Ouroboros Spine The big lake they call Gitche Gumee
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
Set not long after this. I think it's fair to assume Vallkyrie and Antares are with him, but feel free to correct me if anything needs to be tweaked :)

Title is from "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot. 

Travel was slow and careful, but they made their way West, travelling directly through the middle of the Glen, noticing sadly that their border markings had fallen by the wayside. He could have made the decision to leave Keyni and Meerkat in charge of marking the borders, but if trouble had showed up, they might easily be overwhelmed. It seemed more imperative to make sure as many Glen wolves survived as possible, rather than trying to keep their border markings set. 

He explained to @Antares the decisions he'd made following the landslide. That he'd gathered @Keyni, @Melaine, @Meerkat and @Vallkyrie, and then they had split into two groups. Meerkat and Keyni had gone to assist @Kukutux and @Sialuk who had relocated to Ouroboros Spine, and he had taken Vallkyrie and Melaine with him to scout out the foothills. No others had been found- so he knew their numbers were low, but he believed there was still a possibility that other Glen wolves might have survived, but been dispersed, similar to how Antares had been temporarily lost. Once they'd caught Antares' scent, he'd howled for Melaine, asking her to send the news that Antares was alive back to Ouroboros Spine, and he hoped she'd made it there safe and sound. 

And now, with the ring of peaks presented to them, they slowed their pace and came to a stop to rest along the borders, before Bronco howled out, hoping that now that they'd made it to their final meeting place, they might be able to reunite with more of their family, and piece their pack back together.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Meerkat ran the whole way back home after spending the night with her mother at the caldera, though it felt a lot more like running away from home. She needed to speak to Bronco, then Sialuk and Kukutux. She still wanted to follow her brother, as well as lend her support to Moonglow's leadership. But Towhee needed her too.

When she heard Bronco's howl, Meerkat's heart caught in her throat. She wondered what news he brought to Moonglow, whether it might introduce a new twist into what already felt like an impossible choice. With miles still to go, she pumped her legs as fast as she could.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Collected from his thicket in the Bramblepoint, he moved deliberately, and careful with every gesture. He felt hollow, and the heartbreak was vast.. but given some stable footing to stand upon by what Bronco had worked diligently on in the meantime, he had to try to pull it together.

It was not unusual for him to be quiet, but this silence was different on his shoulders. His head, carried lower to keep his chest from hurting, and his teeth, gritted in pain. As they traveled through the Glen, he also took a certain measure of care to keep Bronco or Vallkyrie between him and Moonspear as they trailed along, determined not to look at it though he felt it staring him down hard. He also tried not to dwell on how ghostly this place underfoot felt to him now, no longer thrumming with the energy they had all once brought. That bothered him, too.

But, they reached their destination and he finally looked up. The scents of others, alongside strangers, marked the threshold. His head swam, though he focused on everything Bronco had told him so far--that this was where the scarce few survivors were, and where the Glen's stragglers had been gathered. Antares did want to see them most of all, hopeful to see another familiar face, so he held fast to that thought as a howl rose to announce them, and he sunk into an exhausted sit next to the Blackthorn.
209 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The howling in the lower reaches, as well as the nearby valley, had made Raimo more cautious on his patrols of the spine. He did not like knowing others might show up upon their borders, even if they were in need of aid. He did not like the thought that his place might be threatened with the growing of their population. Chief above all his worries came from the fact the calls were from one man, answered often. It gave Raimo a chance to count how many might appear to demand aid from their mountain at least, a tally which seemed to grow every few days.

He had made the choice to guard the paths which led towards those voices, so when the man did appear Raimo would be ready to intercept him. The moment he heard the man's call — this time much closer and clearer than before — Raimo was not far. He journeyed through the trees at a quicker prowl than usual.

When he saw them he wasn't sure what to make of them, together. The golden man and his companion, a shadow. He studied them for a few minutes and took note of how the darker wolf held himself. As if he were made of shadows that wanted to split beneath the light. Raimo watched him practically melt to the earth and sit there silently, clearly overworked by some ordeal.

Between the two men Raimo felt he could handle anything they threw his way. If they were a threat it would be easy enough to dissuade them. He did not announce himself in the same manner: instead, Raimo slid from among the trees on the other side of the border and liesurely approached where they sat.

He planted himself in their path at a distance, watching them.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
this time, kukutux attended also.

it was no longer seemly for her to linger at the ulaq as if her body was sick. it was not; the duck was merely injured. her broken wing did not stop the taqqiq; she hobbled toward the sound of bronco's voice with a determination.

through their time at moonspear, kukutux had come to think of meerkat and her brother as her ujuruq. this was extended in a more familial way to antares, who her heart leapt to see. the arc dissolved beneath worry as his tall frame with the careful mark of ostrega obsidian and her late marriage-sister's stamp full — as he sank down alongside bronco.

she almost did not realize raimo's prowl as her strength gave out and she staggered to a stop, injured leg tucked and a plume of breath rising into the still-chilled air of early spring. she saw him as a shadow, moving nearer to the fireflies than she. 

whatever he truly felt, he had established himself as isiksuruk: hunter persisting, first of moonglow's own. by which kukutux meant men; it did not matter if she or the other women hunted, for it had been a term attached only to her forefathers. she had no reason to forbid hunting by role, and so the duck did not, but 'hunter' in her mind would always be the circle over which she had no control.

and until a man challenged raimo for first-hunter, he was head of the men's secrets, regardless of whatever he spoke or did not speak of. this was the position she had silently given him in moonglow. but he in trust he was below those she had known longer.

she raised herself up again, gave a swish of her plume against the pale horizon in answer. i am here.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Keyni was lingering around the outermost edges of the Spine when she heard the familiar voice of Bronco fill the air. He had returned at last. She wondered what news he had brought with him today. Hopefully it was good, for a change. Those who remained of Firefly Glen really needed to catch a break, and what better way to start off the coming spring on a positive note.

She arrived shortly after Ramio. While not a full fledged member of Moonglow, she wasn't exactly an outsider. Having stopped by a while ago with Meerkat and being on amicable terms with the injured duck, she felt no need to be hanging back in the shadows. But she was mindful, keeping to the outer reaches of the territory, or announcing herself before invited any further.
Jade eyes widened in shock, relief washing over her face like a flood when she saw the inky figure who stood next to Bronco's side. Antares! He was alive, if not a little worse for wear. She rushed up to him, composed as always and gave him a quick once over. "Thank goodness you are okay." She looked him in the eyes, ears slanting slightly. "We were all worried."
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Towards the Spine they strode, the location in which some of Moonspear's former members recovered. It was a territory Vallkyrie had been to before during a hunt or two. Not particularly a place she would first think to call home, however, though she assumed settling here had been more or less out of need, then want.

The territory was a circle of low stout mountains which took a sharp slope down into what was not predominantly a big below. Not much of a sight from below but a sanctuary to those now in great need.

As they drew nearer, Vallkyrie took to standing at Bronco's side, a glance passing to Antares to see how their wounded brethern was holding up. They were all tired and Kyr's legs were sore, paws split and cut from digging but more then anything her pale eyes kept to the dark man's wellbeing.

As the first of Moonglow arrived, the huntress' attention rose, head lifting higher, ears perked at the manner which the sleek dark wolf silently presented himself. Not a friend of the Glen or he would have spoken up. A prowling behavior, the behavior of a hunter to prey, which Vallkyrie had great practice. Moonglow, specifically Kukutux, would learn quickly that a hunter was definitely not defined by men, should she stay.

Another made way then, slowly, surely. Her injury obvious by which she limped, by which one of her limbs were cradled. A nod, to her, sharp and formal, but the huntress said nothing, not even as Keyni came relieved to the dark knight near her. She was not Moonglow, nor Moonspear or Glen. She was not pack nor family. A lack of placement she quickly came to notice.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Still open for others to join, but open posting order, to make it easier for communications.

He'd begun to feel both optimistic and relieved when he'd first caught sight of the right of mountains and while looking up at them now reminded him of how tired he was, and how his muscles ached, he was still hopeful. They'd found Antares."We'll be able to rest soon," He assured Vallkyrie and Antares. He assumed their welcome would be without question, and after one more climb, they would find a place to rest.

He felt Vallkyrie hovering near his side and he breathed in a taste of fresh air, adjusting his footing just enough so that his side touched hers. He gave her a glance out of the corner of his eye, and felt his lip twitch slightly. She'd been with him through all of this- and he was elated to know she was still at his side. 

The first to greet them was a dark male with a studious gaze, and he placed himself directly in their path without questioning their arrival. Bronco assumed that the wolves gathered with Kukutux would have been told by Meerkat that they could expect more to show up- and that perhaps this male knew that was a possibility. Still- Bronco tipped his head in a polite greeting to him, even if he was a stranger. 

Beyond him, along the ridge, a pale figure appeared and Bronco's ears flicked back, and his tail began to wave in slow, sweeping movements when he recognized Kukutux. He wasn't sure why- but he felt an ache in his chest. Kukutux was at the helm here which meant...Hydra had not yet been found. Which meant that there were others who also had not yet been found. And while he was overjoyed to see that she had survived, he felt his heart ache for her, and the losses they shared. 

Keyni was present, as he had hoped. And he was relieved to see that she was here, and he assumed Meerkat would be arriving soon. He had no fear- one look at the relief on Keyni's face was enough to tell him that Meerkat was fine. If something had been wrong, he felt that Keyni's reaction to seeing him would have been much different. She fussed over Antares, and Bronco smiled softly. Yes, it did feel good to have found him. It felt right. 

"We finally made it," He called out. Given the dark guardian who presented as an obstacle, he wasn't keen on pushing boundaries until Kukutux called him off. "Kukutux," He spoke, with a respectful bow of his head. When he lifted it, he turned his muzzle to press it gently against Vallkyrie's cheek, to offer her a bit of reassurance as he thought he could sense a bit of tension in her frame.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
He tried to savor the fleeting moments before others came. Antares worried about it, strangely. In only Bronco and Vallkyrie's company it was easier. Or he had learned how to.. but he needed to return to the other fireflies soon, if they would still have him. He felt his chest pinch painfully, though he stared on ahead to the sentry that appeared. A sleek slip of darkness, but unfamiliar to him.

Impassive, and unimpressed, Antares flicked an ear only to Bronco and kept to his sit--though he pulled it up to neaten himself some; his paws appreciated the break, and he still looked rough. Eventually, he did spot Kukutux, and seeing her was a strange sense of pained relief. At least she had managed to walk away somehow. It was something, and he knew to cherish it. But it was strange to come to what was now apparently her doorstep, after everything.

However Keyni appeared soon after, and under her gaze, he splayed his ears though his tail wagged--happy to see her unscathed, deep down. I know.. I'm sorry, he said quietly to those nearest, for making them worry, and everything else that he had managed to go wrong in. He had not been able to be here for them when they really needed him, and now he returned to them a withered, mourning mess. It's.. it's good to see everyone okay, he breathed, quieter yet than before as he glanced to the dark watchman. There were others of his own missing still, but the gathering was new and he was letting good news set in slowly for once.
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Going to be vague about who Lane is/with and what she's been doing. Lane's skippable, please don't let me hold anything up. Work is kicking my behind right now.

Finally, they were all reunited-- or what was left of them, at least. Bronco and Valkyrie had managed to track down Antares, which was a huge relief. Even more unbelievably, the Glen and Moonspear survivors had more or less managed to put the pieces of their packs back together here at the Spine, forming a new group within the borders of a new home. It was an incredible feat; Lane was starting to understand the benefit of pack wolves working together toward a common cause. 

Lane's relief was mirrored in the faces around her. She nodded and wagged her tail as others made eye contact-- everyone silently checking in on each other-- but she otherwise remained quiet, waiting. No doubt, the question on everyone's mind was, where are we going to go from here?
209 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The number of strangers grew; some came from among the pinewood that Raimo had been patrolling and that startled him more than he let on. He did not like how easily the newcomers upon the mountain welcomed these strangers.

Unaware of how many refugees they hosted, Raimo saw this friendliness and thought it threatening; to him the mountain belonged to Kukutux now and those that followed her. Aid rendered to those in need had a limit; either these wolves would fully pledge themselves or they would be chased out at the appropriate time. Seeing them mingling made Raimo nervous as an unintended by-product.

If and when Kukutux made herself known among them he would drop back, shadowing her chief among the rest; a steely gaze shared with those that crossed from the mountain to the borderlands to check on the golden boy and his own shadow, uncertain of them.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
As she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, Towhee's distinctive voice echoed in her head. "Have you and Bronco ever considered leading a pack? Maybe the two of you could start one in one of the territories next door..." Truth be told, Meerkat had never once entertained notions of leadership for herself or her elder brother... until he'd recently stepped up and become the de facto leader of the stranded fireflies.

When she arrived, out of breath, her eyes swept immediately to Bronco, then to the wolf standing beside him. Here was the actual leader of Firefly Glen, alive! Meerkat's eyes widened as she paced forward to join the group gathering around Bronco and Antares. The latter looked worse for wear, though when she walked right up and pressed her nose to his shoulder, he felt real.

This was definitely another twist. There were so many possibilities of where she and Bronco might end up—here in Moonglow; elsewhere with the fireflies; back at the caldera; somewhere altogether new; perhaps even two of those at once?—she could hardly fathom them. She could feel herself becoming overwhelmed.

But then her warm brown eyes sought Bronco's face again and she felt calm. I go where you go. It wasn't easy but it made everything feel much simpler. Meerkat let out a long breath.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
perhaps in answer to raimo's silent watch, bronco's clan came no further. kukutux drew a breath and descended toward them, cheek creased in pain. it would not be an easy trek in return to the ulaq, but the moon refused to be bound by her ankle any longer. it was a swifter arrival than she had anticipated; she put aside her shame.

the duck passed raimo and he strode after her. fighting the responsive glance along her shoulder, the woman sighed with relief to finally be among her kin. "bronco," came her soft murmur; she would reach to him first, gaze sweeping first melaine and then keyni with a bittersweet familiarity, a nod toward the tall woman who wore a coat of jetstone and watched silently. pikaluyik, and no more warm than that.

finally kukutux came to antares. meerkat stood near, her gentle presence soothing even the duck as she stooped closer and meant to touch his muzzle with her own. they had all lost many. but he had lost his mother, this boy who wore her spirit, and in that the spine-woman felt more greatly her role as aunt to him.

raimo, close, surely, watchful.

"please rest here in moonglow." the fireflies and the huntress she had not met, following; kukutux knew that they would lend themselves to whatever was needed. "you are family to us, and this has been a time of much sorrow." the duck did not think that they planned to make this place their own for long, but she wished them here.

and in her spirit, a growing want for antares to recover here beneath her care.

but it must be his choice.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
She had been some ways away when the call came, and Sialuk rushed to anaa's side as swiftly as she could. Others had gathered, even Raimo (whom she passed on her way), whom she still did not trust, despite his steadfastness and loyalty to Moonglow.

Bronco, Meerkat, Keyni, two wolves she did not know. And one she knew, but had thought dead. Was he one of the imposters anaa had spoken of? Was he merely a stranger walking in the suit of her cousin? Sialuk studied him the most, looking for signs that he may not be who he claimed to be.

But it was anaa who had spoken, inviting them to stay and rest. Perhaps he was not one of them, then.
Atkan Aleut
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Antares apologized, which she pushed aside. She gave a little shake of her head. "It is okay. Don't worry about it. What matters is that you are safe and we are back together again." Kukutux finally made an appearance. And Melaine, Meerkat and Sialuk also arrived as well. Everyone seemed both concerned yet grateful all at once. Happy to see those of Firefly Glen and formerly of Moonspear brought back together. The only exception might be Ramio, who seemed tense and on edge.

Kukutux urged their dark leader and his followers to stay here, with her in Moonglow. At this her brows pinched thoughtfully, while looking inquisitively to Antares. She tried to read him as best she could. To project the silent question... Was he still willing and able to lead the Fireflies, with all that he had been through? Or would he want to retire from his position? She wondered how much he had left in him, eyes flicking towards Bronco who had done so well filling in. She stayed silent but anticipating.
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The briefest touch, his brown and honey coat mingling with her now dirty black coat. A silent comfort she needed, as a now rogue amongst family and with none of her own here to call to. A touch then, to her cheek, another once of affection to pull her out of her ill thoughts. It was an open affection she wasnt actually expecting in the presence of others. After all, each of their times together had been to themselves even their different homes and different packs. She wasnt sure what to think of this open display, but whatever it was it was good.

By now, Laine and Meerkat had joined the gathering. Laine had spent much of her time with her and Bronco in their search so she had yet to be missed. A small smile was offered to Bronco's little sister however as she made way towards them and their beaten down leader.

Then the pallid woman finally made way despite the injury when plagued her, joined by then another close after. Blue Sea Ice, turned then, the paleness of her gaze resting to Kukutux and her head dips, to lower her height before the woman in charge here. Which unfortunately meant Hydra nor her mate had yet to be recovered. I give you my gratitude, Kukutux. She speaks then to the woman whom before now she only had known by word of mouth.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
The gathering that came together in the wake of their long search made his heart happy. They were reunited with the few remaining members of the Glen, which made him feel relieved to know that the decisions he'd made in an effort to keep them together and safe had worked. He nuzzled Meerkat when she pranced over to greet him, but he couldn't quite look her in the eye when he felt her gaze searching for his. Kukutux spoke up, welcoming them, and he nodded gratefully. It was good to have a place to rest- though it felt many questions to be answered. 

He knew the other Glen wolves would be wanting answers. He knew Meerkat especially wanted answers, as she had expressed the desire to relocate to the Caldera, but he didn't feel it was appropriate to make any big decisions until Antares had had some time to recover. He had lost Osiris earlier in the year, followed shortly thereafter by Atlas, who had gone missing- and now, following the landslide, he was seemingly the last of his immediate family to have survived. Now was not the time for Bronco or any of the others to be asking him to decide if they would go back to the Glen, or make other plans. 

"Thank you, Kukutux," He said. "Let's find somewhere to rest," He said, hoping that that might be enough of a hint to his fellow Fireflies that the three travelers needed some time to recover before questions were answered. He looked to Antares, then; he was still their leader, after all. "Let's take some time to recover a bit. We're safe, here, and welcome." It was his gentle way of suggesting that they allow themselves- Antares in particular- some time to grieve and recover, before pushing forward to the task of making decisions about their pack. If Antares had other plans, of course, he'd defer to their leader- but he doubted that Antares would want to do any of those things until after he'd had some time to heal.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
While Keyni set aside his apologies, he didn't fight it. He understood, he wouldn't want them either, but something needed said and he had to start somewhere. However, more came faces came to join them, the gathering growing and all softening his worries when he saw them--and he mustered a small return of a nudge for Meerkat, thankful. Even if their numbers were startlingly few, and markedly absent of many of his brethren, it was something. He had to hold fast to that, he told himself. He had to pull it together for them.. though it already felt odd beneath their attentions now, knowing that so much rode on his shoulders, and he had only barely pulled himself through.

Even still, felt the eyes of the stranger of a watchman in particular even as Kukutux went to formally grant them her hospitality. Antares might've felt more off about it were he better rested, but fact of the matter was that this was the most secure possibility he had faced in days; he dipped his muzzle first, and Bronco filled the space first, helping to further shield Antares from what seemed inevitable. Yes.. thanks, he added towards his pale-furred aunt, but ultimately, he was more fond of the momentum that had been set into motion: towards rest, and getting him reacquainted with the interests of the remaining fireflies. He had an inkling as to what his heart wanted, but it did also bank on what was best for those he led now. Being here now allowed him to see more, but it was no answer yet.

So he eased to his feet properly and nodded to disguise the strange sway he felt in his neck. We can always stay on the edge of things.. rest there. the Ostrega managed in a tired drawl, thinking to being stationary again. Recover Bronco had said, and he felt like that was some tall wall to scale for some reason. He would decide the fate of what rested on him then, hopefully, if he still had to. There was a lot to consider once more but they were not as scattered as they had been now. Recover, he reminded himself. That first.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
It seemed Antares and the others intended to remain here at Ouroboros Spine until he recovered, which made sense. Meerkat wondered if that meant they would join Moonglow formally or simply stay here and reestablish Firefly Glen at some point in the future, when Antares felt up to the task again.

Meerkat tried to catch Bronco's eye but he wouldn't quite meet her gaze. She bit lightly at her lower lip but said nothing. With Towhee's questions buzzing in her head, she needed answers. It was doubtful she would get any today, maybe not even soon. She would have to be patient.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
604 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Although Lane wasn't terribly familiar with the inner-workings of packs, and she was hopelessly ignorant about the intricacies of inter-pack relations, she was fairly certain that they had come to the point at which some decision needed to be made. Would Antares step back up to lead, or would Bronco continue to carry the mantle? Would Moonglow absorb the remainder of the Glen, or would the Glen move on to establish a new claim? If Moonglow could do it this quickly after losing a leader among others as well as their entire packland, then surely Firefly Glen could also rally? 

After Kukutux offered them refuge formally, and her offer was accepted, the group seemed to fall into an uneasy silence. Lane assumed that everyone else had the same questions, but nobody wanted to be the one to ask. It sure as hell wasn't going to be Lane. The quiet drew out a little longer, and it became more and more apparent that there would be no further decisions made today. As was typical for the medic, Lane's task-oriented mind began to wander toward the future, and what would be needed of her. She assumed that she would take point in caring for the medical needs of the refugees, since Kukutux likely had enough on her plate at the moment. She would find the time to check in on Kukutux too though, since the moonwoman was also injured.
209 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The strangers knew Kukutux by the sound of things, which unsettled Raimo. It was not until Antares offered to keep to the fringe that Raimo felt himself relax; it was not up to him though, so he looked to Kukutux, prowling closer to her while keeping his gaze upon the gathered faces he did not know. He let his eyes flicker from face to face to commit them to memory while he withdrew.
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux did not enjoy the idea of firefly glen remaining upon the fringes of the territory. but she took antares' word as his wish, gathering herself up with a lean toward sialuk. "my ulaq is a place for any to give a visit," the moonmother said gently, and then kukutux had given a nod toward raimo.

unless paused, she would begin to move off at her hobbling pace, alternately reaching toward the dark hunter or her daughter for steadying here and there.

even for a short time, the fireflies would reside here. the thought gave kukutux peace.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk thought the glen brothers and sisters need not keep to the edges of Moonglow, but she stayed her words, electing to let anaa speak for them as one. It was she who was wise woman, and Sialuk was still a pupil, learning anaa's ways.

The raindrop touched her nose to Meerkat briefly before finding her place at Kukutux's side, supporting her as she needed it back to the ulaq.
Atkan Aleut
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Eyes shifting watchfully from one face to another, she listened to Bronco and Antares. Both said their piece, providing assurance that they were welcome in the fold of Moonglow. Others, may not feel the same way. But to be tactful, despite knowing the short but strong relationship she shared with Kukutux, would encourage them to follow Antares suggestion and settle along the outer reaches. She did not want to intrude too much. Give the skeptics (like Ramio) time to adjust.

Bowing her head, she uttered softly "Thank you, once again." To Kukutux, before she moved off. She watched her go with that limp in her step with a lingering, thoughtful eye. Then, she turned to Antares, but not without sending Sialuk a look of gratitude as well. "Come then. Let us find somewhere to hunker down." Moving into position along his side, she offered her frame to lean on, should he accept or need it. Then, gingerly, with the assistance of the others, she would pick her way off to a more secluded site.