Firefly Glen In Twilight
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
This will be an interesting thread. I'm going to leave the posting order open because this will eventually, potentially, involve a LOT of wolves via howl. 

The ground was cold, and in places the grasses had begun to shrivel and die, leaving behind little bare patches here and there. Given the fact that it had been days since it had rained, even scents that were a few days old still remained, albeit faded. He'd made his way along the borders twice already, and had wound his way through the packlands, following the many water sources that trailed this way and that. Unless there was a hidden spring he didn't know about, then he hadn't been able to find @Fennec's scent within the packlands. Still- he supposed she might be here.

There were lots of small ponds with tall, reedy grasses thick with the scent of algae, so she could have disguised her scent and remained hidden. It felt futile to call out for her, knowing she would likely avoid his summons. So, instead, he decided to try a different tactic. If Fennec was inside the Glen, she was avoiding him- but he had the sneaking suspicion, the budding dread, that she wasn't there at all- and that she hadn't been, for a few days now. He had to make sure before he lost his marbles and went on a wild goose chase, and knowing how intelligent Fennec was...If she didn't want to be found, she wouldn't be found.

So his next course of action was to seek out his leaders, knowing that he might be able to use one of them, and that they ought to be among the first alerted to the suspicion he had that Fennec wasn't with them.

It could be nothing, he told himself. She could be simply up on Moonspear with Kukutux- which was an option. She could have been visiting her family on the Caldera- this was also an option. But she wasn't here, and she hadn't been for days. She didn't usually leave for days, and for some reason that sinking feeling at the back of his throat made him feel like he shouldn't just assume she was taking space. It didn't feel as though Fennec was taking space- for some reason, it seemed like space had taken her.

So he called out for @Atlas, @Antares and @Osiris, hoping that one of them would be nearby so that he could put them to use. He had a plan- and he would need one of them to enact the first part of it.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Osiris walked through the rendezvous, carrying a half-eaten rabbit. His hunt had been successful, and he had quickly scarved down his fill. With his hunger satiated, Osiris brought his leftovers to the nearest cache; somebody would appreciate the fruits of his labor. 

He had just finished storing the carcass when he heard a howl, and Osiris quickly recognized Bronco's voice. There was a lack of urgency in the call,  but Osiris would treat it as such; obviously, something was going on if he was being summoned. He set off from the woodlands with a motivated pace, following the fading howl. 

"Bronco," he called once he was in ear-shot, slowing until he stood in front of his packmate.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco paced as he waited, trying to figure out how to best word the situation so that Osiris or the others might simply take to the task without asking a bunch of questions. He mulled the possibility over in his mind that he might simply be told to keep searching, but he had done that- and he believed that there were other methods he should try first, before he waged an all-out search for Fennec. He knew there was a chance she was simply hiding- and this was why he'd called for his leaders.

So when he caught sight of Osiris approaching in the distance he wasted no time and moved to meet his alpha, and came skidding to a halt, bowing his head in a gesture which was grateful, respectful, and a tad apologetic as well. “I know this might sound strange, but I need for you to summon Fennec.” He said. He shook his head, hoping to ward off an interrogation period. “We had a...I don't even know. But I haven't caught her scent here in a couple days, and if she is here, and hiding, she won't answer to me. But I just...I have a feeling Osiris, and I need to know if I'm right.” He said. “I think she's gone.” He said, and fell silent for a beat, before he uttered a soft, pleading whine; he wanted to waste no time talking. “Please, can you call for her?” He asked.

His thought was that if Fennec heard Osiris calling for her, she might answer. If she did, then that was all he needed to know- that she was here, she was simply avoiding him. It would put to rest the sinking, nagging feeling he had in his gut that she wasn't just hiding, but that something had happened.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Summoned, Antares appeared. He wasn't too far off, lingering between tasks already when Bronco's call had sounded, so it suited him to go find out what was going on. It was a bit behind Osiris, and he didn't exactly announce his arrival any--only approached the other two fellows, ears tilted intently their way. He managed to catch the tail end of it, most pointedly: I think she's gone.

He raised a brow and drew to a halt as the Blackthorn requested for Osiris to call for them. Who's gone? he asked, mostly in Bronco's direction. Antares had well since narrowed his eyes; he was still wrapping his head around what he had walked up to. Naturally, his first suspect was Meerkat, though he was pretty sure he had seen her about earlier--unless something had happened? Toad and Leta, too, he had crossed their scents today too (that had been today right?), so that meandering into considering Fennec, who he hadn't seen much of (not that this was unusual for him). Unless, it was Lunaria, Dhalia, or even that very quiet new recruit..?
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Now that Bronco had mentioned it, Osiris realized that he hadn't recently noticed that Fennec had been around. The most recent indication of her whereabouts was already days old; it was like she had vanished into thin air.  He wouldn't have worried under normal circumstances, as there were two nearby packs that she could have been visiting, but Bronco's concern was offsetting. 

Antares arrived right before Osiris was about to call for their packmate. "It's Fennec," he relayed, greeting his dark-furred brother with a nod. Then, without any further hesitation, Osiris tipped his head back and howled for Fennec. As he lowered his head, he felt apprehension begin to creep up his spine; would she answer? He waited with bated breath, hoping that they'd confirm that she was alive and well.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Round two: again, no posting order; feel free to answer with a quick, one-off post. This round is for any Moonspearians to answer. Tags for visibility, but all welcome to reply!

No sooner had his urgent question and ple left his mouth than Antares had arrived, a faithful and dutiful beta who caught the tone of Bronco's call. Without questioning, Osiris informed Antares who they were looking for, and he knew that he would have some explaining to do. He began to pace as soon as Osiris called out, summining Fennec- and he hoped that perhaps coming from a different voice she might relent and attend the call. This was her alpha- and even in her most rebellious times, he wouldn't figure that Fennec would shun the voice of her leader, especially given the fact that she was working on becoming a medic. He hoped she'd assume that she was actually needed, and that she wouldn't suspect that he had anything to do with this.

But then came silence. He paced, stopping every now and again to prick his ears, and he knew there was a chance she might simply come to meet Osiris rather than answering- and that would take time. Unlike a sighted wolf, she could not simply dash off at top speed and avoid obstacles, so he knew if she did choose to heed Osiris' call, she might take longer than what might have been expected of a wolf with sight.

“I don't know why,” He said, his voice soft lest he speak over her call i the meantime “But I just...I dunno. She's run off before. And maybe she's just at Moonspear, or the Caldera,” He said, and he paused. His pacing resumed, impatiently willing with every fibre of his being for her to answer. “Maybe she's with Kukutux,” He pondered out loud, before he called out- sending his voice up in a plea for the wolves of Moonspear- knowing that the likliest to have spotted her trail might have been their vigilant guardian, @Desdemona, or perhaps @Kukutux herself if Fennec was with her.

Of the Moonspearians he asked if they had seen Fennec, or crossed her trail, before he fell silent once again, taking some solace from the companions he'd gathered thus far, but eager to hear something from their sister pack.
3,252 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
the pale woman had thrown herself into preparations for the winter, trying to ignore the words that reverberated within her mind, drumbeat strong and resonant. an inhale; she hung her head from the soreness of her neck muscles, strained from all the hide she had ground to leather with her teeth.

she wished to see the winterhawk again, wanted to hear the reassuring sound of her own tongue from another. but her place was within moonspear, and so long as she remained at the ulaq, she would busy herself with a thousand tasks. women's work ended after dark and began before light.

osiris' voice, flaring out from the glen with a request for her answer. fennec had not been seen. for a long moment kukutux sat quietly, thinking of how sialuk had told her that the blind girl was witch. "she is not here," the islewife cried back, moonkissed crown tilting back. "i will look for her." calling oneself a witch was a taboo that invited bad spirits. she did not wish to think what had happened to fennec if one such had heard, and come forth.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
rrrround 3! Still welcoming late MSP howlers and now open to Redhawks!
As he hoped, Kukutux answered- but her message was grim. Fennec wasn't there, either. The best case scenario would have simply been that she'd gone to live on Moonspear for a few days in order to learn perhaps a new technique for making carrying pouches, or for identifying useful herbs, but he'd passed along their shared boundaries and had the feeling that Fennec had not gone off in that direction. His disappointed gaze swept over Osiris and Antares before he tilted his head back to thank Kukutux. He hoped that the word would spread on Moonspear as surely it would- she was not the only one who would have heard his plea, so he felt certain that if any of the Moonspearians caught sight of Fennec, they might let the Glen wolves know.

Of course, it might all be in vain. Maybe Fennec was making her way up Moonspear at that very moment. Maybe she'd heard the howls and thought that Bronco was simply being ridiculous and overprotective. Maybe she wasn't ready to forgive him yet for collapsing her den, and maybe she truly just did not give one shit about him. But then again...The alternative was worse. Because there was a possibility she was hurt or held against her will, and the possibility that she'd crossed paths with someone who meant her harm. And even if he sounded like he was raising the alarm too early, it would be worth it- if in the end, it turned out she needed to be found.

“The only other place I can think of would be the Caldera,” He said, mostly to himself more than to Osiris and Antares though they might have already assumed that it would be the next place to contact. It was further away, so he knew he would have to pour everything he had into sending the message. There was also the sticky technical aspect that one of the three leaders of the pack would never hear his howl- but there was the potential that maybe @Towhee was with @Phox, or that @Figment might hear and let her know.

To them he called out and uttered the same message- “Is Fennec at Caldera?” He asked, and it was all he could fit on one breath, with how loudly he forced himself to howl to breach the distance. Only important words needed to be howled in order to be communicated, especially when the message was going so far. “Missing from the Glen,” He advised, before he drew in a few breaths. “Not at Moonspear” He added, before he drew in a deep breath and called out once more. “Three days at least.”

Message sent, he hoped then that he would get a reply- and that maybe she would turn up at the Caldera after all, and that all this worry was for nothing.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
uhhhh idk the timelines but lol o well slap me if i did this wrong

Fig heard the call. He heard it first when it was Osiris's voice, his attention caught immediately since it was for his sister. He'd stopped still upon the borders of the Caldera, just fortunate enough to be on the Northwestern border where he was at the best vantage point to hear it. There was no reply from Fenn, but then came another call--this one to Moonspear. This reply he did not hear, but he waited with bated breath for whatever would come next. If nothing came, he would go to the Glen himself to see what was going on, and why they seemed so urgently to be looking for Fennec.

But another call did come, this time for the wolves of the Caldera. Three days she'd been gone from the Glen, though Fig could account for at least one, he thought. Fennec had spent some time with them, but to his knowledge, she'd departed days ago. He frowned, then tilted his own muzzle to call back. "Not here," he howled, "She was. She left a few days ago." He had assumed it was to return to her pack. Was that not so?

Worried now, Fig continued to stand silently, listening to see if there would be more. Perhaps Phox knew better than he, or Towhee, though someone would have to find her to get her input.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Fennec, his brother replied before raising the call. Antares visually followed the pacing Bronco from his spot, eyes narrowed, and trying to account for when he had smelled her around last. Days ago, a best, which he knew would do knowing to soothe the already distressed Blackthorn. He wondered what her circumstances might be; Bronco had only alluded to something happening, and mentioned her past history of flight that was news to him. He wouldn't worry until the mountain and the caldera both checked out though. Between all three locales, it was possible that she had just needed a change of scenery or something and they had a lot of wolves to keep track of.

Nevertheless, they waited for Fennec's answer and it never came. Bronco called for Moonspear first, to find Kukutux did not have her either. After that, it was the Caldera and their reply was much the same--until the mention that she had been there a few days ago. Right away he wondered if there had been her last stop, or if she had left from here; where could they even trace her from last?

He kept quiet to hear what else the winds may have to say but so far, it wasn't boding well. Depending on what else he might be able to find out about here, it seemed like he would be searching for her next.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Osiris hadn't been aware that this had happened before. "What happened last time?" he asked, wondering if history would repeat itself. "Did she just show up? Or did somebody find her...?" He glanced towards his brother then, wondering what he made of all of this. 

There was a lot for him to personally consider. Although Fennec was an asset to the pack, they needed to be focusing on their preparations for winter. He wasn't sure how many of their resources he could spare with the impending season. He chewed at his bottom lip briefly, considering the situation at length. For now, he kept his thoughts to himself. 

His attention returned as Kukutux and Figment reported their knowledge, revealing that neither had seen her. He felt his drop at the report, and he turned to Bronco. His worry was both palpable and infectious; he felt his lips drop into a shallow frown. 

Wanting to comfort his friend, he then offered, "We'll look for her." She was one of them, after all; family. He would just have to work twice as hard to pick up the slack.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Odd. Fennec had gone to the Caldera? So had he...Perhaps he'd missed her. Perhaps, he thought, with a sinking feeling, she had happened upon his trail and spitefully had decided not to return to the Glen because she thought he was stalking her. That couldn't be so- that was just too far-fetched, he thought. But when Figment answered, he was at least given somewhat of a timeline; she'd been seen a few days ago, but not at the Glen. It seemed to him as though after leaving the Caldera, she hadn't made it home. 

"She's not here," He answered, his voice conveying his worry. While it might have been too early to call upon a search party, he still had a sinking feeling in his gut. She had left before- why wouldn't she do so now? It seemed entirely possible and if that was the case, then it was also entirely possible that it was all his fault. He frowned deeply. 

Osiris asked about the last time Fennec had gone off, and he was reminded of the sour feelings he still harboured toward Penn, for leading her away on a wild goose chase. "She came back with the trash she left with," He said. "And then he ditched her." He said, though he realized that Osiris and Antares had no clue who he was talking about- so he clarified. "My cousin, Penn." He specified. "But I don't think  he's been around...I just wonder if she didn't make it back from the Caldera," He said, dismay weighing into his voice. There was always a chance that she'd become the next victim of those Saints, or Ursus wolves; they had been talked into legend by now, and he'd yet to see one work its way into his life, but he'd continued living and patrolling the borders knowing that one day, their existence would likely become a reality.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
While still tuning in for distant calls, he split his attention when Osiris asked what was on his mind too. A silent bit of gratitude there, and if anyone deserved the details of a prior situation, it might be their head ranked, after all. Antares gladly gleaned these answers, sensing a good bit of contempt there concerning that cousin--news to the Ostrega, who was only just barely learning the big heaping tangle of the family that had spawned Bronco. He canted his head after that same cousin was discounted for trouble now. So, it just left them all here to wonder.

But, hm, he wasn't sure how much merit there was from her misplacing herself between here and the Caldera. Granted she was blind, and evidently a bit of a historic flight risk, but Antares didn't feel like that explained it all of the way--she wasn't that helpless. They could check it out though, and there was the chance retracing any of her steps could help somehow. Maybe whoever that was at the Caldera could tell us which way she went off in, if nothing else... he supposed quietly. A heading on a direction, at the very bare minimum. I'll see what else I can find out around, the dark brother eventually added, mostly saying so for the unnerved Bronco's sake.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Tidying this up :3 Thanks for your partcipation!

He suspected that once Figment heard that Fennec wasn't at the Glen, he might come to investigate further. He waited to hear back again from his Step-brother, but when he didn't, he assumed he was either on his way or spreading the news at the Caldera. Bronco paced, and nodded appreciatively at Antares' words. "We'll find her," He said softly. Now, there was nothing he wanted to do more than to rove the free lands in search of any trace he could find- but in all likelihood, he was already too many steps behind to pick up on anything. "Thanks, Antares, Osiris. We'll find her."