Hoshor Plains Sound Off
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,359 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Okay everyone. So this is gonna be a general meet and greet. One post per character. Then I'll have threads branching off. And you all can too. In this one i need a general idea of whose coming and what they are bringing to table. Healers, hunters, caretakers etc. Then I will do a hunting thread with more information, a healer and a caretaker thread. That way everyone can get trades that comes. We can also have an after hunt thread. And of course any of you can branch off as you feel the want. Please allow @Heph to answer first, in case I missed anyone and Lepos needs to tag someone I forgot and since Lepos did most of the work for this one. Thank you, lovely.

It had taken him a short trip mostly to gather where they'd be hunting. Heph and Phox had already scouted and it seemed all set. Rodyn's practiced eye settled on the frost bitten ground. Taken note of the bison and their unsurmountable size. There was one bison, still dangerous in his own right, but quite old now and it was clear he didn't move as fast or as well as the others. They would need to separate him from the herd and keep their wolves safe from those that would blunder into them. He knew of many coming. He hoped he could do the hunt justice.

Word had come from @Sialuk of Moonspear. Her and her wolves came from the peaked mountains and stood nearby. He had made sure to greet her with both his children. For to them, she was mom. Even if she hadn't been the wolf he had chosen or that Sedna had chosen for him. It was funny wasn't it. That she was mother, when she had been the very first wolf he had met here.

On the heels of icy breath the wolves of Moonsong with @Ariadne at the helm would come to pass. He would need to remember to introduce her to some of the leaders of packs that she may not know. Honor his promise of introductions for her. It was only fair. And he would need to ask her when a moment of respite to allow Chakliux to hunt some of the winter animals of the glacier.

He shared a soft smile with the matriarch of all the moon packs @Kukutux. For without her and @Aiolos, moonsong, moontide, moonspear would not exist. So many packs, all stemming from one. How proud they must be. He could only hope that @Rolayne and @Panuk knew how storied their family was.

Rodyn looked towards the shores that he could barely see past the plains. But he could feel the salty wind every so often. But it was so far away now, and yet so close. He knew the invite to Sweetharbor and @The Widow Redhawk and @Nakano had been extended, but he had been saddened to hear of all of their problems. It saddened him and yet he felt a kinship to them, knowing well the bite of grief and spousal loss. He himself was a widow after all.  A truth that hurt every time he thought of it.

As well as Sweetharbor. Heph had extended an invite to the warrior ladies of Sapphique. And he was pleased that he could bring them to help. It may even do them some good to meet other wolves. He knew that they did not take mates in the traditional sense. But there were many strong wolves here. @Mireille @Chacal @Val

It was with a hearty hello he met with @Njord. He was pleased to see the hunter here. A smile for his friend. He was confident that Njord would bring much to the table. That he could offer so much to their hunt. Many of the wolves here could. But it pleased him greatly to have his friend here.

He was anxious to meet the wolves @Solveig and @Rusalka as he had only heard of them. He trusted Heph's judgement, and hoped that the wolves of Raventhorpe would find a commadrie among them. That they would enjoy the hunt and the socialization that came with.

From near the mountain range, Rodyn searched the faces of Brecheliant and @Maia for the wolf that had briefly taken up residence in Moonglow. Of the parents of the wolf that would marry Kivaluk. It would be nice to officially meet them and perhaps make new alliances and trade with them.

Rodyn could not remember if he had met the alphess of Hearthwood @Reverie, but he knew he hadn't met her mate @Boone. He hoped that they would forge some sort of alliances for as small as they were. Only starting out, much like Meerkat and Njord it would be nice for them to meet wolves and make friends.

Finally, he searched the sea of faces for his oldest friend in the teekon. One he hadn't seen in some time @Void and his precious @Meylodi.

All these wolves would find the alpha of Moontide standing and watching. Waiting for all to settle to figure out what and how they could do this. And part of his heart soared and he knew Samani was here with them this day.

I Hope I got everyone if I didn't please apologize. Again please make one post, letting me know whose coming and why. I realize it's Christmas so I will keep this open and start no more until after the 26th. Thanks everyone for doing this with us.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
734 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph answered Rodyn's call, limbs trembling in excitement and as she waited for the hunt to begin. There was still time to meet, to speak, and yet this close to the chase the hunter yearned to run, as much as she enjoyed meeting and speaking, new faces, old acquaintances, and fast friends she forced herself to breathe, to steady. She stood beside Rodyn, scanning the horizon.

She would greet Sialuk with a dip of her head, watching from a distance as Panuk and Rolayne greeted them, heart warming to see them gathered together, heart aching because she had missed those precious first months, but she could not change the past and to see them happy she would have only changed one thing if she could.

Ariadne she hoped had made it, that her sickness had passed enough for her to be well on the journey but she thought she had noted as well something different to her walk that might have made the journey more difficult. So she would seek out the gaze of @Aminthe the healer or perhaps another wolf that Ariadne had trusted to send in her stead if she could not make it herself. Heph was not sure who that might have been, had attended the claiming of Moonsong but not put many names to faces. If Ariadne had not come then she would ask after the leader of Moonsong and if there was anything Heph could gather or trade for to ease her recovery. @Kaluktuk @Dutch

A smile and grin towards Kukutux and Aiolos followed by a greeting with words for when she had joined Moontide she could not have anticipated the roots from which it sprung, still supporting their branches even as they bent and broke in the wind.

She knew Sweetharborw as unlikely to come but she still watched, waited, to see if she could catch hide or hair of them. Though she did not begrudge them their grief she was saddened that it gripped them still and hoped that the would find solace in whatever choice they had made.

A sly and wide grin to the women of Sapphique and she was glad to have the chance to run beside them, wondered who among their number they had brought and would greet them with a wagging tail and queries after their journey, friendly challenges for the hunt for she wished to know how many bison they thought they would bring back to the shore and felt sure that they would fare much better with the other pack by the coast there.

Njord she had met but once before but she greeted him warmly with well wishes to Meerkat. If he and Void's family allowed it she would assist in pointing them out to one another and making introductions if they wished. Void and Meylodi she would greet as old friends saying hello to any children they might have brought with a wide friendly sweep of her tail and a teasing smile as she said they had grown so much that surely they could each chase down a bison themselves.

She would greet Maia with a tip of her head and a warm smile, and queries after their journey, much the same as Reverie and Boone. It was good to meet them all again and she would introduce herself once more, say she was glad to see them and offer to make any introductions they wished.

Raventhorpe, the pack with a new name, would have had the shortest distance to travel but she sought them out, wondering if Solveig had brought @Thyra with her as well, would ask after her younger brother and any news and if they wished would point out the leaders of Moonglow, Moonspear, and Moonsong to them if they were there.

You've got everyone! I tagged a few more people in case Ariadne was not able to make it so we could still have a representative for Moonsong, if I tagged incorrectly whoever's repping them should feel free to post
w a y w a r d s o n
287 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Valiant had enjoyed showing @Raindrop around Moonsong's territory, but as soon as the call went out, he was ready to drop all other activities. Electricity zinged through him, and the grin he threw Raindrop's way was boyish and almost carefree. It had been quite some time since he'd participated in such a large hunt — not since he'd lived full-time at Round Valley.

He led the way, nipping childishly at Raindrop's heels before scampering ahead to invite a chase. Only in short bursts and bounds, as they had to save their energy! Thankfully, Valiant was bursting with it. He arrived on the scene with his coal-tipped tail wheeling excitedly. There were so many new wolves to meet, but he found himself drifting toward a familiar face — Kukutux — instead. He thought he might introduce Raindrop to the matriarch as well, but for now, he only shot moonwoman a shuttered smile of greeting.

His gaze roamed over those already gathered, searching for anyone he might know. It came as little surprise when he didn't recognize anyone else right off the bat; most of the family still resided in the land of long nights, and those that did not had been lost to him long ago.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Powerplaying Raen here to save time :3

The black and white coats of the mountain wolves showed up after eight days of journeying, Meylodi leading her family with determination. Nipping at her neck and full to bursting with excitement over the hunt was her pale-coated lastborn, @Raen. The wolfling was nearing her full size, but this would be her first real hunt. Aye, me li'l eckah, cahlm down. Yer here ta learn, ya hear?

But Ma! she started, but was interrupted by a sharp ah-ah- I ain't done, quicktongue.

When she had her daughter's silence, she sighed. Ya ne'er gonna learn if ya don't do. Yer me eckah, ain't cha? Her daughter was her echo, a pale version of herself when she was her age. A' least watch first. Ya've seen yer Da an' I hunt deer, bu' dis be a bit biggah than one. Keep yer 'ead on yer shouldas, not in the clohuds. Goes fer you, too, @Badger. Am I clear?

To @Void, she sighed and rubbed her head under his chin. How ya doing, gra? Ya re'y ta see so many o'ers again?

But more awaited them here, for sure.

Raen raced to pester the nearest adult for hunting lessons,
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia kept track of the days carefully, and when the time came to travel, her stomach knotted with the anticipation of what was to come. She so looked forward to meeting everyone! And so dreaded making a fool of herself!

Eljay was supportive, if hesitant, but she reassured him that this was something she wanted to do. They needed the friendships and she needed the break from Brecheliant’s routine. She loved their little home with all her heart, but it seemed to grow smaller with each passing season. She wanted to see the world that her children had come to call home.

She’d put the invitation before the pack and both @Bronte and @Anathema had jumped at the chance. Maia didn’t know the second girl all that well, so she was glad she felt comfortable enough to volunteer. The trip would be a nice chance to correct that.

@Teya and @Amalia had also shown interest. Bridget elected to stay behind and help to watch things while they were gone; Maia wondered if she worried about slowing them down, but didn’t pry. She was glad that there would be some there to watch things so that she didn’t feel obligated to stay. Sylvie would also be there and would no doubt keep her dad company.

As soon as they arrived, Maia exchanged a quick and warm greeting with Heph, then took the measure of the rest of the gathering. It was so much bigger than anything she could have imagined. How had they brought so many packs together?! And would so many be needed for a simple hunt? Feeling ill prepared, she swallowed her misgivings, scolding herself internally. Some Auspex! Cmon Maia, stop being ridiculous. All she had to do was let them run the hunt how they chose and try not to get in the way. It was fine.

if anyone from brech wants added, just let me know! And I can edit you in
117 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Ana's isolation continued, but in Maia's offer she had seen a light at the end of the tunnel. A chance to meet others. What she had not anticipated was her anxiety upon seeing the sheer number of them.

She stared with wide eyes for a moment, just taking it all in. Then she cast a glance toward Maia. Ana hardly knew her, but she sensed that the woman may have shared some of her own anxiety. She found herself drifting closer to the Auspex as the other wolves gathered and settled, for now keeping near to the few familiar faces among the crowd.
233 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
Raindrop had spent most of her time being shown around the pack by Valiant. It was a beautiful landscape, and it was close to the coast, and that meant the ocean, one of her favorite things on the earth. 

They made their way to the gathering of wolves, with Valiant nipping at her heels to start a playful game of chase. She would give a short burst, and nip at him when she could, then they slowed to save their hunting energy. When they stoped their game of chase, they were mingling with many wolves, all unfamiliar to her. She stayed close to Valiant, but despite the unfamiliarity, the two of their tales were wagging exuberantly, the excitement was building. It was her very first pack hunt since she’d been taken from her home. 

She saw Valiant drift towards a woman all in white, but he only gave her a smile for a greeting. She was positive he would introduce her to most of these wolves, but in due time.
Active weekdays: 
Most days of the week. (Subject to change)
(PST: Pacific Standard Time)
152 Posts
Ooc — Twin
pinging all hwd pack members and keeping this post itself vague since we don't know who all is coming! <3 @Reverie @Mae @Blossom @Wayfarer @Kyrell @Reina

time was on the side of hearthwood. as boone and his wolves came nearer to the plains, more and more bodies began to file in; a flood of unknown faces amid the snowdrifts.
moontide seemed to be nice folk. boone took a moment to personally greet rodyn and heph, to thank them for extending an invite to their secluded willow home. true gratefulness rested in the soft gaze.
he shepherds his people as best as he can before they would inevitably splinter off. for now, he would allow himself to enjoy the organized chaos and shake proverbial hands wherever he could.
Party City
1,545 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Tags just to highlight interactions <3 some powerplay of Vairë with permission
There were so. Many. People. Reverie's anxiety at being so far from home dissipated as the others came into view and she began to recognize familiar faces. @Rodyn she knew from the time they'd hunted together; @Heph, of course, from the invitation she'd extended at the borders of Hushed Willows. Reverie was warm as she greeted them alongside her husband, for now staying close to him.

There were so many women, and that was the next thing she noticed. Reverie pressed her flank to Boone's as discreetly as she could, and preened at his cheek fur for a few moments before finally parting from his side to greet the others she recognized. He was spoken for; he was hers. That much would be made clear by her scent thick on his furs.

She greeted @Vairë next, offering a brief apology and explanation for her departure from Saltshore. The woman was kind, but Saltshore was no more. She was of Moonglow now. Reverie offered her condolences, too, and sought @Kukutux for the same if she could steal a moment with the leader. She made a note to herself to find the green-eyed woman later, to ask after whatever help she might be able to give for the coming season.

Then @Amalia; Reverie was curious to know if she had recovered well, and how she was doing. For the moment she recognized no others among the crowd, and so she would soon gravitate back to Boone's side, hoping to present a united front for any further meetings with the other leaders of packs. Some of the others seemed overwhelmed as she glanced around at them, but Reverie felt content; in her element here, among so many others.
210 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He had been asleep when the group of hunters assembled and departed Moontide, having worked for too long and too hard upon the lodge; but he woke up when @Matteo came to him excited about the prospect of seeing all those people together, and Raiyuk felt panic! He did not want to miss out on this great hunt, even if it was his duty to be the man of the lodge and keep an eye on his father's wives; this event was something he didn't dare miss out on. He thanked Matteo for reminding him and asked the boy to keep an eye on things; then, he made his way after the hunting party as their trail led towards the plains.

When he arrived, it was to the fanfare of many voices climbing high from every direction. He recognized names and some voices, himself eager to call out; but Raiyuk knew he should have been home, not here, and felt quickly overwhelmed by the sight of so many people, so he did not lift his voice. He found where Heph and Rodyn were building camp and merged among the bodies there.

From the forests and the mountains there came the people of Moonspear, Moonglow; from a place of ice came Moonsong; there were people from further south where Raiyuk had never gone before, and he was reminded at once of the coronation, and all the alien scents that filled the air there. Some of these were familiar only for that reason. Brecheliant, he recognized. Raiyuk wondered if any of the desert people would have come across such a huge distance - it was doubtful.

He looked around and listened to their calls rise up, feeling proud for his connection to his village, and wishing Chakliux could be here to see how mighty they were together; to hunt with his son. He listened for the voice of Seal as well, wondering if she would be here to hunt or to do other jobs, and the prospect of seeing her here brought further investment from Raiyuk.
Swiftcurrent Creek
287 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae was immediately put off by the large gathering. She snorted to herself as Boone and Reverie went off to speak with others, deciding that she would hang back for now. See if anyone around her own age could be found.

Eventually she spotted a boy with a pale coat and a dark face (@Raiyuk), and was immediately drawn to him. It was difficult to get through the crowd to say hi, however. Mae picked her way through the mass of wolven bodies, neck craning to keep her eyes on the boy. She hadn't even known this many wolves existed in the wilds.
231 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Mojag had been camping outside of the village Moonglow; he could have entered the village to sleep with his family, but it did not feel right after many days of living alone during his travels.

He had visited with his mother Shikoba and spent some time getting to know his sister Ajei, but otherwise kept to himself, and hunted away from the village so that he did not encroach upon their turf. Gradually the young man had worked his way back down the mountain and found himself content in the woods.

When the hunting party gathered and began their travels, he followed. He heard them speaking of a long hunt in the plains with the other villages, and thought it would be a good way to reconnect with everyone; so, as Moonglow made their way, they had a shadow.

Upon arrival those of Moonglow began to set up their camp. Mojag drifted from their company to check-in with Heph and Rodyn, who he had not seen in many days; then he ventured among the many bodies, greeting those he knew, giving space to those he did not; as others began to build camps and mingle, Mojag did not know where to go or what to do.

He was a part of the villages, by blood. He had been born to Moonglow and had lived in Moontide. He had traveled among the Wilds enough to know the scents of these other people who arrived, but he did not feel part of anything, not really. His time away to grow in to a man had changed him, and now he was drifting from camp to camp, offering his aid with whatever was needed, yet feeling unmoored.
Sun Mote Copse
970 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Upon the conclusion of Seal’s coming-of-age ceremony, Njord kissed his wife goodbye and traveled with Moonspear and his daughter toward the Northeastern Hoshor Plains.

There, so many gathered! He split off to give a warm and jovial greeting to his friend, Rodyn, happy to see the man in good spirits. His children, who had once lived under Moonspear’s roof, had grown so much! To Heph, Njord gave his thanks. Meetings like this were vital to the success of a small and budding village like the Copse. Others from Moontide arrived as well, and Njord was pleased to know the costal pack thrived.

He began to mingle with the hunting party, with new and old faces alike, and looked forward to their expedition. The redtail was eager to lend his hunting skills and make a name for Sunmote Copse.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

"I've fallen in love and it's changed everything"
420 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Void and Badger arrived with @Meylodi and Raen. Void looked around at everyone and spotted Rodyn with a smile. 

Void then turned to his mate and nodded. “i’m doing alright, and yeah, im excited. Maybe we could find a pack to merge with to keep our family safe.” He said

also gonna power play badger thru void for rn

Badger was super excited like his sister. His first real hunt! with so many others! he just wished his brother, granite, could be here for it. he hadn’t seen him in so long and missed him dearly.
Void is Alfa of founding pack Midnight Scar. Interested in joining? PM me!
Health (90/100)
Void is physically healthy, just a little tired and unkempt
Mental Health (100/100)
Void has a mate and pups, and despite his exhaustion he is beyond happy
331 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal arrived with her father, Njord, and the rest of the Moonspear. Though the young woman was excited about this gathering, Seal knew that once complete, she would be spirited away to a different village to walk the path of womanhood. In a way, this hunt was like the last sentence in the chapter of her childhood.

Because of this, Seal was more reserved than usual. She stuck closely to Sialuk, eager to act like the mature women did: refined, wise, and collected. She especially minded Kukutux and Heph, and gave them warm and sincere greetings.

However, Seal kept her eyes peeled for friends or others her age. In the crowd, she spied Raiyuk and her cousin, Ana! Mae and Mojag also caught her attention. She clutched the rabbit skin around her shoulders and walked beside her mentor as the ‘hellos’ carried on.
writing letters addressed to the fire
719 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Ariadne was surprised to see how many had turned out for the hunt. She stood at @Kaluktuk's side, watching the crowd in silent awe—she'd never been to such a large gathering before! After a brief pause to take it all in, she turned to the villagers of Moonglow with a mischievous grin; they'd already lost Valiant and Raindrop to the gathering, and she couldn't blame their eagerness. Alright, go on, she insisted. Go and have fun! But remember to behave yourselves! This was all said in jest; if anybody were to find trouble, it'd likely be her.

She hung back until the others dispersed, and it was only then that she slowly made her way towards the crowd. She would gravitate towards @Sialuk, hoping to catch up before the festivities and distract herself from anaa's presence. She knew they needed to talk, but this was hardly the time or place. They needed privacy, quiet, and the space to fully express themselves—Ariadne knew she couldn't accomplish any of that in this busy place.
160 Posts
Ooc — Vami
When all who would gather for the hunting of the bison came together, Arrluk was quick to stand among them. He knew that those of Moontide, Moonspear and Moonsong would all be there, as well as many others of different packs. Arrluk's focus remained to his family and to the hunt, to better hone his skills in taking down ungulates. A coming together of the tribes of Moon would also show their unity and strength as a family among all those gathered. 

Arrluk smiles deeply to his parents, mother and father to far more then just the children born of their blood. 

He then comes to the side of his sister, @Vairë, with a willingness to help her wrangle his neice and nephews for the journey. Not all that far and as they made way, Arrluk would come to realize it was no more further then Moontide, if not a quicker path, granted they didn't need to navigate a thick forest like the Deepwood Weald.

Many had already arrived and Arrluk's attention dashes around through many faces- some known, many not. Once they settled on @Heph and @Rodyn, Arrluk made way into their direction, awaiting command on the hunt. Bison. Arrluk had never before seen one and they were massive and their mass and coats looking as thick as a great grizzly! ...Or, so he had been told.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
64 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A grin was plastered to Kyrell's face as he arrived with Hearthwood's group. A quicken to his heart as his eyes scoured the large scale gathering. Numerous bodies and multiple packs gathered all in one place for one purpose. A droning murmur as the crowd mixed. Wolves finding conversation within and his anticipation grew.

Once Boone and Reverie established a meeting place for their pack members , he too dispersed into the crowd. Aside from Hearthwood, all present were a stranger to him. But he readily offered himself to greet others and go through the "hello's" and trading of names.
bravo six
164 Posts
Ooc — delaney
many gather.

many and more that rusalka does not know.

one, perhaps two, faces are familiar but they are quickly lost in the sea of the strangers as the seaking's steps slow upon his approach. golden gaze touches upon each, wondering of whom had summoned them all.

and for what reason.

his gaze turns scrutinizing, shoulders tensing as he lingers on the outskirts; uncomfortable at such a massive gathering.
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
tagging everyone and leaving the post open ended to join or not! <3 have added a couple packs to the map, can add more!

there was a great grin for valiant as he approached.

and there was a deep love in her when she glanced to @Rodyn. how strong was the man whom her sea-walking-girl had chosen. how faithful he had been to the ways of her heart and her people.

@Heph! her eyes danced with pleasure; she opened her arms for the traveler, delighted to see how so many had come together.

kukutux had stayed with arrluk and vairë, taking her own turns in tending @Ipiktok and @Salaksartok. @Nasamiituuq and @Ajei too she traveled with, and had offered as well to bring @Maggak and @Acrux. "when we come to the long hunt, you will help me to put things away," moonmother instructed the grandchildren which had accompanied her. ajei and nasamiituuq were given a separate murmur; she meant to retain them as ilisaijuq for the purpose of medicine. perhaps if the others saw them remain with the duck, they might too find their own interest.

so very many wolves had gathered!

kukutux walked among them with curiosity shining in her jadestone eyes, her shoulders swathed in grey rabbit.

it was not only valiant who greeted her. a golden woman who had the name of reverie also shared kind words with the duck. they would speak again, kukutux assured.

it was good to have @Aiolos at her side and to see arrluk among her children. thoughts reached in misted rosewater for the spirits of @Kassuq and @Massaraq, her sons not yet returned from their spirit-walking. @Inkalorë received the warm attention of moonmother and a request that the returned young wanderer assist kukutux in forming their camp.

good hides had been brought from moonglow and now the duck spread them beneath the shadow of several oaks beside which ran a river. her medicines were divided by malady and then amount; here upon the plains it might be necessary to gather such things as golden taiga and antelope root. the river would be important for working the large bison hides, and for washing the inevitable wounds that would arise.

@Chickadee worked alongside moonmother, though often kukutux saw her eyes glancing for @Kivaluk, and smiled softly to herself.

suppose they married here?

from the young woman's gasped murmur, the duck saw that @Maia had come. they must speak, she decided, offering the brecheliant leader a long look of respect if she managed to catch the other's eye. @Seal was given a warm kiss, a knowing look. the girl was shedding the childish nature; she saw a woman wanting to take form.

her eye then saw @Raiyuk, and perhaps seal might see a slight inclination of the pale head toward the seal hunter boy. and then she was calling to mojag in surprise and pleasure, welcome for his return upon her lips.

njord too, a shout from kukutux through the throng!

she tried not to look for ariadne, though her jadestone eyes fluttered in relief to see her younger approaching the older in sialuk, who glowed with the confidence and pleasure bestowed by the mountain.

and so kukutux turned back to her greetings, to the work there was to be done, allowing herself to experience all the joy and delight of this day.

@Shikoba would perhaps come with chiteo; there would always be a place beside kukutux for the star hunter, and her eyes lifted often to look for the familiar friend who had so greatly supported her.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
344 Posts
Ooc — ebony
so many!
intimidated, chickadee stuck very close to kukutux and her entourage of grown and baby relatives. her role for several months had been as unofficial sitter, and so she could be counted upon to entertain one or all of them as they traveled. she herded stragglers back to the group and wrestled at night until little energies were expended.
and now she carried stacks of hides into the shadow of oaks, overwhelmed at how many wolves were here and how many came right up to them! it was hard not to bristle at times. she busied herself laying out the skins and arranging packets of medicine, though she paused to wade down to the river's edge with one child or another in tow, for a safe drink and a look around.
when her mother showed up, chickadee excused herself with an exclamation of joy, winding through the throng until she found @Maia. "mom! it's so good to see you! wow!" her eyes were pure joy. "if you don't know where to stay, you can hang out in the moonglow camp with me and everyone. can you believe how many showed up? and they keep coming!"
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
861 Posts
Ooc — ebony
@Chacal @Val @Theo @Coraline Maleah @Raelle @Miette @Astera @Chantale @Thibault @Chani Tousaint Suzu @Svalinn @Ravin <3 for visibility or joining!

mireille was a slender motion of red against the vastness of the golden plain studded with the fantastically large bodies of the bison.
she would come before the others, a lone seawolf in a largening breadth of wolves, strangers she did not know. her eyes found @Heph and she was assured, but would not yet come to join the throng, her gaze moving —
mireille's mouth twitched.
the emerald stare pulled away from the red-tail man as the obsidian settled her attention on the bison, a pull of churning emotions souring her gut.
1,178 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had not felt ready to leave brecheliant — or @Bridget
but @Bronte's desire had reminded her there were far more important things than her own wants, such as the happiness of a girl who had lost her father and then almost her mother to an eating void.
haunted by the memories of the crying ghosts, the even voice of bronco from beyond, teya shivered. she kept herself beside maia, talking here and there with she and @Amalia as she kept an eye on her daughter and @Anathema.
immediately taken aback by the number of packs that seemed to have shown up, teya found herself hesitating until maia's daughter chickadee approached in delight. 
only then did she hazard her own glance around, trying to figure out if anyone else was familiar.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
at first she had not wished to go.

and then, tamar, wounded, withdrawn, saw an opportunity to be anonymous.

to be faceless. nameless. to be what akashingo had made her, if only for a time.

to seek what she had lost.

only rusalka was here now. she stepped lightly to his side, silent as the seaking while both their gazes watched warily.
i walk my days on a wire
189 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Sulukinak had followed those of the glacier from afar, seeking the familiarity of the man Dutch, but seeing as she arrived that he was not among them. The scent that was so similar which she had thought to be the man, was another; a brother, though she wasn't aware. Valiant dispersed among the throng of bodies and Sulukinak drifted silently in her way, watching, bearing witness to the many strange faces. She had never seen as many wolves upon the glacier — and this, this was unfathomable! Of the many varied cohorts of bodies, Sulukinak knew none of them. She had hoped to see one of her brothers, if they were as lucky as herself and had found the safety of other people, but she was swiftly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of eyes, and voices, and scents, and smells.