Deepwood Weald hunting tooth
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
all the trees looked the same.
tall skeletal trees shuddering against grey sky, ferns transfixed at their base.
the man's traces were here. only by luck did chakliux find this forest first, and only by oil father did he find the faintest tracks leading off.
the monster's filth was scorched forever in his nostrils. chakliux called now to @Ariadne; be watchful; he called to @Sialuk in addition, giving the description of the doomed man to the air, to be carried as well to @Aiolos and @Shikoba and the mothermoon kukutux. 
but it was warriors chakliux wanted; @Alaric, @Kilgitsuk; he called to them, lifting his voice for others as well. 
he told what had been done. he did not speak of marina.
the man must die.
a caustic fighting-cry bellowed into the heavens, and chakliux took up a quick step in the direction he felt the man had taken.

@Andras, lmk if any of this is too assumptive! <33

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,318 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
The seal man called, and Kilgitsuk answered by moving promptly along his scent trail. He came to the weald and slipped among the trees as stealthily as he could, knowing by now that they were hunting another of their kind; it had been years since Kilgitsuk had to properly fight with another, but he would be ready. Especially against anyone cruel enough to attack a woman.

First sight of Chakliux brought with it a serration to his furs. He sized the man up shy of recognition, then eased when he saw it was his friend and not his quarry. He chuffed and moved along again, seeking any trace of the offender's scent to track.
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee did not hear the battle cry, of course. But as she traversed back in the direction of Moonspear, pondering whether she ought to winter in one of the villages, she suddenly caught a couple of scents coming from nearby. They were both vaguely familiar.

She prowled slowly through the thick undergrowth, peering at two pale shapes through the trees ahead. Was that—? Well, Towhee recognized him, if she couldn’t presently conjure his name. And then there was another face she swore she knew, though she likewise couldn’t place it.

Licking her lips, she pressed forward and revealed herself with a greeting of, Hello, boys, right before she cottoned onto the agitated mood in the air.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
fight with folded hands
110 Posts
Ooc — Twin
HEHEHEHE >:D just a small cameo unless he is located and stopped! if not, he will be heading eastward into kintla! SO excited for this

that night when he had left the maiden face down in the soil, there had been an inkling of worry creeping up his spine.
moontide. her people. it was awfully presumptuous of him to assume that they cared enough about her to seek her assailant; but he was no stupid man. he had expected this. and now, he welcomed it.
by sunrise he had come upon a clearing just beyond the weald's edge, and for those who sought him he left no small trace of his trail.
he was not afraid. no one would believe her.
WARNING: this character's threads will contain mature content. his views do not reflect my own. experimental.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
anyone can still join!

the irate man was joined by kilgitsuk, and for this he was grateful. a raise of his limb pointed out the oily musk leading from the forest. 
time now for his own hackles to rise in sharp white knives at the approach of "towhee." he knew this woman. "a man has attacked my wife and hurt her." by his expression would the redhawk wolf know this was not only a matter of jaws and teeth. his face was resplendent with rage beneath the war-markings of drying blood. "i go to take his life."
he did not linger; the trail was unhidden and chakliux sprinted along it until the sky began to softly pale and the early dawn revealed a dark shadow skimming from the treeline.
a screaming whoop broke from his chest, and chakliux gave swift and murderous chase.
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard the call and heeded it. It would take him longer to arrive, but he went in search. He wasn't sure what he could offer to a man intent upon harm, but he could try. And try he did.

i am terrible with group threads. It will take him probably a round to get to you
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Just a cute lil cameo from me!

Village Moonsong will be watchful, Ariadne promised, returning his call. I will let you know if we see anything, and will we will assist where needed. Moonsong stood with Chakliux and Marina.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,318 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
They were joined by another, and in that moment Kilgitsuk thought it was their target and he flashed teeth; but he heard the greeting also, and stilled the urge in time to only grimace while Chakliux explained to Towhee their aim.

He did not say a word as he plunged in pursuit among the trees, intent to find this person and give Chakliux and his wife their deserved justice.

This was the sort of justice Tartok often meted out; it was the sort of violence that had been missing from Kilgitsuk's life for years, and he had not yet noticed how much he enjoyed hunting down another man.
5,294 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
They both seemed on edge, which put her on edge. Towhee went very rigid, eyes panning from Chakliux to Kilgitsuk, trying to read the room. An explanation was quickly given, though she didn’t relax. She remained tense as first one, then the other, sprinted away through the trees.

When they were gone, Towhee sucked in a breath. She hoped they captured the culprit, though she could not join their endeavor. Instead, she looked at Moonspear. Unaware that they had already rung the warning bell, she hastened to inform them of the danger quite possibly lurking in their midst.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.