much better now that he had begun to speak. "I know that this is something that I cannot do alone, so I was hoping that you all would join me." Osiris hesitated here briefly, searching their faces to assess their reactions. 

"You won't be leaving Moonspear, either—we will still be an extension of the pack," This could only make them stronger; Osiris was thrilled by the prospect, and it began to shine in his voice. "You all do not need to make a decision now, either. I understand that this is asking a lot and that some of you may want to stay on the mountain—and that's fine, too. Just know that starting today, I will begin scouting in the glen, and you are welcome to join me should you come to that decision." He took a breath then, feeling as though he had been speaking on fumes. 

"Does anybody have any questions?" he asked.
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra remained quiet throughout, listening to her sons eloquence and imagining he may have learned it from her. Dirge was just as well spoken, though; her knave had a silver tongue. Hydra had nothing to add here, finding her son had summed it up quite well, except for the choice is yours—and you need not decide this instant. Moonspear and the Glen were one and the same at the end of the day, but it was still a venture to go and mark and claim the place in full.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
All thoughts about Yuèlóng fled her mind as the group slowly gathered around Hydra and Osiris. Bronco sat so close, their fur mingled. Meerkat gave him a curious look that said, Wonder what this is about? She didn't speak aloud, her attention shifting between each wolf as he or she arrived. Her eyes lingered the longest on Atlas, naturally, and she tried to catch his eye and shoot him a little wave and a wink.

Soon, the meeting was called to order and Meerkat faced front, sitting up straighter as she paid close attention to what was being said. Osiris said he was expanding the pack's claim to include Moonspear. This was fascinating enough, then he invited those here to join him in his endeavor. Meerkat's jaw dropped a little when she realized she had been handpicked for this.

She missed his second paragraph as her mind whirled and she poked Bronco with barely contained excitement. Would they stay? Would they go? How exciting was this? It was only when Hydra's voice raised again, reminding them they needn't make a decision right away, that Meerkat blinked back to attention. Even in her excitement, she was glad of that. Meerkat desperately wanted to hash it out with Bronco first.

Meerkat hadn't actually heard Osiris opening the floor for questions, though she did have a few. Showing her silly youthfulness, she thrust a foreleg in the air and waved it, waiting to be called on to ask them.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
"OUF!" He exhaled sharply when his sister's elbow caught him just behind his own elbow, where he was somewhat ticklish. Embarassed, he shrunk a bit, with q guilty smile, and glanced at Meerkat whose expression couldn't possibly have been brighter. He huffed quietly and smiled, turning his attention back to Osiris so that he could catch the remainder of what he had to say without interrupting again. A new pack would be founded- a sister pack, from what Bronco understood and from his own personal experience with the like- but founded along the borders so that they shared a shoulder. He nodded gently, and glanced to Hydra when she explained that they wouldn't have to decide immediately. 

He would, of course, have to talk to Meerkat about it first- knowing that this was something they'd have to decide together. And he had a question- but when his sister waggled her paw for attention, he figured it'd be best to let her speak first so he chuckled, and waved one of his own forepaws, pointing at her so that she might get selected  to speak quickly.
spear of the sun
263 Posts
Ooc — Bo
The information that was shared with them was somewhat shocking to the dark yearling. He listened to his brother speak and felt his stomach flip and flop with roiling jealousy. All the while, his expression remained unreadable and his eyes stayed trained to the green gaze of his sibling. Even when their mother spoke, offering words of comfort and unity, Atlas found that he was not certain how he felt. He tried to turn through the thoughts in his head in enough time; the others in the group seemed accepting of the news that had been given to them. The shade felt as though his family had been planning things without him.
On top of the uncertainty he felt regarding the actions that had been taken, the inkwell yearling could not help but to feel torn. He had only lived his life within Moonspear, after all. He had only known the dangerous rocky peaks of their mountain home. Even after he had reached a full year, Atlas had not wandered from their stead more than once or twice. Everything he needed and every duty that he had belonged on the mountain. What good would it do to uproot him and put him in the glen?
Knowing that he could not leave his brother, Atlas lowered his crown and frowned in a thoughtful manner before solemnly stating, “I will go with you, brother.”
And that was all he had to offer.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Antares listened--a narrowed, unreadable stare. So was the intent in the young Ostrega's heart. Maybe his buoying interest did show anyway as he looked his brother over, sparing glances for their mother too.

It seemed to him that in the grand scheme, little would actually change. They could stake their claim officially now, and protect accordingly. Osiris as a leader was one he could follow conceptually, though he suddenly wondered how long he had been specifically chosen for such. After all, his agouti brother would need them there to push him to be his best--for Moonspear, and its new extension, Firefly Glen. Antares saw no issues so far overall, however, and he was keen to stay beside his brothers in a great manner of things. By his gut, he guessed Atlas might take an interest. Maybe Vega too. Then, he pulled a sidelong glance Bronco's way, lingering extra there on the Blackthorn.

Antares had no questions beyond who else would come, but time would be the only true tell of that. He wondered if this whole shortlist here would be willing and since there was no urgency suggested of him from his family, he kept to his quiet and listened what others would voice now. Atlas' answer sounded a bit grave on delivery, and answered that sooner than he anticipated. Antares wasn't giving away himself yet, not besides a short nod then. He would let it set in fully before making any official proclamations of his own, of course.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
REALLY sorry about the wait!

Osiris wasn't sure what to make of the silence. He swallowed heavily and watched as the others took in the information, wondering what they were thinking. Atlas was his saving grace, and he shot his brother a thankful glance, comforted by the show of support. "Thank you," he replied, humbled. 

Meerkat then raised her paw, and he nodded in her direction. "Yes, Meerkat?" he asked.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
A few beats of silence passed as Osiris gave any- and everyone an opportunity to raise questions. Meerkat patiently waited for him to call on her before she voiced her own, starting with, "Will you be the Alpha?" But that wasn't her only inquiry. "Will we be allowed to cross the borders freely? Can we be in both packs at once?" There were more flitting about inside her noggin, yet Meerkat pressed her lips closed, feeling that those three were enough for now.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Doubtless, Atlas and Antares were content to join with Osiris, and Bronco had assumed that they might. He looked to Meerkat, then, who patiently waited for others to pose questions before Osiris granted her permission to do so. He bit his lip to keep himself from chuckling good-naturedly. Her questions were more or less what he'd had on his mind as well, but it was adorable to see how enthusiastically his sister asked such thoughtful questions. He perked his ears and nodded, indicating that he was curious about these things as well- though Meerkat had, for the most part, covered all the questions that he'd wanted to know.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
He was attentive to the questions, not surprised to hear them, and the ease at which his brother handled it. Antares had his good guesses about how things would shake out between the two packs, but no real confirmation to answer with this early in the planning. In this one, so far, Osiris still knew the most and the dark brother continued to lend his silent support.

His answers would come naturally, he trusted. It was going to be an interesting time to come.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Wrapping for us, fam!

Osiris answered each of her questions succinctly. Meerkat didn't know him that well yet, though she imagined they would become better acquainted through this endeavor. Satisfied with his answers, she grinned, nodded and even went so far as to sit back on her haunches to give him two dewclaws up!

The meeting was called to a close shortly after that, prompting the youth to glance at the leadership once more before turning to Bronco. So many thoughts were flying through her mind, her brain was practically buzzing. Nudging at him, they walked away in tandem to discuss their plans as the rest of the pack dispersed behind them.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)